From Brancy's blog. |
Then she goes on to type up a little "woe is us" victimization piece for Bristol:
We have had lots of people staring at my family my whole life. I am so thankful that instead of letting their stares distract us, we have carried on and focused on the joys of just being together! (Mostly!) This mom’s post is a great reminder.
Okay here's the thing.
The mother in the article was sharing a story about her daughter attracting stares due to her Down syndrome, however I would be willing to bet up to a thousand dollars that when the Palin family draws stares from others, Trig Palin is the very last member of the family to catch their eye.
![]() |
Picture courtesy of Bristol's Instagram account |
I mean if they do not want to be stared at perhaps they should stop mutilating their faces.
Or gaining weight when such a thing is physically impossible.
Or losing weight until they look as if they might drop dead at any moment.
In other words if you don't want to be stared at stop doing things that concern, horrify, or repulse the people around you.
Oh and Bristol, stop blaming poor Trig for drawing attention. He is just a little boy living his life, it's really you and your mother who cannot live without the attention of strangers.
They're always the victim. Another year or two, Tripp, will catch up to his mom in maturity.
ReplyDeleteDon't look at me - just look at my half naked child.
DeleteLook at the cool mom.
May she be blessed with twins, Trappy and Tacky.
Deleteand constantly posting to social media while whining they have no privacy! Pack of loons they are.
ReplyDeleteOh yes! Leave us aloooone! (wait a min while I put another fishlip pic with gang signz up on IG) LOL
DeleteWhat a A$$HOLE FAMILY! On DRUGS just like we suspected Palmamama confirmed SPEED!
Adderal is Legal speed like Willow said. You know adderal is what ALL the little teeny-tiny Hollywood starlets take 'eh Saree? 'eh Pissy Brissy?
And really I am LMAO that all the news outlets are using the DWTS for their preggo pics!!
That is one YOU didn't announce right Pissy? amIright?
RIGHT! "Please respect our she posts once again on her public blog. And I like how Bristol and her family supposedly ignore the stares and comments and are focused on being together, except that's a lie because her blog post is a direct response to all of the recent negative comments directed at her. Therefore she must have been trolling the Palin blogs and reading all the comments or she wouldn't have chosen such a specific blog topic!! Nice try Barstool, too bad you failed once again. No one believes your big bag of BS!!
Deleteunadulterated, uneducated, unequivocal white trash dimwits - that'd be both the palin's and heath's ..
DeleteI love that picture of Sarah carrying her K-mart bags! Classy. Sarah, put that on a political poster and tell you rubes to send you more money so you can keep hitting those blue light specials...
ReplyDeleteHow nasty that they would make poor Trig the center of this insane "complaint" about how they attract lots of attention. Bristol, will you ever spend time with any of your many abandoned children? You claim to be so pro-life and pro-motherhood, but you abandoned Trig, you abandoned your daughter, and you were clearly tempted to abandon this current gestating fetus but your mother put her foot down and said she wasn't going to cover up for you anymore. Will you ever find your big girl panties and put them on?
ReplyDeleteAnd no, we're not haters. We just think you're disgusting because you have abandoned the care of so many children who deserve far better care and love than you could ever hope to provide.
I'm reminded of the time when Sarah dragged Piper onto the ice with her to drop the puck at a hockey game and after she was booed resoundingly, she complained "How dare they boo Piper!"
DeleteI guess they have to keep having kids so they always have a human shield at the ready.
Does Bristol have a daughter?????!!!!!
Delete2:40: yes. Remember the butterfly blanket With the ruffles all around? Not even cray-cray Brissy would use that for a boy.
DeleteQuite likely the DWTS baby, or the one afterwards.
brisdull's daughter is being raised by track's fake ex wife ..
DeleteThe only thing that caught my eye was the absence of seat belts on the boys;I hope the photo was taken when the car wasn't moving.
ReplyDeleteOh, and Bristol, everyone will stare at you if you drink any alcohol between now and when the baby's due. Those stares are justified, and you should pay attention to them.
That boy does not look like he is too happy!
DeleteAngry boys turn into violent men! Unless...
Experienced Mother2:22 PM
DeleteThe only thing that caught my eye was the absence of seat belts on the boys
Hey now, laws are for EVERYONE else! Remember when Sarah was gov and drove her kids around without seatbealts? When caught she said it was "Ok" she was on private property!!! :P These people are fukin' retards! Pro life but can't use a SEAT BELT! FFS!!
Does this family spend their entire f*ckin' lives in their vehicles?!
DeleteIt's probably the only time they spend any real time together.
Deletedriving around trolling for cock trying to get laid - how else is brisdull going to do it by staying at home ? 'sides that she's gotta teach her little sis piper the ropes ...
DeleteFor all the folks that say they feel sorry for Bristol or they have sympathy for her ... you must be joking.
ReplyDeleteCan anyone name ONE positive thing Bristol has done with her life OR one beneficial thing she has done to help someone?
