Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Guess who got her "job" back.

Courtesy of Bristol Pikore account: 

Celebrated six years working for the best people I know 🙌 .. This place is my home ❤️❤️ (I actually have a job 🙊 #shocker)

Do you know what's really a shocker?

The fact that this girl can walk away from this job to work on reality shows, dance around in a monkey suit on TV, promote ghostwritten books, and impulsively run off to get married, and still have it waiting for her to crawl back to when those things don't pan out for her.

I am not sure what kind of deal Bristol's mother made with her "employer" but it is fairly obvious that most people would have been out on their asses years ago.

Oh and guess who is beyond thrilled to have her bestie back?

Anybody want to start laying down bets now as to how long it will be before Bristol bails on this job again to go chase a TV gig or lasso herself a feller?


  1. Anonymous8:35 AM

    What feller in his right mind would want her, 2 broken engagements, 2 kids by 2 different men, can you say RUN MEN RUN away!

    1. Anonymous8:55 AM

      2 kids? How about 4?

    2. Anonymous9:06 AM

      3 engagements, also too.

    3. Anonymous10:19 AM

      Many one night stands in CA, Arizona and Alaska. She may be a walking STI. Lazy also, too.

    4. Anonymous10:38 AM

      Wingnut Welfare! It's a thing!

    5. Anonymous10:53 AM

      Is there a delivery room in the back of that "office"? Does the Dr. deliver Bristles's babies?

    6. Anonymous10:54 AM

      Just another 6 years she could be a grandmother!!!

    7. Anonymous11:23 AM

      @10:54, yes she can be and most likely will be! Bristol a grandma at age 30? Bwahahaha.

    8. Anonymous12:18 PM

      By last count this is #4?? Dear brizzles,I will believe you have a job when you list on your custody info that you Are employed and have filed taxes to prove it. Until then....BULLSHIT!

    9. Anonymous3:02 PM

      Bristol Palin's soft porn pal disses ex-fiance MOH winner on Facebook.

      Okay, okay let's talk

    10. Anonymous3:23 PM

      Wonder if Dr. Feelgood will still supply her with adderal now that she is "with child"?

  2. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Any TV producer who would give ANY of these grifters a show needs their head examined - BOTH of them!! All the chances they have had, and not a single one was successful. Too bad Bristles could not find a "boss" on TV who would give her a job the way this "doctor" does. I would not patronize this establishment on a bet. Something is sleazy about it, what with the PayMe clan, plus Marina the exotic model. This must be another old photo, she surely is bigger than that by now in the pregnancy?

  3. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Is that the jacket she wore to the brawl, that she claims to have been "dragged through the mud" in?

    1. Anonymous11:43 AM

      I do believe it is the same jacket. She's such an idiot doing the the wear-a-coat-in-door-pregnancy look. Can't the Palin's come up with something new?

      Someone asked her in the comments about wearing a coat and she said she was "Freezing!!!" Now we women know that's bullshit. What pregnant woman is cold in the summer? Just like her mother, she's a bad liar.

      Bristol doesn't appear to be gaining weight like she did during DWTS. Where's the pregnant puffy face Bristol? Is she taking Adderal to keep the weight off? I hope not. If this is a recent picture she appears to be about 4-5 months pregnant.

    2. Anonymous12:28 PM

      11:43: correct. When pregnant, a woman's blood volume i creases, and thus she feels warmer than usual. I remember being always VERY lightly dressed when I was pregnant.
      Also, too, right now, Alaska is not really that cold - quite contrary actually - especially for Alaska conditions!

    3. Anonymous3:25 PM

      She's not pregnant...she's bullshitting to get dakota back, or to get symphathy for being dumped.

  4. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Please Instagram folks go comment on her Instagram and ask her how she's had a job for six years but claimed zero income for the last two years in her custody battle with Levi!

    1. As commenters and Gryphen have pointed out many times, the "zero income" entry is the correct response on that child support form, which is used to calculate Levi's obligation without regard for the other parent's income.

  5. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Keep your perspective. Alaska's performance, hip-hop and what have you artists must stick together. Just ask Marina. They feed off one another and come up with creative ideas for future projects and photo-ops.

    Don't underestimate mzbossy907

    She is a big part of Marina's network and community. Whether Bristol wants to acknowledge the connections or not, mzbossy907 matters. To what Bristol actually means by 'work'.

    1. Anonymous8:58 AM

      What a stupid picture. Looks like a costume that should be worn at H alloween - by a preteen wannabe

    2. Anonymous9:38 AM

      That is Bristol's agent and stylist. And you can see where she gets her inspiration. Don't forget the 'Naughty and Nice' theme. Alleged Bristol is the 'nice'.

    3. Anonymous2:48 PM

      She needs a stylist for social media pictures? lol

    4. Anonymous3:08 PM

      2:48 PM

      Social Media is where she announced her engagement. He photographer was a Washington DC pro. Craighead, forget the first name.

      Bristol owes a lot to Social Media. She would have been forgotten or stoned to death if she only had Nancy French pretending to be her.

  6. Anonymous8:42 AM

    As long as she doesn't care what others think about her, right. /sarc. I'm guessing she was there just long enough to take the picture.

    Meghan in PA

    1. Anonymous10:36 AM

      Yup. She snapped her pic and was done for the day. Didn't even bother to take off her coat.

      She got her 'job' back. And she looks absolutely overjoyed about it.

    2. Anonymous10:40 AM

      Oh the H8!

      She's a hard ass worker doncha know?


    3. Anonymous10:55 AM

      Well, so she considers sex "hard work"? It is the ONLY thing she expends any energy on. Where is Tripp?

