Saturday, August 08, 2015

This Donald Trump/Megyn Kelly thing is really getting out of hand.

So as previously reported Trump has essentially doubled down on being an asshole to Megyn Kelly.

But now there are even Trump supporters jumping into the fray:

I really hate that word by the way, and try hard to keep it off of this blog, but you see the point I'm making.

Trump supporters even flooded her Facebook page to attack her for simply asking questions "The Donald" during the debate. 

It's like his misogyny is infectious and every person who has wanted to publicly bad mouth women now feels empowered to do so in his defense. And remember according to the Drudge Report Trump won that debate Thursday night, so plenty of conservatives see nothing wrong with the things that he says.

There is even a petition being circulated around to get one time conservative darling Megyn Kelly barred from participating in any other GOP debates.

Now some, like Carly Fiorina for instance, have come to Megyn Kelly's defense, but others are going after her as if she murdered their family pet.  While still others are standing back and waiting to see who is still standing after the dust settles.

At least one Trump aide has even quit over the brouhaha. 

Personally I find the entire thing fascinating. After all here you have one creation of Fox News battling another creation of Fox News.

I mean should one root for Blonde-zilla or cheer on Mega-Combover? All we know for sure is that the other candidates who participated in that debate seem to be getting crushed under foot.

I have to admit that my sentiments side mostly with Megyn Kelly, even though she did say that Sarah Palin should sue me after my story about their marital troubles came out.

However Donald Trump is a disgusting POS, so simply put there is no way I could ever see myself siding with him, on anything.


  1. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Meanwhile $arah is licking her lips and laughing.
    We really have sank this far??

    1. Anonymous5:59 PM

      I would think that President Obama is enjoying all of this idiocy and he has every right to after what Donald Trump tried to do with him as to the birth certificate.

      Sarah Palin has no skin in the game and the majority of Americans could care less what she thinks or says!

    2. Sarah Palin is clueless. She has no idea what's going on until someone explains it all to her. That person seems to be on vacation this week.

    3. Anonymous2:11 AM

      Your story about their "marital troubles" got you into a wee bit of hot water, eh? And Sarah and Todd are still married. So methinks your "source" was not so reliable. Jus saying...

    4. Anonymous7:10 AM

      2:11--that the Palins only get together for photo ops is well known in Wasilla.

  2. Enjay in MT4:42 PM

    If Faux fires her - then I may have some sympathy for Megyn. However, at this point I think they both got a taste of their own medicine.

    Going to make fresh batch of popcorn to enjoy the fireworks.

    1. Anonymous6:11 PM

      Lie down with dogs, get fleas and tapeworms!

    2. Anonymous6:12 PM

      Megyn Kelly has a law degree. If her contract does not cover a hefty golden parachute, then she is a poor lawyer.

      But why should FOX fire her? Every word she says is scripted. She gets told the phrases to use and is trained to stay carefully within certain parameters. Nothing she says on air is spontaneous. Her personal opinions are of no interest to either FOX or FOX viewers. FOX viewers especially are there to hear exactly what they expect to hear, no surprises are welcome. FOX is a conservative's safe zone where their intellect won't be challenged with new ideas. Megyn Kelly is content to stick to the script.

    3. Anonymous6:30 PM

      @6:12--- Bingo. That is all.

    4. Anonymous10:41 PM

      Great comments. Agree.

    5. Anonymous3:48 AM

      Not if you use Frontline Plus, 6:11

  3. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Will Sarah Palin side with Trump, or Kelly? I think it will be Trump, because she wants publicity.

    1. Anonymous5:57 PM

      Who gives a ---- what Sarah Palin thinks? She has no standing with the Republican Party and I'm sure Donald Trump would not put her on his ticket should he win the Republican primary or run on the other ticket!

    2. Anonymous11:23 PM

      I thought she complained every time cackling rads and libtards didn't come to the defense of a conservative woman? Now it's okay to be a pig to Megyn? Yup, cherry pickin Palin's, only be outraged when WE are offended.

  4. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Even though I despise trump. I have difficulty feeling anything for her. She has slept with those cretins on Faux news.
    She has choices and chose to be one of them and their propaganda.
    Reap what you sow.can't take the heat get out. Meg.

