Sunday, July 12, 2015

Did you know there was a Facebook page called "Republicans for Bernie Sanders?" Well there is!

So the Facebook page can be found here, and it really does sound legit. Believe it or not.

The LA Progressive also has an article about it. Here is a sampling: 

So who are these Republicans who want a very left independent for President? Take Darren Remington, age 49, from Memphis, Tennessee. He is a college graduate and ex-military, registered Republican in 1994 when he left the Air Force, and describes himself this way: 

“I am an Eisenhower Conservative. My personal outlook is most closely aligned with that of three presidents (two Republican, one Democrat): Teddy Roosevelt (“Square Deal”), Truman (“the buck stops here”), and Eisenhower (five balanced budgets out of eight, understood that we must have adequate infrastructure to support a thriving economy).” 

And why is Remington for Bernie Sanders? 

“He’s an independent who has spoken up for veterans’ issues, rebuilding a strong middle class, and re-introducing the “common sense” that Thomas Paine wrote about into our modern government. Bernie Sanders seems to me to be to the 21st Century what Teddy Roosevelt was to the 20th Century.”

Well that's pretty damn complimentary.

There are other Republicans quoted in the article as well, and they also seem very impressed with Bernie.

I think this might be the first time that I seriously considered the possibility that Hillary Clinton might not get the nomination. Again.


  1. Anonymous4:50 AM

    I have thrown my support behind Bernie and both my 23 year old and 35 year old told me they have, too. Waiting to see what the middle kid decides.

  2. Anonymous4:59 AM

    Wow, I can't believe Republicans are for Bernie. That makes me more hopeful for Bernie.

    1. Anonymous5:42 AM

      What if it's mostly Republicans who are coming out to see him?

      What if it's mostly Republicans who are coming out to see him who would be happy to vote for him in the primary but could never vote Democrat in an election?

      If Republicans had any brains or any heart they'd be Democrats.

    2. Anonymous7:12 AM

      Anonymous 5:42, That is my concern. I love Bernie Sanders but I wish he had not run for president. I do believe he is too far left to win a general election. I am pretty left too, but I will be sticking with Hillary

    3. Anonymous12:05 PM

      R's always with a "negative spin" "Not the president we Deserve but the president we need.
      WTF? Why can't they just say we need Bernie and leave it at that? Or "The country needs Bernie"
      Who do they deserve? TrumP Palin? They are so flippin stupid.

  3. Anonymous5:01 AM

    Check out the FB page and click LIKE on everything to keep the momentum going.
    Keep calm and start a revolution!

  4. Anonymous5:10 AM

    maybe it is time to quit labeling bernie as left, or very left, when in fact his positions should truly be considered middle of the road.

    the sooner that people and pundits begin to realize that, the better his chances are to be successful in his bid for the presidency.

    ask yourself what have the republicans done for america lately and how has it benefitted the middle class? rather than the ruling moneyed elite?

    even the democrats, apart from obama-care, seem more closely tied to wall street than main street.

    bernie is a breath of fresh air and deserves all our support.

  5. Anonymous5:14 AM

    That's because they want to pull votes away from Hillary. It's not a new phenomenon. It's like voting in a primary as the opposite of your party affiliation so you try and screw up the candidate who is more favored. Meh...

    1. Anonymous5:50 AM

      5:14 -- Have you seen the site? Go look and then decide.
      It's cynicism like this that is toxic to change.

    2. Anonymous6:39 AM

      "Change"? Really? 5:50 seems to think that President Bernie will succeed where President Obama failed- in making Republicans do anything sensible.

      As if.

      I hope the typical Bernie fan is less aggressive, less insulting, and more in touch with reality than 5.50.

    3. Leland8:34 AM

      6:39, I happen to agree with 5:50. There was nothing aggressive in the statement, nor was there any insult or a lack of presence in the "here and now".

      Actually, they are both right. It IS a typical ploy as 5:14 suggests. And both sides do it. At the same time, 5:50 is correct in saying that unless and until 5:14 actually checks out the site being discussed, he/she can't truly tell.

