Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Story of the day: Historic nuclear deal struck with Iran.

Secretary of State John Kerry with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif
Courtesy of NBC News:  

Iran and world powers capped a decade-long dispute by reaching a historic deal early Tuesday for Tehran to curb its nuclear program in exchange for the easing of economic sanctions. 

The Islamic republic has been negotiating with the U.S., Britain, France, Germany, Russia and China for years, with diplomats most recently extending numerous deadlines in hopes of arriving at a workable and comprehensive plan. 

President Barack Obama said the deal with Tehran ensures that "every pathway to a nuclear weapon" had been cut off. 

"We have stopped the spread of nuclear weapons in this region," he said in an early-morning statement which — in a rare move — was carried on Iranian television.

Joe Biden called the Affordable Care Act a "big fucking deal."

Well this is a really, REALLY big fucking deal!

Of course Israel and Saudi Arabia are vocally speaking out against this deal, and insisting that Iran will never honor any agreement. But that is to be expected.

However there is language in the agreement that the sanctions now removed will "snap back" if Iran defies any of the provisions and that would put them back to square one, with very little hope of negotiating anything new for decades afterward.

It is also worth noting that America and Iran did not reach this deal on their own. They were joined by Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia, and the European Union.

Which means that if Iran tries to pull anything underhanded they will have destroyed their relationship with just about every potential ally they could possibly have in the world.

I don't care how arrogant you might be, pissing off the entire world and turning them against you is never the smart thing to do.

Man that Obama legacy thing is looking more impressive every day.


  1. Anonymous6:22 AM

    and the added bonus...GOP heads explode!

  2. Pat in MA6:51 AM

    Lindsay Graham and John "bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb Iran" McCain are going to be SO disappointed!

  3. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Could it always have been so easy? Maybe all this time a little diplomacy might have worked? The US meddled many times in Iran and Iraq's affairs, supporting their government at one time or another, for reasons only it knows. Citizens aren't in the know when it comes to why we meddle.

    Finally we have a great President who believes in diplomacy and finding a middle ground, and also who encourages other nations to collaborate, so the onus is applied to a global community, rather than the U.S. constantly being touted as the bad guy. This is a parallel to a family where the oldest son tries to mediate between brothers, knows how to handle people with smoothness and skill so as not to start nuclear war. Who wouldn't appreciate a thoughful careful President? The Right-Wing want a fight, they define diplomacy as whimp-iness. They'd probably say F_U to leaders and have us all sitting in a pile of ashes in no time.

    Thank God for President Obama.

    1. Anonymous7:02 AM

      I shudder to think where we'd be now had McCain won in '08.

    2. abbafan7:15 AM

      Anon @ 7:02 A.M. - I shudder as well, thinking that the old man would have "departed" and the village idiot would have that bony digit on the "nukular kodes"!

    3. Anonymous4:19 PM

      We would be living in a nuclear holocaust.

  4. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Honestly, there are times when I question our "special relationship" with israel. After the sh*t they have pulled. Ugh.

    1. Anonymous7:40 AM

      Exactly. Billions of $$$$ in aid, then Bibi insults our President with the help of the gop. Disgusting. All the dirty tricks of the gop have failed so far. SANITY is winning.

    2. Anonymous4:22 PM

      Exactly! They are so special, they don't care about us! They just use us for our power to keep their little "homeland" that was returned to them after 2000 years. An act of restitution after WWll. In the mean time displacing the occupants of the area and treating them like hostages in their own home. Then they wonder why the Palestinians bomb them...

  5. Anonymous7:14 AM

    My heart goes out to Benjamin Netanyahu. With one cold, cruel stroke of the pen, the rulers of the world have taken away his most beloved toy – the apple of his eye and the joy of his heart, the rock of his existence and the source of his strength, and above all, the rock of his refuge and safe haven. Or in short, the Iranian bomb.

    It seems as if this very day, or perhaps tomorrow, a spoke will be put in the wheel of the Iranian bomb, and it will be ripped from the headlines and from our consciousness for at least the next dozen years or even more. And for Bibi, what will happen now?

