Friday, June 26, 2015

The Supreme Court just ruled in favor of same sex marriage. Update!

I just saw this happen on MSNBC.

I will expand this post when more information is available.

Damn has this been a great week!

Update: Here is the Washington Post:  

The Supreme Court on Friday delivered an historic victory for gay rights, ruling 5-4 that the Constitution requires that same-sex couples be allowed to marry no matter where they live and that states may no longer reserve the right only for heterosexual couples. 

The court’s action marks the culmination of an unprecedented upheaval in public opinion and the nation’s jurisprudence. Advocates called it the most pressing civil rights issue of modern times, while critics said the courts had sent the country into uncharted territory by changing the traditional definition of marriage.

5-4, damn this one just squeaked by.

Update 2:  Franklin Graham's response to this decision is...kinda crazy: 

"The Supreme Court of the United States has ruled today that same-sex marriage is legal in all 50 states. With all due respect to the court, it did not define marriage, and therefore is not entitled to re-define it. 

"Long before our government came into existence, marriage was created by the One who created man and woman—Almighty God—and His decisions are not subject to review or revision by any manmade court. God is clear about the definition of marriage in His Holy Word: "Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh" (Genesis 2:24). 

"I pray God will spare America from His judgment, though, by our actions as a nation, we give Him less and less reason to do so."

So in other words God's gonna get us for allowing gays to marry. 

And he is not the only one threatening divine retribution for this decision. Raw Story has a whole list of Religious Right lunatics threatening everything from civil war to an epidemic of hurricanes.

Well so much for a rational debate on the decision. 

Update 3: President Obama's tweet:

What a day.


  1. Anonymous6:10 AM

    5 - 4 decision

    1. Anonymous6:34 AM

      Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote the majority opinion, just as he did in the court's previous three major gay rights cases dating back to 1996. It came on the anniversary of two of those earlier decisions.

      "No union is more profound than marriage," Kennedy wrote, joined by the court's four more liberal justices.

    2. Anonymous11:48 AM

      G, what was the reaction in your household? Will there be a wedding soon for your Daughter? I hope so. It is a great day for America.
      True Freedom.

  2. Janice A Soderquist6:12 AM

    Finally, now everyone can get on with their lives with equal laws. This has been a great week for the Democrats...

    1. "This has been a great week for the Democrats..."
      It has also been a great week for ordinary everyday republicans. They are just too brainwashed to realize it.

    2. This has been a great week for humans.

    3. Anonymous6:59 AM


  3. Anonymous6:13 AM

    People like Franklin Graham, Tony Perkins, and Pat Roberston are going to literally go to war over this.

    Just watch what Limbaugh, Levin, Hannity say this week to stir up the hatred of the TeaTards even more.

    Palin will no doubt add her poison to the pot.

    The New South will rise again against all the browns, blacks, atheists, gays, heathens, Muslims, wimmin libbers, and librul commies!

    1. Oh yes please do open your yap now Miz Palin we double dog dare ya.

    2. Anonymous6:53 AM

      Will be entertaining to watch.

    3. Anonymous6:59 AM

      Franklin Graham:

      "The Supreme Court of the United States has ruled today that same-sex marriage is legal in all 50 states. With all due respect to the court, it did not define marriage, and therefore is not entitled to re-define it.

      Long before our government came into existence, marriage was created by the One who created man and woman—Almighty God—and His decisions are not subject to review or revision by any manmade court. God is clear about the definition of marriage in His Holy Word: “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh” (Genesis 2:24).

      I pray God will spare America from His judgment, though, by our actions as a nation, we give Him less and less reason to do so."

    4. Anonymous7:09 AM

      I think after Bristol's big announcement yesterday, Sarah Palin is going to be hammered if she tries to address anyone else's sexual mores. Look what happened to the Duggars (not enough, mind you, but still).

    5. Anonymous11:43 AM

      Yes RW heads be explodin'. I am seeing warnings on DeRay's twitter (he is covering the funeral in Charleston)That everyone be extra careful b/c "some people" will think their world is crumbling down....
      So yea, all be careful RW heads are exploding today. Fox news be ginnin' up the H8 and fear and these idiots will think the sky is falling.
      Its really sad that we even HAVE to have a LAW, we can't just live and let live....