  7. Anonymous8:46 AM

    I wonder if it can be verified whether or not that's a recent picture? She looks like she couldn't be more than 4 or 5 months along, if that. I'd guess closer to 4, since she'd start showing earlier because it's not her first, but the angles in this picture aren't really the best for telling, which I'm sure is on purpose.

    What does that mean? Was she with Dakota then-- mid-February to mid-March?

    1. Anonymous9:02 AM

      I was wondering the same thing. She doesn't look very preggers and the coat looks a little heavy for this time of year.

      And yeah, most people don't get to pick and choose when they go to work. So I call bullshit on the 6 year anniversary...more like 6 years since Sarah did a pole dance for the doctor to secure her daughter an office to hang out in and take pictures of herself.

    2. Anonymous9:06 AM

      The pictures could have been taken at anytime.

      We only know when they are posted. Kelly Millen Cusack and her father are at the beck and call of the Palins.

      Don't forget the Cusacks and staff travel with the Palins. They have been in on several schemes and they are also loyal like Marina.

      DWTS votes and supporters... THINK CUSACK when you think of Palinbots that do anything, including rig vote systems.

      An entire post about Palin pals, the alleged office where Bristol is said to work, would make for an interesting and revealing read. Actually an insight into the Palin family.

      There must be peeps or PI who have checked out the comings and goings at the strip mall racket?

      Nicole C.
      'This was the WORST office visit I have ever had. I don't even want to rate 1 star. First and foremost starting with the unprofessional staff from talking to them over the phone to being there in person but I still gave them a chance ( I should have known better).'

    3. Anonymous9:07 AM

      These explosive and world changing questions are probably worthy of a major investigation by the IM super sleuth team!

    4. Anonymous9:31 AM

      First thing I thought was that photo is an old one! Damn, these Palins - they don't use anything current!!!

      Bristol doesn't want to reflect her pregnancy in photos and having all of us guess how far along she truly is!

      Remember, births are never truthful dates within the Palin klan!! Bristol has learned well from her fraudulent mother.

    5. Anonymous10:38 AM

      Nicole C. wrote one of the more kind reviews. What an awful staff and the old guy is a has been gone sour.

    6. Anonymous10:58 AM

      The photos of her boys, always shirtless is to confuse dates. If they wore a shirt we recognized, we could date a photo. So, she makes them strip before snapping photos. That way, she has photos to use for any occasion, even old, old ones.

  8. Anonymous8:51 AM

    In that photo, she looks like a freak who has had too much work done to her face. Ugh. Yes, she is making a face, but even so, she has a lot to learn about beauty and make up. The overly arched eyebrows and fish lips look is just ick..

    1. Anonymous2:30 PM

      Yes, but she's not making fake gang signs, so she's maturing.

  9. Anonymous8:53 AM

    O/T sort of: Has Sarah gushed any "I luuuv veterans and the military, any of them, all of them who fought for our freeeedum" statements since the flare-up with Dakota? I haven't seen anything especially on or around July 4th but I could have missed it.

    If Sarah has toned down her love affair with the military or not made any statements at all, I'm thinking that her silence speaks volumes about Dakota and his "brothers" in arms.

  10. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Dear Bristol. Stop trying to look like Kim Kardashian with the big lip poses, NOT attractive and it makes you look stupid.

    Also bullshit on you working a full time job? I think I will send this to the judge overseeing the custody case, where you claim ZERO income. What a shitty thing for you to do to Levi and to your son. You are a disgusting liar and one day, Tripp will know it.

    1. Anonymous9:12 AM

      I am not in contact nor have dozens of FB "friends" however the teens, twenty something's do not publish such attitude faces and gestures nor funny face google eye shots. I guess it depends who one hangs out with or their interpretation of looking cool.

      Instinctively I wonder what is up with Bristol posting so many making faces photos that my preschool grandsons find hilarious to make a funny face photo.
      Maybe she is rogue lol

    2. Anonymous9:14 AM

      This picture is weird b/c it looks like Marina, her coach, reads IM and told her not to do the extreme fish lips. Here she seems to be doing it half ass. Not that it looks better but she has toned it down to a more 'fish picker' look.

    3. Anonymous11:51 AM

      8:54: please do so! Because it seems like Levi is too lenient, because he is trying to not hurt her so she will not keep his son away from him like she used to do these last few years.

  11. Is that really Bristol? I mean it. I look at that picture and there is a girl with Bristol's coloration but not her chin.

    1. Anonymous11:02 AM

      I thought this comment was pretty far out there, and then I looked again. I think you're right, Ivyfree: that can't be Bristol, unless maybe the photo predates the latest chin implant.

  12. Anonymous8:59 AM

    No one ever disputed that she ever worked there. We pointed out fact that Bristol and no human being could live in another state for months and also be working in an office.

    What she has had is a part time job that she can leave for even extended periods of time to pursue doing other things. Nor has the off and on employment been her sole income to buy a condo nor houses and pay for a babysitter, furniture, trucks and her child.

    Factual truth is unacceptable to Palin mythology which distorts reality. She has received credit for her other gigs and lucrative opportunities she pursued. They need people to believe she did all that and more doing a daily grind through snow on a modest income. That is what I take issue with!

    1. Anonymous10:10 AM

      I doubt Bristol works much at answering the Cusack's phone.

      You can read about Dr. Cusack and his 'work ethics'. He is a big time Palin ass kisser. Can't really talk about the rest of it.

      They do both use each other for self serving purposes.

      Both Sarah and Bristol have messed up work done on their faces. Sarah actually went to a national program celebrating SNL 40 years.