Has she ever volunteered anywhere (like Special Olympics or food bank)? Has she ever helped a "real" struggling single mother?
Bristol only gave "abstinence" speeches WHEN she was paid ... she ever give one for free?
What has this USELESS girl ever done in her life to EARN any sympathy or concern?
Screw Bristol. I hope her vibrant life crashes and burns soon. I am sick of seeing her and reading her crap.
Can anyone name ONE positive thing Bristol has done with her life OR one beneficial thing she has done to help someone?
She helps herself only. "What's in it for us" the Palin motto!
Why don't you focus on your own life and stop being so pearl-clutchingly judgemental? Unless you live with her you have very little knowledge of what she actually does. Whatever that is or isn't, she doesn't answer to you.
DeleteIs that an ad for Pedophiles? Who posts photos of their half naked children on the internet?
ReplyDeleteAt Halloween the World's Best Mom has him stripped and surrounded by candy.
DeleteI am not joking.
Don't forget the squirting whipped cream into his mouth. One of the most disturbing photos I've ever seen posted.
DeleteI suspect that Tripp has been sexually abused by Bristol.
Delete540 man that it a hell of a thing to say!
DeleteAnonymous5:40 PM
DeleteSeriously? What's wrong with you? I don't care if it is Bristol Palin. That's a horrible accusation without proof.
If you see a little boy without a shirt and think SEX, you're the one with a problem. It's sick to even go there.
Delete5:40 PM It looks like she objectifies him.
Delete.... to present as an object, esp. of sight, touch, or other physical sense; make objective; externalize.
6:21 PM;
Delete@5:40 PM expressed a suspicion. There are many that share that suspicion.
At Easter time, (last year?) she had him pose with holding two boiled eggs in front of his crotch.
Deleteagreed ..
6:21 and 6:26: THANK YOU.
DeleteReality shows, DWTS, drunken brawls, wedding weirdness, "planned" pregnancy with an unknown father. Those are the kinds of things that get one started at.
ReplyDeleteI thought the fourth photo down was Michael Jackson. Then I realized it was Bristol. Yikes. She has messed up her face.
ReplyDeleteChinzilla- no more!!
Also, too.
DeletePeople stare because they think it's John Kerry.
DeleteBitchy needs a good dose of STFU and live her vibrant life privately instead of putting her life on blast and then complaining that the haters don't respect her privacy. W...T...F...??? Figure it the hell out, dumbfuck.
ReplyDeleteI call BS. Nobody stares at Down Sydrome children besides maybe curious small children. Brancy Palin is a disgusting POS trying to deflect in this way. So transparent.
ReplyDeleteHere are two comments from her "Stare-at-Me" Instagram account that I thought made some really good points, one from a Milford Firearms warning her about using firearms while pregnant...
milfordfirearmsllc about 5 hours ago
WHOA! Stop shooting guns if you are pregnant! Pregnant women should not handle or shoot firearms as the lead is known to cause birth defects to developing fetuses in the womb. We have a big sign in our gun shop warning of this. The only exception of course, being in a self defense situation.
Here is the other one that I thought was spot on!
sandy42guide about 10 hours ago
I do feel sorry for her though that each pregnancy of hers has been cloaked in secrecy, disappointment, shame and drama. To never joyfully share your news with a partner you love and respect. To never look at the father of your children with pride and awe at the love and protection they give to your babies. Married, not married, same sex, what matters is love and protection of your babies. I don't see that in this family and its sad.
That sandy42 comment was very profound and makes one think how much some people just take it for granted that a father or husband is going to be there.and it has never been the case for Bristol in however many pregnancies she's had and that's a shame.
DeleteWhat are they signing -- is that the sign of the Devil?
ReplyDeleteYeah, this "ooh, we're so klassee, we can make fake gang signs!" thing they do is rill sophistimacted.
DeleteI swear that Jason guy could be Karl Rove's kid!
DeleteHam Rove Jr. !
I wonder what degree he's wasting. ..
Maybe it is just me but Tripp is looking like he has anger issues in the top picture. Is this a recent photo?
ReplyDeleteEarthymama / Chicago
(**Nefer I meant to compliment you the other day, stupid autocorrect replaced my daughter's name instead** Beaglemom I like your posts too ~ fellow gander gal)
Yea he looks angry! What about? Mom's obsession with photos? Evil eye!
DeleteImitating Uncle Track?
DeleteSame angry way he looks in the first of the two pictures in front of the blue house, with his face smeared with cake topping.
DeletePeople looking at that train wreck trash family is adversity? The smoky that has lived off public dollars her whole life? For gods sake, they've gotten many houses out of it.
ReplyDeleteThey think gossip mag and blog content is persecution? God help them something bad actually happens, because their thin skin and glass jaws will lay them the fuck out.
And we thought Trump was massively delusional. With these Palins keeping on crawling on the cross, doesn't leave much room for Jesus.
Business is dropping him like a hot potato!