    6. Anonymous1:51 PM

      The South has been on the wrong side of war before. So let them have at it. This one will end the same. As for the Bible; its not exactly clear what a "traditional marriage" is. There appear to be a variety of options.

      Elizabeth 44

  4. Anonymous6:15 AM

    Looks like Kennedy was the tie breaker.

    Chief Justice Roberts is now reading from his dissent. It is the first time he has ever read a dissent from the bench.

    1. Anonymous6:23 AM

      Roberts, Thomas, Scalia, Alito all dissenting.

    2. Anonymous7:00 AM

      Yes, 6:23, the RATS did as we expect rats and RATS to do.


    3. fromthediagonal9:37 AM

      Oh Anons @ 6:23 and 7:00, you made my day! Never connected the initials of Roberts, Alito, Thomas, Scalia to RATS! ! How appropriate in some ways, but on the other hand, they give rats a bad reputation.

  5. At least it DID squeak by!

    1. Anonymous7:09 AM

      Yes! And with this conservative-heavy, Hobby Lobby-loving court, I wasn't counting on it.

  6. Anonymous6:15 AM

    Woohoo!!! Just sent a text letting my daughter and daughter-in-law know the great news. They're on their honeymoon in the Caribbean. Such great news! I'm thrilled!

    1. Anonymous6:36 AM

      Congratulations to you and the happy couple!!!

    2. Anonymous6:51 AM

      THAT'S a happy little wedding surprise!

      Best of luck to them and many happy years together!

    3. Many congrats and a big handful of virtual cyberrice flung in the direction of the happy couple!

    4. Anonymous7:10 AM

      YAY! Congrats to you and them. This made me tear up.

    5. Anonymous8:21 AM

      Hi! I'm the proud mom who wrote at 6:15. Your heartfelt replies mean more than you know. Thank you so much for taking the time to send your good wishes and support.
      And @7:10 - you are not the only one with teary eyes. :)

  7. Anonymous6:17 AM

    Marina and Bristol.... free at last!

    1. Anonymous7:14 AM

      Have Marina and Bristol set a wedding date? I think they will be a great couple.

    2. Anonymous8:34 AM

      And Bristol's kids will have two moms! Now, Brissy, there's a book you could write!

  8. I cried! I wailed! I cheered! I scared the cats!

    From Van Morrison:

    "When it's not always raining there'll be days like this
    When there's no one complaining there'll be days like this
    When everything falls into place like the flick of a switch
    Well my mama told me there'll be days like this
    When you don't need to worry there'll be days like this
    When no one's in a hurry there'll be days like this
    When all the parts of the puzzle start to look like they fit
    Then I must remember there'll be days like this"

  9. Anonymous6:21 AM

    The U.S. Supreme Court ruled 5-4 on Friday that it is legal for all Americans, no matter their gender or sexual orientation, to marry the people they love.

    The decision is a historic victory for gay rights activists who have fought for years in the lower courts. Thirty-seven states and the District of Columbia already recognize marriage equality. The remaining 13 states ban these unions, even as public support has reached record levels nationwide.

    The justices found that under the 14th Amendment, states must issues marriage licenses to same-sex couples and recognize same-sex unions that were legally performed in other states.

    The lead plaintiff in Obergefell v. Hodges is Ohio resident Jim Obergefell, who wanted to be listed as the surviving spouse on his husband's death certificate. In 2013, Obergefell married his partner of two decades, John Arthur, who suffered from ALS. Arthur passed away in October of that year, three months after the couple filed their lawsuit.

    Obergefell was joined by several dozen other gay plaintiffs from Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee who were fighting both to be able to marry and to have their marriage recognized in every state in the country.

    1. Anonymous8:36 AM

      The best part for me is that our AG, Bill Schuette, (who wants to be our next Kochhead Governor) buddy and classmate of Dave Camp and the current GOP/ALEC puppet in DC pretending to represent Michigan, Moolenar, was one of the chief instigators of this, and he got shut down!

    2. Anonymous3:22 PM

      " Jim Obergefell, who wanted to be listed as the surviving spouse on his husband's death certificate"
      This is epic and one of the little "rights" we take for granted. I'm really happy for the LGBT today! #LOVERULES

  10. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Two of those 5 were selected by President Obama, just remember that.