    A discerning glance can already see the first signs of panic in him: repression, avoidance, a slight quiver in his hairdo, a stubborn insistence that nothing has happened and nothing has changed. But the terrible truth is taking shape. The bomb has gone. From now on, Netanyahu is like a baby that has lost its security blanket, or like one whose favorite teddy bear was thrown into the garbage – the one that warmed his heart during the long nights and infused him with calm and serenity during times of trouble and election campaigns.


    1. Anonymous10:43 AM

      What's scary is that Israel already has the bomb and has not signed any non-proliferation agreements.

    2. What will he use to strike fear into the voters when he runs in the next election?

  6. Anonymous7:17 AM

    The #IranDeal will cut off all of Iran's potential pathways to a nuclear weapon


    A Huge Deal

    This agreement will shrink wrap Iran’s nuclear program for a generation.


    Iran nuclear deal secured after nearly two years of talks


  7. Anonymous7:18 AM

    From covert Iran nuke program to final deal - a timeline


  8. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Wonderful news! I'm impressed and thankful.

    Now all we need to do is keep the GOP out of the White House and dilute their power in Congress. Checking my Google news page you'd think we declared war on Israel. I don't see one article reporting on the deal itself or well-deserved praise for Pres. Obama and the negotiators. All the listed stories are focused on hysteria, fear-mongering, and misinformation.

  9. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Why the Iran Deal Makes Obama's Critics So Angry

    The nuclear agreement highlights the limits of American power—something the president’s opponents won’t accept.

    ...That means recognizing that the United States cannot bludgeon Iran into total submission, either economically or militarily. The U.S. tried that in Iraq.

    It is precisely this recognition that makes the Iran deal so infuriating to Obama’s critics. It codifies the limits of American power. And recognizing the limits of American power also means recognizing the limits of American exceptionalism. It means recognizing that no matter how deeply Americans believe in their country’s unique virtue, the United States is subject to the same restraints that have governed great powers in the past. For the Republican right, that’s a deeply unwelcome realization. For many other Americans, it’s a relief. It’s a sign that, finally, the Bush era in American foreign policy is over.


    1. Maple7:53 AM

      That article really nailed it. The Repubs HATE the fact that their "exceptional America" must behave in the same way manner as other major countries. The days of bullying may be coming to an end -- at least we can only hope so.

    2. Anonymous10:09 AM

      Graham cracker just said "we don't trust Iran because they lie and cheat and steal"......cough...cough...cough...spit... Ok they really need to stop throwing stones here...especially those Rethugs! Might get them upside their heads!

  10. Anonymous7:26 AM

    The nuclear deal with Iran is one of the most significant nonproliferation agreements in history. It reduces the threat of an Iranian bomb and greatly increases our ability to monitor Tehran’s nuclear program. It deserves the support of members of Congress.




    1. Anonymous9:24 AM

      Iran signed the NNPT decades ago and has no weapons. Israel has NEVER signed the NNPT and has an arsenal of nukes.

    2. Anonymous10:10 AM

      Welcome to the show!

  11. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Obama’s Worldview Shown in Iran Nuclear Deal That Averts War

    The agreement reflects Obama’s determination to follow through on a principle -- scorned in 2007 as “naive” by his future secretary of state, Hillary Clinton -- that the U.S. must unclench its fist and reach out to pariah states such as Iran, Venezuela and Cuba.

    That foreign policy vision, which distinguished Obama from his predecessor and 2008 presidential rivals, is remaking U.S. relations with the world in historic ways. During the past eight months, Obama ended the half century-long U.S. isolation of Cuba, opened a dialogue with Venezuela, concluded a climate agreement with China and eked out victory in a congressional trade vote to advance the economic component of his strategic pivot to Asia.


    1. fromthediagonal8:10 AM

      I find it impressive that bloomberg is giving a balanced account of these achievements. Just let us remember that Congress will throw wrenches into each one of them. We must remain vigilant and haul the regressives "up short" at every chance we get. VOTE!

