Sunday, July 12, 2015

Donald Trump pours gasoline on racial hatred of Mexicans in Arizona, claims “I’m, like, a really smart person.”

Courtesy of Politico:  

After refusing to back off during weeks of fierce backlash for his comments about the alleged criminality of undocumented Mexican immigrants, Trump met on Friday in Beverly Hills with the families of people killed by such immigrants. A day later, he came to Arizona and said, “We have to stop illegal immigration. We have to. We have to,” to the cheers of 4,000 supporters. 

“I love the Mexican people … I respect Mexico … but the problem we have is that their leaders are much sharper, smarter and more cunning than our leaders, and they’re killing us at the border,” said Trump, in front of a giant American flag at the Saturday afternoon rally at the Phoenix convention center. He added, “They’re taking our jobs. They’re taking our manufacturing jobs. They’re taking our money. They’re killing us.” 

At one point, Trump brought a man named Jamiel Shaw up to the podium to talk about his late son, explaining, “an illegal immigrant shot him violently.” Trump also said that he supports legal immigrants. 

“They flow in like water, and I love legal immigration. I love it,” he said. “We should make it easier, and faster.” 

He compared himself favorably to other moguls like Martha Stewart and Richard Branson, mocked the brands that cut ties with him, and called out “lyin’ Brian Williams” and much of the rest of the news media. 

He assured his supporters, “I’m, like, a really smart person.” 

At one point Trump claimed that his crowd of around 4,000 blew away Bernie Sanders, who attracted a crowd of 7,500 in Portland, Maine. So I guess Trump isn't very good at math either.

I watched some of this spectacle yesterday on TV, and I think I did so with my mouth hanging open in shock at just how ignorant and arrogant this bloated asshole was showing himself to be.

He openly pandered to those people who are inherently afraid of Mexican immigrants, both legal and illegal, and made ridiculous statements such as accusing the protesters across the street of being sent by the Mexican government, and that if he was President he would  take out ISIS:

“They will be in such trouble . . . ISIS, believe me, I would take them out so fast. You have to do it.”

Yeah right. I assume he would do this just like he would build that wall separating the United States from Mexico, and have the Mexican government pay for it.

After it was over I had to wonder what Trump was really trying to do?

Was he trying to start a race war with the Mexican people? Get himself a conservative talk radio program? Or perhaps simply destroy the Republican party's chances of EVER winning a national election again?

Beats the hell out of me. But what I do know is that his campaign is helping to illustrate in no uncertain terms that the base of the Republican party, whether they want to admit it or not, is made up the most vile racists in the country.

And THAT presents a very serious problem for the Republicans moving forward.


  1. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Well, he is right. He is like a really smart person, in that a really smart person breathes, and Trump breathes. A really smart person is made of flesh and bone and Trump is made of flesh and bone. A really smart person has a heart, and Trump is made of flesh and bone.

  2. Anonymous12:13 PM

    In Trump's mind there are no consequences. He thinks whatever he says at any given moment exists in a bubble. He's free to contradict himself or spew hate because only what he is saying at the moment matters to him.

    Must be hell to married to this jerk.

    1. Anonymous12:52 PM

      Three women have had the honor.
      The second one was served with divorce papers the week before their tenth anniversary -- when the pre-nup they'd signed would have gone into effect. She thus ended up with a Trump child and much less money than she would have been entitled to.
      This is an example of how smart Donald Trump is.
      The mean kind of smart, that plays off other people's weaknesses. He's gotten to where he is by stepping on a lot of other people -- who will end up talking if he really becomes a candidate.

    2. Anonymous1:48 PM

      To: Anonymous12:52 PM

      Marla Maples was his second wife, and they were only married for 5 years, NOT 10 years He served her divorce papers right before their 5th anniversary.

    3. Anonymous2:26 PM

      Sorry, I was five years off.
      The point is the same: he got rid of her just before the pre-nup would go into effect, beggaring her and saving himself a lot of money. And they had a daughter together. Family values.

    4. Anonymous6:03 PM

      What's really funny is his first wife, Ivana,has a first marriage that was solely for the purpose of of immigration: In 1976 she divorced Alfred Winklmayr, an Austrian skier whom she had married in 1971 in order to obtain a foreign passport so that Communist leaders would not deem her a defector.

      She did not becoem a US citizen until after she married and had kids with Trump - so doesn't tha tmake her one of those "sneakly illegals" and his kids anchor babies?

