Saturday, August 08, 2015

So here is another terrible thing that Donald Trump said about Megyn Kelly yesterday.

"You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her....wherever."

Those comments were enought to get Trump disinvited from a gathering of conservatives late Friday night. As well they should 

You know I am not exactly Megyn Kelly's biggest fan but you have to admire that she got this far under Trump's skin, and pissed him off enough to show the whole world his true colors.


  1. Anonymous6:07 AM

    Still no Facebook post from Her Heinous?
    Imagine that!

    1. Anonymous8:00 AM

      Her Heinous? Oh,I like that!! It's almost as fabulous as chocolate covered caramel! Brilliant!!

    2. Anonymous11:22 AM

      Ok I'm just going to say it. You know that pic you always post G of him, TrumP? Well his mouth LOOKS and SHITS out just like a asshole! (That he is)
      And also,too, I'm not a fan of Megyn either but she sure did get under this buttholes skin! I would say she crawl right up his ass and irritating the fuck out of it like a pinworm or what not, lol !!!

  2. Anonymous6:20 AM

    This has nothing to do with anything he said. It has everything to the Repug establishment being scared he will win. They cannot control him. They must control the nominee.

    Eric Erickson called Supreme Court Justice Souter "“a goat-fucking child molester”. Much worse than anything Trump said.

    1. Anonymous7:31 AM

      You are correct. We would all still be offended, but if the GOP actually wanted him, they would be making all kinds of excuses for his disgusting comments (even though they were directed at one of their "own," especially since she's only a woman).

    2. angela7:40 AM

      So true. I find that republicans are selectively repulsive. Remember the howling laughter when Trump dissed Rosie O'Donnell? As long as the hate, misogyny or racism is going towards a democrat . . . . .they tend to be ok with it.

    3. While Eric Erickson who calls women harpies & feminazis who need to get back in the kitch3en...has come to Kelly's defense and dis-invited Trump from the Redneckistani event Eric is having....a petition on is imploring everyone to have Kelly banned from Republican debates because she had the brass chesticles to let the GOPers unzip their war against women at the debate which to them, is not fair & balanced.

      Alas, verklempt flag pinned vagisaurus Camille Paglia wrote in Hollywood Reporter: "He speaks in simplistic polarities of 'winners' versus 'losers,' as if geopolitics were a jangling Atlantic City casino. He sets high goals but lacks real answers to any government issue. Trump is a Trojan Horse sent by the crafty Clinton machine. He has a bellyful of swords aimed at GOP hearts."

      But -- since the gay agenda mistakenly didn't destroy enough of the USA's sea to shining sea -- Candidate I'm the only one here who separated Siamese twins Carson is fist pounding warning the base that if Trump runs as third party candidate, "America will be gone as we know it."

  3. SallyinMI6:22 AM

    Wonder if Preibus is sleeping well. The RNC created this monster, and Fox fed and nurtured him. I am enjoying the show.
    "How do you solve a problem like the Donald?"

    1. Balzafiar7:54 AM

      "How do you solve a problem like the Donald?"

      He's a distraction, perhaps an intentional one by the GOP, whereby they get everyone all aghast at someone or something outrageous which impels the voter to vote for someone else.

      That someone else's agenda by then has slipped under the radar due to all the hue and cry about the red herring "horrible" candidate so the voter ends up voting for someone they perceive as acceptable but that candidate may not (and likely doesn't) have their best interests at heart.

      That's the way the GOP is playing this game and if we let them get away with it, everyone loses except those in power.

      So just sit back, relax and watch the clown show.

    2. Anonymous9:52 AM

      Do you suppose that any Republicans are thinking that the asshole Preibus needs to be replaced? Way past time in my humble (haha!) opinion!

  4. Anonymous6:28 AM

    OT, but ' is #BristolPalin a thug?' #ChristianTaylor

  5. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Well, Trump will stop giving his money to the GOP since he believes that they are treating him badly.

    1. Anonymous7:50 AM

      Yep. Trump will probably run as a third-party and go nuclear on them and FOX news!

    2. Anonymous9:50 AM

      7:50 AM Damn, but I hope he does! It'll be a pleasure to watch. Finally someone (a Republican or Independent) who says it like it really is! No holes barred!

  6. Anonymous6:35 AM

    The Donald wants to be paid millions (probably billions) to NOT start a third party run for the Presidency. The money people that use the Republican Party for their own profit want to shut Trump down.

    None of this has anything to do with Trump's misogyny. Walker said in the FOX debate that the life of the mother is not enough to justify an abortion. That's misogyny, but perfectly ok with the GOP rabble.

  7. Anonymous6:35 AM

    and why do people call him THE Donald? To kiss his ass? Because they admire him? Because calling him by his name, TRUMP, sounds ugly? all of the above?

    1. Anonymous7:12 AM

      Trump is popularly known as The Donald, a nickname perpetuated by the media after his first wife Ivana Trump referred to him as such in an interview.

    2. Anonymous7:28 AM

      Ivana Trump is just the sort of idiot that Sarah Palin would look up to.

    3. Balzafiar7:56 AM

      Calling him by his ancestral name, "Drumpf", would be even worse.

      Run, everyone! Here comes The Drumpf!

  8. Nothing new here. He always was a crass vulgarian, he's simply pushed himself into broader public consciousness. If the blowback from the immigrant and McCain remarks prompted no sense of shame, there's none to be had. He hasn't been dishonest about what he's selling, and the base loves it.

    1. Anonymous7:25 AM

      How very presidential of him! I can not imagine any of the top Democratic politicians making a statement even close to this vulgar. He seems to be on a mission to prove that money can not buy class, and it is working.

    2. Anonymous8:24 AM

      The GOP base fell in love with Sarah Palin and celebrated her ignorance and lack of social graces. They are exhibiting the same behavior with Trump.

    3. Anonymous9:49 AM

      Only difference 8:24 AM:

      Trump is far better educated than Sarah Palin, has more money, has children (adults) that are married (and have children) who are very well educated and have never been arrested for drugs or booze and are extremely socially adept!

      I don't think that Donald Trump and Sarah Palin compare at all or would be good partners on the same ticket!

      Plus, Sarah and her family are nothing more than white trash from small town Wasilla, Alaska!