    2. Anonymous10:14 AM

      Ok people THINK we got criminals in the USA and abroad...they are uniting and expanding at a faster clip today... I would rather have a government with me than a groups of thugs for sale to the highest bidder...government equals organized reactions...not wild child crap! And with technology there isn't much we don't know about anymore!

    3. Anonymous2:36 PM

      Lol...you tube and iPhones! Post it!

  12. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton gave a “full-throated endorsement” to the nuclear agreement Iran and world powers reached Tuesday, Representative Gerry Connolly of Virginia said after Clinton met with House Democrats on Capitol Hill.

    Speaking to reporters earlier Tuesday at a Christian Science Monitor breakfast in Washington, senior Clinton policy adviser Jake Sullivan said the deal is “really significant.” Clinton helped lay the groundwork for it during her time as secretary of state during President Barack Obama’s first term, Sullivan said.


    1. London Bridges8:06 AM

      Pure unadulterated phony bullshit.
      Pillary will say or do anything to get elected except work hard.

    2. Anonymous9:56 AM

      Why don't you run for office, expert?

    3. Anonymous10:15 AM

      He's busy with babies!

  13. Anonymous7:36 AM

    I read that the Iranian people were dancing in the streets. You know, the way the Cheney/Bush regime predicted the Iraquis would except they did not!! It is so nice to have ADULTS in charge instead of little grade school bullies. Ms. Lindsey is saying this puts Israel in danger. I say "Israel has been putting themselves in danger for years" Time for then to start doing the right thing for the region, instead of killing others who do not agree with them. John Kerry did a
    "heck of a job, John" even on crutches!!.

    1. Anonymous10:20 AM

      Before 1979 they were happy too!

  14. Because there are still sane, intelligent, dedicated, and hardworking public servants like Secretary Kerry, President Obama, and Vice-President Biden, we have this agreement in place that benefits the entire world.

    This is why it's urgent that we elect another Democrat in 2016. We know any and all of the republican candidates are hungry for war. We can't let that happen.

  15. Anonymous7:38 AM

    many in the media, particularly Michael Crowley, try to portray this as a sign of weakness on Obama's part. Couldn't be further fro the truth. The majority of Americans are sick of Middle Eastern wars without end. This is a great day for real American patriots.


    1. Anonymous8:33 AM

      Love that last line!!

  16. London Bridges7:58 AM

    Hillary is against this deal for peace. Kerry is a true secretary of state. Hillary accomplished zero - zilch as SOS except frequent flier miles and illegal donations for her so-called charity."

    She's a Republican neocon.
    Kerry for president - he won before except for vote fixing by friends of Diebold and mike Connell.

    1. Anonymous10:24 AM

      Then get off your England butt and do something about it...oh right...:-X

  17. London Bridges8:07 AM

    How about Biden-Obama 2016! With Kerry as Secretary of the Peace?

    1. Anonymous10:25 AM

      What time is it in London! And what do you care? Has nothing to do with you....or does it? Hmmm?

  18. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Ya Know? All the signed treaties, sanctions, agreements, trade, etc. blah blah blah through out history really comes back to bite. Especially in America. Our ancestors signed off on treaties, agreements etc. and gave away and took and sold, murdered, raped and settled the west. Some how I did not read this document yet. I don't have much faith that it is a document that is honored and respected by all involved.

  19. Anonymous8:15 AM

    I dunno, Gryphen, looks like you're wrong again, as usual..

    Seems to me we should first give pre-President Lindsee Graham's carpet bombing strategy a chance to work first. And if that doesn't succeed, would it really be so bad to conduct some carpet bombing of Iran? Or what about carpet bombing Iran? Have we tried carpet bombing Iran? Carpet bombing could work.

    Carpet bombing, carpet bombing, carpet bombing... If you say it over and over, it eventually begins to grow on you, doesn't it?

    Is there ANY problem that carpet bombing can't solve?

    Remember, when you're a chickenhawk with a hammer, every problem is a nail requiring a massive military response.