    5. Anonymous8:15 PM

      There is not enough money in the world to make it worth marrying that arrogant ass.

    6. Anonymous1:30 AM

      Yes a living hell. He is beyond disgusting and .ignorant. Gross with inherited money. no amount of money is worth looking at that pussy. The women in his life are on a permanent vacation away from him. A classic toxic pos. flush.

    7. Anonymous3:52 AM

      Marla Maples was cheating on him, but who could blame her? He likely calls out his OWN name during sex. Pompous arse is repulsive in EVERY way. Like Limbaugh, he BUYS his wives. The latest one looks like a blow up doll. More plastic than Kim K. Is there a special listing on the internet where he finds these foreign wives, I wonder? He claims to be "like, really smart" but most women find him "like, really repulsive" Imagine HIM trying to negotiate with foreign leaders? He would treat them just like he treats his foreign wives. Sit down and shut up.

  3. Anonymous12:16 PM

    How bout he has a rally where he brings up family members of people killed by right wing terrorists, like the families of the two officers killed in Las Vegas. Or the family of the State Trooper killed in PA. Or the survivors of the shooting at the Sikh temple. I could go on but I have things to do, and thete are too many examples.

    1. Anonymous2:05 PM

      How about he just drop off and out. America does not need more toxic waste nor a waste of time and money.

    2. Anonymous4:40 PM

      But I don't want him to drop out! Whether they like it or not, he is the face of the GOP. He says what the rest of them really think, but are too cowardly to admit.

      Lindsey Graham is right. They deserve to lose--and with Trump continuing to spout off, it's a virtual guarantee.

  4. Anonymous12:18 PM

    I'm thinking that we should support Trump so that he runs as an independent and splits the vote. Or, runs as the nominee and loses. You don't have to vote for him.

    1. Anonymous1:50 PM

      I agree with you. I am begging the GOP to nominate him.

    2. Anonymous2:03 PM

      Im thinking I do not want that asshole anywhere around the Independent group. It is already screwed with rift raft from both parties. Independent is the party of Bernie 2016 and is only for the people president. No room for rich takers.

    3. Anonymous6:04 PM

      No, Bernie isn't running as an independent. Said he wouldn't.

  5. Anonymous12:25 PM

    I just don't get who the people are that are actually supporting him (not people he pays to come to rallies or those supporting him ironically).

    If people want racism and unfettered capitalism without any care for the "little people," they can take their pick from the other GOP candidates.

    1. Anonymous1:07 PM

      They are known as the "I got mine fuck you" GoOPers. They are older, white, on Social Security, on Medicare/medicaid, and are frightened bigots who see any change in their own supposed powerful place on top of the heap as dangerous., Trump speaks to the worst of their fears and ramps them up 1000%. They LOVE his 'straight talk" which is right out of GWB's trick bag. He is not a Washington elite and he can speak their language of hate like a master.

    2. Anonymous1:59 PM

      it is the sheriff joe people from sun city usa. or macnut holes from Scottsdale that owe mcnut and stuffs. Very old angry white folk that will not be alive to see the dismay caused by their vote with their racist angry hearts of shellfish greed.. But? guess who will be wiping the ass for them soon? and who will forgive them for their hateful remaining years.

  6. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Trump supporters at the pond insists there was over 20,000 attendees. Funny since the venue can hold only 5000.

    1. Anonymous1:12 PM

      Remember their lack of math skills-- Palin got "millions" at her venues, too. I hope there are no accountants over there.


    2. Anonymous1:53 PM

      The 20,000 was protesting the dump on the outside of the building. He had 499 actual paid morons show up only for the free food

    3. Anonymous2:36 PM

      Actually it can only hold 4200.

  7. Anonymous12:29 PM

    The GOP lost their moral authority to govern when they accepted the nomination of a dangerously stupid sociopath for vice president in 2008. The GOP is currently losing their ability to function as party by letting Trump set the agenda.

    It seems the GOP is hoping the campaign trail will eliminate Trump, but the damage he is doing now may be irrecoverable. Interviewers will pose questions like "you said nothing when Trump labelled immigrants as rapists, do you still agree with that position?". Nice little sticky mess to be in going down to the wire in November 2016. Thanks, Trump.

    1. Anonymous1:51 PM

      They actually lost it long before that. But for giggles at least the last 10yrs and that dum broad from Alaska. Whew that hooer needs police tape wrap around her house. And to think? VP of US.....omg......enter at your own risk.