DeleteHumpty Trumpty sat on the wall...
DeleteBristol is teaching the boys her favorite sign ..."one in the stink,and two in the pink".
ReplyDeleteYours too, sounds like.
DeleteWhile Bristol has these terrible pics of her kids making gang signs, Sunny has a darling pic of Tripp with her comparing their hand size. Most of Bristol's pics are you know what inappropriate means, Bristol? I think inappropriate is a word the Palins have have heard of or ever take into consideration.
ReplyDeleteWill there still be a big announcement on July 3? It's fast approaching.
ReplyDeleteSarah is still sleeping...wake her up the 2nd!
DeleteOh yeah, I saw that in the comments a couple times. Who knows if it's a troll or not but it would be great to hear more bad news for the Palins.
DeletePerhaps it was a c4p troll. Several of them think the 3rd will be the announcement of her candidacy.
DeleteNo troll. This is for real.
DeleteThe July 3 surprise will be on the the sixth anniversary of Sarah's legendary lame duck progressing by quitting screech on the scenic shores of Lake Lucille.
What was going on in the Palin maladministration in the months before she supposedly quit? What you are about to find out will probably surprise you.
Is anyone hiding something?
Do you want a preview?
Irishgirl at austinisafecker did two posts based on a comment posted here at IM.
My friends that is much less than half the story.
It's rilly unflippinbelievable!
July 3.
They keep working every angle don't they? Good Grief~
ReplyDeleteDid you guys already discuss this? Am I extremely late to the party asking why Junker was cut out of this picture?
Interesting. Thanks for the links.
DeleteTrip with Junky? In a boat? Hmmmm!
DeleteI guess junker is not the marrin' kind...
Kind of like the old Soviet Union where some general would disappear from a photo--save for his hand. Poor Joey didn't even get to keep that.
DeleteThat is a different picture.....Tripp's expression is different.
DeleteYes, it's a different picture, but based on the scenery and Trip's clothing I think it's safe to assume pics were of the same boat outing.
DeleteDiff picture, yes...but the boat trip is obviously the same. Joey J was the captain.
DeleteWho was the First Mate?????? Or, maybe 125th Mate, if you know what I mean.
So was Bristol sending a message to Junker? Like, I'm cutting you out of our baby's life?
DeleteI am sure those pictures were posted on Nancy French blog, which is morphing into David and Nancy blog.
DeleteGoogle search the photos and look for patheos. You may find the original photos and the post.
Bristol must be lonely unless Joey goes to her.
What hell to have no authenticity.
Why would he trust her after all the nasty she has done and will do. To be so deathly toxic for everyone but mostly her own children.
More to the point and say
, Nancy, worked with Sarah on her most recent book, she worked with Bristol on her book, she edits Bristol’s blog on Patheos
ReplyDeleteRead more at:
yeah, that's Brancy's hubby. Obviously, the mockery has gotten so loud on the net that he felt he had to swoop in and attack 'the left'.
DeleteI've been reading comments from right, left and center and ALL OF THEM are mocking her. But of course, he has to find a way to shield Bristol from the 'hate'. The 'hate' isn't hate at all. It's disgust, it's mockery, it's outrage, it's a natural reaction when you see absolute hypocrisy in front of your eyes, and you don't have to be from the 'left' to see the joke that she is.
This post was hilarious!! David French truly lives in a fantasy world! He is desperately trying to take the heat of Bristol and placing it squarely on the shoulders of the hateful liberals. The Palins are victims and the hateful liberals will stop at nothing to try and silence the righteous Christian Palin family! LMAO!! Oh David French you are a pathetic loser! I guess your wife was failing miserable over on Bristol's blog so you she cried to you to step in and help her out!! Epic Fail!!
DeleteNancy French really needs to be outed as the author of the blog. These are her words, not the words of a special needs young woman. Nancy French should be held accountable.
DeleteFunny that Bristol's message is about being a strong woman who can do this on her own (my little family)-
DeleteBut she needed another woman to pen said message. ..
And THAT woman needed her husband to defend it.
So. .. do I need a man to defend me or not, Brisdull?
Oh - why isn't track defending your good name? I thought he only fought to protect the honor of his family. .. right?
He needs a serious reality check and also to cut the nuance bullshit. He also obviously missed her numbers at the CPAC poll straw poll this year--she got .8 percent of the vote. She's become irrelevant in conservative politics and a sorry example of a Christian.
DeleteHe's baking on meds somewhere!
DeleteOn her blog she actually links to a photo of Trig. It is sad she focused on the youngest sibling twisting that people stare because of him.
ReplyDeleteIt is insane when narcissistic people seek attention then twist things around they are the victim because they were noticed.
Bristol seems to suffer from mental illness like her mother.
If I could tie her to a chair to watch herself on Oprah vowing to abstain from sex until marriage she would deny what she said. They tell lies when it is easy to demonstrate they lie.
Shame on her diverting what she brought on her self, makes worse onto an innocent child trying to milk sympathy others are victimizing a little boy.