    1. Anonymous6:14 PM

      So this is the Faux Nooze Republicans that are calling Kelly a c*nt in defense of the Faux Nooze Presidential front runner because of tRUMP's butthurt about the Faux Nooze Presidential Debait?

      All righty then, MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!!

    2. Anonymous2:09 PM

      Feasting on their own. Pot meets kettle.

  5. angela4:54 PM

    I definitely support the old adage that "When people show you who they are, believe them."

    Trump is who he has always been, birther, provocateur, vulgarian.
    Megan Kelly is who she has always been, a Fox shill who tried to clean up the Duggars and insisted an imaginary being (Santa) was white.

    1. Anonymous10:53 PM

      angela, I love that saying! Taking this advice can prevent a lot of heart ache in life.

    2. Anonymous11:54 PM

      And that Jesus was white too.


  6. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Kelly asked a legitimate question, which used Trump's own words about women. Is his the kind of temperament we want in the White House?
    Trump's subsequent behavior proved that, no, his is not the kind of temperament we want in a leader.
    Whatever you think of Kelly -- and she's a smart lawyer, so Trump's calling her stupid and a loser is just pitiful -- no woman should be subjected to the kind of nasty misogyny that is Trump's brand. Really crude and ugly.

    Now that the trolls can forget about making racial slurs at the President, they can bring out their other favorite target: women. Women who speak up, women who act as though they're the equal to a man, women who have all that mysterious biology that men fear.

    Imagine that we, this "exceptional" country, are talking about a loutish oaf and his sexist comments when we're deciding who should be the GOP nominee. He's bringing us down to his level, which is in the gutter.

    I hope his hubris makes him run as a third-party candidate and guarantees a Democrat in the White House.

    1. Anonymous5:04 PM


    2. Anonymous5:30 PM

      "Is his the kind of temperament we want in the White House?"


  7. Anonymous5:03 PM

    I hope moderators of future debates won't be intimidated by Trump's juvenile, attack strategy to retaliate for valid questions about his record. There are many questions to ask him and he won't like any of them. If he shows up for the next debate, he has pretty much guaranteed that the buzz will be all about him. And the ratings will be yoOOOGg.

    1. Anonymous5:55 PM

      Trump brought the ratings and viewership to FOX for this debate and will again when on CNN. I know I'll be watching! Most eager to see who will be doing the questioning. Sincerely hope they are more fair to all the candidates!

      Trump was obviously targeted by FOX in that zero 'personal' character assassination questions were directed to the other candidates sitting up there with Trump!

      FOX wanted to put on a show! Kind of like the Romans of years ago trying to corral and kill the lion that was put in their midst! FOX - i.e. Megyn were going in for the kill of Donald Trump!

      It was so damned obvious what they were doing and Trump fought back the best he could! Yes, he got angry. How would you handle that type situation when it was so obvious what they were doing?

    2. Anonymous8:48 PM

      To 5:55. I'd probably answer the questions that were posed to me and stop acting like I was victimized. If he hadn't said those things about women, she wouldn't ask the question. He has to own his own behavior.

    3. To 5:55, "Yes, he got angry. How would you handle that type situation when it was so obvious what they were doing?"
      Well, I'd like to think my response would not have proved their point.

      He could have addressed what he perceived as the moderator being unfair in professional terms, but he chose not to. He is an ill-mannered boor and narcissistic bully with anger management issues. He is unfit for elected office.

  8. Anonymous5:04 PM

    I don't side with either of them. They are both vile, disgusting, right-wing opportunists. Megyn Kelly happily lies down with rabid Republican dogs. Now she has gotten flea bites -- to which I say -- what did you really expect? I don't recall her defending Rosie O'Donnell back when Trump was trashing Rosie.

    As a feminist, I should deplore the expanding misogynistic trashing of Kelly, but since it's being done by her own kind, I'll pass on defending her. She's reaping what she's sown, and Trump? Take heed.

    1. Anonymous5:21 PM

      Me as well. What I find knee-slapping humorous is THIS is what they're tryng to replace President Obama with.

      It may be just ME, but I think our President excelled waaaay too much at his job we elected him twice to do for how they're going off. I am sure he watched this debate with merriment!

  9. Anonymous5:08 PM

    America is INSANE!

    1. emrysa9:07 PM


    2. Anonymous11:00 PM

      It certainly seem to be. sigh.