    2. Anonymous4:03 AM

      Unfortunately, the media will NOT question any of the nominees for the WH about T rump.They do not ask any meaningful questions of the gop. When the President is on TV, the questions, and interruptions come fast and furious. Thhe Sunday morning "bash our President" shows are worthless. Just ass kissers for the worst slate of candidates EVER to run for the WH in many, many years if EVER. People overseas are still astounded that W was president, now comes this clown car of dumb, money grubbing losers. Jeb! is as stupid as his brother. The Bush family has a very shallow gene pool. The name has carried them very far, but WHY?

  8. Anonymous12:33 PM

    1) Anyone who has to tell you how smart he is, isn't.

    2) If Trump knows how to defeat ISIS, it's his patriotic duty to tell the President, work with the President, right this minute to do so. Telling ISIS, and us, that he'd wait until January, 2017 to begin his brilliant plan means that he really doesn't care about stopping ISIS -- he just wants to brag that he would if he could.

    3) His hair looks like what's left over after I've brushed my corgi.

    1. Anonymous1:49 PM

      Remember that John McCain knew where to find Osama bin Laden in 2008 but kept it a great big secret. Republican presidential candidates are like three years olds; full of "nyah, nyah, nyah I'm smarter than you are" nonsense when they're really dumber than doorknobs.

    2. Anonymous5:22 PM

      Trump your cat photos all over Twitter

    3. Anonymous8:21 PM

      He reminds me of the custodian at the school where I used to work. He told me once that some people think he's an a$$hole, but he's really not.

      1. If people are telling you that you are an a$$hole...


      2. You have to specifically say that you're not...

      Sorry to burst your bubble but you ARE!

  9. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Donald Trump is up the same alley as Sarah Palin with the extreme arrogance and necessity to brag to audiences. The man has absolutely not a humble bone in his body. He is a shuckster, and his incessant need to boast and stroke his ego will get tiring after a while. The man knows how to self-promote and his forte is self-absorbed selling of himself. He would turn the U.S. into a joke. The world would laugh and is laughing at the GOP, who are too afraid to call him out. They are afraid to insult Donald Trump's sensitivities of captalistic greed, because they know that when he pulls out, they'll need his generous endorsements.

    1. Anonymous1:48 PM

      It is a mental problem that he has. The person is a complete narcissist asshole on steroids. If that sob has the big ass knowledge to fix the f ing world than why has he not bought it yet? He talks big shit. Just wonder? And he best hope that his enemies are not listening.

    2. Democratic dream ticket:

      Donald Trump and Sarah Palin on the Republican ticket.

    3. Anonymous2:44 PM

      Especially the ones he owes money to!

    4. Anonymous4:08 AM

      2:44 Yes, the little guys, small contractors who were left holding the bag when he filed for bankruptcy. What is it 4 times now? I would BET he is not as rich as he claims. He is a huckster, but his spiel is getting really old. His ego will be the downfall of this ugly, racist, con artist.

  10. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Trump has yet to prove that he is not the product of a human/simian sexual liason.

    1. Anonymous1:16 PM

      Even more reason to demand his birth certificate.


    2. Anonymous1:42 PM

      His children resemble humans.

    3. Anonymous2:11 PM

      his wives may have used a substitute lover to create babies with.

    4. He does have that orangutan coloring.

    5. fromthediagonal3:51 PM

      OK Kids... Please do not insult innocent simians, especially Orangutans! They told me they had absofuckinglutely nothing to do with bringing the TrumpDump into this world! (Apologies to dumps).

  11. Anonymous12:55 PM

    God, but the guy is awful to watch when he speaks! His mouth is weird....cannot imagine even kissing such a vile human being! His poor 'current' wife and kids! They must want to hide! Come to think of it, we aren't seeing any of them with him on his 'campaign' trail!

    Trump has brought irrevocable harm to himself and the Republican party. They'll not have a POTUS in the White House for eons.

    And, you know they have lost the Mexican vote! (Trump would get even less of their votes than did Romney and Bush!)

    I have a couple of Mexican friends that are now Americans and they say there is no way they'd cast their vote for Donald Trump, or any other Republican, that could be in any of the races in our state or towns!

    1. Anonymous1:41 PM

      Even Romney was not as toxic.

    2. Anonymous3:04 PM

      This is exactly what Romney and the old money group are hoping people will see or think. When the clown car runs out of gas or over the final cliff, the Mittster will jump out of a pile of leaves to save the GOP! He's been quietly making the rounds on small interview venues trying to look like a 'normal' guy. Good we know, he's not.