      I sincerely doubt that Donald Trump would pick her to run with him - should he actually do so. She'd be detrimental and the crap that would come out about her during a campaign would be extremely detrimental!

      I'm also sure that Trump has all the records on the Palins which would further negate him from selecting her!

    4. Anonymous10:57 AM

      The Donald said Sarah is great, but for VP he wants someone terrific who would be able to step in if something happened to the president.

      He will not pick Sarah.

    5. Anonymous12:26 PM

      He talked nicely about her only because he wants the Tea Party vote that she might possibly (and, I use that word loosely!) be able to direct his way.

      I don't think he'd ever put her on his ticket! Way too detrimental and he knows she could not be trusted!

      Plus, I'll wager he knows everything there is to know - positive and negative about the Palin klan. He's probably had her/them investigated as to financial status, etc.

  9. Anonymous6:42 AM

    So, just because he said "out of her...wherever," everyone assumes he was referring to menses? That's their own disgusting minds.

    1. Anonymous6:58 AM

      OK, I'll bite.

      What did YOU think it could possibly mean?

    2. Anonymous7:03 AM

      Oh, please. You actually think he meant something else? Despite him saying now that he "obviously meant her NOSE"...everyone knows what he meant. He is a snake oil salesman to the nth degree and freaks out when someone sniffs out the real him.

      I'm no fan of Rosie o'donnel but what Trump said about her was disgusting. He said he would get a couple of his henchmen to kidnap her, stuff her in a van, and fuck the lesbian right out of her.

      And you think he WASN'T referring to ms. Kelly as being "a bitch on the rag"?

      I'm not being facetious, but if you TRULY think that, it must be fabulous to live such a blissfully ignorant life.

    3. Anonymous7:09 AM

      Why is the thought of a woman having a period disgusting? Are you 8? 80? It is called BIOLOGY. Biology is disgusting? I think you are projecting.

    4. Anonymous7:13 AM

      What's disgusting is Walker refusing life of the mother as a reason for abortion.

      Even Trump wasn't that disgusting.

    5. Anonymous7:27 AM

      ...The real estate mogul elaborated in a statement later Saturday morning, claiming he said "'blood coming out of her eyes and whatever,' meaning nose."

      He added: "Only a deviant would think anything else."

      As for Erickson, Trump called him a "total loser" who "has a history of supporting establishment losers in failed campaigns so it is an honor to be uninvited from his event."

      When Erickson told the gathering Saturday morning that Trump would not be attending, the news was greeted with a mix of applause and boos.

      "Folks, I've given Donald Trump a lot of latitude because he's not a professional politician. He's been a very blunt talker. I've said some dumb things in my life, then I've apologized for them," said Erickson, adding that the Trump campaign declined to apologize or clarify the remark when he reached out to them Friday night.

      "I think it was inappropriate, I really think it was inappropriate," Erickson continued. "I've got my wife here, I've got my daughter here, I've got 800 friends of mine here. It's a family-friendly program, and if he's not going to clarify that this isn't what he meant, I don't think I want him at my event."

      Erickson wasn't the only conservative bashing Trump.

    6. Anonymous7:40 AM

      If you really think he was referring to some other form of bleeding, you are one of many that are represented by the left side of the intelligence bell curve.

    7. Anonymous8:03 AM

      I am quite intelligent 7:40 AM. Just because I choose not to "go there" doesn't make me any less so.

    8. Anonymous8:12 AM

      Anonymous6:42 AM
      So, just because he said "out of her...wherever," everyone assumes he was referring to menses? That's their own disgusting minds.
      Pull your head out, it was obvious he referenced that age-old phrase that some men use when a woman gets all "uppity" at them: "she must be on the rag".


    9. Anonymous8:18 AM

      Trump is at least intelligent enough to understand that the words Presidential candidates say are parsed, examined, quoted and studied. When he speaks, his meaning must be clear and not open to misinterpretation.

      Blood from a women's orifice might mean many things. Specifying the orifice narrows it down a bit. Domald claims he meant nose and "whatever" should be interpreted that way. Gosh, why can't people just treat him like the intelligent person he knows he is.

      It's a mystery.

    10. Anonymous8:42 AM

      We all know what he meant.-a woman

    11. Anonymous10:17 AM

      Get real. Not even Donald would deny what he meant by "her...wherever."

    12. Anonymous12:21 PM

      Mildred and I must be near the same age. Being 'on the rag' was a reference I recall hearing often years ago!

      It simply meant that a female was having her monthly period and her hormones were working against her because she being bitchy and/or irritable!

      Those were common words back then and uttered by many men in the work place. You have to remember there were no laws back then that stopped men from publically ridiculing or sexualizing women in the work place.

      Boy, have we come a long way - legally anyway! I'd guess it is still done though when women are not around. Men are just men and they just can't seem to help themselves.

    13. Anonymous1:16 PM

      12:21, Gack, didn't you just fume when they would say that? Of course, that always made it worse.
      (you're 29, too? :)


  10. Anonymous6:50 AM

    What irritates me most is that when he made that joke about Rosie O'Donnell to the panel and everyone laughed, it showed that they were all insensitive disrespectful jerks.

    What kind of presidential candidate mocks a voting citizen, who pays taxes and has a right to vote on a national platform (millions watching) and ridicule her? All the Repubs are ahast at his tweets and mocking of Megyn Kelly now. Where were they? Are Trump's insults only relevant when addressed towards other Republicans? Guess that is so.

    The hypocrisy of this man and Fox News and the RNC makers and shakers is alarming. They can't take a little their way, but they've been dishing it out at others for years. Trump required President Obama's birth certificate. Now he insults Kelly, and they're all in a tizzy.

    Love how they are eating each other. It was bound to happen. I think Trump is a sign from heaven sent to show the sham they are.

  11. Anonymous7:06 AM

    This whole media madness about Trump's comments is sanctimonious, coming from Fox News and Right-Wing'ers.

    Trump is and always will be a provocateur. The GOP should have known this. Sarah Palin opened the doors of telling it like it is, and mocking political correctness; they loved it and sponged off of the freedom to say any insulting thing at the expense of others. Erick Ericson says he gave Trump a lot of latitude and now it takes the Megyn Kelly blood joke to force him to stand up to him. With all the horrible things Trump said about others, it's pathetic that the RW care about mysoginistic remarks against women now.

