Wednesday, July 15, 2015

San Francisco supervisors tell Fox News they are not real news. Apparently they didn't know that.

Courtesy of Mediaite:

 O’Reilly reiterated tonight that the liberal policies of San Francisco, the sanctuary city policy chief among them, caused Steinle’s death. He said the city supervisors are “unrepentant,” and showed video of three of them being confronted by Fox reporters. 

Jane Kim said the big issue that needs to be addressed over Steinle’s death is gun control and keeping guns out of the wrong people’s hands. 

But when a Fox reporter confronted Katy Tang she said “Of course Fox News would be this rude” and walked away. When he tried to follow her with more questions, she told him, “You’re interviewing the wrong fucking person.” 

Scott Wiener was more to-the-point when he was confronted, saying, “Fox News is not real news, and you’re not a reporter. I talk to real news only.”

Which by the way this piece proves beyond any doubt since the only reason that Fox is chasing this Karte Steinle story is because Donald Trump is using her death to prove that his racist statements are true.

Which by the way is something that has infuriated her brother and almost caused Geraldo Rivera and Eric Bolling to come to blows.

(Man I would totally pay to see that!)

So yes Fox News is not news. Hard to believe that hearing that would be news.


  1. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Although , it does help to validate what we already know,
    And for those RW diehards to hear it on real news networks.
    Faux news, liars.

  2. krbmjb054:44 PM

    I'm hoping that starts a trend. Can you imagine how many heads would explode if every time someone walks up with a Fox News Mic that everyone just says, "Fox News is not REAL News"! That's all they have to say! I think I would watch a channel of JUST THAT! People turning away Fox News!

    1. Anonymous6:53 PM

      BOR trying to blame the SF supes for lack of Gun control? How about putting the blame on Congress and why are they all riled up about this ONE woman? What about the Charleston shooting 3 wks ago? I love how she told them "you are talking to the wrong fucking person" Dumbasses at Fox news.

    2. Don't forget "and I only talk to REAL reporters."

      Man, that's gonna leave a mark.

      I *love* it.

  3. Anonymous4:52 PM

    The only point Trump and Fox News is making is that they're racists. Condemning a population--illegal immigrants--on the basis of the Steinle murde is the definition of racism.

  4. Anonymous5:27 PM

    According to trumped logic all white males are terrorist, among other things. He said that, right?

  5. Anonymous5:57 PM

    This Man Took On Fox News And Became A Hero To His City

    When Fox News finally ambushed him in the hallway, Wiener knew what he was going to do. He didn’t want to answer the questions because he knew Fox News was not going to make a good faith effort to cover the issue. He didn’t want to just duck his head and hide, because he knew how that looked on TV. So he addressed Fox News directly: “Fox News is not real news. And you’re not a real reporter.”

    1. Anonymous7:04 PM

      Thanks 5:57!!!
      "Scott Wiener, a member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, knew Fox News was lurking.

      “They’ve been stalking various members of the board of supervisors for the last week. They went to someone’s home. One of my colleagues said they were following her around in her district last week,” Wiener told ThinkProgress in a phone interview."
      G you should update with this its Awesome!!!
      Thanks 5:57!

    2. Anonymous7:06 PM

      All who tweet should start the hastag #FoxNewsIsnotrealnews
      And I'm sick of the PlannedParenthood smokescreen story to cover up POTUS great Iran accomplishment.
      Fox news needs to STFU and go away.

  6. Anonymous5:57 PM

    The response from fellow San Franciscans, he said, has been “overwhelmingly and enthusiastically positive. People are thrilled. There is such a deep seated frustration with Fox News and the fringe it represents.”

  7. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Seriously OT, but still...SERIOUS:
    M from MD
    PS. Got kinfolk in that area by the way.

  8. Anonymous6:07 PM

    I'm wondering if Bristol will name the new baby "Acid".

    1. LOL.

      Maybe she'll name it Cuticle, or Beehive or Acetone.

    2. Anonymous9:44 PM

      How about 'FAS'?

    3. Anonymous10:30 PM

      Acid and Tripp would make good names for Barstool!

    4. Considering she was going to try to marry Dakota with it how about TRAPP.

  9. Anonymous6:20 PM

    I'm surprised that that sissy O'Reilly character is able to say that shit with a straight face. He clearly gets his money for nothing.

    I wouldn't be "interviewed" by any Murdoch employee either, especially on a serious subject, because

    FOX News is not real news.

  10. Anonymous7:44 PM

    But Fox News is number one in the ratings.

    McDonald's sold 245 Billion hamburgers.

    So whats your point?

  11. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Old man Bush broke his goddamn neck today in Maine. How much of our tax $ is it gonna cost now to keep this idiot alive?

    1. He will receive the very finest medical care available at taxpayer expense, despite the family's immense personal wealth.

      Just one of the perks of spending four years doing the bidding of his fellow 1%.

  12. Not only are they not real news, but a judge said they had no obligation to tell the truth.

    When you lie and make stuff up, you have no right to call yourself a new organization or be treated as such.

  13. Anonymous9:41 PM

    What ratings? Satire? Couldn't be news-not considered news.

  14. Anonymous2:24 AM

    If Sanctuary cities and there policies kill, then I guess guns do too.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.