Well we saw a video of Trig twerking at the celebrate life barbecue, we have seen a video of him saying bullshit and we see pictures of him doing gang signs, however we would really like to see Trig playing with other children or enjoying a toy or maybe getting some speech therapy. Hey Palins that would be a positive thing for people to stare at, and no Piper we dont want to see you sticking your tongue out at Trig or crossing your eyes at him either like you did in Sarahs Turkey Day video.
DeleteIf Trig is only 6 or 7, why would Bristol say people have stared at her family her whole life? Oh right, because they're huge attention whores.
ReplyDeleteOnce again, disregarding safety to give the finger to everybody.
ReplyDeleteIf those kids are too small to wear the full lap and shoulder belt then they should be in booster seats.
Keep digging bristol.
Eventually the hole will collapse on you.
When the hell is this ignorant girl going to shut up and go off and quietly have her poor baby?
ReplyDeleteNever. This is all a big publicity play for the "blessed bundles " arrival. You see the more drama the more interest and the more interest = money from the sale of the first photos of "Bristol Palins single Mom journey..again" Exclusive to TMZ or the highest bidder, this is a continuing soap opera in real time. Bristol thrives on it like a weed chokes out all the good plants in a garden. This poor baby will be a pawn to Bristol just like Tripp is and was, just another person to feed her martyr complex.
DeleteFeed off the poor while living in a glass house! Until they stone her house!
DeleteThe press is just stupid. They just keep reporting about them and giving them the coverage they want. It would be nice if they'd ignore them but they won't. I'm sure in the future we will have to hear about Piper.'s and Willow's milestones (like marriages and babies) and probably Trig's, milestones and maybe Track's, too. And then we'll have to hear about Tripp and on and on and on. Unfortunately.
DeleteGryphen----does Bristol have a daughter? What's the gossip around Wasilla?
ReplyDeleteI thought her daughter was the baby Track and his wife had!? Right or wrong?
DeleteFor a few brief minutes after Bristol's DWTS run some folks captured screenshots of her tweeting her friends from that particular account (long deleted) that she could only post this for a few minutes, but here it was -- and it was a pic of a baby girl and everybody was fawning over this baby girl. This was beffore Kayla Grace made an official appearance. It was very sad; clearly Sarah wasn't going to allow Bristol to claim his daughter as hers. Also around this time that character Media Insider was writing about how when Bristol was filming the show with those two black actor brothers they were talking about how Bristol always had her new daughter with her, the new female baby, along with her son Tripp. A lot of this info later got buried but it was clear that Bristol had a daughter around that time that she later abandoned.
DeleteBarstool sure posts a lot of cross eyed photos of herself. Are you sure that she's 25? 25 IQ maybe, but surely not chronologically. Is she mocking Sarahskank, and her wonky eye? Did she not get Sarahskanks post about fishing instead of selfies? And, Barstool honey, with you, people don't stare. We point and laugh.
ReplyDeleteHey Bri$$ie, how do you know people are staring?
ReplyDeleteMaybe they are trying to figure out, as Ol' Sour-Smelling $arah walks by:
"Oh my Dog! What's that stench! Even my eyes are stinging because of the fetid fumes reeking from th Ol' Unwashed One. Gaaaccckkkk!!!"
You know she probably stares! And not cuz her eyes are bad and she's trying to focus!
ReplyDeleteEven by your 'standards' this is just gross.
Stop it now.
The Palins are starting to give "white trash" a bad name!
ReplyDeleteNobody I know ever sees Bristol at the market or the gym or the hairdresser or the hardware store. If I saw Bristol at any of those places I'd move away in case whatever she has is catching- and before I got a close-up look at the big sausages of goo she had implanted in her jaw. Imagine that on a full stomach....
ReplyDeleteSomeone claimed they saw Bristol and Marina at a movie. They went on with some churchy talk. It may have been one of Sarah's minions. They had no back up for what they claimed they saw. Just talk about Barstool could have friends that would help her at a church.
DeleteDipping her in olive oil won't help at this point!
DeleteI wonder if Nancy French's contract requires her to make a mockery of Bristol Palin.
ReplyDeleteThat is a question for Bristol.
DeleteBristol loves pictures of herself, her friends, relatives and her child. She must be glad when people photograph her.
ReplyDeleteStop looking!
DeleteShe is obvi living a private life!
Look away and give her the anony life she desires.
Stalkers. /
Says those who obsessively post?
DeleteOf course she likes it! That's how narcissists roll.
Just waded in the Pond and I can't believe these people are real.
ReplyDeleteI prefer to think of them as hate generating machines.
They feed on hate of 'the other' until someone steps out of lockstep, then they roast each other.
Like all fans of authoritarianism they crave a leader, but
these were the kids who wrote down names when your teacher was out of the room.
You know the type.
Imagine a room full of uptight snitches with itchy 'flagging' fingers and you've got yerself C4P.