  10. cckids5:10 PM

    Trump's "aide" who quit was Roger Stone; the mastermind behind the Citizen's United case, which was about getting money into politics to stop Hillary in 2008. And, just in case anyone thinks he is some champion for women's rights, he came up with the name "Citizen's United Not Timid".

    Check the acronym for that. He only objects when a Faux newsblonde gets insulted.

    That being said, of course Trump is a pig. That is what he does, that's what his people like about him.

    1. Anonymous6:21 PM

      He only objects when he thinks the party is getting kneecapped because too many women will be turned off and the Republicans will be Todd Akined again.

  11. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Trump is arrogant, juvenile, thin-skinned, and peevish -- just who we need sitting in the Oval Office with his stubby finger on the button. He has no filter, and apparently no one around him can tell him anything or rein him in. Can you imagine what he might say to or about Angela Merkel? I have always detested Megyn Kelly, but in this case I think she handled herself quite well.

  12. Anonymous5:17 PM

    All of this is entertainment for the masses, mere bread and circuses; ugly as hell, with seemingly no good guys. Neither Trump nor Kelly is noble in the least, but I agree with Anon 4:58, in that the question Kelly asked was reasonable and needful.
    To heck with who she is and what her motives were. That's a game I won't join. Answer the question Mr. Trump, or you are only "The Donald", and not Presidential material.
    But we already know that this is all about Fox and Trump making oodles of money off our reactions.
    Sigh! It sure worked out well for the money-grubbers and the crowd of tomato and cabbage throwers.

  13. Anonymous5:22 PM

    I'm sure Megyn was asking the questions that Faux wanted her to ask. The republican masters wanted to make Trump look bad (and he can easily do that on his own every time he opens his mouth). Whenever anyone starts out a debate asking for a "pledge" from all the candidates not to run as a 3rd party candidate, I always think of the ALEC pledge not to raise taxes. Any pledge pisses me off since it doesn't allow for changing circumstances. I'm sure the gop "entertainment cycle" has just begun. More popcorn, please.

    1. Anonymous12:00 AM

      Grover Norquist pledge.

      Drown the US government in a bathtub.

  14. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Megyn Kelley says on national television that Santa Claus is white. She should be able to handle prejudice being dished out to her.

    Donald Trump is in a game of chicken with the two politicial parties. A noisy 3rd party run raises the spectre of the electoral college making a hash of the presidential selection. BOTH political parties are hoping Trump will self-implode because it will be cheaper than buying him off.

    Neither Kelley or Trump warrant the slightest of interest from intelligent humans.

  15. Anonymous5:33 PM

    I don't feel the least bit sorry for Megyn Kelly. She signed up for that gig. And as offensive as Trump is, I was more offended by the pious, sanctimonious crap that Rubio was spewing at the end of the "debate," implying that God loves Republicans but not Democrats and of course favors America over everyone else. Pathetic pandering to the religious right. I wish Pope Francis would call him, Santorum and others of the same ilk out on that particular brand of bull.

  16. Anonymous5:34 PM

    30+ years working mostly with guys, inured me to references about my supposed cyclical emotionalism. This is what women put up with in the workplace daily. Fretting about poor pitiful Megyn Kelly as if her situation is somehow very special makes it seem as if all the rest of us women live in golden land where no one ever mentions our menstrual cycle.

  17. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Trump's comments are further proof for anyone with a remotely rational mind that he doesn't belong anywhere near the White House. He's a vile, immature, spoiled bully.

    1. Anonymous5:54 PM

      And Scott Walker thinks no abortion even to save the life of the mother. He doesn't belong anywhere near the White House either, but FOX doesn't torment Walker with "hard" questions. Megyn Kelly did as she was told to do by her FOX masters. And Scott Walker's horrifying misogyny slipped through with hardly a blip in the news cycle. Trump is very useful to the GOP puppetmasters.

  18. Anonymous5:36 PM

    I just read an article about how Trump said he would get Mexico to pay for a wall along the border. Obviously not going to happen - but it brought to mind his recent bravado and making outlandish statements. Reminds me of a childhood story - cannot remember exactly how it is titled - but something like "The Emperor Who Wore No Clothes". He is all talk and not much to show for it. He is becoming very boring.