  20. Anonymous8:21 AM

    ...'Nothing our President does will ever get the approval of today’s Republicans because to quote Joe Madison: “In America, we are culturally conditioned to believe, that White is superior, Black is inferior, and the manifestation of that cultural conditioning is that Black people are undervalued, underestimated and marginalized.”

    He will always be the black man that took them by surprise and showed them up (not intentionally) with his brilliance, oratory and leadership. He will drop the mic when he leaves office in January 2017 and there is nothing they will be able to do to change the beautiful history that he will leave in his wake.'


  21. Anonymous8:23 AM

    I continue to have "HOPE". Hope that the immediate future will have humans that do not want to fight. But live in harmony on earth. Help and Learn from each other and their cultures. Connect through human interest and use science to advance in so many fields. It just seems we have a current generation of fighters. And slow backward thinkers. And haters and frauds. The World and America was not built on that. We were leaders in the usa because we were advanced explorers from all parts of earth. We came from all parts of earth to become America. We are one people. But today divided. and wasting time and money on fighting.

    1. Standing, hopefully, right there with you, 8:23.

    2. Anonymous10:27 AM

      Technology is your friend...use it!

  22. Anonymous8:31 AM

    A Vote Against the Iran Nuclear Deal Is a Vote for Another Mid-East War -- or a Nuclear Iran

    ...That deal was possible because of monumental diplomatic effort. It began when the Obama Administration forged a coalition of the world's major powers to invoke the sanctions in the first place. Then the United States persuaded those same powers to stick together until they got deal that actually cuts off all of the major pathways for Iran to obtain a nuclear bomb. Altogether an extraordinary achievement.

    And remember, the agreement was achieved because the administration successfully maintained a truly international sanctions regime that included Russia and China as well as the major European powers.

    If the United States Congress derails a deal that is considered fair by the other permanent members of the UN Security Council and Germany, those international sanctions will collapse -- the moderate, pro-western forces in Iran will be discredited in Iran -- the hardliners in Iran will be empowered -- and Iran will be free to develop a nuclear weapon. That is exactly the opposite of what opponents of the deal say they want as an outcome.

    In the event that the U.S. Congress rejects the internationally negotiated agreement, we will not be able to just "toughen our sanctions" and force the Iranians to bend to our will. International sanctions were the vehicle that has brought Iran to the negotiating table. The Iranians faced sanctions from all of the world's major economies.

    If the Congress stops the deal, the United States will be blamed for its failure -- not Iran -- and those international sanctions will simply disappear. And if international sanctions collapse, so will our leverage with Iran.


  23. Anonymous8:33 AM

    I wonder if those who see diplomacy as weakness and going to war as strength also raise their children to solve conflicts by beating up others...

  24. Anonymous8:36 AM

    I just love how he is using the word 'hope' which is exactly what Barack Obama is known for...Hope and CHANGE! Take that you haters!

    ...Zarif acknowledged that the final agreement wasn't perfect, but described the announcement as a "historic moment."

    "Today could have been the end of hope," he said, "but now we are starting a new chapter of HOPE."

    The breakthrough comes after months of thorny negotiations between Iran and the so-called P5+1 group -- the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council and Germany.

    U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry made a statement in Vienna, saying "this is the good deal that we have sought."

    Kerry stated that while the deal is historic, the implementation is what matters. "I’m not going to stand here and tell you every is going to work without a bump," he said. Kerry added that the deal contains ample mechanisms for ensuring the terms are met, however, and that the agreement makes evident the consequences of non-compliance.


  25. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Prepare yourselves for all the tough Republican candidates (Cruz, Bush, Perry, Rubio...) who want us to stand up to Iran but who don't even have the nerve to stand up to Trump.

  26. Anonymous8:39 AM

    "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God." --Matthew 5:9

    I should think that the flip side of that Bible quote would be:

    Cursed are the warmongers, for they will be called children of Satan.

    1. Anonymous12:44 PM

      I totally agree with this idea!

    2. try spawn of Satan. More poetic. And stings.

  27. Anonymous8:42 AM

    That's diplomacy. That's real political courage. That's leadership.

    Can anyone even imagine a Republican president delivering as Obama has?