    All I can say is this is comedy and entertainment gold. Is it wrong that I'm smiling?

    1. Anonymous7:35 AM

      It's not wrong that you're smiling.

      I'm also smiling at the thought that Sarah Palin can't insert herself here and mouthe something inane and send a letter begging for money to get rid of Donald Trump.

    2. Anonymous7:59 AM

      Nope, she can't. Sarah came out in favor of Trump. She called him a hero and put Trump on the same level as John McCain. Sarah's about as shady as they come!

  12. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Even though Trump is ridiculous ,I believe the message is nonetheless, loud and clear.The rest of the clown car sucks!!!!
    Give us a worthy candidate , none in sight so far?

  13. Anonymous7:21 AM

    He says it like it is - answers questions directly and uses words so many don't like. The Republican Party cannot control him and they actually assisted in building "The Donald".

    This is interesting to watch and I so hope he runs as an Independent and we move on to the election of Hillary Clinton as POTUS!

  14. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Clearly, Trump surrounds himself with yes men and women, who do his bidding and are likely bullied themselves. Can you imagine him dealing with Putin or Congress? Would he send all fat and unattractive people to Guantanamo? I don't want to fathom a future for this country with such a cretin as our leader.

    1. Anonymous8:52 AM

      He is fat and unattractive, so he can go first!!

    2. Anonymous12:14 PM

      All I can say is that I'm so thankful President Obama and VP Biden have been guiding our country throughout these past few years.

      All I see is war and more wars and more debt if a Republican gets anywhere near those two seats in D.C.! Heaven forbid!!!

  15. Anonymous7:33 AM

    I don't think for a moment that Trump was indicating anything other than Megyn Kelly was some kind of ravening monster out to get him. It's interesting that what was a nothing remark has been conflated this way for the purpose of Republicans hitting him over the head with it. It must be time to get him off the stage or whatnot.

    What a shame, I would have loved to see him team up with Sarah Palin, increasing the ick factor out of all proportion and giving the Republican Party two black eyes.

  16. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Oh stupid $arah. You hitched your wagon to this jackass and now you have to pretend like you're oblivious to every disgusting remark he makes.

  17. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Trump will be Trump. And the fact that he has any support at all speaks volumes about the "Republican" party and the fools that vote for for these nut jobs.

  18. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Megyn Kelly: mother of three, law school graduate. She's head and shoulders above Trump as far as brain-power is concerned, and the only way he can attack her on is that she's a child-producing woman.

    Think of all the revolting things that women can say about male hygiene or appearance. Besides mocking The Donald's orange tan and his My Little Pony hair-do, he's gotten off lightly.

    But let the Republicans start making personal insults to each other. This will be fun.

  19. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Donald Trump really is a punk. He operates at a level of a rotten little prep school bully. He may as well have said 'she's on the rag', because that is exactly what he meant. Now he's backpedaling like crazy, flailing about, unable to acknowledge his foot in mouth statement. He just digs in harder, bleats out more insults and denigrates the people who are calling him out. He's busted and he's not used to be busted, he's used to being in charge and this national campaign is working his nerves because of that. It's a whole new experience for 'The Donald'. To be held to what he says and does. It's just not what he's been used to all his life. He's used to bullying, manipulating, controlling and firing. It's a whole new ballgame and he is striking out.

    1. Anonymous8:12 AM

      EVERYTHING us about SEX, bullying & $$$$money, in that order.
      He takes what he wants,is the baddest BULLY, & Lies about ALL his fucking $$$$$$. He lives reality!

    2. Anonymous10:13 AM

      Punk is close but I find Trump sadistic.

  20. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Cutthroat. Ruthless. Brash. Lie and Deny.
    His supporters love him in spite of/because of his questionable morals and tactics, but imagine the horror when he uses those same "qualities" to deceive us all if elected. Be careful, Trumpeteers, he'll never love you more than himself.


    1. Anonymous8:41 AM

      Sorry, Mildred! Many of us like his spunk! He assuredly is not politically correct and it's wonderful to watch.

      The Republican Party doesn't know what to do with him. They keep talking positively about him on talk shows when interviewed, but you know they feel differently! Plus, those being interviewed don't want The Donald going after them individually and they don't want him running as an Independent because they know that Hillary Clinton will then be elected!

    2. Anonymous9:27 AM

      Sorry, what you call spunk, I call an ass. An American embarrassment. Every election, the scene get crazier and crazier. We laugh and yell get the popcorn, too engrossed in the entertainment of it all to see what our system has become. Then we complain till the next election.

      There is so much wrong with our government, but surely making a vindictive gameshow out of it that pits half of the population against the other is taking us backwards fast. There is too much at stake in this world to be gleefully waiting for the "other side" to implode. Meanwhile, the rest of the world looks on in horror.

      It's not entertaining, to me at least, anymore.


    3. Anonymous9:39 AM

      anon @841 you need to see the documentary you"ve been trumped to understand how Trump feels about you. search "Watch You've Been Trumped Online"
      Warning be sure your anti virus, adblocker, popup blocker are on.

    4. Crystal Sage10:06 AM

      The Repubs gave us a taste of this in 2012 with Herman Cain. What an assclown he turned out to be. Trump is much more cagey. He knows how to manipulate the media and suck up all the attention in the room. He really is easy pickings: just ask him the right questions and he'll explode. FOX is not used to someone like Trump. He is the result of years of FOX brainwashing. He embodies the angry right wing base and he makes them feel as though he understands them. They think they understand him in return. Congratulations, FOX. You have created the new American Horror Story, starring Donald Trump.

    5. Anonymous11:28 AM

      Mildred you are absolutely correct. The world faces issues that will require thoughtful intelligence to solve. And all we have is a massive game show.

    6. Anonymous12:11 PM

      Some good thoughts, Mildred!

      The Republican party really starting falling apart (especially in the hated U.S. Congress!) when President Obama was elected the first time. They've done nothing but spread hate, fear, racism and ugliness ever since.

      And, Donald Trump was a major part of the nastiness directed toward President Obama's saying he wasn't born in the USA, etc...none of which was ever proven to be factual, of course!