    1. Anonymous6:54 AM

      It is SOOO important, especially with the ages of some current Justices, that we send a Democrat to the White House (and as many as we can to Congress) next year.

  11. Anonymous6:25 AM

    -Sarah is dumped by FOX
    -Bristol gets busted on her pregnancy
    -Obamacare is preserved
    -Gay marriage is legal

    WOW! such a big week!

    1. Anonymous7:11 AM

      Yes! I can't remember when the national news has made me this happy. :)

    2. Anonymous7:17 AM

      Single Christian Lady Bristol "Screw As I Say, Not As I Screw" Palin is Pregnant Again

      ...If Bristol Palin's last name was "Obama" the whole Hee Haw gang at Fox News would spend half of every day for the next nine months telling us that Bristol Obama has terrible parents—"Maybe Michelle should be less concerned with what your kids are eating and more concerned with what her kids are doing!"—and the other half of the day pretending to fret over the terrible example that Bristol Obama was setting for other African American women and girls. But unplanned pregnancies and kids in fatherless homes and two different children by two different fathers? IOIYAR.

      2. Does anyone remember what Bristol Palin had to say back when Barack Obama endorsed marriage equality for the first time as president? (He had previously endorsed gay marriage back when he was a candidate for state office in Illinois in 1996.) President Obama told ABC News that Sasha and Malia's perspective had informed his own. Both of his daughters had friends with gay and lesbian parents. It didn't "make sense to them," the president said, "that somehow their friends’ parents would be treated differently."

      Here's what Bristol Palin had to say about that:

      While it’s great to listen to your kids’ ideas, there’s also a time when dads simply need to be dads. In this case, it would’ve been helpful for him to explain to Malia and Sasha that while her friends parents are no doubt lovely people, that’s not a reason to change thousands of years of thinking about marriage. Or that—as great as her friends may be—we know that in general kids do better growing up in a mother/father home. Ideally, fathers help shape their kids’ worldview.

      The irony here? Besides that Bristol Palin opposes same-sex marriage because she believes that kids—other than her own—need to grow up mother/father homes?

    3. Anonymous8:05 AM

      Time to bring back the Bristol cartoons...

    4. Anonymous9:06 AM

      I don't count Sarah Facebook ghostwriter as Sarah.

      It just means Sarah is MIA.

      Sarah and the ghostwriters have invested so much over the years into the Palin Dynasty (fantasy). They staged Bristol to be the leader to take over, or function in Sarah's place while Bristol fulfills the role as head cub and Sarah replacement when Sarah can't function. Bristol has always watched and taken over for Sarah with her little ducks and all.

      BASICALLY, Bristol is Sarah NOW.

      I hope the media does some fact checking and see how Palins run their scams. Get the skinny on Nancy French dear media. It's called doing your jobs.

    5. Anonymous1:58 PM

      You left out the fact that the Confederate battle flag is on its way to history's dust bin. Yes, indeed, it has been a wonderful work. Today I'm celebrating. Tomorrow, the work begins again.

      Elizabeth 44

  12. Anonymous6:26 AM

    Abbott is going to lose his shit over this. I swear Ted Cruz is in the closet, but he will react violently too. I guess the Republican governors don't have much recourse, do they?

  13. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Excellent! As someone who has been with my husband for 32 years, I have long failed to see how SSM demeans our marriage. Equal rights for ALL.

    1. Anonymous7:00 AM

      Agree 100%.

      Two people pledging to love and care for each can that possibly be a bad thing, no matter what gender they may be?

      I happen to be single and straight, but my gay friends getting married has absolutely no impact on my marital status (or lack thereof!).

  14. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Oh, and the confederate flag is banned...

  15. I'm not sure how to feel, honestly. My husband and I have been a couple for 39 years (it'll be 40 come February). My sister and brother's kids weren't even born or conceived yet; I've always addressed my husband's parents as 'Mom' and 'Dad' since I met them in 1976. Ford was president.

    I'm glad the country has caught up, I feel very good and happy inside, but as for 'married,' that's a very old feeling now.


    1. Anonymous7:13 AM

      Congratulations to you and your husband!

