Thursday, July 16, 2015

Country music stars says that white Christian men need to shut the hell up about political correctness.

Courtesy of Chely Wright's Facebook page:  

Something I've noticed on social media is that those who continually mock and complain that "political correctness is rampant and ridiculous-- yada yada yada" are most always straight, white, Christian males. They're people who've never had to rely on others to speak up for them to protect and correct systemic injustices that society has leveled upon them. What they fail to understand is that there is a valid and profound reason that the term "political correctness" exists. The term was born out of a desperate need to aid and to render fairness and safety. So many straight, white, Christian men have a lot of fun throwing the words "political correctness" around as a pejorative, but to me and many others it only serves to identify them as a person who lacks empathy and kindness. Additionally, I'd bet my eye teeth that these men were often the big, mouthy bully on the playground at school who picked on the poor kid, the handicapped kid, the gay kid, the kid with glasses, the black kid and the kid with a single parent. 

xo c

Yeah, what she said. (Except of course for the kisses and hugs at the end.)

Chela Wright is also a gay woman who supports LGBT rights so she certainly knows of which she speaks.  And she really could not be more right on than she is here.

Damn, does this mean I have to start liking country western music again?


  1. Anonymous6:20 AM

    I wonder if famed country-music fan Ted Cruz has Chela Wright's latest album?

  2. Anonymous6:24 AM

    I think that she's on target. While I know nothing about her music, I appreciate that she is courageous and articulate and accurate in her description of the recent "political correctness" phobia. All that "political correctness" was meant to accomplish was to bring back some level of kindness and empathy to our everyday behavior and I see nothing wrong with that.

    1. Anonymous10:21 AM

      The owner of the company I used to work for was always carrying on about "political correctness" and how horrible it was. All he meant was that he (a white born-again Christian) should have the right to insult and demean people. If anyone gave it back to him, he'd get all butt-hurt and pout and carry on about how he was being persecuted because he was (pick one): Christian/white/male.

    2. Anonymous11:25 AM

      Beagle mom you too are stupid.

    3. Anonymous11:25 AM

      Beaglemom, you too lack knowledge and are stupid!

  3. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Gryphen, her name is Chely. It's short for Richell.

    Chely wrote her autobiography a few years ago and I recommend it as a good read. Coming out she risked losing everything she had known and loved.

    Like Me: Confessions of a Heartland Country Singer

    1. Anonymous6:43 AM

      Chely Wright

    2. Anonymous11:33 AM

      Chely Wright knew very well when she came out that what the stakes were and it was her choice. I'm lesbian but she's far out on this one and not very bright. She is no authentic genuine intellectual activist but she just opened up a can of worms for herself, I suppose that after we got the right to marry in all 50 states and laws to protect from discrimination she'd be happy and instead of alienating a group of people she needs to stir something up for herself for the attention she no longer gets on the music stage. She is a detriment to the gay and lesbian community for those who come from all walks of life , an utter disgrace her so called activism is. It's embarrassing to real activist that know what the hell they are doing and she does not. Yes I'm not going to be accepted by every one and she also knows this that the rights of others should be respected as well and then throw in the Christian she is supposed to be and I admit I'm not then you have one out confused lesbian who is angry and her object for her deep seated anger I think does not have to do with "straight white Christian Male' after all did she not date Brad Paisley and he is "Straight white Christian Male" who she can't beg for his forgiveness enough on talk shows and her own brother and my own brothers are "Straight white Christian Males"

  4. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Psssst.....hey, Gryph! "19 Kids And Counting" is officially cancelled. Announced this morning.

    1. Anonymous6:43 AM

      Whoo hoo!

    2. Anonymous6:49 AM

      '19 Kids And Counting' Canceled By TLC After Josh Duggar Child Molestation Scandal

    3. Anonymous6:51 AM

      Yeah! Another blow against Christian hypocrisy.
      Hey Sarah -- you gonna make a big fuss? Please do and alienate what's left of your base supporters -- Did you know Al Qaeda in Arabic means base?

  5. Anonymous6:42 AM

    I thought "wow Chely looks gorgeous these days" then I read it was her doppelganger, "chela". "

  6. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Chely Wright's Emotional Coming Out Story

    1. Anonymous11:36 AM

      Chely Wright is an emotional basket case period. She is an attention seeker and wants back the celebrity she no longer has after she got what she wanted a 10 years younger wife and marriage and children. Now she pines for those good ole days after she has lived the gay life style and realizes it's not what it's cracked up to be.