When they turn on each other? Sublime.
I visit the pond daily, but find it does get to me. If I had to live with that much fear and negativity, I think I would put a bullet through my brain. For Christians, they sure don't have much faith in God's plan, unless it is Armageddon.
DeleteThey thought the second coming was happening in the 1600's! Still waiting!
DeleteWhy does Bristol obsessively post pictures of her small son half-naked? She is shit-scared of stalkers but not afraid of pedophiles armed with dozens of semi-nude pictures of him?
ReplyDeleteShe is a terrible, terrible mother. Someone should report her to the authorities for deliberately placing her child in harms' way.
Heath's really really creepy!!!!
DeleteNo one will report her.
DeleteThe Palins do what they want, when they want.
The Brawl proved what we've known all along.
If anyone does of a few things will happen...they will find out who reported them...they will stonewall the officials or have sex with them..all of em! Gov in a dress will voyer watch with Palin in a suit....Todd taking pics for blackmail...then after they catch their breath from the bedroom golf...they will kill the messenger...or burn em down! Isn't that justice wonderful in Alaska? a neighbor who use to live in Juneau...said that's pretty close to truth!
DeleteBristol is angry that the world is not buying the stories nor swarming around as if she was victimized jilted and worse impregnated by a future husband. I suspect the public was played to react as if he done her wrong. She planted the seed insinuating she got ahead of herself making a baby believing she was going to marry. She sounds and acts more angry as people continue to comment about her hypocrisy and contradictions that are fair and justifiable given her own words.
ReplyDeleteOT- after looking at dated photos of her increasing belly expansion month to month during DWTS I no longer think she was just eating too much or weight gain. She will never comprehend why, after she made a million swearing and pledging abstinence, people would watch as a measure of integrity. Damn you John McCain
Send him an email...haha!
DeleteIs that really all the Palins have? Finger signs and idiot facial selfies? They are nothing but 'jokes' and seem to enjoy growing that tag!
ReplyDeletePlus, the are so minimizing themselves.
Todd's book of secrets and we are done with that brude of rude!
DeleteWhy don't those little boys have shoulder belts on and why is Tripp almost always shown with as few clothes on as possible? They should also have shirts on.
Brancy got her husband to write an article defending Brustol.
ReplyDeleteHoh-boy. In defense of the much maligned Bristol, an article by the husband of Nancy French (David).
Delete"Despite the Left’s best efforts, Bristol has actually built a large and loyal following, people who mainly appreciate her strong voice for life. So, no, she’s not “going away.” In true Palin fashion, she’ll persevere — and if the Left doesn’t like it, they don’t have to watch"
Oh, and she's also waiting for an apology from Obama for something Bill Maher said. yeah.
Wow, what a hypocrite he is. The French's are an embarrassment to true Christians.
DeleteAnd he's deleting any comments about Nancy writing Bridtol's blog. I wonder if that's their decision or Sarah's rule?
DeleteYou saw this, right?
Ahhh, Bristol The Sex Pistol is finally publicly acknowledging that Trig is also her baby, one of her many babies.
ReplyDeleteThis really has to stop. What the hell is the matter with them? No one is staring, no one looking at you, no one cares about you at all Bristol. I don't understand the pathology that impels Sarah and Bristol to thrust themselves into the public eye. I don't know if this condition can be treated. They are truly pathetic. And the good christian Nancy French will feel the burn for her part in all of this. I also wonder about the little attack dog that threatened someone to 'Stop blogging. Stop blogging right now"
ReplyDeleteI don't know either, Manx. I don't know how Nancy French can post stuff she knows isn't true in the name of the God and Jesus that she claims to praise, and I always thought RAM a "yikes!"
DeleteWhen $arah announces she's not running, and she will, it will be blamed on her poor pregnant daughter, how the media has been so horrible to them, and mama grizzly protects. That is why she's quiet about it.
nailed it!!!!
Delete>>>I don't know how Nancy French can post stuff she knows isn't true in the name of the God and Jesus that she claims to praise,
DeletePimps gonna pimp and hos gonna trick.
I think that the boys might be wearing lap seat belts, it is hard to say. Certainly, I wonder why so many public pics of unclothed children - those types of things should be for the family album.
ReplyDeleteHowever, the main striking point about that image is surely the size and development of Tripp. He always looks older than Trig, and he always looks older than his stated age - isn't he only meant to be 6/7? Tripp is also amazingly fair and light haired, for a child born to two dark haired people. There is some mystery to Tripp.
Gramps is daddy of him!
DeleteLevi's other kids look just like Tripp, so it's not that mysterious. No I'm not Bristol's stalker, but I have seen other photos of the kids here at IM.
DeleteAnon 6:19. The older Tripp gets, the more he looks like Levi.
Deletegot a really bad feeling about that family album...