  28. Anonymous8:44 AM

    So let me see we get them to hold for 10 yrs, inspect their military sites and have a board of abort-ration to settle any problems, no one was killed, not one shot fired, no mothers grieving the loss of a son or daughter no children killed, or hurt..Oh damn that's right it's not a republican war hawk who wants to tell every one do it our way or we will bomb you..isn't this the guy Hillary called not ready. America leads when it has the right leaders!


    1. Anonymous12:49 PM

      So Hillary was wrong 7 years ago, BFD! You want Scotty Walker making decisions about your life for the next four years? Go ahead, keep bashing Hillary. Pick a clown to run the country and see how that works out for all of us.

  29. Anonymous8:45 AM

    I can't wait for the day to unfold so i can witness the official comments of all 657 of the Republican Presidential candidates as they have their two year old temper tantrum meltdown press conferences where they half sob and half cry all while stomping their feet and with tears flowing down their fat little cheeks proclaim "BUT I WANNA BOMB :(

  30. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Yet another fine feather in the cap of President Obama!!!

    This historic and unprecedented victory proves once again the prescience of the Nobel committee who awarded President Obama the Nobel peace prize.

    President Obama shall indeed enter the annals of history as not only perhaps the greatest of all American Presidents, but indeed as one of the greatest world leaders period.

    This great victory not only assures peace for the middle east, but also lower gas prices for the people who live in America. Lower gas prices translates to a raise for the American people who can begin spending this additional money to help further the recovery and strengthen our communities.

    No doubt the extreme right will attempt to criticize this historic accomplishment and make fun of it, however the people living in America must immediately begin contacting their leaders to demand that this treaty be signed and that this great victory be honored by all.

  31. Anonymous8:47 AM

    This agreement is surely interfering with Bibi's plans. He is useless to Israel if a threat is diminished. He is like Republicans, they thrive on the fear and ignorance of their base.

    1. Anonymous10:30 AM

      The I phone is their own worst enemy...now humanity posts it! Haha

  32. Anonymous8:48 AM

    That Nobel Peace Prize is certainly justified now. How nice to have a President who brings Peace and Prosperity instead of War and Depression.

    1. Anonymous2:57 PM

      "That Nobel Peace Prize is justified now."

      And, there it is.

      You don't know what you're talking about! "That Nobel Peace Prize" was always justified. The Nobel Peace Prize isn't always awarded to people who do something positive for peace. People have won the Nobel Peace Prize for things completely unrelated to "peace," such as mathematics. Even that war-monger, Henry Kissinger, won a Nobel Peace Prize!

      The bitter fools who have been questioning for years whether President Obama's Nobel Peace Prize was "justified, don't really know jack-shit about the history of the Nobel Peace Prize! And apparently, neither do you!

      Do people ever question whether or not Henry Kissinger's Nobel Peace Prize was "justified?" Probably not.

      Why not? Because Henry Kissinger is a WHITE man, and nobody ever questions, or doubts a white man. President Obama is a black man, so he had to EARN his Nobel Peace Prize, unlike Henry Kissinger. A transparent double-standard.

      And, in spite of this historic nuclear deal with Iran, bitter, racist idiots are still always going to question whether President Obama's Nobel Peace Prize was "justified."

    2. It's the Nobel Prize. (Alfred Nobel made his money in armaments, specifically dynamite.) Nobel established the following categories in 1895:

      Physiology or Medicine

      In 1968 a Nobel Memorial Prize was added by Sweden's Central bank for Economic Science.

      The Peace prize is the only one not bestowed by Sweden, but by the Norwegian Peace Prize committee.

      The Peace prize has been awarded to plenty of people who are not white and are not men.

  33. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Obama is really on roll, amazing past two months. Changing hearts and minds at warp speed these days

  34. Anonymous8:49 AM

    That Obama.............what a lame duck! HA!

  35. Anonymous8:50 AM

    The best part of this deal is that congress gets to review it for 60 days, and that's ALL. They can vote to accept or reject this deal, if they reject it, President Obama will VETO their rejection, and then they will need a 2/3 vote in both chambers of congress to override the President's veto. In other words........DONE DEAL! Rock on President Obama!

