Thursday, August 06, 2015

Author Stephen King may have come up with the perfect slogan for the Donald Trump campaign.

Courtesy of CNN:  

Trump's campaign has been roiled by accusations of bias amid Trump's controversial comments that many illegal immigrants from Mexico are "rapists" and "killers," and his campaign recently fired a longtime political aide for making racially charged Facebook posts. 

King is an outspoken Democrat who has frequently thrown partisan jabs at other Republican politicians, including his own home-state GOP governor, Paul LePage, Florida Gov. Rick Scott and Trump's fellow 2016 candidate, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.

I am, in the words of Donald Trump, a HUGE fan of Stephen King, and of course I think he is a hateful little ferret posing as a human being so I could not be more thrilled to have King weighing in like this.

And to be honest I can't think of one Stephen King novel that was as frightening as the idea of a Donald Trump presidency.


  1. Gryphen, I share your sentiments although my trying to express them would involve a HUGE amount of cussing.
    Now that Palin has moved on to Pimping For Jeezus, my derangement syndrome is somewhat transferring to the clown school dropouts, who will probably self destruct trying to debate.

    And the word HUGE has become f#cking ginormous.

    1. I would like to share your sentiments about the debates, but the reality is a substantial number of voters like the republican brand, even though the GOP has done nothing for middle class Americans. They are easily distracted by issues such as abortion, guns, Christianity under attack, etc., issues which have absolutely no impact whatsoever on pay, benefits, and economic security. They talk a wonderful game and are always on message, but they do nothing for the middle class. That jobs, jobs, jobs mantra sounded good, but it never materialized like the alternate to ACA never materialized.

      The clown show will only solidify opinion. Talk is cheap, and lying is even cheaper.

      Let's imagine an America that is completely under conservative control. No abortions, plenty of guns, plenty of war, open and required displays of Christianity everywhere, no ACA, you get the picture.

      My guess is if The Turd Reich prevails, middle America will still be facing exactly the same economic challenges.

  2. Anonymous12:37 PM

    "The Dead Zone"

  3. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Stephen King has millions more supporters than does Donald Trump.
    And King doesn't have to spend a billion dollars, like the Kochs, to try to get people to listen.

    All he has to do is be Stephen King, and, occasionally, tweet his opinions. The rest is history.

  4. Leland12:40 PM

    Gryphen, did you mean to say you CAN find a single King novel or CAN'T find one in the last paragraph?

    1. Can't. And to be honest that was one of my lesser mistakes on this post which I tried to type while talking on the phone.

    2. Anonymous1:33 PM

      Remember Leland, he's not educated nor is he a very bright bulb.

    3. Yeah Leland stop expecting so much from me.

      By the way is anybody else watching the "Kid's Table" debate session on Fox?

      It's an absolute snorefest. I certainly hope the main debate features a little more pizzazz.

    4. Leland1:51 PM

      @ 1:33


      He's smart enough to have created a blog that is quite popular. He is smart enough to recognize that idiot comments like yours still goes cha ching because its another hit on his site. He is quite erudite. He is also humble enough to recognize he makes mistakes and accepts corrections when pointed out.

      AND, he is smart enough to do a huge amount of research to verify what he posts.

      If you are comparing him to some idiot who THINKS he is smart (like ole Teddy C!) then I have to say: Who the hell wants to be smart like that idiot?

  5. Anonymous12:42 PM

    If you're a Stephen King fan and/or a writer, I strongly recommend his book, "On Writing."

  6. Native New Yorker, but NOT from Queens12:57 PM

    Gryphen: if you listen closely to Señor Trump, and only if you must, you'll notice that, as a nice little boy from Queens, he often drops the "H" from Huge. It comes out "Yoooge," in his patois.
    Perhaps he's been taking diction lessons, but I doubt anyone can tell him anything, so be on the lookout for a Yooge or two.

  7. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Sorry Stephen but the GOP already has that slogan. They have been saying that for some time.

  8. Anita Winecooler7:07 PM

    I always liked his works, and reading this just makes me like him more because it's true.


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