      She was ORANGE! The day before Sarah had been in Las Vegas with the Kelly Cusack and other AK Derm staff.

      Did they give her their overpriced crappy product to look tan? Something went wrong.

      Just saying they may be responsible for both Sarah and Bristol's face messes.

      More concern should go to what happened to this young Cusack worker.

      No one from the office, including Bristol, have done a thing. Just some empty platitudes. They claim this single mother committed suicide. If true you would think her friends that care so much would be more like Mark Ballas" “If we can help erase the stigma of mental illness and suicide for our kids, we can change the future for their generation.” - Mark Ballas

      Cusack office silence speaks loud. Especially Bristol since she was an activist with DWTS Mark. She did not know his friends.

      Bristol was very close and working with Autumn McDonald-Browning. Suspicious when she is quiet. Maybe she knows what drove Autumn to suicide. Or why she was suicided. What actually happened to Autumn?

      People do die from unnecessary complications from a simple procedure. It can happen in a high end office or a strip mall.

    2. Anonymous11:01 AM

      Kanye West's mother died from cosmetic procedures.

    3. Anonymous12:02 PM

      Dr. Cusack and Kelly are overseers but anyone can give shots, like Botox. Plenty of damage can be done like that.

      The situation only gets worse when drugs are involved.

      Yes, the rich and famous are not immune to death by cosmetic procedure.

    4. Anonymous1:27 PM

      Any Wasilla based IM readers who could make an appointment and go to the office? Boots on the ground to see if there is any sign of Bristol?
      I'd chip in to cover the cost of the visit...

    5. Anonymous2:11 PM

      Don't forget the Aesthetica Medical Spa. Hair Removal, Dermatologists.

      "I decided to branch out from my regular spots - Solara and All About You - and was appalled by how poor the service was. The staff are rude and snooty and make you feel like an inconvenience. The "doctor" barely spent 5 minutes with me... without asking about my medical history, lifestyle, or concerns. $310 for nothing... I will never go there again. Awful." Sonja B.
      Anchorage, AK

      Sims Janice-Alaska Dermatology & Laser Center

      Here is Janice and Dakota Meyer on one of the trips to Las Vegas.

      Why wasn't Dakota in this photo of the party in Las Vegas?

      Were they hiding Dakota?

      Todd, Sarah, Kelly, Janice, Marina, Bristol

  13. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Bristol got her job back? What job is that? Looking at her lips is it giving blow jobs? The question is will she spit or swallow? She's got a mouth full.

  14. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Interesting that in Bristol's Instagram photo for public consumption, her shirt is awkwardly pinned to hide a long neck slit. On Marina's private Instagram photo, Bristol in the same shirt is showing a lot of cleaveage. Why the difference? What kind of job do you have, that allows that much cleaveage to be displayed? We know the answer in Marina's case....but, Bristol?

    1. Anonymous10:01 AM

      What other photo? Could you please post a screenshot to show us what you're talking about?

    2. Anonymous10:18 AM

      That office is a front. The so-called Dr. is way over the hill. Too old, smelly, boozy, horrible manners when coming down. He is a mess that has an office of workers that try to cover for the mess. They do their own things.

    3. Anonymous10:42 AM

      10:01, click on the blue link in the story that has these words:
      have her bestie back?

    4. Anonymous11:56 AM

      10:42am: Oh, I'd missed that. Thanks! (- 10:01)

  15. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Lumbersexuals can probably get a better deal on the open market than a 24 year old with the double whammy of a 6 year old and another kiddie on the way. Bristol may have to adjust her search criteria.

    1. Anonymous10:36 AM

      7 year old, 4 year old, and another bastard on the way.

    2. Anonymous12:25 PM

      Anyone CURIOUS about why she is obsessed with LUMBER sexuals?

    3. Anonymous2:28 PM

      Can you say "Daddy Issues?"

    4. Anonymous3:16 PM

      Lumber is another word for "wood" and EVERYONE knows how much Bristles like "wood" no matter who it is attached to!!!

    5. Anonymous3:17 PM

      Daddy wasn't in the lumber industry!

  16. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Bristol always looks retarded.

  17. Anonymous9:05 AM

    What's Bristol's job? Imitating a bass?

    1. Anonymous2:24 PM

      Large-mouth, at that.

  18. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Corruption. Follow the money.

    1. Anonymous12:31 PM

      All the way to Russia baby! It's HUGE! No wonder Putin blew a gasket!

  19. Anonymous9:08 AM

    IF as she says she has worked there 6 years, why is it a "shocker"?? Do other women in the town avoid working there for some reason, so the job is always open whenever the mood strikes Bristles?

  20. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Why do others cover for her? Do they not realize what fools she makes of them? Full time employee, who is hardly there, what a joke.

    1. Anonymous10:20 AM

      The Cusacks are pretty big fools, also, too. They just have a few more things going for them. Look at the whole family. 'Beauty' is there deal! Why are they more successful than the Palins?

    2. Anonymous11:04 AM

      Why? Maybe they have BRAINS also, too.

    3. Anonymous12:05 PM

      They may also have substance abuse as is said about that place.

      Dope addled BRAINS are usually detected by others before the abusers have a clue as to how they appear in reality.

  21. Anonymous9:16 AM

    It's 8 AM -- start of the day, "Sorry, boss, I just got a call -- gotta go! Luv you!"
    Those Palin phones never their their hand(s). Remember when Sarah sports two -- all the time?

    1. Anonymous11:06 AM

      Have to be ready in case Hollywood calls. They said Bristles has been calling Mark Burnett, she wants to pimp a show about her pregnancy. He is not answering her calls!! He has lost money on a couple of shows with the PayMe clan. Now they do not even have the Alaska Film Fund to make them more palatable, so no return calls.