  36. Anonymous8:53 AM

    This cements Obama's legacy as one of the great American Presidents and a truly transformational figure in our history who can now stand alongside people like Lincoln and FDR. And the irony is that for all the Republican rants about the sanctity of the American family he also epitomizes by example what family really means Not just a great President but a great human being as well..

    1. Anonymous2:58 PM

      Lincoln and FDR had it easy. If they were president today, they wouldn't have gotten shit done.

  37. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Gay Marriage Ruling
    Boy Scouts Allow Gays
    Military To Allow Transgender People
    Housing Discrimination Ruling
    Ocare Ruling
    Confederate Flag Coming Down
    Pope Recognizing MM Climate Change
    Gerrymandering Ruling
    Iran Nuclear Agreement

    It's been a great few months to be an American!!!

  38. Anonymous8:56 AM

    It's fun to read all the comments condemning the deal from all our foreign policy and nuclear experts. Even some valid comments are clouded with the usual reflexive hate of President Obama and anything he does, including getting up in the morning.

  39. Anonymous9:31 AM

    President Obama’s remarks this morning were exactly what Congressional Democrats needed to hear. What they will be voting on isn’t a choice between a “good” deal, and a “bad” deal as Republicans like to frame it. The choice is between the path to war and the path to peace. The President was correct. No deal means that Republicans still have their top argument for war with Iran. This deal takes that argument away from conservatives and makes it impossible for them to argue for the war in the Middle East that they have been dreaming of.

    Notice that Obama stated that he would veto any legislation that tries to block the deal. The President went beyond the approval/disapproval process and warned Republicans that any bill that blocks the deal will be vetoed. Presumably, this would include attempts to add language blocking the deal to unrelated legislation and appropriations bills.

    Republicans can do nothing to stop the deal. Obama has the Democratic votes to win. All Republicans can do is fearmonger and make empty promises about actions that will most certainly fail.


  40. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Let us now turn to Israel and get them to destroy their Arsenal of Nukes. We should then work to get them to sign the NNPT.

  41. Sarah Palin, aske me again "how that hopey changey thing" is working out for me.

    It's working out just GREAT!

    1. A. J. Billings12:23 PM

      Right on!
      Millions of Americans who had ZERO health insurance before can now get treated

      No one can be turned down for coverage for a "pre-existing" condition, which at my last corporate job was a list of over 200 things covering 4 pages.

      College age people can be covered by their parents policies.

      Gays can finally have status to marry in all 50 states, so that legal, health related, and civil matters are instantly clarified under law

      Imagine TALKING to our adversaries in a NUKKULAR world, instead of just invading their countries, or shooting missiles at them like George IDIOT Bush did in 2003.

      Just maybe diplomacy and/or containment can work.

      If a democrat can win the White house in 2016, the Teabots, the religious fanatics, and the racist elements are going to have a complete melt down.

    2. and in return; Sarah, how's that mamma grizzly lipstick on a pit bull thing workin' out for ya?

  42. Anonymous11:15 AM


  43. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Obama Squandering America’s Precious Supply of Enemies

    By easing tensions with Cuba and now Iran, President Obama is “recklessly squandering America’s precious supply of enemies,” the leader of a conservative think tank said on Tuesday.

    “Our adversarial relationships with Cuba and Iran took years of frostiness and saber-rattling to maintain,” Harland Dorrinson, the executive director of the Washington-based Institute for Infinite Conflict, said. “Thanks to the President, decades of well-crafted hostility have been thrown out the window.”

    According to Dorrinson, fears abound in conservative circles that the President might be “capriciously casting about for other powder kegs to defuse” during his remaining time in office.

    “If his shameful record is any guide, he’ll probably try to disarm North Korea,” Dorrinson said. “That’s the doomsday scenario.”

    Regardless of his future actions, Obama’s detente with Cuba and Iran will likely tarnish his legacy forever, Dorrinson said. “On this President’s watch, America lost two of its most enduring foes,” he said. “He’s going to have to live with that for the rest of his life.”