    Pat Padrnos

    1. Anonymous12:06 AM

      Donaldass tRump is butt-naked and butt-hurt. And it shows.

      The emperor of Fox Entertainment is naked. The idiots won't notice because they are not supposed to notice and have been miseducated well to turn blind eyes and deaf ears to unadulterated truth.



  19. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Trump Edges Bush, Crushes Rubio With Florida Republican Voters

    A Florida Times-Union poll released on Saturday, August 8th, has Donald Trump leading the GOP field, with 27 percent support to 26 percent for former Florida Governor Jeb Bush. Trump’s slim lead means that the race is a virtual dead heat between Trump and Bush.

    The rest of the field lags far behind, with no other candidate polling better than 8 percent. Florida Senator Marco Rubio sits way back at 7 percent support.

  20. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Hate to say it, but I'm more on The Donald's side in this fiasco. They (FOX) went after him big time and didn't do the same type of questioning to the other candidates.

    I'd even say they gang banged him! Not fair in our world of today!

    I hate FOX anyway - always have and always will!

    1. Anonymous6:26 PM

      Nobody's side is the right side.

  21. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Oh, definitely root for Trump, because he could rip the GOP and Fox wide open. Fox encouraged Trump because he riled up the same stupid party base that loved Sarah. But then this funny thing happened; he started poling at twice his nearest competitor. What was supposed to be a side show was becoming the main event. So Murdoch told Ailes to take Trump out. And because they know him, they chose one of their in-house blondes to do it. And because Trump is a bloated idiot, he walked right into it.

    The right-wingers are unrepentant misogynists; they don't really give a damn what Trump said. The most disgusting misogynist on that stage was Walker, who would let a woman DIE rather than have an abortion. He ought to be metaphorical staked out on an anthill and smeared with honey. But where is the outrage? Ah, Megyn? Crickets.

    This article does a good job of explaining it:

    1. Anonymous5:59 PM

      You are absolutely correct.

      Pat Padrnos

    2. Anonymous7:29 PM

      Don't leave out Rubio, who wants women to carry their rapist child.

  22. Anonymous5:43 PM

    There's 2 separate hormone peaks during the menstrual cycle, one before ovulation, one before/during the uterus lining being shed. Why many guys think "her time of the month" is the sole hormone surge is a puzzle. I guess jokes and slurs are too much fun to bother with the actual science.

    1. Anonymous7:31 PM

      Yeah, well let's not discuss when men get grumpy every month. About every new moon.

    2. Anonymous3:55 AM

      Women and their hormonal biology are easy targets for those misogynists (male AND female) to use as weapons or to get a laugh. If Megyn Kelly were ten years older, Trump and his ilk would have insinuated she questioned him because she was menopausal.

  23. Anonymous5:48 PM

    I'm sure Kelly is enjoying the publicity and the sudden increased dollar value of her brand. This is how those people think, don't waste a moment feeling any sympathy for her.

    What is odd is that the Far Right has joined in a chorus to defend a woman who is not dead, dying or pregnant.

    This is just plain weird. They must have already decided that the first debate would be the catalyst for the beginning of the bringing down of Drumpf, in the knowledge that he wouldn't fail to deliver ammunition in whatever area they had in mind. Misogyny was an easy choice for them, he already had a record for it.

    It's impossible to care so I won't even try.

  24. Anonymous5:49 PM

    One point for MK is that all the questions were what she was told to ask by faux news.

  25. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Someone Awesome Hacked Trump’s Website, Turned It Into Amazing Jon Stewart Tribute (IMAGE)

  26. Anonymous5:58 PM

    I have no respect or remorse for Megyn Kelly after she allowed the Duggars to suggest sexual assault of a child is no big deal.

    Poor $arah. Poor short-sighted $arah. She wasn't getting the attention she wanted so she latched onto Trump's coat tails. And now Trump is spinning out of control and $arah is stuck with her endorsement of Donald and calling him a hero. You're screwed, sweetie.

  27. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Hey, the Donald represents the real republikkkan party of white males and poor willow meg represents the dumb woman whom associate with such. Reality bites and this clown show is a perfect example. America must organize to put a complete end to this outrageous criminal acts against America and Americans by a few global hogs and wigs. ENOUGH. end citizen united, demand that the FEC investigate cpacs and all the foreign money buying America. WAKE THE F UP. please.

