Thursday, August 13, 2015

Donald Trump teases the idea of choosing a female running mate. Oh you know where THIS is going.

Actual photo used at the top of this article.
Courtesy of the New York Daily News:  

The leading presidential candidate, who has taken heat for his comments about the fairer sex, said Wednesday he would consider a woman as a running mate should he secure the GOP nomination. 

“I am all for the concept,” Trump told the Chicago Sun-Times' Michael Sneed. “It would have to be the right person, and I’m not going to go into who that would be right now.”

The article then goes on to remind its readers that Trump has also mentioned that he might be willing to give Sarah Palin a spot on his mythological "cabinet."

Which of course is going to make almost everybody assume she is who he has in mind with this statement.

I can only imagine how this news will re-energize the Palin-bots who have lost hope of ever seeing their queen anywhere near the White House.

However if Trump is serious (He's not.) he might need to move quickly because her most recent Facebook post hints that she is all in for Ted Cruz.

Personally I am one hundred percent behind the idea of Trump tapping Palin to once again be the number two in a campaign that will crash and burn spectacularly.

That would be like Christmas in August for me.


  1. Anonymous6:38 AM

    "Wednesday he would consider a woman as a running mate should he secure the GOP nomination."

    Sarah Palin heard Donald Trump's comment and just wet her panties with woman juice.

    Quick Sarah run to Target and buy a new clean pair of panties!

    Houston we have a problem. Sarah can't figure out which underwear are for men and which one are for women?

    Sarah you are just going to have to go home and steal a pair of Piper's thongs.

    1. Anonymous8:25 AM

      Well, he is presuming alot! He didn't get it last time and he thinks he can get it this time? Well this move if he picks palin with kill them both off! He just said he supports PP which maybe fine for libertarian base but not "her" base. And you know Hillary has a boatload of shit on her including everything about Tawdry's prostitution ring! I almost hope he does announce her because it will be fucking hilarious this trainwreck!
      Well this certain explains why she's been ki$$ing his ass! Who is his wife now? Is he even married now? She's so quiet if he is.
      Oh well Palin curse, will knock both their asses right out of the park!!!

    2. Anonymous2:08 PM

      WTF, 6:38???

    3. Anonymous5:58 PM

      You're gross, 6:38. 8:25, it would take you two seconds to Google Trump's wife. Yes, I'm sure a plastic-surgeried, breast-implanted former model from the former Yugoslavia would make a classy first lady.

  2. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Donald is teasing folks and loving it. He drops a little hint here and there, acting just like Palin did, making sure it causes a little ruffle and keeps them all guessing. It's a cat and mouse game.

    There's no way a grand master narcissist like Trump would welcome another gm narcissist like Palin on a ticket. His VP partner would have to be a yes-man/woman who likes to sit in the background, affording Trump all the attention, all the time. His VP candidate would have to know when to speak and when to shut up. He'd/she'd have to have a bobble-head that shakes yes or no, at any statement the Donald made.

    There's no way little Miss Rogue would share the spotlight. The two would eat each other alive.

    I bet she's packing her bags, though, for D.C. as we speak.

  3. If she dares go near national office again, and the media gives her a second pass on the Trig lie, we're more screwed up that even every member of the GOP clown car combined represent.

    1. Anonymous2:12 PM

      Nicole Wallace said it ain't gonna happen. She and Schmidt have all the goods on Sarah and they basically told her never to go near elected office again or they would unload all the secrets they hid back in '08.

    2. Anonymous6:01 PM

      Nicole Wallace is full of shit. Neither she nor Schmidt will utter a peep. They know which side their media bread is buttered on.

  4. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Nate Silver says...

    Donald Trump Is Winning The Polls — And Losing The Nomination

    Donald Trump’s Six Stages Of Doom

  5. Anonymous7:04 AM

    The P-bots would never tolerate their queen being in the #2 spot again.... I would like to see the cage match that would be the result of the two of them running together, though! There's not enough popcorn in North America for that.

    1. Cracklin Charlie8:22 PM

      Have you been to Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois, or Indiana lately?

      There's enough corn...even for a 2016 Trump/Tramp cage match!

  6. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Since old Donnie will not be the nominee, Sarah will be disappointed yet again. But since he supports PP, I think she already is. Hard to walk back all that hate, Sarah, once you let someone post it. I mean, how could you possibly align yourself with Donnie now?
    Oh, and if he chose a woman, and if a woman was stupid enough to subject herself to hanging around that over-egged mess for days on end, the GOP will never vote for him.

  7. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Sarah committed political suicide with the Belmont Girls.

  8. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Trump was specifically asked if he'd pick Sarah as a running mate and he dismissed the idea, while simultaneously dissing Palin--said he would have to pick someone who was ready to be president. Did you not cover that? I think Palin missed it...or ignored it.

