Monday, July 27, 2015

Almost 100 Mormons hand in letters of resignation to the LDS headquarters in Salt Lake City.

From the musical "Book of Mormon." The only thing about the religion that I like.
Courtesy of Fox 13:  

Close to 100 people marched through the streets of Salt Lake City Saturday to the headquarters of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints where they officially resigned from the Mormon Church. 

Participants in the mass-resignation event said women’s inequality and LGBT discrimination were just a few of the reasons behind why they officially resigned from the church. 

“I’m very nervous, but I`m also happy just to begin that next phase of my life,” said Brendon Carpenter, who was one of about 90 to resign. “As I have been studying the Book of Mormon and the bible while on my mission I discovered for myself that I didn`t trust the leadership anymore.” 

Stephanie Orgill said there are a number of issues of discrimination within the church that led her to resign. 

“The treatment of women and children and also the gay community to me the most disgusting and the cultural of obedience rather than free thinking,” Orgill said.

Okay does this mean that the Mormon church is about to become a more reasonable religion, that is less oppressive toward gays and women?

Nah, that can't happen. Right?

Though in 1978 the church did suddenly decided that black people were not longer the sinful supporters of Lucifer. So, you know, maybe.


  1. Anonymous3:00 PM

    They'll only change their policies when their tax free status is threatened, as in the 1978 turnaround. This church takes in an incredible amount of money.

    1. Anonymous3:28 PM

      From what I've read, they encourage members to pursue lucrative careers and require that you donate at least 10% of your income in order to remain in good standing. So yes, the Mormon church is extremely wealthy.

    2. All churches take in an incredible amount of money.

  2. Caroll Thompson3:14 PM

    Wow. Usually, it is the Mormons who ex communicate their members, not the other way around.

    1. It is a welcome start -- will only escalate as the rest of the sheep will get up nerve to quit.

  3. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Sometimes there's a big difference between doing a thing and saying you did a thing. There is a decidedly fundamentalist mentality among Mormon leadership, and people with that mental construct don't suddenly change anything.

    1. Just remember, the second "m" is silent.

  4. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Off topic entertainment.

    Donald Trump insult generator!

    Let's give it a tryout or two...

    "I've totally been warning about sarah palin since as early as the 80's. Sarah Palin has failed miserably. What the hell were you thinking when you married loser Russell Brand. Who cares!

    Ratings starved Sarah Palin is a political moron. if you were smart, which you are not, you would oppose the monstrous windfarms that will destroy your country. Lets do an I.Q. test!

    Sarah Palin, who wears glasses to make himself look smarter, fabricated nonsense about me. So many things are wrong! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain

    Uncomfortable looking Sarah Palin wrote a letter begging me for foregiveness. Total hypocrite. The word is getting out, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

    Todd Palin, an irrelevant clown, is a fraud. Fading out fast. I am fighting for our Veterans!

    Liberal clown Todd Palin is a total joke, a dummy who is lost! A total loser! Who cares!

    Bristol Palin (is that really a last name?) will be fired like a dog. Total hypocrite. Funny!

    Bristol Palin, a total lightweight, is a fool. Anyone who wants strong borders and good trade deals for the US should boycott. Get smart!

    The money losing Ghostwriter Nancy French is a total joke, a dummy who is lost! A total loser! WIN!

    Total hypocrite Ghostwriter Nancy French is not going to make the country great again. Ignore. Who cares!

    Highly overrated political pundit the vaguely bearded Joe Miller came to my office looking for $$. Those who believe in tight border security, stopping illegal immigration & SMART trade deals w/other countries should boycott. Funny!

    1. LOL! (And sadly, believable . . . .)

    2. Very clever -- enjoyed those!

  5. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Darn, do these people realize they just got a 10% raise.. No more tithing for nothing!

    1. Anonymous4:10 PM

      And they get their Sundays back -- 52 more days a years to live vibrantly (sorry) and all the days they volunteered for the church, for nothing.

    2. Anonymous4:49 PM

      They can ride their bicycles without wearing a white shirt and tie.

    3. They don't have to horde food and supplies for the coming Apocalypse. (And replace it every 6 months.)

  6. Anonymous3:51 PM

    I work with a lot of Mormon guys (the wifeys all stay at home). They are all despicable toward women and women have to constantly be on their toes around them because the Mormon guys will take credit for their work and demean them behind their back.

    1. Anonymous4:11 PM

      What a f**k is wrong with these women?!? Get out -- oh, right, you have a dozen children to look after.

    2. Anonymous6:40 PM

      THANK YOU.

    3. Anonymous3:30 AM

      That's because they are scared to death of women. IN my experience, having lived in Sandy,UT and having several mormon neighbors here in SE IN, the men are petrified of "gentile" (none mormon) females. They have their wives talk to them or if they have to talk to a gentile female, they have wifey right there.
      Once they get away from the home, where wifey is supreme being, they take their anger out on the gentile females because they know they can get away with it. Utah mormons males are THE WORST as they are raised from infancy that all females, esp gentile ones, are under them and can and should be ignored or abused (not sexually but mentally and psychologically).

  7. Anonymous4:37 PM

    It must be difficult to be a Mormon wife/woman as you live in such an insular society that you are not aware that there is any other way to live. So sad, and this situation is not limited to only Mormons.

  8. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Book of Moron was fucking fantastic.
    Hasa Diga Ebowi

    1. Anonymous3:30 AM

      For bird cage liner or TP in an emergency.

    2. Anonymous7:38 AM

      I think 4:51 was referring to the Play, Book of Mormon.

      And I agree that it was fantastic, and I've never been in a play where the audience giggled and chuckled throughout the ENTIRE play.

      I'd see it again in a second!