    3. Anonymous3:15 PM

      well said 12:55, especially about the family. I don't fancy wife Melenia is long on brains. He is so completely gross physically and mentally, that she has to be in it totally for the money.

    4. Anonymous4:27 PM

      I have one former friend whose father was a legal immigrant from Mexico and she's 100% RW fundamentalist wingnut and hates undocumented Mexicans. She dropped me as a friend because she didn't like my politics. I was one of the few friends she has had, and only because I felt sorry for her being so unintelligent and so unpopular. I'm certain she would vote for Donald Trump for president. So would the vile racist she's married to.

    5. Anonymous6:07 PM

      His "wife" like many trophy wives is really nothing mroe than a well paid escort and prostitute.

    6. Anne Romney was every bit as toxic.

  12. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Retrumplican Party

  13. angela1:25 PM

    I have to say Trump's Arizona foray reminds me of the early days of Palin during the McCain campaign----only more so. Ya know, if Palin had gotten some of Todd's AIP buddies to get rid of John and all bets were off and she was TRULY running as POTUS.

  14. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Off topic.

    Today is Jim Bob Duggar's 50th birthday. Did Sarah remember to wish him a happy big 50? She's slipping if she forgot, there's a few of them Duggars and Duggar cousins might be interested in marrying Bristol! She'd fit right in with them.

    I'm hoping old Jim Boob and his wife spend his 51st birthday entangled in legal proceedings concerning certain alleged abuses perpetrated by his son and only gawd knows who else.

    1. Anonymous1:56 PM

      It's not till the 18th.

    2. Anonymous2:27 PM

      The Duggars would never ok one of their precious sons to marry a soiled woman like Bristol Palin.

    3. Anonymous2:57 PM

      Whoops! July 18 it is!

      The potential husbands for Bristol have another week to court her and her matchmaking GINO before their Daddy is eligible to join AARP!

    4. Today was the Miss USA pageant and no one cared. Especially Trump since he didn't bother to show up, citing a conflict. Campaign obligation or something he couldn't get out of.


      Some blonde bimbo from a southern state won.

      Who cares?

    5. Anonymous4:13 AM

      The Duggers are not allowed to kiss while courting. Maybe Bristles should have tried THAT. Maybe she would be married by now. Obviously, her method of jumping into bed before she even knows their names, is not working. Guess she must not be good at THAT, either!!

  15. Anonymous1:39 PM

    trump. The ultimate dick head loser. The :taker" and inheritance slob is one pathetic pos. Guaranteed the majority of Arizona does not feel like that sad group of desperate zombies paid to attend that event. This is an embarrassment to Arizona. And this inflammatory type of people have no home in az. Don't believe what the Donald is selling and buying. He will be strickly entertainment as you know who.

  16. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Trump hasn't filed the required financial statements that every Presidential candidate must turn in so he isn't ever running yet.
    In other news, just three more days until Sarah's FEC report is due and we get to see her "postage" pay outs.

    1. Anonymous2:27 PM

      That will be his out -- he missed the deadline... but of course it will not be his fault.

    2. Anonymous2:40 PM

      Yes, he has. Why do people keep saying he hasn't?

      The Federal Election Commission has received Donald Trump's Statement of Candidacy, meaning he has officially entered the presidential race. Amid speculation that Trump's candidacy was solely a publicity stunt, his form was hand delivered to the FEC.

    3. Anonymous3:01 PM

      @2:40, What people are talking about is not the Statement of Candidacy but rather his financial info, you know, how much money he has! He said in this speech yesterday that he would release that information this week by Wed. or Thurs. We'll see if he does. Should be interesting if he does because I'm almost sure he doesn't have the money he says he has.

    4. Anonymous3:23 PM

      @ 2:40 statement of Candidacy is not the same as the required financial disclosure papers that have not been turned in. He will not be allowed to participate in any debates until he submits them under the RNC new debate laws. FEC will grant two extensions though.

    5. Anonymous4:19 AM

      People who have to keep telling you how rich they are AREN'T! Ever hear Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and other multi millionaires brag about how rich they are? They do not have to. Their philanthropic donations speak for them, and are mostly kept quiet. Nothing about T rump is kept quiet, he is a bloviating arse. I wonder how much he is paying his blow up doll wife to stay with hm until the election is over? Imagine THAT couple in the WH?