  22. Anonymous9:16 AM

    I do not find her attractive in any way, shape, or form.

  23. Anonymous9:18 AM

    I am not sure what kind of deal Bristol's mother made with her "employer" but it is fairly obvious that most people would have been out on their asses years ago.

    They are simpatico.


  24. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Ans still no baby daddy in sight. Which seems "rilly" strange for a planned pregnancy also too.

    1. Anonymous12:13 PM

      Yeah, that is strange. Maybe the plan is to never say or acknowledge who the daddy is so she doesn't have to deal with custody issues?

    2. Anonymous12:50 PM

      Woman have raised babies with each other and no bio father involved. Some will plan that.

  25. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Bristol is wearing the exact same shirt in this picture as she is in the one Marina posted. Look how badly pinned or taped across her chest it is in this picture. Hiding her cleavage? Why? It's on full display in the picture with Marina.

    1. Anonymous10:00 AM

      Marina's instagram is private. Bristol's instagram is public. I wonder what Nancy French thinks about Bristol showing her boobs. Is it OK for a Bible quoting Christian unwed mother to flash her boobs?

    2. Anonymous10:26 AM

      Don't you know what kind of business Marina runs? Bristol is not going to mention it, she has a role to play. Marina documents her work, for a price you can purchase what she markets. The private crap is by special invite only.

      Why would Bristol not be herself more with her best friend? They both wear other costume when playing the 'job' routine.

    3. Anonymous11:10 AM

      Nancy French will not say anything bad about the PayMe's until their checks quit clearing. THEN all HELL will break loose. Then the truth will come out. Surely she does not want her daughters to live the life Bristles does? The French family is playing the part of true, Christian, family value conservatives. Money worshipping also, too. Nancy must not have many offers for ghost writing on the table, so the PayMe gig is the best she can do.

    4. Anonymous3:07 PM

      Why? Because Bristol has to keep up her fake christian modest bible-reading girl persona while she's completely opposite in private which she must hide.

      Too late Bristol! The world knows you're a drunk mom who cusses with the best of them.

  26. Anonymous9:24 AM

    In her pic with Marina, it looks like Bristol unpinned her "work shirt" to reveal some serious cleavage. Some exotix model material you got there Brissy.

    1. Anonymous9:58 AM

      Your boobs get big when you are pregnant.

  27. krbmjb059:24 AM

    I give it maybe 3 more years before Tripp starts Googling and finds out what a Ho his mother is!

    1. Anonymous11:13 AM

      The kids at school will keep him informed. Kids listen to their parents, and I am sure they heard a lot about Bristles. Tripp will be told EVERYTHING soon, all the babies, all the lies that have been told. He will remember the brawl, the open door for all the one night stands, too. The numerous "trial husbands" The memories will kick in soon enough.

    2. Anonymous12:53 PM

      Tripp has been living it. I doubt anything he could see on the internet comes close to what he experiences.

      Ben, Gino, Joey, Dakota... how many has she shacked up with Tripp? If it is too painful, he may forget.

  28. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Do ya s'pose she ever puts the phone down to do some "work" when she's at work?

    1. Anonymous10:44 AM

      Can't she just get all the IM posts and comments right on her phone? Why put it down?

  29. Anonymous9:30 AM

    In the Marina pic, she has on a white shirt showing plenty o'cleavage. In the "job" pic, same shirt, pinned to hide said cleavage. Wonder whose idea that was? She showed up to "work" dressed inappropriately.

  30. Janice A Soderquist9:41 AM

    Why is she working anyway. She is a millionaire and can stay home in luxury taking care of her two kids. What is she trying to prove. Does she have to prove to the child custody courts that she actually works? She will not be working when the new baby is born, so what is with this picture. So, she will be off with maternity leave for several months and the job will be waiting for her return? You can bet Sarah paid big bucks for Bristol to work there...

    1. Anonymous10:27 AM

      She has to act like the Palin myth. Ethics, hard at work etc. BS.

    2. Anonymous11:21 AM

      Will she actually keep this baby, instead of passing it off to someone else AGAIN? Have the PayMe relatives finally told $carah that this is the limit, she will have to take care of this "mistake"? Oops, I mean "planned pregnancy". I feel so sorry for any child born into this God-awful family. Liars, grifters, cheats, lazy bums the entire crew. I have always said a baby deserves to be born into a family with both a mother and a father eagerly waits to welcome them into the world. Bristles kids are shuffled off, hidden, like something to be ashamed of. Poor kids do not deserve that treatment. How she can just go on with her life without a care in the world is beyond me. Hard hearted people, those PayMes. Karma will be a BITCH, Bristles. There are many, many people waiting to see what KARMA has in store for you.

    3. Anonymous12:09 PM

      There's something terribly wrong when vile, hateful people like Bristol & Sarah are given opportunities to make millions$$$.But hatemongers seem to be raking in the the money---RWNJ's.

    4. Anonymous12:37 PM

      What goes up must come down 1209

    5. Anonymous12:44 PM

      Will she actually keep this baby, instead of passing it off to someone else AGAIN?

      It will certainly take a bite out of Marina's entrepreneurial spunk to be the kind of friend that Bristol seeks.

      How can Bristol make it up to her?

      I doubt if Sarah is going to do as she did in the past, support and pay for Bristol's undertakings.

      How can Bristol progress financially and maintain the life she lwants to be accustom to?

      Once she realizes the mainstream entertainment business is not buying, she can stay stuck and fall behind. The other option would be to go with what might make her enough money to support herself as she would like.