      And, now they have a Donald Trump they cannot control! They fear getting him pissed on individual levels as well as a group! Mainly because they don't have a clue how he'll react if they were to make negative comments about him!

      This is a kick in the ass to watch and see them in utter turmoil!

      Perfect timing for the election of Hillary Clinton as POTUS whom their party detests almost as much as they do President Obama.

      The Republican likes of McConnell, Boehner, McCain, etc. have done nothing to guide and help their fellow Americans! (Check their records - it's nothing but 'do nothing' and 'obstruction'!)

      The jerks are in their 'government service' roles purely for their own financial and power gains - nothing more and nothing less!

  21. Anonymous7:43 AM

    ...Line of decency is a pretty flimsy excuse for Erick Erickson or really any conservative these days. Erickson is the person who, when working for CNN, called the DNC the “Vagina monologues”. Erickson likes to call women who speak their minds “FemiNazis” and “ugly feminists”. Erickson stomped his feet about the Masters, saying they were a place for only men and he liked it that way. Erickson’s treatment of women has been so bad that Ultra Violet started a petition to get him fired from CNN.

    “Blood coming out of her wherever” was the coup de grâce of Trump’s 24 hour post-debate pity fest. Trump also called Megyn Kelly “angry”, which most women recognize as being misogynist for “strong”, and a “bimbo”.

    Saturday morning Trump tried to explain away the blood comment, tweeting, “Re Megyn Kelly quote: “you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever” (NOSE). Just got on w/thought” This was accompanied by much whinging about political correctness, which is conservative for being held accountable for things they shouldn’t have said or done.

  22. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Hypocritical Woman Hating Republicans Boot Trump From Event Due To Megyn Kelly Comments

    After she raked him over the coals on live TV during Thursday evening’s Republican presidential primary debate, Donald Trump complained about Fox News’ Megyan Kelly to CNN’s Don Lemon Friday night, calling her a “lightweight” and saying, “You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes. Blood coming out of her wherever.”
    Allegedly as a result of these words, Woman-hater Erick Erickson has disinvited Donald Trump from a RedState Gathering of Republican presidential hopefuls in Atlanta Saturday.

    Erickson, noting that Trump was blaming her hormones for Kelly’s questioning, cited a “line of decency” that had been crossed as his reason, but even noted that Trump had not been included in the “final” list for the event just days before.
    Line of decency is a pretty flimsy excuse for Erick Erickson or really any conservative these days. Erickson is the person who, when working for CNN, called the DNC the “Vagina monologues”. Erickson likes to call women who speak their minds “FemiNazis” and “ugly feminists”. Erickson stomped his feet about the Masters, saying they were a place for only men and he liked it that way. Erickson’s treatment of women has been so bad that Ultra Violet started a petition to get him fired from CNN.......

  23. Anonymous7:47 AM

    I too, am not a fan of Megyn Kelly but whether she intended it or not, she pointed out the misogynistic comments that Trump has made in the past. Good for her! As a woman, I support her for pointing it out to all US voters and especially women, who represent 50% of the voting block.

    And of course Trump was implying she was "on the rag". Heaven forbid that a woman ask a strong, pointed question in The Donald's world. Trump's response proved Megyn Kelly's whole point.

    So let me be as clear when I say, "Trump - what a dick!"

    1. Anonymous8:36 AM

      I so disagree with you 7:47 AM. I'm sure some of the other 'clown car candidates' have been married and divorced and/or have proven affairs in their records.

      Megyn Kelly targeted Donald Trump specifically vs asking other candidates the same question where it would have been warranted - to include the female in their race!

  24. Anonymous7:49 AM

    OH, and look another Family values (R) couple - and BTW - Trump has been married three times and soem of his kids are anchor babies.

    1. Anonymous8:32 AM

      Yes, but his kids are well educated and work - some are married and have children.

      Remember too, you never read about any of his offspring being arrested, doing drugs and/or serving time in jail!

    2. Crystal Sage10:16 AM

      Just because you did not read about Trump's kids misbehaving does not mean it never happened. The rich live by a different set of rules than the rest of us. Need an abortion? No problem. High end doctor will perform one in state-of-the-art facilities; call it a D&C for the record. Kid got caught with drugs? No problem. Buy a judge or police officer to expunge the record; redact any damaging information. Kid wants to shoot things? No problem. Send him off to Africa and pay someone to let him trophy hunt big game; decorate the multimillion penthouse apartment in Manhattan.

      People like Trump have no idea of the day-to-day struggles of average people, nor does he care. He is enjoying tweaking the noses of the Republicans. At some point, I hope, he take his asshole-shaped mouth and all that it spews back to his gilded cage. And his trophy wife.

    3. Anonymous11:51 AM

      Hey Crystal - what is your mouth shaped like? Me thinks we can all bring our lips together and make them look exactly like The Donald's!

      That action doesn't take a lot of talent and the description of 'asshole-shaped' is gross!
      But, guess you meant it that way not taking into consideration that we all can do it!!!

    4. Crystal Sage1:47 PM

      A good friend of mine pointed out the way Trump's mouth moves reminds her of an asshole. An apt description that I cannot get out of my mind every time I see him speak. My mouth does not naturally form into an anus shape when I talk; Trump's does. Just watch him closely and you will get the picture. Then you'll need eye bleach to get it out of your mind.

  25. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Read the comments to get a feel for the community that Trump was 'disinvited' from...

    1. Anonymous9:37 AM

      I seriously doubt Trump will be disappointed at being disinvited to this group's event.

      Can hardly wait to see what negative commentary he puts out there about them as it will be well deserved!