      R in NC

  9. Anonymous5:40 PM

    For as much as my husband and I tried talking sense, our daughter married a Mormon she dated in high school after college. She found out when the new wore off just how that lifestyle is....I'm surprised she lasted five years. Love my grandchildren produced and they can see right through him, too. Under ten years old. Imagine doing that to a child as well...........they do.

  10. Anita Winecooler8:12 PM

    It's a huge step in the right direction for them. But they'll always have Marie Osmond weight loss commercials to remind them she got a free pass on the underwear stuff and divorce/remarriage, while they had to do as they were told, what to wear, and how not to think etc. etc.

  11. The Mormons are also reconsidering their participation in the Boy Scouts now that the national board of directors has voted to allow gay leaders.

    The Mormons have all but taken over the boy scouts. So it will be a drain if they leave. But I think it's for the better. Those that remain will make the organization stronger. There will be no more fake Eagle Scouts .

    Let the Mormons form their own little scout organization for their own little mormon boys. No girls allowed. I'm sure you can earn a merit badge in missionary work.

    1. Anonymous10:21 PM

      Just wait till the mormon gays infiltrate!

  12. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Ok Gryph, I had to laugh. You called it a "religion" lol.

    So anybody, what's the difference between a religion and a cult? I personally think catholicism is one of the biggest cults there ever was.

    So a few months ago I was walking around the block in my city where there is a small park and once in a while pass people on the sidewalk. So here comes these two girls. They were really looking at me smiling and as they approached became even smile-ier (I know that's not a word). I thought, what the heck, are they high or something? So they stopped me and said, "We just LOVE your blouse! Where did you get it from?"

    Now mind me I'm a 62 yr. old and these are 20 somethings. I was wearing a bright paisley psychedelic looking blouse which I love and looks good on me. I said, "Well thank you! I got it at the Goodwill store for $3.99 and it's my favorite!"

    They said, "Can we share some information with you?" I'm like, "What kind?" and started looking them up & down and noticing the pamphlets they were kind of hiding. I'm thinking OH BOY brainwashed kids trying to convert me. So I took a quick look at them and said, "Hey you do know Joseph Smith was a teenager with supposed visions and a convicted forgerer right?" I told them what all else I thought of the mormon "religion" that I knew. They seem thoroughly confused. I told them well look, you are wasting your time with me. I've been around a lot longer than you. Even if I took your pamphlets as soon as I walk in my building they are going in the garbage can because that's what I think of religious cults built around a person and it was only a couple of hundred years ago and so you are just wasting trees if I take your pamphlets. If it helps you to be a better person then fine..good for you. I don't need religious cults to be a better person. I just follow common sense. Not what someone else tells me to believe in.

    Then they said, "Can we please pray for you and sing you a song?" I said no, you're embarrassing me now. There is NO WAY you're going to stand here on the sidewalk and sing me a stupid song to make yourself feel better. Go find someone else to talk to into believing some human being's cult. I already know all about Jim Jones in Guyana and I don't need you kids trying to convert me to anything.

    Have a nice day.

    1. Anonymous10:49 PM

      Oh and that's not the only thing. Around that time my son who does air flow testing from about only 3 companies in this this state who does this specialized testing happened to do some work for the largest mormon church in my city. So yes, you could say he got the keys to the "kingdom" for 1 day into the inner sanctums literally lol. Yes they have all kinds of target maps of the city on who to target to convert. They also have sacred paintings of not one jeebus but TWO jeebuses! Yes, there are 2 jeebuses. He didn't see the original magic underwear but did see a lot of stuff. We have had good laughs over that.

    2. Anonymous1:45 AM

      Bravo for you, 10:18! I just moved into a new home about 2 mos ago (I am a divorced female) and just last week, two young male LDS missionaries knocked on my door. I wasn't in the mood to hear their b.s., but kind of felt like messing with them if only just to waste their time. As I was listening to the beginning of their "sermon", my two big white Kuvaszok (a large Hungarian livestock guardian breed) bounded up and began barking. The two guys were clearly intimidated, as they should've been, but still had the audacity to ask me to put my dogs away. I told them that I couldn't justify doing that, since "they live here and YOU don't ". Oddly enough, they cut short the visit and haven't been seen since. Ha!

    3. Anonymous3:33 AM

      The devil and jesus are brothers, doncha know....

    4. Anonymous4:15 AM

      We used to get annual door visits from Mormon missionaries - always young men and always dressed identically. Their last visit was on a winter day and there they stood, two peas in (or from) a pod in matching puffy jackets. I couldn't stop laughing. I can not recall what I said to them but they left quickly - maybe because I was laughing.

      During the Romney campaign, I once noticed a group of twenty or more identical-looking young men with white shirts and little backpacks grouped around an older man with street maps. I guessed that they were young Mormons missionaries sent out to convert voters to Mitt Romney. Well, they avoided our house probably because of the yard signs for President Obama and other Democratic candidates. That was the last time I saw Mormon missionaries around here.

    5. Anonymous4:20 AM

      I recommend the old HBO series "Big Love." It's about an offshoot of the Mormon cult but there's a lot about the standard Mormons too.

    6. Anonymous4:23 AM

      10:18 Bravo! That's the most impressive reply and analysis of the Mormon, brainwashed cult I've ever read. You sure do think quickly on your feet! Thumbs up!

    7. Anonymous8:01 AM

      Thank you, 10:18, I enjoyed reading that, and I have a big smile on my face now. :-)

    8. I've been dying to have one of those cloned twins ring my doorbell. If they ever do, I'll say that I can't talk to them right now because the rest of the family is in the basement sacrificing a goat and I couldn't possibly miss that. (Not mine; cribbed from some delightful naughty person years ago.)

      But I WILL do it.....if they ever show up..

  13. Anonymous10:32 PM

    Read this shit: fuck...


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It just goes directly to their thighs.