      Is she ready to spill the beans? Not only Sarah could end up in prison. She may want to protect others.

      Unless Bristol can strap on Nancy French, she does not have the evangelical vibe. That only leaves some kind of sex business.

  31. Janice A Soderquist9:53 AM

    The reason her shirt is tacked is because it is way too big. She grabbed one in the office that belongs to someone else. Why doesn't she have tops in her size. She is not working in this picture, she is there to take a picture of her in uniform and ready to go.

  32. Anonymous9:58 AM

    I was hoping that the doctor could fix Bristol's fish lips.

    1. Anonymous10:51 AM

      That may be what happened. He tried to fix

  33. Anonymous9:59 AM

    I think Bristol just walked into the office, took a selfie, and walked right back out after giving the MD a BJ. She is lying about working there. The MD gets free sex in exchange for pretending Bristol works there.

    In a sense, to be fair, Bristol does have a job there - as a sex worker.

    1. Anonymous10:31 AM

      Well, no big surprise. What else does she have experience at? Marina is more "polished" than her when she speaks.

    2. Anonymous12:29 PM

      IMO, Marina has many of the qualities her birth mother lacked. Marina feels good in that way, like finally Bristol has a mother she trusts and someone who is loyal to her.

      If that is so, Bristol would need and want Marina's approval like any child seeks parental approval.

      I think it is a far more important relationship for Bristol than Sarah could have ever been.

      Marina is far more meaningful and enduring than any man, including Joey or Dakota.

      Bristol's fetus does not need the bio father. Bristol is co-parenting with a more significant other.

      That may have been part of the plan.

    3. Anonymous2:08 PM

      You are just making this up. Pretty shitty of you even though you dislike Bristol. Making up lies like this is uncalled for.

  34. Anonymous10:09 AM

    That job she has isn't WORK! She's crazy to think that's a regular job like the 'little' people have.

    Every occupation requires and demands that a person work the hours required and most have to put in their vacation times months ahead; and if they wish to change it, many don't get a chance to change it. People who really work for a living can't just leave the job for months or weeks to pursue other projects........they'd be asked to resign immediately. They certainly wouldn't be getting the same job back and would not be considered a very dependable employee, therefore they'd be out on their butts trying to find other work.

    This special treatment Bristol gets is because of her name, which she thinks gives her special privileges everywhere. If any other single mom had left their job like hers, it would have been snatched up right away from other needy applicants, and no, the employer wouldn't make the new employee quit to let the old one move in anytime. In the real world, Bristol would NOT survive.

    1. Anonymous10:32 AM

      It is more then a name. It is the cray old doc loves tea bag Sarah. He and Todd have their reasons to be close in that way, too. They all scratch each others backs and take care of each other.

  35. Anonymous10:16 AM

    mp.360 about 11 hours ago
    In 6 years haven't you lived in Arizona and LA for most of that? You bought a home in Arizona. I'd stay at a job I could leave for months to years at a time too.

    bsmp2 about 11 hours ago
    I had a rental house in AZ, and worked in LA for a few weeks at a time👌 @mp.360 #findbettershittotalkabout

    1. Anonymous10:33 AM

      Bwahahaha, Bristol is back to her vulgar self. Hey Bristol, what is the DWTS baby's name, and who is the Daddy? Why is Joey Junker silent about your latest pregnancy, not his? Do you even know who got you pregnant? #closeyourlegsskank #stopmakingbastardbabies

    2. Anonymous10:40 AM

      Seems to me, Bris, that you and your voters kept you in LA for at least 8 weeks (and two weeks' prep and PR time) when you finished third. Quit your lying.

    3. Anonymous10:46 AM

      She bought a house in AZ. Liar.

    4. Anonymous11:03 AM

      Wasn't there articles about Bristol remodeling the house she bought for her pals from Wasilla to move in the house?

      That is how I remember it. The house was not to be a rental. She and Tripp were to live there with friends (baby sitter types). Did she ever have a renter in there? I know she didn't stay there long. Some say it was a birthing house.

      Now she wants ppl to think she bought it as a rental investment?

      The office she claims is work are not new to the Palin set ups. They were right there in LA at the DWTS support groups for Bristol and part of the scandalous vote cheating brigade.

      Keep digging Bristol, your lies will take you where you are to go in life.

    5. Anonymous11:26 AM

      Someone told Radar that the Ariz house was BOUGHT by Bristles. Aren;t the PayMe's their source of information? I think Gino was the daddy of the DWTS baby. At least they were living together while in Calif. Someday one of these guys will get drunk and tell the whole sordid story about this slut.

    6. Anonymous12:40 PM

      Lol...oh you guys and gut!

    7. Anonymous2:06 PM

      How ridiculously pathetic that Bristol needs to lie/mislead about the AZ house in order to maintain the mythology of constant employment at the AK doc's office. Bristol owns this fib...can't blame it on her mother or Nancy French. She makes it hard for people to be supportive of her.

  36. Anonymous10:16 AM

    I went to c4p, logged onto my discus, read today's comments and just can't do it. I have spent an eternity pretending to be a religious, racist, hate filled conservative and it sickens me. The phony pledges of blind support to AIP Palin, the upvoting of bigotry, it is all getting to me. I just want to be one of them, when the reality hits! Maybe I will go do a rah, rah for Bristol or quote Scripture, to uplift the group...bah.

    1. Anonymous10:54 AM

      As a conservative, those nutcases don't speak for the rest of us. Try drinking heavily before your next visit to C4P land. Might help

    2. Anonymous11:11 AM

      At first, I just wanted to see how long I could last, then it became a game. Now, I question why I still go there. I despise all of them. Oh, the humanity!!!