  26. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Donald Trump and the American Id

    ...Spend any time around the Trumpkins — the intellectually and morally stunted Oompa Loompas who have rallied to the candidacy of this grotesque charlatan — and you will hear purportedly heterosexual men working up freestyle paeans to Trump’s alleged virility — those “pussies in Washington” aren’t ready for “a real man like Trump,” as one put it — and cataloguing his praises in exuberant gonadal terms, with special attention paid to calculating the heaviness of the Trumpian scrotum relative to the equipment being packed by, e.g., Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio. One says: “He is the only one that has the balls to tell the truth and to stand up for America.” “Trump’s got the balls,” proclaims the headline in a right-wing blog. “Donald Trump is a perfect example of an alpha male,” declares a commenter at (ahem!) “Alpha males lead for a reason,” retorted a Trump admirer when National Review’s Jonah Goldberg called for an “intervention” for the Trumpkins. Members of the GOP establishment, says another, “don’t know how to handle an extroverted alpha male personality like Trump” — ritualistic prostration of the faithful before Trump’s presumptive “alpha” social status being fundamental to the Trumpkin liturgy. Sensing the emergent theme, the left-wing columnist Michael Tomasky declared in the Daily Beast: “Trump’s got the GOP by the balls.” Speaking in Vegas, his blood-flushed face a hypertensive moon rising against the background of a much larger photographic version of that same violet face, Trump declared: “I’m much, much richer than what they say,” one of the few complete sentences he managed to utter over the course of a performance that inspired Reason’s Matt Welch to observe: “This isn’t a speech, it’s a seizure.”

    How the hell did this happen?

  27. Anonymous7:57 AM

    As a female with a working brain,I saw his true colors many,many moons ago. It's not hard to tell what a despicable pig he is,and a piss poor excuse of a human being,when you hear and read the horrid things he says about women and other minorities. The Rosie O'Donnell stuff is just the tip of the iceberg. He thinks his money and power are a shield. Some of the old white dude fucks are thrilled with him,because he spews the things they think.Those are the toads that are so afraid of women and people of color,who are no longer willing stay in the roles of second class citizens to these fucktards. They GOP has reaped what it has sown for so long,and they better get rid of these asshats if they want to survive. I personally hope they become as extinct as so many of the gracious animals their ilk has killed off over time.I say adios and good riddance to them and their kind.

  28. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Donald Trump’s New Campaign Strategy: Take Down Megyn Kelly

    Donald Trump touts himself as a tough guy par excellence. The Donald is the man who can face down Vladimir Putin or the Iranian mullahs or get the Mexican government to build a big wall along our southern border by the force of sheer braggadocio. No one messes with The Donald and gets away with it. Enemies will be punished.

    Enemies like Fox News’s Megyn Kelly.

    1. Anonymous8:07 AM

      He doesn't 'have time' to waste on being politically correct and yet he has spent the better part of two days trashing Megyn Kelly. Yeah....makes total sense.


    2. Anonymous8:29 AM

      Personally, I'd love seeing Megyn Kelly taken down! She and the other FOX folks were after Donald Trump to discredit him during the debates - where they didn't do it to the rest of the clown car candidates.

      Remember, also too - most of us on this blog have never liked or watched FOX. They are the leadership of the Republican party and they operate against the rest of us!

      Thank God for Donald Trump going up against them - he has way bigger balls than most other men in their retched party!

    3. Anonymous12:37 PM

      I suspect there are some paid Donald trols on this thread. Donald doesn't have big ones -- he's just a brash blowhard. That's not the same as courage.

  29. Trump openly expresses his hostility whereas the others express theirs through legislation.

    As for decency, what a laugh. This party has all but publicly called Obama the N word since he's been in office.

  30. Anonymous8:03 AM

    When is Sarah going to make a statement? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

    Who will be defend? Donald or Megyn? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

    Sarah is caught between a rock and a hard place. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!! If she wants to get a job with conservative TV, she'll have to support Megyn and lose Donald's friendship. She's screwed both ways. Get in that unemployment line Sarah. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!

    1. Anonymous8:25 AM

      Like I said before - "Who gives a flying fuck what Sarah Palin has to say about this subject or anything else?" She's a retarded idiot!

    2. Anonymous8:37 AM

      She'll go with The Donald, Sarah doesn't support other women.

  31. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Excuse me if I find this outrage over The Donald’s comments about Megyn quite amusing, especially coming from the party that is doing or has done everything in it’s power to keep women second class citizens. I am sure if they could swing it they would take our right to vote away before Nov 2016 and require burkas.

    According to Republicans women don’t deserve the best health care, they are too stupid to be able to make there own choices about pregnancy, a fetus should have more rights than its mother, a rapist should be able to make a woman carry his child to term. Women should work for less money, because men are the breadwinners. Women would vote for John McCain because he chose a woman for his ticket. I could go on and on.

    The only reason for all the Republican outrage is that they are worried that women will start paying attention to their derogatory remarks (and there are plenty of them) and the War on Women will become a campaign issue. If The Donald had made these remarks about Hillary, I sure we were hear crickets from these hypocrites.

    So as far as I am concerned let The Donald keep talking, the only difference between him and the other clowns is they express their hatred of women by enacting anti-female legislation.

    1. Anonymous8:21 AM

      Yes, it takes someone as stupid and outspoken as Trump to make women realize that the Republicans are the ones stomping on their rights. Trump makes all of them look bad.

    2. Anonymous11:45 AM

      John McCain made the Republican party look like idiots (when they selected Sarah Palin to run with him - second position - on his ticket - and, they lost!) and now we have Donald Trump doing it again.

      May we watch their horrible organization go down and no candidate of theirs (if they are ever able to provide a qualified one!) ever make POTUS in the recent years to come!

  32. Anonymous8:20 AM

    I think that Donald Trump's comments about Megyn Kelly are just great! I hope that he keeps making that stupid stuff that he says to get attention. Trump says what he thinks that the Republicans want to hear. He says what other Republicans are afraid to say. Now, Trump has pissed off Hispanics, other minorities and women. As long as the Republicans embrace him, they will be painted with the same brush.

  33. Anonymous8:24 AM

    The majority of us that have been a part of this blog for eons could care less about FOX! They run the Republican party! We have never liked or supported them in their viewership.

    Donald Trump has said some off comments about the dyed blond on FOX, but she received many anti commentary thoughts before he ever said anything about her.

    FOX cannot have it both ways!

    This really is humorous! FOX and the Republican Party have proven themselves to be anti women in so many categories.

    Donald Trump is right - he just could have used some of his words differently about the dyed blond!

  34. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Very well said!

  35. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Boy their damage control just keeps digging them in deeper, it has opened the floodgates to remind everyone of their sexist comments!!!

    I do believe I can see a woman in the oval office from my front porch.