  17. Anonymous2:10 PM

    The undocumented people shoot others violently, whereas Americans shoot people tenderly with love. Dead is dead. Oh yeah, why hasn't Trump say anything about who is doing the raping since Bill Cosby allegations? Or is it because the undocumented rape violently, but Americans rape softly?

  18. Anonymous2:31 PM

    John Boehner was given a chance to be a leader and condemn the racism of Donald Trump, and he weaseled out of the question with a total wet noodle of an answer. Republicans have been afraid to state the obvious. Donald Trump is pandering to racists, and he is wrong. John Boehner said that he disagreed with racism, but that is not the same as taking a stand and opposing Trump and his beliefs.

    Speaker Boehner wouldn’t take a stand because many Republicans agree with Trump. The message being sent is that opposing racism is bad politics in the Republican Party. Boehner was spineless and cowardly, but his answer was what the nation has come to expect from the man who might be the worst Speaker of the House in the history of the United States of America.

    1. Anonymous3:58 PM

      Neither Boner or any of the so-called republican leaders spoke out about the bigotry against Pres Obama. Most of them instigated, promoted and led the hatred and disrespect shown to the president.

    2. Anonymous4:25 AM

      Sammy, so very true. President Obama is a vetter man that all the gop contenders rolled up together. Wish he could run for a third term. After the years of pure HELL the gop has put him and his family through, I imagine they all need a good rest, far away from the vile sob's in DC. The clown car is filling up fast. Not a single person in it is to be admired. All are riff raff, with money who want more. Jeb! is expecting to be the nominee, since his last name is unmentionable. What a legacy to be proud of! Dumbya Bush will never be as respected as President Obama, or any other Democratic president. He is the joke of the century. Unfortunately, we are still suffering from his reign.

  19. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Maybe I'm being a bit too Machiavellian here, but I think this is all a setup. Trump (who has no serious chance of winning) sets himself up as the sacrificial whipping boy for the other candidates in the debate who condemn his bigotry (even though they share it) so they all look a lot better to Hispanic voters. Never accept anything a Republican says at face value.

    1. fromthediagonal4:20 PM

      Point well taken! If he were to be paid enough, he would say anything to advance his fortunes (such as they may be). Could he be in serious financial trouble and follow orders from his creditors? Would not surprise me in the least. He is a con-man from Hell!

    2. A Superfan In Atlanta6:09 PM

      I'm with you. I posted an opinion a few days back stating this very same thing. I think the financiers of the Republican Party have paid Trump (i.e., absorbed all his debt/guaranteed financial gains after election) to make an ass of himself. If he does this now, it will 1) help thin out the "Republican clown car" and 2) make way for Jeb! to win so they can get another idiot president to look the other way while they do their bidding.

    3. Anonymous8:37 PM

      I might agree with your speculation, except that the rest of the GOP leaders are too silent about Trump's racist comments. By not immediately and publicly contradicting him, they are implying some level of agreement with what he's saying. By the time they get to the debates, months away from now, it will be far too late to condemn his remarks.

      If this were all a big conspiracy to make the other candidates look reasonable by comparison, those other candidates would be on every news program and newspaper front page, proclaiming their respect for our southern neighbor and the many important contributions the Mexican people have made to our country over the years.

      Their silence speaks volumes.

    4. Anonymous11:25 PM

      The Republican Party is guiding the clown car candidates for POTUS how to/not to respond to Trump.

      'This too shall pass' is their take on the situation! They feel the actual election is so far off that this Trump mess will be forgotten!

      Racist is what they/their party and Trump are and we will never forget that!!!

    5. abbafan5:30 AM

      Anon @ 2:52 P.M. - I am in total agreement with your statement! I firmly believe that the GOP know that they have no hope in hell in placing a viable candidate in the White House next year! Their reputation went to shit during the Dubya and crooked Cheney administration. I think that they will deliberately throw the next two or three elections, so that someone else will restore the balance, and then they will make their move. President Eisenhower and Senator Goldwater must be rolling over in their graves now, after seeing what a mess the GOP has become. Those two men foreseen this demagoguery many, many years ago!

  20. Anonymous4:20 PM

    What's really odd is that Trump's behavior isn't making big headlines internationally.

    He and his hair and his wife-of-the-day were left behind in the 80s.

    1. Anonymous5:23 PM

      Not to mention "let's do pizza with your lovely family" tweet. Oh BELK, Donald. You are judged by the company you keep, or was it appeasing an airhead? likewise, SNL 40 will never elect either of you, m'kay? Are we clear on this?