  28. Anonymous6:08 PM

    I have very little sympathy for Kelly or anyone else who works for Fox because of the lack of integrity and willingness to lie that is a requirement for that network's employment. However, his comments were, as usual, repugnant and have no place in public discourse.

    It infuriates me when people praise Trump for being 'politically incorrect' and telling it like it is. He's NOT politically incorrect - he's an offensive, abusive, misogynistic, racist, narcissistic, malevolent bully who thinks he can do or say whatever he wants. If he cannot handle a simple question on a Fox debate stage without losing control, how is he supposed to deal with antagonistic foreign leaders who are not going to be intimidated by his hostile personality? How is he supposed to deal with the negotiations necessary to get any legislation through Congress? Threats and intimidation don't work in that level of government and you can't just file for another bankruptcy if you destroy the national economy.

    As embarrassing as the rest of the GOP field may be, I am most ashamed that the rest of the world sees that Donald Trump is actually considered a viable candidate for President of the United States.

    1. Anonymous4:40 AM

      I cannot fathom even the remotest possibility that this creature, DT, could ever become president of this country. Well, actually even the thought of any of the GOP contenders in the White House terrifies me.

    2. Anonymous12:08 PM


      It is difficult seeing them winning! I agree. But, our country is not what it use to be!

      Look at how the media is trying to pull Hillary Clinton down even before she has announced or been selected by the Dems.

      Our media is manipulating the races and it's sick, sick, sick to watch.

      FOX IS the Republican party but I really believe they hurt themselves a LOT during this recent debate. It's going to be interesting seeing how CNN does in the next one. I expect nothing better from them to tell you the truth!

      We Americans need to work at getting the voters out for the upcoming election. We CAN beat the Republicans AGAIN and I suspect will! They are anti women and are on record (new clown car candidates too!) so many times with their commentary.

      It's going to be easy to counter them with FACTS in the upcoming election. We can beat them at their own game!

  29. Anonymous6:09 PM

    A Collection Of The Best #TrumpCampaignSlogans Now Trending On Twitter (TWEETS)

  30. Anonymous6:14 PM

    I get the feeling that the question was planned to set Trump off, knowing full well he would get obnoxious with the ice princess queen of faux. The backlash sets her up beautifully to play the victim card for attention far beyond the faux audience. She may not like palin very much but she sure saw how well the victim meme can pay off.

  31. Sarah Palin has been mysteriously quiet. Can you imagine if President Obama had made these comments about Kelly (he would never because he is too classy to ever make such deplorable comments), she would be burning up her FaceBook account calling for his impeachment.

    1. That's because Sarah Palin is notoriously dim. She has no idea what's going on and when her personal ghost writer or news processor gets it all together, they'll put something on Facebook.

    2. Trump's VP - while it's possible she will not say a word. She really really really wants to be VP - no interest at all in the top job.

    3. Anonymous9:39 AM

      Sarah Palin would not run on the ticket in the 'second' seat! She's not a team player to top it all off! I honestly don't think Trump would put her on the ticket. Suspect he's already done his research/investigation of/on her and her family members and knows better! She would bring way too much baggage to the ticket and would be torn apart during the campaign.

      Plus, remember when McCain and she lost, she said she didn't even know what the VP did in government. She didn't have a clue and zero gumption to find out!

  32. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Thanks Sarah PAlin!

    You deserve a shout out for how your brief moment in the spotlight during the 2008 campaign changed everything for the Republican Party.

    How's that progressing the nation thing going? We hear about Bristol getting bigger month by month. Again. Also, too.

    1. Anonymous8:18 PM

      Oh yes, she legitimized racial hatred by not standing up to it at her rallies. Suddenly they felt justified for disgusting behavior that was once kept in the shadows. Now, Trump is giving the OK to put women back in their place, how dare those the silly wenches question him.

      He is the Omnipotent Savior for white racist men who feel that a war has been waged against THEM.


    2. Anonymous5:13 AM

      Thanks Sarah PAlin! Thanks again! There is so much to be thankful for with a PAlin.