    Trump Barred From RedState Gathering For Misogyny. Ha Ha Ha

    Well this even seems to have been too much for the annual gathering of racists, bigots, misogynists and homophobes

    Trump was uninvited from the RedState Gathering late on Friday after saying in a CNN interview that Fox News’s Megyn Kelly “had blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever”, while questioning him during Thursday night’s debate.

    Now, if had been directed at Hillary he would have probably got away with it.

    Erick Erickson, the organizer of the event and a major conservative activist tweeted late on Friday night, “I have rescinded my invitation to Mr. Trump. While I have tried to give him great latitude, his remark about Megyn Kelly was a bridge too far.”

    In a follow-up blog post, Erickson amplified why he was disinviting Trump: “there are even lines blunt talkers and unprofessional politicians should not cross,” he wrote. “Decency is one of those lines.”

    Cuz ya'all know Erick aint sexist at all, even Megyn Kelly et al noticed it awhile back

    The women of Fox News are not about to let Erick Erickson off lightly for his recent comments, on Lou Dobbs’ show, about male superiority being a scientific fact. Last night, on her blog, Greta Van Susteren asked if they’d lost their minds. Then today, Megyn Kelly brought both Erickson and Dobbs onto her show and went at them with both barrels, while they alternately tried to explain what they’d really meant, and smirked in a way that made me want to throw my computer out the window.

    Kelly: You are. You come out clearly and say women who choose to work instead of staying at home to nurture the children they are making a worse choice. [...] Just because you have people that agree with you doesn't mean that it is not offensive.

    God, it is funny watching themselves tear each other apart over values that they just don't have.

    1. Anonymous9:14 AM

      "God, it is funny watching themselves tear each other apart over values that they just don't have."


  36. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Eric Erickson played right into Trump's hands. Trump makes remarks for attention and the media plays right into his hands also. Trump plays the victim card just as Palin does. Trump wants all the attention on him and he is certainly getting what he wants. By disinviting him to this event, Trump and his followers win.

    Trump is playing a game and so far he is winning at this game. I just hope that he doesn't actually win the game and become the President!

    1. Anonymous9:59 AM

      He's not winning. He won't become the President. His threat is to the Republican party's very existence.

    2. Anonymous11:41 AM

      Remember, Trump says he loves having leverage. That is something you work with when in business transactions and he's very good at it.

      Politicians don't know what to do with Donald Trump and it's a true kick in the butt to watch this.

      Down with the Republican party, Megyn and FOX!

  37. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Fox’s Gutfeld Trashes ‘Shithead’ Trump over Megyn Kelly Remarks

    Donald Trump’s Gross History of Misogyny: From Rosie O’Donnell to Megyn Kelly

  38. Anonymous9:26 AM

    So for Erik Erikson, calling Wendy Davis "abortion barbie", saying women going to college ask to be raped, and saying Charleston was the result of societies transgender acceptance was ok but now THIS is where he draws the line?

  39. Anonymous9:27 AM

    erickson is no stranger to offensive quotes about women, either, so he's either blustering and firmly picking a side with faux nooz or he's had a change of heart and will stop with his own misogynistic comments. For me, he's still gonna be a jerkwad blowhard and he's only sucking up to faux because right now, trashing t-rump is what the 'popular' kids are doing.

  40. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Ben Carson Scores Big Win at the First GOP Debate followed by Marco Rubio

    1. Anonymous11:39 AM

      What jokes both those men will be IF they are chosen in the primary for the Republican Party!

      Neither of them begins to have the experience level in government as does Hillary Clinton. She'd beat either of them hands down!

  41. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Intelligence abounds

    Pete Petretich • an hour ago
    Sarah has real world experience running for VP. Why should Trump choose an unproven novice?

    1. Anonymous9:50 AM

      Why Pete? She fucking lost at it!!

  42. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Trump issues his own Palin Blood Libel on Kelly... ;-)

  43. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Oh my, the little Trumpkins are pissed at Megyn:

  44. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Erickson was totally OK with saying these gems:

    About Ted Kennedy: "Today Ted Kennedy plots our deaths..."

    About Judge Souter: "[he] is a "goat f*&king child molester"

    He thinks Rush Limbaugh is Jesus.

    He openly called for armed revolt and beating politicians to a bloody pulp.

    He said the media "gang-raped" conservative politicians.

    Suggested that the Nobel Committee had an affirmative action quota

    Said that "leftists are Nazis" and the Nazis were liberal socialists.

    Said that the Alaska Democrats gave out Sarah Palin's SS# (a fact he pulled wholly from his posterior)

    Told his readers to send Olympia Snowe rock salt for her work on HCR. (Rock salt melts snow--get it?)

    Suggested that Obama was friends with a child molester

    Claimed the left has more dominance in the blogosphere because the right are too busy raising the children they didn't abort.

  45. Anonymous10:11 AM

    As a female with a disabled husband, of whom I have been on the end of disparaging comments because he's frustrated with his situation, one has to wonder just what kind of person Melania is to be married to such a pig.

  46. Anonymous10:13 AM

    here is the important point of this story. erick erickson disinvites trump over a demeaning comment about a woman. how about disinviting rubio for insisting women who are raped be denied abortions. how about disinviting rand paul for voting against the violence against women act. how about disinviting jindal and walker for definding planned parenthood in their state thereby making it harder for women of color and other underserved communities to access health care. how about disinviting jeb for forcing a brain dead woman to live like a vegetable instead of allowing her a dignified death as her husband and she herself wished. megyn kelly can take care of herself. she doesnt need erick erickson defending her and indeed he infantilizes her with his actions and even his way penchant for referring to her as a lady instead of a woman. he should have let trump come and put the two of them on the stage together so they could duke it out.

    1. Anonymous10:42 AM

      Booyah on Megyn!

      Who can forget this?

  47. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Rabid Conservatives Attack ‘F*cking C*nt’ Megyn Kelly For Challenging Donald Trump (SCREENSHOTS)

  48. Megyn Kelly is a dumb twat. She's a paid Ailes puppet.
    Donald Trump is a whiny ass, petulant child, and no one ever told him to shut the fuck up. He is a narcissistic asshole who expects to get his way or he will seek his revenge. He, and Palin are the same, thin skinned, and over inflated egos. He will never be President. He can't even handle questions at a debate without losing his shit.
    Trump is embarrassing the GOP. The Kochs had a plan to put one of their puppets into office, and they are willing to spend almost a billion dollars to do so. Problem is, they can't control Trumpass. Good.