    3. Anonymous11:25 AM

      They truly disgust me.

    4. Anonymous11:42 AM

      Not good for your soul, 10:16. Too much ugliness, even toward each other if challenge with an opposing viewpoint. Maybe you could "go on vacation" for a while. jump back in for the END. Now that might do a body good!

      Take care of yourself

    5. Anonymous12:43 PM

      Just walk away make it easy on yourself! They will bury themselves in the end! Groupies of Nutts!

  37. Anonymous10:17 AM

    When Bristol's face skin starts to lose it's elasticity, and it will, it will stretch from the force of the implants. Her skin will sag earlier than it's supposed to and they'll require to keep tightening it up. I cannot imagine living with a prosthesis in one's face and that being very comfortable. When people are injured or wounded and need the cosmetic surgeries, that's a whole different matter, but there was no need for her to inject herself with chemically-made plastics. She'll regret it.

    1. Anonymous11:28 AM

      She regrets NOTHING. Any woman who can give birth numerous times and give the baby away is not human. Bristles is a soul less BITCH.

    2. Anonymous12:19 PM

      She has the signs of someone with Stockholm syndrome. She has totally given herself over to her captures and the cult.

      Once the vessel is empty anything can move in and act according to the leader.
      Bristol has been reamed to the max.

  38. Anonymous10:30 AM

    This unscrupulous woman isn't even hiding her double standard anymore. It's as if she doesn't care about revealing her one and true self with this photo.

    The fact that Bristol pins her top closed so unconvincingly, implies she's saying to her 'fans', go to hell, I'm just covering up myself because my mother is making me do it, to keep you believing we're Christians. Her demeanor lately is pure defiance. The fact that she poses with her friend Marina with her (Bristol's) low-cut top and spillage is an 'FU' to her mom. Seems like she's saying to her mom, 'you can't make me pretend when I'm on my own time'.

    1. Anonymous10:49 AM

      This unscrupulous woman isn't even hiding her double standard anymore......

      Bristol is one of the least free people in America.

      If we knew the whole true story we might even say she is more like a sex slave.

      Her little deviancy with Marina is the closest she can get to freedom. She is trying to express what she can.

      Remember how she grew up. What was sex education if your mother was Sarah Palin? Lie and cover up.

    2. Anonymous12:48 PM

      Well hey Brat why doncha go see No Name? No you can't because you know a chase will ensue and that willow switch will make your buns hot with stinging pain! Act that that? I guess that's out! You can't run or jump! :~€0

    3. Anonymous2:12 PM

      12:48-- WTF are you talking about? Your writing is illiterate and you come across as mentally ill.

    4. Anonymous3:23 PM

      Sounds to me like an Elder to take a switch to a Barstool Brat! But hey a lawsuit would be better! Smooches 212!

    5. Anonymous3:27 PM

      12:48 Taunts the Palin's, with little coded messages. She claims they stole her "birthright" fortune years ago. Who knows?

  39. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Possible other emplyment opportunities the Palin gals:

    WWE characters as caricatures of their charade-based public personas going rogue on the "B Team" circuit and cashing in on a never ending series of staged grudge matches....either that or serving up samples of something on the foodmart circuit.

    1. Anonymous11:31 AM

      Eeww! I would not eat anything one of those sluts handed to me in the grocery store. I have seen some of these ladies set up their displays, they WORK. The PayMe's would not be able to handle that. Bristles would be fired the first hour, for dragging a young guy into the cooler for a "quickie"

  40. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Bright green seasonal decor in background? Don't most have the red, white and blue out in July?

  41. Anonymous10:49 AM

    She's a pathological liar just like her Mom. It's bizarre.

    1. Anonymous11:55 AM

      Bristol sure is a liar. Only she, and her mother, would make up a story that she's been employed for 6 years (while she's had so many absences.) That pic could be staged . She probably says she works there---and Sarah probably pays her salary. I don't believe a word they say.

      Who watches Tripp while she works? I've never heard anything about that. I wonder if she even works. Sarah always tries to make it sound like she has some great work ethic. BS.

    2. Anonymous12:12 PM

      11:55 When they first started this myth they said that Bristol was up everyday at 4 or 5 AM. Getting Tripp ready, something like she would bath him and take him to the baby sitter. In all kinds of weather she would drive to Anchorage each day and back. They made her sound like a single mother of the year that worked her fingers to the bone and did it all.

      It is all 'bullshit', to quote Trig.

  42. Anonymous10:57 AM

    In October ( )
    she says that 9 months ago she posted she was 5.5 years at her job... Guess she can't do simple math?

  43. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Is Bristol's shirt unbuttoned in Marina's instagram for Marina? You go girl. You too Marina.

  44. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Don't tell us that nasty ass picture of Sarah Palin’s Christian daughter Bristol with the opened shirt and no bra in Exotix Russian model Marina Lupas's instagram is taken at Dr. Cusack's professional medical office? I thought Sarah Palin said Bristol has great work ethics?

    Where's that Sarah? Great work ethics for the hoods at Aftadark?

    1. Anonymous11:18 AM

      By chance any of the fellers at Aftadark be the daddy of Sarah Palin’s daughter?

    2. Anonymous11:43 AM

      ....taken at Dr. Cusack's professional medical office?

      I take it you haven't seen the pictures Dr. Cusack has of his office. They are all birds of a feather.

    3. Anonymous1:57 PM

      It must be Terrell!