DeleteAgain, I ask. Here is a 24-year-old that announces she's pregnant, did not want to be, and is so apologetic how she's disappointed everyone, she just can't hold her head up, and asks for privacy, please. The next day says that she always wanted another baby, it was planned, fuck the fucking giddy assholes, then a psalm parable about "the good wife," and now posts a pic of two young children flashing gang signs as best they can (poor Trig) and bitches that she's being stared at and blames it on Trig??
ReplyDeleteWhat planet does this bitch LIVE on? She MADE herself a public figure all on her OWN, for crap's sake, she could have remained private, kept the last seven years private, but noooooo, hotline to Me ME!
The mental illness in this family is un-freaking-believable! And she wonders why people are guffawing??? Grow UP, Bristol. You are a HORRIBLE mother.
Mother of two with eight grandchildren.
You hit the bitch, I mean nail on the head.
DeleteCyber smack down!
DeleteThat gang sign car picture is a bit older. I saw it a while ago. Barstool is in the habit of resurrecting old pictures for whatever reason.
DeleteGetting pregnant while in high school can be chalked up as a mistake and bad judgement. With Bristol's latest behavior we are starting to see a pattern developing here. Maybe Bristol has ambitions of becoming the Wasilla Octomom?
ReplyDeleteWe need a head count for that! The Bristol Five and counting!
DeletePublicity whores asking publicly for privacy.
ReplyDeleteThat's an oxyMORON if there ever was one.
you have to admit they have the moran act down.
DeleteMy Momma's always said "some people have taste only in their mouths".
ReplyDeleteFor a Palin its cum in her mouth!
DeleteBada Bing nada boom!
DeleteWhat the fuck is it with a moron like Bristles who rages against the court of public opinion when it comes to her personage when at the same time, she insists upon posting pictures of herself as the proverbial cross-eyed inbred moron?!?
ReplyDeleteIt is what it is.
DeleteLevi you showed sympathy and compassion towards the person who gave you hell the past 7 years. You've given Bristol hope that theres a chance of rekindling your romance with each other. Is that wise Levi? Will Bristol take advantage of your kindness and generosity to drive a wedge between you and Sunny?
ReplyDeleteLevi my garbage disposal is not working can you come over?
Levi I just took a bath and I hear noises outside.
Levi , Tripp needs help with ________ (fill in the blank). Can you come over?
Levi you were a sucker once when you fed Sarah's children, don't let Bristol use Tripp and Trapp as an excuse for you to spend time with her.
If Tripp needs your help, you make sure you bring Sunny with you.
That is sound advice. Levi you take that advice. Don't be a damn fool.
DeleteLevi tell her to call her local mental health center! Your BUSY!
DeleteThis is yet another reason I love our President and First Lady so much! What an awesome experience for those young girls! And that hug....!
ReplyDeleteGirl Scouts Camp Out on the Obamas' Front Lawn
GIRL: Can we have a hug?
THE PRESIDENT: We can have a group hug. (All the girls at once come running up for a group hug.)
During this visit to the Girl Scout’s camp, a campfire leader called President Obama “our sister, too.” Obama corrected her that he was a “brother.” The campfire leader then suggested that the President was “very in touch with your feminine side. That’s what makes you so wonderful.”
I agree. He is very equally balanced with his masculine and feminine energies, it is what is so appealing about him for both males and females, as well as children. He so comfortable in his being that he puts everyone else at ease just by being in his presence.
Sweet story! The "campfire leader" reference irked me a little, though. Campfire Girls and Girl Scouts were two different groups. They had cookies; we had candy. They ALWAYS kicked our ass! :)
DeleteHave you ever seen a group of kids trying to hug Sarah Palin? Even her Grandson Trig slaps the Hell out of her when he can.
DeleteI was about to say why can't Bristol show maturity like Piper. That is until I seen the selfie picture of what appears to be Bristol and Piper having seizures. Sarah get Piper help now unless you want Piper taking her children to her GED ceremony.
ReplyDeleteLOL, what's she need a GED for? She won't aspire to college anymore than her family. Maybe that's why Sarah went to five colleges, so she went to enough for any of 'em, all of 'em kids put in front of her all these years.
Bristol’s mother, Sarah, was asked for comment as well. She said “Well ya know the liberal media with its ‘gotcha questions’ will spin this because they hate our freedoms and likely take their instructions from Saul Alinsky. We love our freedoms here in Alaska to worship as we please, and know that we are not going to be giving up our guns because that is not what Paul Revere rode about and rang those bells to warn the British they won’t be takin’ our guns.” When clarification on this comment was requested, Sarah got out a notepad and read, “I am not allowed under contractual agreement to reveal any further details about alternative uses of the product,” then was hustled into a black SUV by her handlers.
DeleteBoth of Bristol’s baby-daddies have been reached for comment as well. They are both planning on purchasing a pre-order. Levi Johnston was able to give a statement on the record, saying “It will be just like we were together again, except her stupid mother won’t be around.”
Brilliant! :D
DeleteBristol gets pregnant and Todd disappears. Hmmmm, did Sarah finally get rid of Todd? Enquiring minds wants to know.