    1. Anonymous11:36 AM

      Trump is embarrassing the GOP.

      Dontcha just love it? :)

  49. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Nothing like a devout misogynist who has said extremely sexist things calling out another misogynist for saying different extremely sexist things. Which is exactly what happened when conservative blogger Erick Erickson called out Donald Trump over, well, extremely sexist remarks made towards Fox News host Megyn Kelly.

  50. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Yes sir, the chickens has come home to roost is it wrong that I'm smiling?

  51. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Here Are All The Ugly Remarks Trump Has Made About Megyn Kelly

    As if to prove her point, the reality TV star has continued to spew sexist vitriol after the presidential debate.

    Pop some popcorn. Donald Trump has started a war with Fox News host Megyn Kelly.

    In the most recent installment of Trump vs. Kelly, the reality TV star blasted the newscaster on CNN Friday evening.

    “She gets out and she starts asking me all sorts of ridiculous questions,” Trump told CNN's Don Lemon. “You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever.”

  52. Anonymous10:47 AM

    And the hits just keep on coming:

    Chaos In The GOP As 10,000+ Call For Fox’s Megyn Kelly To Be Banned From Debates

    The Republican Party is falling apart at the seams as more than 10,000 people have signed a petition calling for Fox News’ Megyn Kelly to be banned from future Republican presidential debates.

    The petition states:

    Megyn Kelly finds the state of our union amusing and “fun”, whereas the viewers (our fellow citizens) deserve a much more serious moderator.

    In addition, she had a clear agenda to attack Donald Trump, by tenaciously clinging to his past rather than his vision for the future. She focused on Trump personally, rather than politically. Ultimately, she did not live up to the “fair and balanced” slogan at Fox News and News Corporation.

    While her disdain for Mr. Trump was evident, this petition is a call for truly fair and balanced coverage of ALL candidates. Thus, Megyn Kelly should be barred from hosting or moderating all future Republican Presidential Debates.

    The problem with this petition is that it assumes that Fox News is fair and balanced. It isn’t. That isn’t Megyn Kelly’s fault because her questions about Trump’s sexism were completely valid. The issue is that none of the other candidates were asked about their controversial comments.

    No one bothered to ask Mike Huckabee about his sexism. Nobody asked Jeb Bush how he could have hired a racist and sexist chief technology officer for his campaign, or the fact that Scott Walker got rid of Wisconsin’s equal pay law.

    Trump was asked about his bankruptcies, but no one questioned Marco Rubio on the dozens of financial skeletons in his closet.

    Megyn Kelly isn’t the issue. The issue is the blatant hypocrisy of a party that is at war with an entire gender trying to ostracize Donald Trump for saying out loud what the rest of the party is doing.

    Fox News is not “fair and balanced” only an unbalanced partisan would believe that they are. Megyn Kelly asked the right question, but she need to ask it to all the Republican candidates instead of picking on just one.

    The Republican Party is in chaos because one candidate is exposing and exploiting all of the divisions within their party. The RNC tried to rig the game to avoid a repeat of the 2012 primary debacle, but instead of a smooth process they have given birth to a bigger and more destructive sequel.

  53. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Chaos In The GOP As 10,000+ Call For Fox’s Megyn Kelly To Be Banned From Debates

    The Republican Party is falling apart at the seams as more than 10,000 people have signed a petition calling for Fox News’ Megyn Kelly to be banned from future Republican presidential debates.

    The petition states:

    Megyn Kelly finds the state of our union amusing and “fun”, whereas the viewers (our fellow citizens) deserve a much more serious moderator.

    In addition, she had a clear agenda to attack Donald Trump, by tenaciously clinging to his past rather than his vision for the future. She focused on Trump personally, rather than politically. Ultimately, she did not live up to the “fair and balanced” slogan at Fox News and News Corporation.

    While her disdain for Mr. Trump was evident, this petition is a call for truly fair and balanced coverage of ALL candidates. Thus, Megyn Kelly should be barred from hosting or moderating all future Republican Presidential Debates.

    ...The Republican Party is in chaos because one candidate is exposing and exploiting all of the divisions within their party. The RNC tried to rig the game to avoid a repeat of the 2012 primary debacle, but instead of a smooth process they have given birth to a bigger and more destructive sequel.

  54. Anonymous11:01 AM

    The Stunning Hypocrisy of Erick Erickson

    Or how everyone seems to ignore the rampant racism, xenophobia, and misogyny of Erick Erickson & his site

    ...Has no one, especially other journalists and pundits, bothered to consider that Erickson is not one to talk about tone or content of speech, when Erickson’s own statements are a hate-filled orgy of misogyny, racism, and xenophobia?

    ...That’s just a small sample of the comments by Erickson himself. Yet he continues to act like the tone police in public comments:

    ...Then there’s the fever swamps that are the commenters on RedState itself. In fact, Trump’s comments are indistinguishable from the commenters there.

    In other words, it seems that Erickson’s reason to disinvite has more to do with the target of Trump’s statement than the content of Trump’s statement. Moreover, Erickson was silent about Trump calling women bimbos, let alone calling Mexicans rapists. His misogyny and xenophobia has been on display from the moment Trump got into the race, but Erickson didn’t disinvite him over those statements. For if Trump had directed his statement at someone, say a Democrat, Erickson would applaud.

    After all, Erickson applauded Trump’s statements attacking Rosie O’Donnell just the other day.

  55. Anonymous11:05 AM

    'The Republican Party Created Donald Trump'

    RedState editor Erick Erickson, caught in the middle of Trump’s latest media feud, says he thinks GOP voters will eventually tire of the tycoon’s antics.

  56. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Thank you Jeb, for reminding us where you stand. Keep talking Republicans; show us your true colors.

    Jeb Bush Says Notorious Sexist Erick Erickson Is ‘On The Side Of Women’

    Friday night, blogger Erick Erickson rescinded Donald Trump’s invitation to appear at the “RedState Gathering,” a conservative conference in Atlanta. Erickson made the move after Trump said in an interview that he was asked tough questions by Fox News’ Megyn Kelly because she was menstruating.