  45. Anonymous11:13 AM

    off topic

    Coming soon to Sarah's facebook

  46. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Marina posted this several months ago. She had to take it down, who knows why? It is an endearing memo to her dear friend that she has pledged her loyalty. It is not something someone would want to take down. Possibly someone told her to delete it.

    jdub1972 (Justin Whitcomb) has been a loyal and appreciative follower of Marina's. He especially likes when she pairs up with Bristol.

    He may not be married and likes what Marina is selling. She has never been shy about girl on girl action.

    The old days.


  47. Anonymous11:25 AM

    How come Sarah or Bristol won't announce who the father of Bristol's baby is?

    Is it because if Sarah or Bristol accuses a white guy of being the father and the baby comes out black and vice-versa, Sarah and Bristol will both look like white trash since they accuse the wrong guy of fathering Little Trapp?

    1. Anonymous1:39 PM

      Sarah and Bristol tried to fool Dakota into thinking that he was the Father of Little Trapp. But Dakota did not fall into that trap, bwahahaha.

  48. Anonymous11:26 AM

    No wonder Bristol doesn't privatize her posts, in spite of her protests for privacy. The comments read like a cult love-fest. She needs the "love".

    "Your so hot!""
    "You're so PRETTY!!"

    1. Anonymous11:37 AM

      They all have the same script writer.

      Marina can privatize because her clients will contact her if they want what she is selling.

      Bristol is marketed for another clientele. She needs what a public social media account will get her. Even if it is 99.9999% sock puppets.

    2. Anonymous11:56 AM

      Needs to be loved just like her mother.

    3. Anonymous12:17 PM

      11:37: it doesn't really make sense to me that she privatized her site - UNLESS she has so many customers, she cannot handle any extras.
      Privatizing her site basically 'kills' her business. Maybe she had to start a new site under a new name.

    4. Anonymous12:23 PM

      11:26: you forgot: 'you are so righteous!' 'You are such a good mother' ...'such a good Christian'...


    5. Anonymous1:06 PM

      12:17 PM Marina was not private until she was revealed on IM.

      She had to make some changes and she came back. She does have things going on that are not known to the general public.

      I don't think going private on this one part of her operation has a great impact on her finances.

    6. Anonymous1:36 PM

      Right, AFTADARK.

    7. Anonymous1:58 PM

      Notice how long this thread is, and no troll yet. She is obviously busy writing all those posts on Bristol's account.

  49. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Mark Burnett's Bible Fantasy has been cancelled by NBC. Maybe Mark now has time to produce a reality show staring Bristol! I would suggest one that shows her struggles to make it big in the pornstar biz. Marina can be consultant and co-star for the show.

  50. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Can anyone make out the chart behind Brisol, on our left? Doesn't look dermatological to this nurse lol

    1. Anonymous12:18 PM

      I see golf clubs near the medical chart.

    2. Anonymous1:42 PM

      That is what Dr. Cusack does when he is not overcharging and mistreating his customers.

    3. Anonymous3:20 PM

      Looks like plastic mandibles and chins to me.

  51. Anonymous11:32 AM

    I really hope Bristol has seen her mother in the light of the truth and is now striking out on her own. I don't know how she can do that on her current job.... But hopefully it is a step. I think Marina is good for Bristol.

  52. Anonymous11:40 AM

    WTF??? She herself said that she quit her job before she moved to Kinfuc_U!
    I guess that guy is the one who botched her face, so, instead of being sued, he lets her be his 'employee'.

  53. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Bristol has total envy of the Kardashians.


  54. Anonymous12:13 PM

    This photo proves nothing. It proves that Bristol was once in an office taking a selfie.

    However, it is very obvious that Bristol cares a great deal about what people think of her. So, she takes a page from her mother's book and tries to fool people into thinking she has a job.

    Bristol, you are fooling no one at IM.

    1. Anonymous2:59 PM

      However, it is very obvious that Bristol cares a great deal about what people think of her.
      I came to the same conclusion, she is so insecure she feels the need to tell strangers that she has a "real job for 6 years". Whooppee, the only unusual part is that she kept employment when she is never there. (who would go to a "doctors office" in a strip a mall?)

      What she fails to realize is that her "job" doesn't support her lifestyle, which leads me to believe that Sarah is supporting her with the PAC or Bristol has an income from Marina's porn business. Might be photos sold overseas and sooner or later they will be found.

      I also think she keeps this account public because she needs strangers to tell her "how pretty" she is. She isn't a strong woman at all, but really needy.

      Poor little Bristol, she can't even tell the truth about her home in AZ. I think it would become exhausting trying to keep track of all the lies, all the kids, all the fake birth dates.

  55. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Is Bristol wearing the same white blouse in Dr. Cusack's medical office and in Marina Lupas's instagram?

    Don't tell me if a woman patient walks into the medical office then Bristol pins up her blouse so she looks like an employee who is presentable and respectable with great work ethics?

    If a man walks into the medical office does Bristol unpins her blouse and let her cleavage show for better pay and tips?

    What kind of office is that? Reminds me of Shailey Tripp working as a massage therapist until Todd sends her clients.

  56. Anonymous12:17 PM

    What IS Bristol's job, exactly? Does she pop zitz? Do delicate facial surgery? The doctor is 73 years old. What kind of practice does he have-- injecting botox? For that he needs two gals in the office?

    1. Anonymous3:06 PM

      Washing faces with Daddy's washcloth collection?

  57. Anonymous12:36 PM

    I know and they are naturally pretty! No tanning needed! Curvy! Strike the irons of life while your hot! Barstool is cold and clammy...hense the coats!