  16. SallyinMI6:32 AM

    Can I tell you how big my smile is! My oh my, the GOP is certainly on the wrong side every time. Despite the pandering from Haley over removing that hate flag, which she didn't want to do, it has been an awesome week indeed!
    Thank you, Mr. President! Your administration has done so much good for this are going to be remembered as the man with courage and gumption and grace and charm. The man who changed America for the better instead of miring her in wars and debt and sick people. Now, we MUST continue this right into the next elections..we must make America even better.

    1. Suzy Q7:28 AM

      Remember how it was Joe Biden that made the President come about with his "evolution" on the issue of equality and gay marriage?

    2. Anonymous11:56 AM

      Joe Biden ~ you magnificent bastard!

  17. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Congratulations to us all! When we overcome prejudice it's always good news.

    1. Suzy Q7:32 AM

      With all the RFRA laws let's hope that prejudice and discrimination is a thing of the past. I'm from Indiana and Mike Pence is led around the nose by all his teabag and evangelical friends. Yesterday he was all upset about Obamacare ruling so I just imagine that he'll be butsore about this ruling today.

  18. Anonymous6:38 AM

    So someone woke up Clarence Thomas so he could vote?

  19. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Hot DAMN, what a week! :-)

  20. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Wow. Just WOW.

  21. Anonymous7:00 AM

    WATCH LIVE: Obama Reacts To Same-Sex Marriage Ruling At 11 A.M. ET

    And the first three wingnuts yelp:

    1. Suzy Q7:36 AM

      And Carly Fiorina had to get her opinion in there. What the hell difference does it make to her? I can see those other three you mentioned but a "business person" such as Fiorina should recognize what happens when you shut out a segment of the people you would like to sell to, wouldn't it?

  22. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Antonin Scalia Dissent In Marriage Equality Case Is Even More Unhinged Than You'd Think

    1. Suzy Q7:46 AM

      On the Rachel Maddow Show last night it was down right weird all of the audio clips of what Alito was saying during the proceedings from January to April. Trying to reason why siblings wouldn't want to get married if same sex marriage is allowed.

    2. Anonymous8:39 AM

      I think the GOP might be concerned about siblings marrying...can't you just see the Duggar girls choosing to live together? Or the Huckabee boys?

    3. Anonymous3:26 PM

      " Trying to reason why siblings wouldn't want to get married if same sex marriage is allowed."
      Funny how they worry about those things that normal people don't worry about, like their kids inbreeding. That is if they are brought up right.
      The R's spew Family Values, bla, bla but it is just lip service if they have to mention crap like this...of course the south has inbreeding... Family values!

    4. Leland11:07 AM

      Thanks, 7:01, for the link. I read that with great interest and can say that - along with other statements the man has made recently - this only reinforces my opinion he has become demented.

      What part of "equal protection under the law" does he not understand?

      Further, I should hope that a Supreme Court Justice would have enough legal training to understand that this is a secular government and using religion as a basis for prejudice should not be allowed.

      I sincerely wish there was some way to force idiots like this out of their jobs, although I can see the reasons for there NOT being one, since they need to be totally free of the threat of forced replacement.

  23. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Photos Show Celebration Outside Supreme Court After Gay Marriage Made Legal

  24. Anonymous7:02 AM

    President Obama Verified account @POTUS

    Today is a big step in our march toward equality. Gay and lesbian couples now have the right to marry, just like anyone else. #LoveWins

    RETWEETS 130,323
    FAVORITES 95,808

  25. Amy in Juneau7:04 AM

    Shedding tears of sheer happiness right now!!! What a week!!! Thank you Gryph for the wonderful and timely reporting. Happy Friday IMers!

    1. Anonymous7:25 AM

      Hey, Amy, locking arms with you! What a week, and all the better that we're sharing it with Gryph!

  26. Anonymous7:05 AM

    It's truly amazing what has happened in our country this past week, despite a conservative Supreme Court and Republican-led Congress.

    Just imagine how much we could accomplish if we keep a Democrat in the White House, regain at least half of Congress, and put a couple of new Justices on the court who are somewhat left of Attila the Hun!

  27. Anonymous7:12 AM

    This emphasizes that we can NOT allow a Republican president to pollute the supreme court for decades. 2016 presidential race is critical.