    Erickson, however, has a long history of extremely sexist comments. He has repeatedly stated his belief that women, in general, should not work. He said men should play “the dominant role” and women earning the primary paycheck is “bad for kids and bad for marriage.” He specifically cheered Trump’s sexist and mean-spirited attacks on Rosie O’Donnell. He supported the exclusion of women from Augusta National Golf Club, saying “I don’t want to be hanging out at some women’s event!” The list goes on and on.
    Jeb Bush appeared at the RedState Gathering on Saturday and pronounced that Erickson was “on the side of women.”

    Erickson tried to distinguish his own comments from Trump’s by claiming he has apologized. But he only apologized for one sexist remark — referring to the first day of the Democratic National Convention, which featured female speakers, as the “Vagina Monologues.”

  57. Anonymous11:52 AM

    I can not grasp why in a debate forum Trump was asked about how he speaks about women. As the question was framed I do not think Trump and his crass mouth should be turned loose to turn international relations into crude crass to foul dialogue.

    Women are objects to him to exploit demean and degrade. Trump disgusts me. The Republican Party seems mostly made up of people who love them politicians who verbally beat down people while not answering questions nor sharing strategies to resolve issues and improve lives. They might elect a Don Rickles comedian.

    1. Anonymous12:31 PM

      I can not grasp why in a debate forum candidates were asked "Does God speak to you?".

      The only way I can make sense of it is to drop the words "debate, candidates" and insert "circus, clowns".

    2. Anonymous2:03 PM

      That debate was a joke and I actually sat through the entire thing. FOX failed big time as did Megyn and the other questionnaire folks. And, the clown car of candidates literally made me want to barf! They came out so against women - it was blatant and up front for all of us to see!

      The Republican party - men - are total assholes and do not represent America or Americans! Vote each and every one of them out of office each change you get across the nation!

    3. Anonymous2:52 PM

      The GOD question had no place in the debate. Made me laugh out loud when I heard it!

      Remember - politics and religion are not suppose to be mixed! Oh, but I forgot it was a 'Republican' debate! (who I think are the most ungodly acting jerks in America!)

  58. Anonymous12:49 PM

  59. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Am still reeling over the double-dealing hypocrisy of Trump AND of FOX News pundits. Everyone is missing the whole point of Trump. That he is, IMO, mentally-challenged; that he gets that riled up about questions that ask him to explain his temperamental personality. He wants to run for President? He'd better get used to questions. He'd better be prepared to provide legal documentation of his birth certificate. He shouldn't be insulted because the 'people' want to vet him.

    1. Anonymous1:59 PM

      1:08 PM:

      Trump is hardly mentally challenged! A billion dollar + net worth (I've lowered his billions a tad because it is suppose to be lower than the billions he has publically projected.)

      He assuredly has a financial and business mind. (Look at his business win with the TV "Apprentice" show that has run for years and made him millions!)

      He wouldn't be able to maintain what he has business wise and financially were he mentally inept!

    2. Anonymous2:51 PM

      He's not mentally "challenged" he is mentally ill on the same order as Howard Hughes. The older he gets the loonier he gets just like HH. Many extremely wealthy people go beyond eccentric and can only be labeled as mentally ill.

  60. Anonymous1:10 PM

    bumer sticker

    Cons: "Fox News" - you built that

  61. Anonymous1:44 PM

    You know, she should have called out each candidate individually for their collective bad attitude towards women - beginning with health and reproduction rights. While the Donald may win the prize for pure unadulterated misogyny he was not the only misogynist appearing on the GOP "debate" freak show.

  62. Ratfish2:08 PM

    Erickson is just another Republican women-hating hypocrite who has no business criticizing Trump.

  63. Anonymous2:16 PM

    'You're fired'
    Aide quits and says its over fight with Fox anchor, but tycoon says he was fired... and now Jeb Bush is calling for an apology

  64. Janice A Soderquist2:31 PM

    So now, Is Sarah going to defend her friend Donald for his statement against Meghan? Is she going to stick up for women and denounce Donald for what he said. She can't have it both ways. Remember Meghan is a Fox host too.
    But like all things in the past, will she just ignore it all like she has not spoken concerning about Bristols pregnancy either. If Sarah stays quiet, she is in the clean. I hope someone asks her about this.

    1. Anonymous2:48 PM

      She would never allow these questions to be asked of her in any recorded interview. Remember, she gets the questions prior to and memorizes the answers!

      Besides, who is doing any interviews of her anymore? Think Bill O'Reilly did the last one on FOX and it shocked me that he had her on because he has always referred to her as an 'idiot'!

  65. Janice A Soderquist2:34 PM

    Sarah will not make a statement. This way, she is safe...

  66. Our Lad3:35 PM

    Donald Trump is the death knell of the Republican party. It is in it's final days and his is the last face it sees as it breathes it's last. Fucking weird.

  67. Anita Winecooler6:43 PM

    Not a fan of Megyn Kelly, and a host of other female and male "news readers" on the WWF of Cable "News" stations, FNC. What Donald said was beyond the pale, even by fox news standards, BUT Fox News created this monster, Fox News owns this monster, and I really don't give a shit.
    Eric Erickson's just as much a scumbag as Trump is, his "decision" to disinvite Donald from "Red State's Bullcrapfest" was a PR ploy, a shiny object of false moral superiority to "Save face"
    Either way, if Trump stays or runs as an independent, the GOP still loses because they gave him exactly what he wants, a platform to spew hate, they do it for Palin, and for everyone, and they'll keep doing it.
    CNN's Fredrika Whitfiled(sp?), had a segment where Pro Trump "conservative" women were offended, they said he has anger issues (gee, ya think?), doesn't like women, and (possibly the most scathing) was ONCE a Pro Choice DEMOCRAT!?!?!???.......BUT "He speaks his mind, corrected himself by tweeting he "meant" her "Nose", (yeah that's the ticket, he meant her "Nose"). And he's not "politically correct", deserves a second chance and we'd still vote for him. Another, larger sampling, said he's gotta go.

    Ok, this was the first of how many debates? How long can they afford to keep him on a long leash? Can they risk an independent Trump ticket? Will he choose Sarah because she's a woman whose post nasal drip age? Stay tuned.... and stock up on popcorn.


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