  21. If you substitute Mexicans for Jews, you would think you were back in Nazi Germany before W W 2.
    This is unacceptable and the GOp needs to denounce Trump/Hitler ASAP

  22. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Who has photos of the Trump your cat? People are taking photos of their cat with a Trump toupee.

    1. Anonymous5:42 PM

      This cat lover thanks you for the link. Very cute and funny.

  23. slipstream5:47 PM

    Here's David Letterman with a brand new Top Ten "Facts about Trump":

  24. Anonymous6:23 PM

    What's the difference between Sarah Palin and Donald Trump?
    Lipstick .... and money.

  25. Anonymous6:52 PM

    They took our jobs! (thanks Southpark ;-)

  26. Anonymous7:36 PM

    ISIS, believe me, I would take them out so fast.

    Sure you would, Donald.

  27. Anita Winecooler8:39 PM

    "an illegal immigrant shot him violently.” what does that mean? Do legal immigrants shoot non violently?" I heard of "Killing me softly with his song" but it's a metaphor.

    How dare he compare himself with Bransen and Stewart. Both have paid it forward with no need to toot their own horns, they're into philanthropic work and Charities.
    Martha built a center affiliated with Mt Sainai Hospital to honor her mother's memory and the care she was given. It's a one stop shopping model of health care for elderly. They're picked up, taken to see all their specialists, have tests done, scripts filled, and taken home. They;re given light housekeeping and cooked meals along with certified and bonded nurses. It's an amazing thing to behold. If they don't have insurance, it's on a sliding scale or done pro bono. They also counsel families on elder care issues.

    Donald is even more entertaining than Sarah, herself. Yeah, I said it. And did I mention he's rich? I'm so glad the Democrats worked their magic and had him run for office. He's the gift that keeps on giving the Democrats a reason to get out the vote.

    What's the upshot of this? The GOP's plan to reach out to minority and females and bring them into the new, improved, GOP party of inclusion, and what better spokesperson to give them? Donald Trump. Yes, the ex husband of the epitome of class and style, Ivana Trump (who visited Alaska and had Sarah drool on her shoes to prove it) The same Donald who gave a private audience with Sarah in a Pizza Joint Window in New York.
    He's going to be on that stage doing what he does best, divide the party, knock off Carly Fiorina, the "token female" candidate. The Teabilly's curse lives!!!!

    OT, They're bringing back "Twin Peaks" to the airwaves!!!

    1. Anonymous4:32 AM

      "Twin Peaks"? Are you sure that was not Mrs. Trump? Her fake boobs are always hanging out of her dress. Donald must think other guys are jealous that he has that plastic blow up woman beside him. She looks bored stiff.

    2. Anita Winecooler6:11 PM

      LOL! So true, what a shame Donald had to go the "mail order bride" route, more than once. And he ends up with this flooz whose face is so tight, her lips don't meet when she speaks.
      I saw her speak ONCE on a HGTV "tour" of their "baroque gold plated bullshit "home", as she was interviewed, she called up to her son "Hallow baaawwan (his name is "Baron") "Come down to say the hallow to the Peeples" (waving her hand, for emphasis, and to bring attention to her "silicone sisters" The kid bounced down gold encrusted overly ornate stairs and said "Hi" then asked her if his presence was necessary and she said "Nooo, I wanted you to just to say the hallow to the peeples, now go to play again",
      It's not just the "Accent", it's the affect and inflection. I almost pitied her because she overdid plastic surgery and/or botox to the point it looks like a mask.

    3. Anonymous6:58 PM

      Poor kid looks like his dad. Ick.

  28. Anonymous9:19 PM

    So, why are all thee Trump the Chump ads running on this site?

  29. “I’m, like, a really smart person.”

    Well, clearly, I mean, like, halloo?

  30. Anonymous4:13 AM

  31. Anonymous7:04 AM

    T rump is "like, a really smart person" the same way I am "like, a really RICH person" In my dreams, and his also, too.

  32. Chenagrrl7:35 AM

    I have a family of "really smart persons" and one of the things we practice is not bragging about it, but using it in service to our fellow man. So if Donald is "like a really smart person" it is only skin deep, and like a really smart person, but not a really smart person.

  33. Anonymous11:48 PM

    only reason conservatives are supporting trump other than racism is cause they think he is being 'persecuted' by the mainstream media which is wrong cause have you seen fox news put him on blast nah me neither


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