ReplyDeleteRecord Breaking Crowd Of 10,000+ Turning Out In Madison For Bernie Sanders
DeleteThis is such good news!
DeleteI followed the link to Brancy's blog, and found this underneath the above blog post:
ReplyDelete"Read more on the Patheos Faith and Family Channel, fan me on Facebook, follow me on Instagram and follow this blog on Twitter!"
You hear that, everyone? Poor Bristol wants everyone to stop looking at her. *eye roll*
LOL the Instagram mention is new.
DeleteLook Levi needs to step it up now. He is Tripps Dad. Does he not have any say in Bristol's next installment ? She can post photos all she wants of this next one but when it comes to Tripp she can't put him on display for gain if he fights it! Sorry Sunny's facebook should not be public either. I am not seeing any heroes here i am am seeing a lack of children's rights they all need to keep their kids lives private to only be seen for family and freinds. NO child should have to live this way! Why cant they both be private? somebody has to for once think of Tripp, hell think of children period!
ReplyDeleteLevi did not have to put in his two cents on this situation, it's not his concern only in the sense of how it will affect Tripp he needs to be the one parent who does not put his kid out for public consumption and if Bristol wants to be a public figure fine but leave the kids out of it, they are not pets! give them some privacey . They did not ask to be put on display and their rights have been taken and it makes me sick.
They are as free to post family pictures as anyone else.
DeleteBut most people doesn't persistently and deliberately post pictures of their post-preschool children undressed. Bristol does it all the time. It's sick. It will cost Levi money to make her stop (Bristol will make sure of that), so if you would like to donate a couple of hours of lawyering time I'm sure Levi wouldn't object- he has a family of five to support.
Unfortunately there are no laws in the books to stop this kind of behavior and there should be. The law has not caught up with the times and that is why children can be exploited by their parents like this you had better believe it's about time to stop Kate And Eight and all the other reality shows including the Duggars and the Palins from making decisions for their underage children. You want to help? speak up, are you really implying that he does not have the money he can not go before a judge and state his case? Many people represent themselves in the court of law but unfortunately the Judge has to rule on the current laws, And that needs to be changed.I am saying he can and does have the right to speak out! What is your child worth? He does not need a lawyer to speak his mind, maybe he will lose and probably will but let it be on record that he had the balls to go to court and question a Mothers rights as opposed to a childs. Again, yes they are free to post their family pictures but should they make it public? I will not defend Levi or Sunny here, they need to rise above get them in a court of law and let them argue if they have not posted pictures of Tripp to the public themeselves, Don't think for one minute I have any sympathy for Bristol because I do not. No statement was needed at all by Levi, none.No comment is the best thing he could have done, this is not his war, this will not effect his visitation rights, yes he needs a lawyer and so does Bristol to tell them to keep their mouth shut.
DeleteDoes Bristol live in her truck? All her photos seem to be taken there.....
ReplyDeleteHere's how I suspect it's gonna go down. Sarah will let Bristol take a beating, and then she'll jump in with her Mama Grizzly persona and scold and attack the 'haters' with her trademark viciousness and vileness. She'll ride to Bristol's rescue like a good mama would, but there's nothing good about it. It's calculated and it will end up being about Sarah, because she will always twist it that way. Just wait. That Facebook will fire up with a shaming missive lashing out at 'the left' for their being mean to her cub. It's just a matter of time. But first she'll let Bristol twist in the wind as punishment for her throwing a wrench in to Sarah's plans and sullying the family myth.
ReplyDeleteWhile we all watch em crash and burn! All of em!
DeleteIt looks like Trig is sitting on his seat belt. You can see the lap belt behind him. No seat belts and gang signs? Good job, Bristol. Stay tuned and we will soon see a selfie from Bristol, with a newborn sitting in her lap while she's driving.
ReplyDeleteLooks like Bristol told her story, breakup and pregnancy, to People Magazine. I am not going to pay to see it, but if someone has already, please let me know what it says. You can see Dakota and Levi never approached them. See... Bristol wants her privacy and mucho bucks too, haha
ReplyDeleteIt's only a small item on the front page, they're probably just rehashing what's been all over the internet for the past month.
DeleteThere's no reason that any magazine would want to pay Bristol Palin for anything. The real Palins have been out of the closet since the Palin Family Brawl, so the mags are probably embarrassed by all the Palin family lying that they published in the past.
And I have to say I'm a bit surprised by the lack of public interest in Bristol Palin calving again. She is over.
There has to be a story inside or else they would not have put it on the cover...
DeletePlease leave me alone. I am a very private person. How much will you pay me for my personal story? I guess People are getting back some of their investment when they had to exclusive rights to cover the wedding.
DeleteOh my god. What a cesspool this comment thread has become.
ReplyDeleteif it offends you....go away....troll.