  7. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Chely Wright recently became the first openly gay country music singer when she came out

  8. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Ms. Wright is to be admired for her stance. I wish she would take on Christian women, too. The Palin FB page is suddenly full of religious crap; as if Palin is gearing up for her stint as an evangelist. And the commenters who support her are every bit as loo-loo (or Lou-Lou) as she is.
    I hope Ms. Wright goes on to great success.

    1. Anonymous12:05 PM

      I wonder how long it will take Ms.Palin to get her online preacher certificate and set up a tax-free,non-profit church.

  9. Dr. Funkenstein7:25 AM

    Almost makes me want to buy a country album. Almost. But, I give her comment an 'A+'.

  10. related to while make Christian hypocrisy revealed, this today:

  11. Sorry, should have read the comments before posting the Duggar link.

  12. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Just because you come out as a lesbian doesn't give you some special license as if you are better or smarter than anyone else. Sorry Chely, stick to singing your music. Forcing and bullying people into politically correct language or behaviour is censorship. She can suck my balls.

    1. Anonymous8:12 AM

      She has a right to her opinion. Suck your own balls and pull that stick out of your ass while you're down there.

    2. Anonymous8:30 AM

      8:12 you can suck on my balls too. She absolutely has a right to an opinion. And everyone else does too, including the right to call her out as another moron that grows a bigger head due to some small amount of fame.

    3. If you were truly being censored then we wouldn't have seen your ignorant splutterings here, would we?

    4. "Forcing and bullying people into politically correct language or behaviour is censorship."
      Waah, waah, waah, It boils down to being civil to people. Is that so hard to do.

      People who whine about being "bullied" because they get called out for bullying others are just pathetic.

      And no matter how many times you suggest it, I don't think you'll find to many people taking you up on your suggestion/plea.

    5. Anonymous9:30 AM

      Nefer, please don't think about sucking my balls, you are most definitely not invited to the party.

    6. WTHell!!

      Hmmmm....7:32...8:30 and 9:30 commenter sounds suspiciously like "Our Baldy"!

      Cause everybody know how Baldy loves "sucking balls"! Don't believe me...then ask...

      John McCain

      Rupert Murdoch

      Karl Rove

      Franklin Graham

      Dumkota Myers

      Strangely not on this list...

      The Toad!


      Baldy...ya such a nasty ass bitch! Been a long time for ya huh! LOL!

    7. Cracklin' Charlie12:12 PM

      Seems a little bitter.

    8. Anonymous12:30 PM

      8:30, Damn hard to suck something that isn't there.

    9. Anonymous2:16 PM

      Ok, only Chely is invited to suck my balls, as she is a hot lesbian. The rest of you liberals need to find something else to suck.

    10. Anonymous4:42 PM

      Oh look, the little dickhead pretending he has balls is back. So cute! But I bet you can really hit the high notes.

      What happened? Accident? Illness? Castration? Shot them off, accidentally of course? Failed to drop at birth?

      I forgot, conservative baggers don't have balls. Kinda takes the fun out of teabagging, doesn't it? No wonder you're such an asshole.

  13. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Speaking of white, christian asshole men:

    How Scott Walker's Gay-Bashing Blew Up in His Face

  14. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Good read:

  15. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Holy shit, the prayer warrior social media group has let loose on her feed, defending their poor, poor feelings of being persecuted. Must be nice to sit so high up on the food chain that you can be outraged that your privilege (even if you are poor) is questioned.

  16. Anonymous11:42 AM

    What Ms Wright said is all well and good. So why do Gryph and other commenters frequently refer to Lindsay Graham as a "girl" or "Miss Lindsay"? Is Chely Wright worthy of more attention because she's a hot lesbian? Is Lindsay Graham due more criticism because he's a gop white male who's possibly closeted (gay or straight, it's still only his business). All of you hypocrite shamers may want to take a look in the mirror.

  17. Cracklin' Charlie12:02 PM

    You wouldn't go wrong listening to Chely's music, G.

    She has an amazing voice.
    I think I'll her to my roadtrip playlist right now!

  18. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Well, why doesn't anyone just call for satan, the devil, . Maybe satan can stop this growing wealth divide. It certainly is hell on earth always tryin to do right things without being a christian.

  19. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Well, I'm a white atheist man. So I guess I can say whatever the hell I want.

  20. Anonymous9:45 PM


    Reading all the comments on her facebook rant is hillarious. This naive dumb entitled rich little white girl pretty much got her ass handed to her by all her fans.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.