  58. Anonymous12:40 PM

    A bit O/T, but just what is the difference between 'instagram', 'enjoygram', Pikore, and all the other names? Seems like they all have the same pictures, in the same order.

    Signed: low-computer-literate

    1. Anonymous1:19 PM

      I don't really know, 12:40, but maybe there's an opportunity for Bristol to start her own image-hosting app. Chinstagram?

    2. Anonymous1:41 PM

      Yeah, what's the deal with that? Is each one a source of 'likes' or money?

  59. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Anonymous11:14 AM said:

    The old days.


    How come girls who takes pictures with the Russian Exotix model has to show off their cleavages? Is there a requirement? Look at the girl and Marina in the above MySpace picture and look at Bristol and Marina in Marina's instagram. Christian Sarah Palin must be showing signs of a stroke looking at Christian Bristol revealing her goods like that to the Christian world?

    1. Anonymous3:05 PM

      Screech's bust size grows by leaps and bounds as her reputation plummets.

  60. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Sarah Palin’s New Book Should Be Named: “Sweet Jesus: Three Grandkids Conceived Out of Wedlock!”

    1. Anonymous1:14 PM

      Look at Bristol's DWTS belly. Does that look like a belly of a person who has been dancing week after week after week? Or the belly of a pregnant girl?

    2. Anonymous3:18 PM

      Bristol thought she would be voted off pronto but Sarah's flying monkeys played the voting system and kept her on there for nine weeks and we all got to see her "blossoming" figure. Anybody and everybody who didn't speak up at the time were paid to keep quiet. Sad how so many things related to Palin are corrupt to keep her brand untarnished. It's refreshing to see 1:14 and others keeping the DWTS pregnancy relevant in all of the IM Palin threads but it needs to go out to more mainstream readers.

  61. Anonymous1:19 PM

    The chairs looks like that kind of house...

    1. Anonymous2:17 PM

      This may be where Sarah got her bright idea to decorated her mayor office in early bordello.

  62. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Job? Zero income. They do funny taxes there in asska.

  63. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Marina has a lot going on.

  64. Anonymous1:49 PM

    How the hell does Bristol get away with claiming she has worked there for 6 years when her papers filed with the court said she had $0 income in 2013 & 2014? #LIAR & #HYPOCRITE

    1. Anonymous3:11 PM

      She takes it out in trade. She has no income. How do you think she gets all that free plastic for the face and liposuction of the hips and thighs from so many births before she turned 24?

    2. Anonymous3:26 PM

      Oh come those legs! This is they do it! Sex sells!

  65. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Sarah's daughters may just be having a lot of fun taunting her.
    The cray cray faces mimicking a retart mommie dearest.

    Now they want to play with girl on girl love for Sarah.

    It totally distracts from Todd and Track Palin.

  66. Anonymous2:10 PM

    B has become sooooo boring. Too predictable. I have to wonder what she can pull next to keep people interested. She has tried pretty much everything.

    Pat Padrnos

    1. Anonymous3:03 PM

      QuadroMom working on beating the record of OctoMom?

  67. ibwilliamsi2:12 PM

    What is the deal with her and the goofy faces? I don't personally do "selfies", but then again I don't generally want to have my photo taken at all. But this girl is constantly taking photos of herself and they're often done with an ugly facial gesture.

    Someone has some pretty low self-esteem if she can't just show her face for what she's turned it into.

    1. Anonymous2:46 PM

      they think they're "cute.

  68. Anonymous2:22 PM

    You have to be a retard to constantly post retarded selfie pictures on the Internet that stays out their in cyberspace. How come Sarah Palin’s daughter and Sarah take these retarded pictures?

    1. Anonymous2:26 PM

      Not just one daughter takes retarded selfie pictures, they all do it.

  69. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Out of six years, how many actual weeks do you think she's worked? I'd bet a total of 14. Too many? Yeah, she sure does seem to get a lot of time off.

  70. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Anybody seen Todd? Is Sarah having marital problems? Duhkota dumped Bristol, did Todd dump Sarah? Is Sarah and Bristol the dumpster girls?

    1. Anonymous2:45 PM

      Poor barstool, she's a scorned woman who no one wants to marry. She's chased every available and unavailable prospect and no one is taking the bait. tsk tsk wonder she's a bitter woman.

    2. Anonymous3:02 PM

      Todd can see Russia when he peeps into Marina's room.

  71. Anonymous2:36 PM

    I've said it before and I'll say it again. Brisdull will soon take up with Marina's little bidness . Easy money and it will make Scarah spin put. Can't wait.

  72. Anonymous2:43 PM

    IF she IS preganant, she's having a girl. The kid looks like it goes around, or she's having twins.

  73. Anonymous2:45 PM



  74. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Gryphen do want to see two disturbing pictures? Look at Exotix LLC facebook page. There are families who have lost family members from gangbangers who are dressed like Marina Lupas. Nice friend you have there Bristol.

  75. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Bristol IS a scorned woman. She really has to stop chasing guys. No one in Alaska wants to marry her. She asked Levi, Gino, Ben, Joey and who knows how many more to marry her and they ALL ran. She went out of state...same thing....What an unhappy woman she must be. She even had "corrective" surgery thinking it would help. And in the mean time the one offsrping she's kept has seen his mother with a parade of men.

  76. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Why is she trying to look like Marina. Is that the Cusak look or is she taking up the Marina bunsiness.

  77. Anonymous3:25 PM

    The very minute that Bristol gets a better offer she dumps "the best people I know" and splits "my home".

    Her boss is a major Sarah bot.... I wonder how responsible he is for her hideous face.

    I wonder if Sarah is too stupid to know that surgery is forever and she'll never get her good looks back.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.