    I can't find a link to the interview, or remember who was interviewing him but I give it another try. The interview occurred the day after Trump's Mama Grizzly Radio call-in when he said he might put Palin in his cabinet.

    1. Anonymous8:39 AM

      Still haven't found it. Think I was wrong about it being the day after Trump's July 27 Palin Update radio interview. It may have been closer to Aug. 1, around the time the video of Palin's AZ mall interview was posted.

      I'm fascinated that the media has widely reported that Trump wants Palin in his cabinet while it has ignored him dismissing the idea of picking her as the VP candidate. It's also helpful to remember that Kevin Scholla asked Trump if he'd put Palin in his administration. It wasn't an idea that Trump offered on his own and he'd never say 'no' given that it was an interview on effing "Palin Update."

    2. Anonymous11:41 AM

      Yes, he said Palin is great (or words to that effect) but for VP he wants someone terrific, someone that could step in as president.

      Has anyone every run as VP twice?

      The Donald is just saying he would consider a woman as damage control from his Megyn remarks.

      Besides, I thought someone commented here, like I believe them, that when Sarah resigned she signed a deal that she could never run for office again.

      Well I do not believe it until I see the document for myself, that shrew is going to be around for a long time,but not as The Donald's running mate. They couldn't fit both egos on one stage and I am sure he saw how she back stabbed McCain during his campaign.

    3. Anonymous4:58 PM

      Anonymous7:29 AM
      I read it too. He basically dissed her.
      As far as him "Winning in the polls" lol! He has paid trolls freeping them for him, you know like Sarah does and the stool did for DWTS. Meaningless Sock puppets.

  9. Janice A Soderquist7:30 AM

    We all know how for the past years, Sarah has told her followers she is thinking of running for office so they get excited and continue to donate to her. Now, Trump is playing the same game with her. Sarah knows she will never run and Trump knows he will never choose her for anything. Sarah is so stupid. If he chooses a woman, she will be educated in life and politics, a lady, respected and an achiever. Sarah does not quality for anything.

  10. Anonymous7:47 AM

    $100 says Donald Trump won't announce that if he wins he will pick Sarah Palin to be his vp.

    Right now Donald Trump is playing McCain's 2008 game which is to get women's vote. McCain's big big big problem is that he picked Miss Wasilla Sarah Palin.

    Donald Trump may be stupid but he's not that stupid to pick retard Elderly Miss Wasilla.

  11. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Given his attitudes towards women, what woman on the planet would agree to be his running mate. Besides, he probably considers vice presidents to be "losers" much as he considers people unlucky enough to be captured by enemies to be "losers." After all, only Donald Trump can be a "winner."

    1. Boscoe8:35 AM

      "what woman on the planet would agree to be his running mate"

      $A®AH!™ waves her hand enthusiastically, "Oooh! OOOH!"

  12. Ellen H7:53 AM

    Meanwhile, FOX news is tweeting out trash on Jimmy Carter's cancer diagnosis. They will stoop to any level of tacky, no matter how tasteless.

  13. Anonymous7:57 AM

    With any luck the idiot media will run with Trump/Halfwit 2016.

    I would just love to see her tied around his neck, dragging him down. It'll never happen, though, because he will be aware that people dislike her, that almost 3 in 4 voters think she should STFU and go away.

    We'll never get to see the fools at the pond losing what's left of their shit- and their money... they're wise to her tricks although they're still incredibly stupid, and.... a lot of them have been busily hating Trump all week and the hateful little trolls are too slow now to do the 180 degree turns of old and love Trump again by yesterday.

  14. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Sarah Palin don't pack up the Wasilla Hillbillies, sell your house and move to Washington DC. With the comment made below, do you think Donald Trump would pick a quitter to be his vice president?

    “He’s a war hero because he was captured,” Trump said sarcastically. “I like people who weren’t captured, I hate to tell you.”
    - Donald Trump

    Sarah Palin you quit your job, you quit your commitment to the people who elected you, why would President Donald Trump pick a quitter like yourself to be his vp or give them a cabinet position when he hates our United States of America Prisoners Of War and don't consider them heroes?

    I betcha Donald Trump hates QUITTERS more than he hates Prisoners of War.

  15. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Dems near Clinton panic mode

    Democrats are worried that the furor surrounding Hillary Clinton’s private email server will be prolonged and intensified after her sudden move to hand it over to the FBI.

    The Clinton campaign’s decision to give up the server and a thumb drive containing backup copies of emails left Democrats scratching their heads as to why the former secretary of State had resisted for months turning over the server.

    Coupled with new polls that suggest Clinton is vulnerable, Democrats are nearing full-on panic mode.

    “I’m not sure they completely understand the credibility they are losing, by the second,” said one Democratic strategist, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. “At some point this goes from being something you can rationalize away to something that becomes political cancer. And we are getting pretty close to the cancer stage, because this is starting to get ridiculous."

