Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Oath Keepers show up in Ferguson after protests cause the authorities to declare a "state of emergency."

Courtesy of NBC News:  

Oath Keepers Defend Right to Bear Arms Ferguson's Streets 0:52 Heavily-armed members of a controversial patriot group added an extra dose of unease to protests in Ferguson, Missouri, early Tuesday. 

The Oath Keepers organization says its members — all former military, police and first responders — pledge to "defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic." 

However, St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar described their presence as "both unnecessary and inflammatory." 

Protesters and police confirmed that a handful of Oath Keepers with assault rifles, bulletproof vest and camouflage gear were seen early Tuesday on the streets of Ferguson, which was under a state of emergency following demonstrations pegged to the anniversary of Michael Brown's death. 

Several protesters confronted members of the group, asking why they were allowed to openly carry weapons. 

"I'm happy that we're able to defend ourselves," one Oath Keeper replied in footage from NBC station KSDK. "It's been our right for a long time." 

Apparently after being confronted some of the so-called Oath Keepers suggested they were there to protect the protesters from the police, but nobody was buying it. Especially the police who would have undoubtedly disarmed the men and sent them packing.

Oh I forgot these are white men.

Which is a difference that did not go unnoticed by the locals, one of whom tweeted:

"Black people are killed for carrying toy guns in an open carry state. White men come armed with assault rifles to a protest and nothing."

It really seemed that the Oath Keepers came to rub protester's noses in the fact that THEY could walk around heavily armed, while black folks were getting killed simply for jaywalking.

I guess there wasn't already enough racial tension for their liking.


  1. Anonymous9:07 AM

    These "Oath Keepers" are just looking to start a race war plain and simple.

    1. Anonymous9:30 AM


    2. Anonymous12:25 PM

      Oath Keepers: The heavily armed white vigilantes in Ferguson, explained


    3. Anonymous2:23 PM

      Yes, that is their sole purpose.

  2. Anonymous9:40 AM

    What do you want to bet most of them would shoot themselves in the foot first...

    1. Anonymous2:23 PM

      If only. They are so dangerous, crazy people without an ounce of sense, armed, in a crowd that despises them. Any sudden movement could result in death for anyone near.

  3. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Hey, Gov. Walker says to stop talking about race and we'll all live in peace and harmony.
    I guess if we stopped talking about ISIS, it would just disappear?
    If we stopped talking about abortions, people would mind their own business?
    If we stopped talking about income disparity, we'd all be Communists.
    Let's see....

  4. "I guess there wasn't already enough racial tension for their liking."
    Exactly. What good are all their guns if they can't shoot something? Preferably a human being.

  5. Anonymous10:17 AM

    I wouldn’t dismiss these men. They are crazy and most indeed are very familiar with guns as they are ex military. Read the history of this group. I met one once and he was truly frightening in his thoughts and lifestyle. It is really difficult to reason with them so don’t bother. I kept wondering how to exit the building during what I considered an insane conversation.

    1. Anonymous10:53 AM

      My first hand experience as well. They are well aware of the disrespectful presence the are initiating. These are a mean spirited bunch.

    2. Anonymous11:27 AM

      They may be "experienced" but strutting about with a weapon like that one-handed carry near a crowd of people is an open invitation to lesson one of firearm safety. You should NEVER allow the weapon (loaded or not) to be taken from you.

      My ex-paratrooper father once glimpsed one of these strutting morons and said "I could take that weapon in 5 seconds". And I had no doubt that he could, even at 70+ years old.

    3. Anonymous1:06 PM

      It looks like it's on a sling, muzzle down, hand on the rear grip. Not one handed.

    4. Anonymous1:28 PM

      Sure it's on a sling. ha ha

  6. Anonymous10:24 AM

    OT Kim K posted a nude pregnant selfie ... will Barstool follower her idle and post one?

    1. Anonymous10:53 AM

      Kimmy is probably jealous because of all the fuss her half-sister is getting over the Ferrari she received for her 18th birthday. Who really cares about any of them. Next we'll see Bristol posing nude in front or the new fancy sports she buys for herself. All of these over-rich immature women simply nauseate me.

    2. Anonymous11:00 AM

      +1000! Can't wait.

    3. Anonymous12:01 PM

      Thank you and well said, Beaglemom!

      I was so happy when we were rid of Paris Hilton. Now we have the Kardashians plus Cait.

    4. Bristol nekkid?????

      Let's hope she posts a warning sign first.

  7. Anonymous10:44 AM

    When the whole Cliven Bundy thing happened, the guy who said they put the woman and children in front so they would get killed first and make the feds look bad wad a former sheriff and Oath Keeper. And have any of the white men who pointed loaded assault weapons at federal agents ever been charged?

  8. Anonymous11:11 AM

    It's good to be white.

  9. Anonymous11:16 AM

    all former military, police and first responders
    Actually they aren't. They have a special program to indoctrinate people into their group who are not any of the above. And at least some of them are VERY proficient with firearms. I only know one but he builds guns, is retired and is a 10th er. Other than that he is a great guy with a wonderful family. Never would have suspected him as an OK except for a random conversation. I certainly do NOT advocate his beliefs. Just commenting to say we seldom know what is going on in someone elses head. He is also extremely religious.