      As for the change quip, I agree with 5:50. What was stated IS cynical and no, it has nothing to do with Obama. If you think all the change we need is going to happen in the current administration's time, it is you who are not in touch with reality.

      Change has to come over a long period of time and having 2 or more "progressives" (for lack of a better term) in office in a row is necessary to accomplish it.

      Besides, while 5:14's statement was absolutely correct - as far as it goes - 5:50 is also correct in saying the statement is cynical by suggesting that nothing can be done so why try.

    4. Anonymous4:13 AM

      Don't fall for it. Republicans stick together - it's a ploy. Trust me, this ain't my first rodeo or election cycle. Hell, Republicans would vote for Hitler if he bad mouthed Hillary.

  6. Your posting this great FB page has made MY also links dozens of other sites like. If you CLICK LIKE at the top of the page, a drop-down line will show them, i.e., Feminists for Bernie Sanders; Labor for Bernie, Artists for Bernie Sanders, Millennials for Bernie, even Texas for Bernie ... I plan to look at them all and read the comments.

    Eliza Rose Nice, Kelly Siders posted this:

    Bernie is the REAL Deal! #FeelTheBern #Bernie2016 #Idaho4Bernie #TeachersforBernie #Vets4Bernie #SandersWarren2016 #Women4Bernie #Spokane4Bernie #Latinos4Bernie #Seattle4Bernie #Washington4Bernie #PublicEd4BernieSanders -- Add a hashtag YOU like to every Tweet or Facebook post.

    Free and easy way to continue the Berni-mentum and get him elected!

    Commenters are even telling people they must register as a Democrat if they want to vote for him in the Primaries -- these guys are organized!
    Like I said weeks ago, Gryph, Bernie's bid has legs!
    You don't see any FB pages like this for Hillary, but a number of STOP Hillary ones, even a PAC devoted to doing that.
    Keep calm and start a revolution.

  7. A Superfan In Atlanta5:36 AM

    I agree 100%! The big business of politics needs to be shut down. I think Bernie is the man to do it. Commenter SinghX explains beautifully why Donald Trump as the new Sarah Palin is much more dangerous. He could care less about becoming president. It's about having unlimited access and power to destroy other countries including America. See his explanation in response to the following article:

    Trump Gathers in the Haters for Bizarre Speech in Las Vegas
    By: Hrafnkell Haraldsson

    Sat, Jul 11th, 2015 at 5:47 pm

    Thom Hart had an interesting perspective on why Trump is “running”; that he’s actually “running” interference as a “beard” for his and the Koch’s objectives; big business. Thom laid out the fact that the Koch’s invited the top contenders bidding for campaign $$ to a private party showcasing their platforms; Trump was there for “business”, not a run for Pres. Thom’s premise was that the Koch’s/Trump want Scott Walker; he reeks of Nixon dirty tricks and has a proven track record of busting of unions, workers, immigrants rights. Hartman pointed out that Trump never mentions nor criticizes Walker. He publicly goes after the other candidates daily, but is silent on Walker. Hartman speculated that Trumps job is to drive the other candidates out of the race leaving the door open for Walker, last man standing. The Bush’s may have $$, but, the Koch’s want Walker; Jeb’s not dirty enough to run the country the way they want it run.

    Now's the time to vote and educate our family and friends. The thing that has kept the Republican message strong is their lines of communication. American citizens need to develop stronger lines of communication using social media where the messaging is consistent EVERY time a point is made. This disjointed messaging looks as though we do not have a plan and instead are just a bunch of do-nothing complainers.

    I'm looking into develop a communications platform that explains the pros and cons of each candidates points and tell what they really mean, why they want to do it, and how it impacts the normal person just for the 2016 election beginning in Jan 2016.

    Ignorance can no longer be an excuse! <<>>>

    1. @Superfan 536 --The thing that has kept the Republican message strong is their lines of communication...I'm looking into develop a communications platform that explains the pros and cons of each candidates points and tell what they really mean, why they want to do it, and how it impacts the normal person just for the 2016 election beginning in Jan 2016.

      Good point. Great idea.