    1. a. j. Billings8:11 AM

      Completely agree on 2016.

      If the next President appoints reasonable moderate or liberal judges, that will stack the court for the next 20 years.

      By then, many of the C4pee, Teaparty, and oldster folks will have gone to hog heaven.

      Millenials will be old enough for Congress, or even President.

      The prevalence of the Christian hard core types will be even less than today, and we can finally begin to have some semblance of democracy.

      Right now, our Congress is divided completely.
      Roughly 40% base their lives and votes on what shepherds and scribes wrote down goat skins from 2000 years ago.

    2. Leland11:09 AM

      "If the next President appoints reasonable moderate or liberal judges, that will stack the court for the next 20 years."

      a.j., that assumes that we have a Congress willing to approve those nominations!

  28. telah7:12 AM

    That's amazing news!

  29. a. j. Billings7:18 AM

    This week is epic. It's huge step forward for democracy and civilization, but for %20 of the US who are evangelicals, it's a disaster.

    The foundation of their world of superstition and prejudice is being undermined by 21st century culture, and human evolution.

    Some small percent of the most hard core of these people will see today's court ruling as a call to arms, and they are not kidding around

    I predict violence, and domeistic terrorism in our future, and civil unrest in the Southern states.

    1. Anonymous7:22 AM

      This has been a very good week for people of good will.

    2. Anonymous8:27 AM

      predict violence, and domeistic terrorism in our future, and civil unrest in the Southern states.

      Me too. They will be desperate. All that is needed is one attack on US soil again .....unless enough people realize the agenda

  30. Anonymous7:22 AM


    To all my gay brothers and sisters -- I am so happy for you!

  31. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Conservative commentator S.E. Cupp choked back tears Friday morning while reacting to the Supreme Court decision legalizing same-sex marriage across all 50 states.

    Cupp’s voice repeatedly cracked with emotion as she explained her long history as a minority Republican fighting for same-sex marriage, and then pleaded with her party to “reconcile with the fact that we are going to become relics if we don’t get to where these people are.” She added: “It’s really time for the party politics to shift on this.”

    “I hope seeing some of the faces of these people, who’ve fought for so long for very little — really just for recognition of their unions, their monogamous unions,” she continued. “I really hope this will change some minds in my party.”

    “This is our future,” she concluded. “You don’t have to like it, you don’t have to embrace it, but you have to accept it.”

    Watch the full interview below, via CNN:

  32. Anonymous7:32 AM

    The next issue will be these dangerous "religious freedom" laws that let public officials refuse to issue marriage licenses to gay couples or private businesses that discriminate. For the public officials, the choice is clear: either take the oath to uphold the Constitution or resign from the office. Your personal opinion does not trump the Constitution.

    For the private businesses, anti-discrimination laws can and will be used against them, but the greater power will be the economic boycott, as several florists and bakers have already learned. All of us, straight or gay, can use that tool.

  33. Randall7:32 AM

    being an old white-as-a-cracker South Dakota dumbass, and not being gay myself, nor having any gay children or ANY gay relatives for that matter, I just have to say...
    I think the decision of the SCOTUS is wonderful and it is about fucking time.

    My only worry is that now Bill O'Reilly and Mike Huckabee and all those other self-proclaimed spokesmen for Jesus Christ now have to have homosexual sex against their will. Isn't that what it means? Sure sounds like it on Fox News!

    1. Anonymous8:43 AM

      Oh you two have me in fits of giggles!

    2. fromthediagonal9:48 AM

      OhShit Randall, I am sure you just won the thread!

  34. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Michele Bachmann must be curled up in a ball somewhere. Not only is Obamacare the law of the land, but now GAY MARRIAGE is legal! Her worst nightmares across the headlines. LOL!

    1. Anonymous8:37 AM

      Marcus can pursue his dream.

  35. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Officials in states where same-sex marriage was not legal before Friday's monumental Supreme Court decision should not get in the way of same-sex couples seeking to marry, the top LGBT rights group warned Friday.

    The Human Rights Campaign sent letters to the governors and attorneys general of states that were not recognizing gay marriage prior to the Supreme Court's decision, discouraging them from delaying issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples any longer.