    “Look, this is a classic example of the cover-up being 10 times worse than the so-called crime — though in this case there wasn't a crime,” said another progressive strategist.

    “The culture of secrecy that has surrounded the Clintons — understandably, in some cases — has now yielded a situation where she did something that wasn't necessary and looks nefarious.”

    This is so not good. Why she keeps shooting herself in the foot is so disheartening.

    1. Anonymous8:30 AM

      Looky here, A concern troll

    2. Anonymous8:34 AM

      Do you really think she wants the job? I just don't believe she does. She waited so long. The E-Mails. If I, a nobody in Texas knew the state department computers were "extremely vulnerable to Russian hackers," you know she knew it. She may not even realize she is doing it but she is indeed shooting herself in the foot.


    3. Anonymous8:42 AM

      TexasMe! Our state dept email accounts are just as vulnerable. We just don't hear abot it that much because imagine the hue and cry if we did.... and it is usually the Chinese who get in not the Russians. Just sayin'

    4. Anonymous8:53 AM

      Trump/Tramp 2016!

    5. Anonymous8:56 AM

      I daresay Dems aren't panicking nearly as much as Repubs.

    6. angela9:04 AM

      I just love when republicans say democrats are in panic mode. Why? It makes me giggle----especially when they have to smooch Donald Trump so he doesn't run 3rd party and destroy their party. Wishful thinking I guess.

    7. Anonymous10:02 AM

      8:30. Give it a rest. Not everyone who wants to discuss valid concerns (yes, I used that word) is a troll. We all laugh at how ridiculous C4P is about attacking each other when they don't agree on things. This comment section is starting to read like that. And for the record....eight year reader/supporterof IM here.... and also not 8:10 commenter.

    8. Anonymous10:06 AM

      8:56, it's awfully early to start drinking you deluded fool.

    9. Anonymous10:32 AM

      LOL, I love it when repuglicans try and say democratic candidates and voters are in a "panic mode", I seem to remember them saying the same thing the last two Presidential elections.

      Typical repuglican tactics of trying to redirect anyone from looking at their ridiculous clown car of unqualified candidates.

  16. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Trump/Palin would be quite the slate. His wife is a former escort and her husband is a pimp.

  17. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Anonymous8:04 AM made an excellent point:

    "Sarah Palin don't pack up the Wasilla Hillbillies, sell your house and move to Washington DC. With the comment made below, do you think Donald Trump would pick a quitter to be his vice president?"

    Sarah Palin packing up the Wasilla Hillbillies right now and moving to Washington DC would be like doing what Bristol did, putting the cart before the horse.


  18. Anonymous9:16 AM


    Fetal Tissue Research Critic Ben Carson Conducted Fetal Tissue Research

  19. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Cureboy675 Pete Petretich • 4 hours ago
    That would be cool if they amendment the constitution once she's elected so she can be president longer. After a couple years of peace and good economy and Christian values, the American people will probably demand it. I know I will

    Isn't this exactly what they are terrified of Obama trying to do? They think he will change the constitution to president for life. Besides, what happened to Constitutional Conservative values, cureboy? You hypocrite

    1. Anonymous10:08 AM

      Read his other posts. Cureboy is a very awesome troll if you ask me. He's echoing the Palinbots in the absolute extreme way. He's trolling them, trust me.

    2. Anonymous12:04 PM

      I agree that Cureboy is an awesome troll. He condenses the c4p jaw dropping stupidity with every post.

    3. Anonymous1:34 PM

      An excellent troll. I laugh when I see the upvotes the c4pers give him. As long as you don't criticize Palin in any way, no matter how slight, you're welcome there. He's used the word "uppity" to describe the First Family more than once, and they upvote him. I think only one poster ever sort of commented on his choice of words, but didn't admonish him. Yep, you can be more deranged than Ted Nugent - just as long as you swear allegiance to Sarah and proclaim her your Lord and Savior, you can post any insane drivel you want and be welcomed with open arms.

  20. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Found it. Sorry to disappoint you, Gryphen, but Donald Trump would not pick Palin as a running mate. He likes her a lot BUT....he doesn't think she's presidential material.

    Aug. 2, 2015, ABC 'This Week'

    KARL: Runningmate: Sarah Palin said some very nice things about you, you've said some nice things about her. Will you consider her as a possible runningmate?

    TRUMP: Well, I don't think she'd want to, because at the -- the answer is -- you know, I like Sarah Palin a lot. I think Sarah Palin has got the very unfair press. I think the press has treated her very unfairly. But I would pick somebody that would be a terrific -- you know, you have to view it as really who would be a good president in case something happened. But I would -- there are many, many people out there that I think would be very good.

    I'd really like to hear Palin's response to being dissed this way.