    1. Anonymous2:13 PM

      What's a 10th er?

    2. Anonymous4:14 PM

      What's a 10th er?

      Google tenth amendment

    3. Anonymous9:43 AM

      A 10th er is one who believes the 10th amendment is all important over any others. It is the states rights amendment.

  10. Anonymous11:16 AM

    As long as none of the Ferguson folks get uppity and if they act sufficiently respectful, there should be no problem with this. If they do get uppity and don't show enough respect, then whatever happens as a result will be their fault for being uppity thugs.

  11. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Armed Oath Keepers Say They're Back In Ferguson To Protect Infowars Writer


  12. Anonymous11:24 AM

    O/T but too good - had to share - poor Michelle Duggar is whining about the hard work of mothering 19 kids (after ignoring them for years) LOL LOL LOL LOL going broke and being miserable is what those parents deserve (but I do hope all the children are cared for, grow up and hopefully wake up and manage to get out away from them and have happy lives some day!)
    Excerpt: With no more power and influence to exert and no more phone calls to make public appearances, Michelle Duggar has apparently been relegated to the role of parent that she had largely ignored over the years.
    And she is complaining about it.
    After years of making her older children responsible for a great deal of the parenting duty to the younger children, Michelle Duggar is discovering just how much of a bad idea it was to have sex 19 times without using birth control or telling Jim Bob to put a raincoat on it.

  13. Anonymous11:26 AM

    O/T – too good had to share – poor Michele Dugger is whining about the hard job it is to parent her 19 kids Duh! She deserves all the misery she gets. I do hope the kids are cared for, and some day hopefully they will wake up and get as far away from their parents as possible and wish them all happy and productive lives.
    Excerpt: With no more power and influence to exert and no more phone calls to make public appearances, Michelle Duggar has apparently been relegated to the role of parent that she had largely ignored over the years. And she is complaining about it. After years of making her older children responsible for a great deal of the parenting duty to the younger children, Michelle Duggar is discovering just how much of a bad idea it was to have sex 19 times without using birth control or telling Jim Bob to put a raincoat on it.

  14. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Hahaha, That is great.

    Why should drivers on the public roads have to be stopped and put in the middle of a stupid mob that has sainted a violent dead criminal thug.

    What are they going to do, call the very cops they are protesting? lol. The cops should have rounded all those people up and put them on ice for 48 hours.

  15. Anonymous11:30 AM

    So many people misunderstand that ambulances and other emergency vehicles expect to be "inconvenienced".

  16. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Alex Jones protection looking for Jade Helm?

  17. Anonymous1:41 PM

    This activity by the so called oath keepers does nothing to insure domestic tranquility thus making their behavior unconstitutional.

  18. Anonymous2:09 PM

    It sure would be nice if the schools in Ferguson could open as scheduled.

  19. Anonymous2:28 PM

    People appear to need really BIG penis extenders to keep their courage up for a stroll through the Ferguson crowd.

  20. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Michigan judge rules open-carry nutjob can wear pistol while picking up daughter at elementary school. From the article it seems that conceal-carry would be illegal but open-carry is ok. An oath keeper paradise.


  21. You KNOW these guys are BADASS!!!!

    Let's run down the Badass Checklist:
    -- Scruffy beard -- check!
    -- Old sand cammies -- check
    -- Thigh holsters -- check
    -- Dirty baseball caps -- check
    -- Tattoos -- check
    -- Wrap-around sunglasses -- check

    Yep, no doubt about it -- badass all the way!!!

  22. Anita Winecooler5:52 PM

    Alex Jones's "reporters" needed these armed fools there to stir things up so he'd "Get a scoop". They're considered a hate group by the SPLC. They had an idiot on the radio confuse "oathkeepers" with "promisekeepers", promisekeepers are uber christian men who hold seminars on raising kids in the christian tradition, and to teach men to be manly men etc etc etc.
    When there's riots in the streets, you can count on "patriotic" open carriers to "keep the peace" by showing off their weapons and strutting like roosters, they're part of the bigger problem, not a non racist bone in their bodies.

    Wanna see all hell break loose? A civilian militia composed of all men of color doing exactly the same thing, the outcome would be swift and relentless, I doubt they'd live to join another protest. The tenth amendment wouldn't apply to african americans and all people of color.

    OT. Sarah Silverman intro's Bernie Sanders.


    1. Anonymous7:20 PM

      Who the hell cares what SLPC says, they have long been outed as a politicized hate group for years now. It is a bullshit organization.

  23. Anonymous7:04 PM

    I understand that the Oathkeepers are listed as a domestic terrorist group, so how in the world do they get a non-profit status?

    So patriotic, not paying taxes.

    Also too, would like to know what are Ted Cruz's and Sarah Palin's ties to this group since they have been photographed with them before.

    1. Anonymous7:15 PM

      No, they are not actually.

      NAACP should be though.


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