    “In order to be in full compliance with the law, we urge you to take immediate action to ensure that all Justices of the Peace begin issuing marriage licenses to all eligible couples immediately," HRC’s Legal Director Sarah Warbelow wrote in the letter. "Delaying the issuance of marriage licenses to same-sex couples is not only unlawful, but allows the discriminatory impacts of an unconstitutional law to continue.”

    The letter went to officials in Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi,Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Tenn

  36. Anonymous7:43 AM

  37. President Obama:

    "Progress on this journey often comes in small increments. Sometimes two steps forward, one step back, propelled by the persistent effort of dedicated citizens. And then sometimes there's days like this, when that slow, steady effort is rewarded with justice that arrives like a thunderbolt."

  38. Anonymous7:47 AM

    The next time you hear the "religious freedom" crap, remember that you can be married in 100 churches, but if you don't go down to city hall and pay your $60 or so marriage license fee, you are not legally married. All the states have to do is add wording to their marriage license form to perhaps read Spouse #1 and Spouse #2 in addition to husband/wife. This was the only possible ruling in this case. Those 4 dissenting judges don't know the fucking law.

  39. Anonymous7:53 AM

    What 2016 Candidates Are Saying About the Gay Marriage Ruling

  40. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Why Four Justices Were Against the Supreme Court's Huge Gay Marriage Decision

  41. Caroll Thompson7:56 AM

    Don't like gay marriage? Then don't have one.

  42. Anonymous8:05 AM

    FAR OUT!!!! This SCOTUS dude is threatened.

    Scalia Dissent: SCOTUS Gay Marriage Ruling Represents ‘Threat to Democracy’

    The Sexy Side Of Celebrity Eddie Van Halen Blames Cancer On Guitar Picks

  43. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Please forgive my ignorance; does this mean gay marriage is now legal in all states?

    1. Anonymous8:43 AM

      It does indeed!

    2. Anonymous8:44 AM

      Yes. Same-sex marriage bans unconstitutional in all states.

    3. Anonymous9:38 AM

      Anon 8:13 here, thank you for your replies! Now I can shout yyyyeeeeesssss!!! This is so wonderful!!! My younger brother is gay, I'm gonna hug and squeeze him 'till he cries uncle!

  44. Anonymous8:15 AM

  45. Anonymous8:23 AM

    I'llbe honest. All this good news makes me nervous. All we need is some big idiot attack (false flag not doubt...) on US soil and there goes the world.

    1. Anonymous8:46 AM

      You're a 'glass half empty' kind of person, I suspect.

    2. Leland11:20 AM

      8:46, if you lived in the deep south you would catch a glimmer of what makes 8:23 nervous. These people - my neighbors - are rabid about their beliefs and are gathering firearms to beat the band - and we are the band!

      It may not happen. I hope it doesn't. That doesn't mean we shouldn't be concerned about it and watch things as they develop. If you had read Gryphen's posting several days ago about home grown terrorists killing nearly double the number of Americans than islamic terrorists, you might begin to see the foundations of his fears.

      There's an old saying that relates to this: Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

  46. Anonymous8:29 AM

    "It's tyranny, I tell you, tyranny!" -- pee pond

  47. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Bristol Palin and Marina Lupas can now get married. All of the Trial Daddies ran away.

  48. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Not so fast there, Gryphen, if that's even your real name, which I am very close to be able to prove it is not!

    Sure, this is great news for the geys, but what about us straight people? Did you ever think about us? No... I didn't think so! What does the Supreme Court say about those of us who don't want to get gay married? Crickets... Just add I thought.

    I predict a HUGE backlash of straight people who will be outraged at Obama taking away all our guns, forcing us to gay marry and have lots of abortions. As Jeebus is my witness: I WILL NEVER GIVE UP A SINGLE GUN, I WILL NEVER BE FORCED TO GAY MARRY AND I WILL NEVER HAVE AN ABORTION!!!

    (Spoiler alert: I have no guns to give up, nobody is forcing anyone to get married to anyone and dudes can't have abortions. )

    1. Anonymous11:52 AM

      And for your refusal to give up all your guns, gay marry and have an's off to the Secret FEMA Camps for you!!!