  21. Isabella10:35 AM

    He wouldn't take her to an actual restaurant, with decent dishes and utensils. Yah, IF he really wants to be president, and IF he got the nomination, he'll choose that hated conniving tramp as his VP. Sure.

  22. Janice A Soderquist10:36 AM

    OT.. now Bristol is on her Patheo complaining people are picking on her for showing her baby bump. Why is she showing it anyway, but to get attention. Why isn't she working instead of spending all her time on the internet?

    1. Anonymous11:11 AM

      That's not Bristol, it's Nancy, and $arah is piggybacking off of her:

      "A mama grizzly warns Erick at RedState: 'Don't take on a Palin kid; when family's had enough don't expect the kids to retreat either.' "

      The family's had enough, $arah? Honey, we're just getting going! This is the life you wanted, toots, be careful what you wish for Ms.Thin-Skinned!

    2. Anonymous11:48 AM

      I am telling you, they can't even remember all the lies they spew.

      Bristol told everyone she wanted her privacy to live her vibrant life.

      Next thing we know she posts some old selfie congratulating herself on 5 months, probable because everyone was ignoring her, like she told us to do.

      Now she is whining again, yet still.

    3. Anonymous12:00 PM

      No Brissie, you're mixing yourself up, again, with Kim K. who got grief for posting her BARE baby bump. Nobody gives a shit about you. When you post your bare bump, maybe you'll get the attention you want.

    4. Anonymous2:10 PM

      No one on the Left is telling Bristol to abort her baby.
      Frankly, she didn't announce that she was pregnant until it was too late for her to have done anything about it.

      The reason that the Left is LAUGHING AT BRISTOL is because she is a first class hypocrite. She was given hundreds of thousands of dollars to be associated with abstinence after having given birth to what appears to have been her first out of wedlock baby. (Maybe Trig was #1 but Sarah took him on as her own). The photos of Bristol Dancing with the Stars show a girl who is definitely pregnant. What happened to that abstinence baby? Pause before you play baby?

      Then, it was Bristol, herself, who told us that this baby was a huge disappointment and that she got ahead of herself. Give the money back to Candies, Bristol. You didn't do a very good job of promoting abstinence if you can't spell it yourself, or practice it. Hypocrite! And, don't ask for privacy when you post baby bump photos. You don't have to keep up with the Kardashians. You can't.

  23. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Poor sarah, she needs to wake up and smell the coffee. Melania Trump feels the same way about her as Ann Romney did, when they have to be around her they wear that same look on their faces as if to say "eww, did I step in dog shit?"

  24. Anonymous11:01 AM

    There would be a DEEP BENCH of women and men ready to flatten Palin right quickly if she dared to flirt with the VP spot. It would be a good time to go all babygate on her ass. So I say bring it on.

  25. Janice A Soderquist11:17 AM

    I bet this is the first time he has ever taken anyone to a cheap place like this before and eat on paper plates. Sarah never caught on. He took her there cause that is her style and to embarrass her. I would have been offended.

  26. Anonymous11:32 AM

    If Trump isn't already a big enough clown, adding Sarah Palin as his VP would make him a complete laughing stock. I can't wait for Katie Couric to return and ask Sarah if she wants a do-over. Instead of asking what books Sarah reads, I suggest that Katie ask Sarah to tell us the story of Paul Revere's ride, again, please, ringing those bells and firing those warning shots.

  27. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Just heard on the news, Palin is NOT a VP contender, according to sources close to Trump.

    Not sure if I should laugh or cry.

    1. Janice A Soderquist11:58 AM

      No problem for Sarah. She is a quitter full time and will jump from Donald to Ted or anyone else quickly. No shame.

    2. Anonymous1:48 PM

      There's a link at 9:52 where Trump says it himself.

  28. Anonymous11:59 AM

    He's a freakin billionaire, and the best he could do was treat her to a pizza? $arah where's your pride girl, if all he bought was a pizza, you're not good nor smart enough to ride his coattails to the White House (wink,wink) which will never happen. #FeelTheBern

  29. Anonymous12:00 PM

    But the slogan as someone posted before is just perfect:
    Trump/Palin 2016
    You're Fired! / I Quit!

    1. Anonymous1:45 PM

      Thank you! One of my best.

  30. Anonymous1:56 PM

    In typical Donald Trump fashion, he will host the "Will You be the Next VP?" pageant. All interested female candidates will show off their curves and their smarts, and America will decide!

  31. Anita Winecooler4:20 PM

    Every circus needs a sideshow, but I doubt Donald would choose Sarah as VP, he saw how well she did when McCain picked her, and he doesn't like pow's who were "captured", especially McCain.
    And besides, they're both id driven egomaniacs who'd cancel each other out for the spotlight. Trump/Chump ain't going to happen.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.