DeleteIf the Palin family did not live in a cesspool and put their lives on display there would be no need for your comment. You have compassion an admirable trait but it is wasted on the Palins who choose to live their lives in the public eye constantly giving up their privacy, their honor and any semblance of normalcy for a paycheck.It is a cesspool of their own making. They do have a choice, turn down the money or get some pride so that you are not an object of ridicule.
DeleteAnd I for one could care less what they do as long as they don't drag their children into it but it's their claim to fame, first Trig and than Tripp and now this next baby money maker and Bristol will ride this train until the last stop. She already has gotten a lot of publicity from a fetus and yes no Palin has ever looked at a baby as an individual and not as some sacrifice for their own gain.
I want to hear about a college fund for these kids, I want to see them learn more than crossed eyes selfies. What are the odds?
6:23 PM WHAT A CESSPOOL OF HIDDEN BABIES THE PALINS HAVE CREATED. Why do you come here so much, Troll?
DeleteKim Kardashian is speaking now! Elegant and smart! Baaaaahhhaaaaa Bristol! Face!
ReplyDeleteSeriously? We hate Bristol so much here that Miley Cyrus and Kim Kardashian are great role models now? Okay then.
DeleteHate the game not the players! Barf!
Delete6:37: that has nothing to do with hate! Barstool is such a mental midget that both of the other women look like PHDs!
DeleteIncredible, don't stare at me but I just sold another photo/story to the tabloids.
ReplyDeleteCareful what you wish for Bristol, you might actually have to get a real job to support yourself and all your children.
Bristol Palin - you are a putz. You claim that you want your privacy after you publicly post that you are pregnant. If you don't want people to comment, don't give them the opportunity to. You received money as a spokesperson for abstenance but then claim you were not a spokesperson. Trig is cross eyed and yet you take selfies where you are mimicking the condition. Have you no awareness that you are directly making fun of people like him. You claim to be an employee of a doctors office but for two years, you claimed no income. Do you really think we are that dumb to not see through you and your family's B.S.
ReplyDeleteEveryone agrees that using just the lap seat belt is not enough. To protect those kids, they should be wearing the standard over the shoulder plus lap seat belt. Depending on their weight, those kids might still need booster seats for the seat belts to be effective. What a caring mother.
ReplyDeleteThere is a big difference between people looking at a kid with DS and people looking at a publicity whore. Bristol (and Sarah) make a profession out of drawing attention to themselves. If you sound like a drunken girl crying about $300. sunglasses, people will notice you. If you post intimate photos of your kid(s) on Instagram, yes, they will get attention too, sometimes the wrong kind of attention. If Bristol wants privacy, she should cancel all of her social media outlets and live outside the publicity bubble.
ReplyDeleteThe People mag says nothing more than what's been reported and she isn't interviewed. It wasn't a paid intetview.
ReplyDeleteGood. That bitch doesn't deserve to grift another penny for her irresponsible and hypocritical choices.
DeleteGreat, thanks
DeleteAgreed 717
DeleteIf anyone was staring at Trig, perhaps they were looking at his cute service dog, Jill Hadassah.
ReplyDeleteWhere is the service dog anyway ?
He should be right at Trig's feet in that bizarre
half nude photo .
Has anyone ever seen Trig in public with his mother or grandmother ?
How can people stare if they're never in public ?
Good grief girl! Pimp Daddy Todd trying his best to intimadate a man filming his wife.
ReplyDeleteBristol and Sarah dissing a teacher because she was standing on the sidelines saying WGE.
Bristol teaching her son to stick out his tongue at the paparatzi.
Ad nauseum.
Yeah, pay no attention.....
Bristol learned from Sarah how to stay in the news. Be evasive. With Sarah, it is "will she run? Or "Was Sarah really pregnant with Trig?" Bristol can string the press along until she makes the father of her baby known. I predict this will go on for a long time. Maybe even after the baby is born. Bristol gripes about the press but that's exactly what she wants. Just like Sarah--and playing victim all the way.
ReplyDeleteBristol needs prescription glasses, right Nancy? They're not staring at Trig, they're staring at the sea of buffoons around him. Is it me, Nancy, or does it seem Bristol does more DS kids posts than Gramdma Sarah??? Ask Bristol why that is? Thanks in advance!!! Stay precious!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, Nancy, soon you'll have one more prop to post old photos of while playing the role of abstinence teen mom Bristol Palin, daughter of the former Governor, former star and former VP pick. She worked wonders for President Obama - not that he needed the help, mind you.
I'm staring at 2 six year olds flashing gang signs or devil horns.
ReplyDeleteI don't know about the monetary side of blogs. I assume Bristol makes money off of her blog (or does she) . If she does, does anyone have any idea how much $$$ it generates?
ReplyDeleteI remember one times, she said her blog generated 600,000 clicks which I truly didn't believe.
And Sarah must have forgotten criticizing "bloggers in their pajamas in their parent's basement" since she's pushed her daughter into a pseudo blog--which just appears to be another outlet for Sarah. Sarah will probably get Piper started up on one, too in the future.