      And because you're being particularly defiant, we're sending you to the camps guarded by the illegal immigrants with cantaloupe calves! You may have to wait a week or so, however. The immigrants with cantaloupe calves are currently helping the military to invade Texas so they're kinda busy at the moment.

  49. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Boy, Bristol got wiped right off the front pages, didn't she? Yesterday was all Bristol, now she's just another faded entertainment tidbit. Hey, Bristol, you've got your privacy go away and have that baby on your own, without tweeting something about a gracious God every five minutes.

    1. Anonymous1:19 PM

      Screw the Palins and most especially Sarah and Bristol! They are awful examples of adult women and young women. Just god awful as a matter of fact!

    2. Leland11:22 AM

      Sorry, 1:19, but I wouldn't screw any of them with someone ELSE'S d**k!

  50. Anonymous8:42 AM


    President Obama has literally picked this country up and carried it kicking & screaming into the future, and I will always love him for it.

  51. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Just wait until Sarah weighs in and doubles down on Franklin Graham's looney comments. She'll just want to defeat all of those Supreme Court justices; just give her more money! (She promises not to siphon it off for Bristol.)

  52. Anonymous8:52 AM

    I don't know about anyone else with hyper-convservative religious relatives, but I'm sure glad I'm safe at home. Not gonna make contact for a few weeks just to be safe.

  53. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Always with Caution:

  54. 'Niques9:13 AM

    The response to this:

    "The Supreme Court of the United States has ruled today that same-sex marriage is legal in all 50 states. With all due respect to the court, it did not define marriage, and therefore is not entitled to re-define it." -- Franklin Graham

    is this:

    "Finally, this Court’s cases and the Nation’s traditions make clear that marriage is a keystone of the Nation’s social order. See Maynard v. Hill, 125 U. S. 190, 211. States have contributed to the fundamental character of marriage by placing it at the center of many facets of the legal and social order. There is no difference between same- and opposite-sex couples with respect to this principle, yet same-sex couples are denied the constellation of benefits that the States have linked to marriage and are consigned to an instability many opposite-sex couples would find intolerable. It is demeaning to lock same-sex couples out of a central institution of the Nation’s society, for they too may aspire to the transcendent purposes of marriage." -- Justice Kennedy in today's Supreme Court decision.

    . . . the money quote being: "States have contributed to the fundamental character of marriage by placing it at the center of many facets of the legal and social order."

    If states hadn't made such a big deal out of the legality of marriage, and had left it a religious distinction, Franklin might have had a leg to stand on. As it is . . .

    You reap what you sow.

  55. krbmjb059:14 AM

    How disgustingly pretentious of him to think that God will come after Americans for this. Shouldn't he go after Ireland and Canada before us? If God is so righteous, shouldn't "he" go in order? Or does God only care about America!?

    1. Anonymous11:09 AM

      The religious right has a lot invested in presuming the United States towers above all countries. It is a sick and arrogant way they view the world. How sad to be so burdened with hate and hubris.

    2. Anita Winecooler6:04 PM

      The way I see it, there is no such thing as American Exceptionalism. It's a myth. Are other countries less patriotic by the mere fact of their place of birth?

    3. Leland11:25 AM

      So very true, Anita.

  56. Anonymous9:32 AM

    What wonderful news! Is it just me or does the tide in the country seem to be turning despite Republicans vowing to return to the 1950s. First, the removal of the confederate flag, then the Supreme Court backs Obamacare and finally, the Supreme Court makes gay marriage legal! People are even starting to think gun control options are a good idea. Ecstatic!

    Despite all the efforts on the part of Repugnants, America is finding its soul!

    1. Anonymous1:16 PM

      Republicans are losing every which way they turn! Makes me laugh! They are a horrible group and are deserving of every bit of it!

    2. Anita Winecooler6:01 PM

      It'is not just you. I was surprised and happy, especially after reading the dissents from the SCOTUS on their blog.
      How hard it must be to find yourself on the wrong side of history, and to proudly voice your hate and ignorance while running for the highest office of the land.

  57. Anonymous9:40 AM

    I went to a PFLAG happy hour last night. I watched a very loving couple dancing together and thought how happy and in love they looked. Congratulations to all!