    2. Anonymous9:29 AM

      Perhaps SinghX is unaware that Jeb's sister is married to a Koch.

  8. Anonymous5:37 AM

    I don't know why everyone assumed that those huge crowds were all Democratic voters. I never did.

    Bernie is an anomaly and his crowds are anomalous. The electoral system is unchanging and inflexible. There's the rub.

    1. Leland6:34 AM

      "The electoral system is unchanging and inflexible."

      WRONG! The repubes are doing it every day by changing the rules and the precincts and the machines and everything else pertaining to our election system.

      It SHOULD be the way you state, but as long as the repubes play dirty, it won't be.

      Oh and one more point. President Obama was an anomaly, too.

    2. Anonymous1:37 PM

      A Democratic US Senator running for the Democratic nomination for president is an 'anomaly', Leland? Seems to me it happens every cycle. Several times.

      Oh, you MUST mean a BLACK man running for president is an anomaly. Racist troll.

      You understand the implications of a non-Democrat running for the Democratic nomination at all, you just have a big racist mouth, don't you?

    3. Leland3:32 PM

      @ 1:37

      With all due respect, filth mouth, he was considered by a huge portion of the electorate to be an anomaly! His chances were considered to be close to the bottom and he STILL won.

      There are more meanings to a word than the ones you seem to grasp from your limited education. He was an anomaly because he was only in the Federal government for 2 years. He was an anomaly because most people - at the beginning of his run - felt he had NO chance to win, yet he did. He was an anomaly because he came out of nowhere and WON.

      He was a STATISTICAL anomaly fool!

      It is quite obvious you only visit once in a while here and only comment when you feel there is a chance to insult someone. I pity you.

  9. Anonymous6:38 AM

    I was hesitant before, but now I realllly want to read Harper Lee's newest publication. It's interesting that she'd mirror her father's change of heart even against chronology in books.

    1. Anonymous6:37 PM

      OMG! Fer Sure! I can't wait to read it as well, Who knew Atticus Finch was a racist? What an awesome twist on an Iconic character in a novel written by a brilliant author! I had to buy an over the counter sleep aid, I'm THAT psyched!!!!! This is the best thing since Victoria Gotti dyed her hair blonde, got a manicure, pedicure, facial, rhinoplasty, hysterectomy and Brazilian wax on the same day!!!

      Is Harper Lee Democratic Candidate for President Bernie Sander's spokesperson or affiliated in any way with the candidates running for President? Or did I miss something?

  10. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Gryphen, I'd love to read your thoughts on this article.

    1. Anita Winecooler6:46 PM

      Thanks, you beat me to posting it. I read it this morning and it just doesn't sit right with me. He's painting with an awful wide brush using that terminology, reading this blog post made me realize WHY Republicans like him.
      I know it's one issue, and I do like Bernie a lot, but it's one issue I care about deeply, and I'm amazed he took that stance.
      Thanks Again, and I hope it gets the attention it deserves.

  11. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Oh, TBO, are you really this stupid?
    Facepalm. What kind of complete idiot does not understand the difference? Answer: The Palin kind.

    TBo • a few seconds ago

    Think About It – Laugh for the Day

    The federal government, which has “Tomahawk” cruise missiles and “Apache,” “Blackhawk,” “Kiowa” and “Lakota” helicopters – and used the code name “Geronimo” in the attack that killed Osama bin Laden, officially objects to the name of the Washington “Redskins”.


    1. Anonymous10:21 AM

      Hey TBO, ever find out who is going to be on the $10 bill or did Sarah really forget to broadcast her contest results, I mean her "big announcement".

  12. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Bernie Sanders is real, a real person with real solutions to our very real problems. Hillary is a brand. Wind her up put her on stage and she deliverers a well-poliished spiel, but we never really get to see the "real" Hillary behind the mask of corporate indebtedness, we never get to hear what Hillary herself thinks about anything. She only says what she's told to (or paid to). Hillary wants to be POTUS so badly she can taste it, it's the one missing feather in her cap of egotistical achievements.

    Bernie, on the other hand, would gladly serve as POTUS because he knows that there is much work to do, and he would get it done without the fanfare.