    1. Well, they'll always have North Korea.

  44. Anonymous12:18 PM

    He is knocking it out of the park! Obama is showing us there is no such thing as a lame duck.

  45. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Republicans Crushed As Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders Support Obama On Iran Deal

    ...Liberals such as Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are highly influential in the Senate Democratic caucus. Senate Democrats have moved left since they lost the majority, and they are a much more liberal group. Sanders and Warren both echoed President Obama’s language about the choice on this deal being between war and peace. It is the liberals in Senate who will vote to sustain President Obama’s veto if the Senate passes a resolution of disapproval.

    Some in the Beltway media, such as NBC’s Chuck “Wrong Way” Todd are trying to create drama by suggesting that Democrats could go against President Obama on this deal, but as long as Obama has the support of Senate liberals like Warren and Sanders along with the always influential Harry Reid, he will win and overcome Republican opposition to the international agreement that stops Iran’s nuclear weapons program.

    As long as the liberals support President Obama, Republicans will suffer a crushing defeat as their quest for more war in the Middle East could be dealt a crippling blow by the power of diplomacy and the overwhelming desire for peace. Liberals have the power in this debate, and two of the biggest liberals in the Senate are signaling their support for President Obama.


  46. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Without firing a shot, without provoking conflict, without threats, the United States and Iran have reached this accord. This is how nations should reach across the table and come together. This is what the world expects, and wants, from the United States. The people of Iran have been reminded of our history of alliance and friendship. Hopefully the warhawks within the United States can be silenced now, to help remind our own people of those ancient bonds.

    Do take the time to read this historic deal for yourself, below.


    1. This alone shows Obama is a superior Commander in Chief and President of the United States than G.W. Lush, I mean Bush.

  47. Hardliners in Iran: It's a bad deal.
    Hardliners in USA: It's a bad deal.
    Netanyahu: It's a bad deal.

    Conclusion: It's a good deal.

  48. Looking at the history of Iran/Persia/Shia Islam, I'd say that Iran is an inherently moderate country. The rise and sustenance of radicalism in Iran can be traced to British and American meddling--overthrowing an elected democratic government, installing a puppet Shah and his corrupt family and cronies, supporting him throughout his reign of brutal, sadistic repression and economic rape of Iranians, then arming and encouraging another brutal dictator--Saddam--throughout his ten year aggression and all the time subjecting the country to harsh, crippling sanctions for a generation even before they had any nuclear ambitions.

    All countries have hardliners and kooks. Whether they ascend to any significance depends on whether they are fed. And the nutrition that nourishes hardliners is victimhood. This deal feeds the moderates and starves the hardliners.

    1. A. J. Billings1:08 AM

      Great comment BB.

      The hardliners and kooks in the USA have significance because most of them are hard core Christian Taliban, and they can get Christian moderates to vote them into office in Congress and state legislatures.

      As Barry Goldwater presciently put it,
      "“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them."

      The religious fanatic candidates we see running for President like Santorum, Cruz, Bush, and even Walker represent the Dominionist movement, and they are a serious threat to democracy.

      Behind them stands a large number of pastors, preachers, and businessmen with deep pockets like the Koch brothers.

      They are hell bent on establishing a virtual theocracy, and if the rest of us don't vote them out of office, we will be in big trouble

  49. Anita Winecooler7:30 PM

    Diplomacy works. I'm absolutely amazed at the depth of understanding from the GOP and some Democrats who've already blasted it as a bad deal without even reading the entire thing first.
    President Obama has worked tirelessly and behind the scenes with the world to find and make a deal like this. I couldn't help but remember how they swiftboated and belittled John Kerry when he ran. They cast his military service in a bad light, and they're at it now because he brokered this with hard work and diplomacy.
    What alternative, other than war, has the GOP offered? When was the last time the GOP accomplished something this difficult? And they already have the daggers ready.

    Not too shabby for a "lame duck" President, eh? And I'm SURE he's got more on his to do list.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.