  58. Anonymous10:11 AM

    I'm a gay American whose lived in Nebraska all my life. Last year me and my husband eloped in California and we've been waiting for the day when our marriage would be recognized by my home state.

    Doing taxes earlier this year was ridiculous. I had to file married for federal and single for state

    But when somebody showed me the text they got with the breaking news, I started crying. Finally I'm treated less like a second class citizen!

    A few years ago, I never thought I'd see marriage equality in my lifetime. And now, here it is.

    I will never forget this day as long as I live.

    Thank you to everyone who fought so hard to give us equal rights!

    1. Anonymous10:29 AM


    2. Anonymous10:57 AM


    3. Anonymous11:00 AM

      10:11a.m. It is shameful how you have been treated. I hope the very best for you and yours!

    4. Anonymous12:02 PM

      Belated congratulations on your wedding and may you have many joyful years together as a MARRIED couple!!!

    5. Anonymous3:15 PM

      This is what it's all about...

    6. Anita Winecooler5:56 PM

      Thanks for sharing your experience, and congratulations on your marriage. Love shouldn't require waiting, or moving to another state to marry,Today's ruling had me hoping more hearts would soften and more people could learn from the struggles of others for the basic human right to marry and have kids.

  59. Anonymous11:13 AM

  60. Earlier this week Alaska experienced an earthquake. Since God knows the future, the supreme court decision was no surprise. As an expression of his displeasure, perhaps Alaska was being put on notice, even though same sex marriage was already legal in the state. Or was it was just an earthquake? Since the creator of himself and all things in the universe does miraculous things, why not just interrupt television programming to announce his displeasure? The problem with storms, plagues, earthquakes, and droughts is they are so inconclusive, so inarticulate, so vague, so old school.

  61. Anonymous12:43 PM

    "Love is worth it!"

  62. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Divorce lawyers all over the nation are celebrating right along with us.

    1. Anonymous1:38 PM

      Actually, the statistics say divorce rates are lower among gay couples. They tend to stay married much longer too.

    2. Leland11:32 AM

      In my crowd, it isn't just the gay couples who stay together longer. I have been dating the same woman for going on 32 years, and even though I have been trying to get her to agree to marriage unsuccessfully, we are still together. Even unmarried we have a better track record of longevity than my sister and my step brother - who, BTW, has been married and divorced three times! (He's going to try for #4 soon.)

      To me, that's only "religiously legal" screwing! Once the thrill is gone in bed, he moves on! S-o-o-o-o xtian of him!

  63. Anonymous1:14 PM

    12:21 PM You are so full of shit! Thought 'your' god was a loving god! Perhaps you should learn more about your Christian teachings!

    1. Anonymous1:49 PM

      TC is obviously being sarcastic. It's sad how fewer and fewer people can recognize written sarcasm. Maybe it's a defense reflex. Whatever, I found 12:21's comment clever and funny.

  64. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Today is not a win for love. Like hetero couples a lot of homosexual couples will rue the day they married.

    Today is a win for legal security for couples who will now be each others' next of kin and for their children who can never again be discriminated against because of their parents being the same sex.

    That's what I'm celebrating.

  65. Anonymous2:51 PM

    US now needs a Constitutional Amendment
    To stop fag and lez marriage

    1. Anonymous3:11 PM

      Well, don't just sit there. Get crackin'! It's not gonna pass itself, you know.

    2. Anonymous3:50 PM

      Anonymous2:51 PM
      No we need a constitutional amendment to lock up h8'r like you!
      Go back to c4p and whine in your beer.

  66. Anita Winecooler5:47 PM

    Did you hear me all the way up in Alaska? I was over the moon at both the decision AND the President's response. No Hate, No Anger, Just Love for Humanity, all Humanity.Waving my PFLAG flag high.
    OTOH, I really do have to pity those who voiced their bigotry, especially using religion as a cloak. Sorry, Franklin, you're Jesus wouldn't agree with your words, and neither do I.
    Archbishop Chaput, of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia used the term "debris" in opposition and defence of "traditional marriage",
    We now need to ensure fair housing, equal pay, equal benefits
    equal job opportunities for all people and all families across the land.

    What a time to be alive! I never dreamed I'd see this much progress under one President. His eulogy today was one of his best speeches.


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