    I think that a lot of Americans, on both sides of the aisle, are sick and tired of the narcissistic and ego-driven sideshow that politics has become. The cult of personality that has become modern politics turns people off. Most of us just want to elect someone who knows what needs fixin' and will get to work fixing it.

  13. Anonymous9:55 AM

    "Most of us just want to elect someone who knows what needs fixin' and will get to work fixing it."

    Name the last "real person" who was elected. That doesn't happen and it won't happen this time. That's the unfortunate truth. The place for real people is Congress, to fix things. We need a majority of democratic real people in both houses. Chasing the fantasy of electing Bernie Sanders will give us another right wing radical republican being sworn in on 1/20/17. No thanks.

    1. Anonymous10:20 AM

      Jimmy Carter. He wasn't a sock puppet.

  14. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Go to take the quiz then report back your results. Thanks to Tom Hartman.

    1. Anonymous10:19 AM

      82% Bernie, 77% Hillary, 61% Rand Paul, 60% Rick Santorum, 54% Donald Trump, 53% Ted Cruz, 36% Ben Carson, 31% Scott Walker, 21% Carly Fiorina.

      Well, that was interesting, thanks for the link. I scored pretty much exactly as I thought I would.

    2. Aunt Ethel12:18 PM

      94% Bernie
      86% Hillary
      80% O'Malley
      51% Christie
      51% Bush
      41% Huckabee
      33% Graham
      31% Trump
      30% Rubio
      24% Santorum
      20% Walker
      18% Paul
      18% Carson
      15% Perry
      15% Fiorina
      15% Cruz

    3. 97% Bernie
      85% Clinton
      71% O'Malley
      41% Christie on environmental
      27% Trump on healthcare
      21% Paul on immigration
      16% Walker
      13% Carson
      11% Fiorina
      7% Cruz

      I find it interesting Bush, Perry, Huckabee, Graham, Santorum and Rubio didn't even make the list.

  15. For so long,the pundits had narrowed it down to Jeb and Hillary and everyone got on that train and thought it was the way it had to be. I called bullshit then and I call bullshit now. Let the people decide. I am waiting for Hillary to speak to me, give me a reason to vote for her other than she is a woman and I really think it's time. But she hasn't and quite frankly, she is putting me off with her whole listening tour. She doesn't think she needs to put her platform out there? She would be 10 times better than any of the clowns on the right, that's pretty much a given. But Bernie has been working tirelessly his whole life to make this a better world and can work in the system very well.

  16. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Bernie Sanders fans are beginning to sound like Ron Paul fans.

    1. Anonymous2:06 PM

      How so 1:40?

    2. Leland3:33 PM

      Yeah, 1:40. Can you explain that?

  17. Bernie is an excellent choice for Eisenhower Republicans.

    They can't support anything the GOP is currently pushing and they can't vote for Hillary.

    Bernie is probably the closest thing to a candidate they can support rather than a lesser of two evils protest vote. .

  18. Anita Winecooler7:03 PM

    Politics is like watching sausage being made. It ain't pretty, I'm glad We have two good candidates to choose from. I know people who refuse to vote for Hillary because she was a member of the Republican Party when in College. and the whole "Dynasty" myth. Having read Bernie's stance on guns and gun control (see link above at Anonymous 7:58 q.m) is a real let down to me.
    That being said, I'd love to see both candidates debate issues with each other and the same on the GOP side. Then have both party's picks debate issues toe to toe.
    No one on the GOP side has the experience and skill that the Democrats have to offer. They can't figure out how to handle Trump and they can't possibly figure out how to lead the country.

  19. physicsmom7:32 PM

    Thanks 9:57 for the link to the quiz. It found that I agree with:
    Bernie 97%
    Hillary 84%
    O'Malley 76%
    Christie 57%
    Trump 27% Eek! By some convoluted concurrence on health care, we shared a bond. There were no major issues I agreed on with any of the rest of the clown car. (Two are two too many!)

    I'll check out the Repub for Bernie website. It really does make some sense for classic Republicans to have an affinity with Bernie.


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