  33. We all knew from the beginning, as the clowncar started to assemble that this was going to be an awesome ride, but who knew? We are 15 months away and yet this bizarre GOP reality show is just getting more and more bizarre by the minute...I just can't wait to see what happens next...these wingnutz are insane but very stupid and entertaining

  34. Anonymous6:23 PM

    This is getting outrageous. It's a psychological event, experiment in human cultism. These followers of Trump and Palin and Tea Partiers are gullible to the point they can easily be duped and brainwashed; they lose all sense and become manic.

    This is like those who join ISIS. They've lost all their marbles and can't see the forest for the trees.

    1. Anonymous3:25 PM


    2. Anonymous3:36 PM

      The repug party has Imploded!

  35. Anonymous6:28 PM

    I agree Anonymous 5:49. Her overlords sent all of the moderators out to destroy their creation. She is no victim or brave reporter, she parrots what they tell her to say.. all of them do every day all day! Trump carries things on forever. He is still being hateful at Rosie O'Donnell. Who knows how this can play out but this is the end result of the Reagan revolution. These people have made nutz normal and preferred.

  36. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Megyn Kelly with her white Santa and other nonsense a while back, is not a person I'm sympathetic to. She's would steamroll right over anyone for her career. And, while it's wrong to call her these names, it proves that people do reap what they sow.

    She and Fox News sowed their seeds of hate and division, now they're getting it all back by the very man they supported when he was their hero. He's now out of control, lashing out at anyone who dares defy him.

    They've done it all to themselves. I just wonder if President Obama is secretly chuckling. He had absolutely nothing to do with these clowns and they can't blame him. Sucks to be them.

  37. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Donald Trump Drawing Fire From All Corners Of GOP

  38. Anonymous7:00 PM

    I'm rilly enjoying watching them go after each other. Many of them are guilty of the same behaviors. The icing on the cake was this gal calling him out for how he treats women. Its a house divided when they're going after Faux news.

  39. Frankly, I'm more inclined too to lean toward Kelly, but not with much enthusiasm.

    She'd be probably rally a larger group of liberals to her defense right now, but for having so recently provided a platform for the PR rehabilitation of a confessed incestuous child molester.

    1. Anonymous9:35 AM

      Megyn would NOT rally Liberals. I'm one and there is no way in hell I agree with her. Have watched her. She is a Republican for Christ's sake and FOX leads the Republican party with it's lies, hatred, racism and untruths told daily!

  40. Anonymous7:13 PM


  41. Anonymous7:38 PM

    I don't care for Megyn Kelly, but I do admire her for asking Trump the question about his demeaning comments about women. In case Trump can't remember, he called a female lawyer horrible, a very horrible person because she wanted to take a break to pump breast milk for her baby. No, she wasn't going to do it in front of Trump. She was going to go into another room. And, it's not horrible. It's part of nature.

    Trump also bristled at the hard hitting questions asked by NBC's Katy Tur. He repeatedly cut her off and told her she didn't know what she was talking.

    Trump is bombastic and rude to women, and he proved it with his additional comments about Kelly. The problem is that Trump says out loud what a lot of other people must be thinking and wish that they could say. There is still too much hate going around.

    1. Megyn "Santa Claus is white" Kelly has few, if any, admirable traits. She's willing to say anything on air for a huge salary. Save your admiration for Trump's real victims.

    2. Anonymous4:37 AM

      I think the question should have been addressed to all of the other Klown Kar occupants there as a follow-up to the question to Trump. All of these people have demeaned women one way or another by wanting to deny them health care and equal income. They have all, as governors or senators, said dreadful things about women. Trump just does it louder and more often. He is, really though, such a dreadful excuse for a human being.

    3. Anonymous8:45 AM

      Trump belittles everyone, not just women. But he doesn't use sexual terms and imagery when he disses men. The men are called losers and that's about it. The women are unattractive, bleeding, fat, and best observed on their knees.

    4. Anonymous9:33 AM

      That Megyn on FOX is no better than Trump. Isn't she the one that told the 'kids' on her show (night time!) that Santa Claus was white and not black. She should be taken off the air - especially due to the way she handled Trump and the other candidates in the clown car.

  42. Anonymous8:04 PM

    They've created their very own Fauxinsteinc monster.

    Sunday morning news shows should be interesting....wonder if the Iran deal with get as much air time as the tRump-Kelly thing.

  43. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Is it wrong that I'm smiling?

    Smiling? Hell, I mean is it wrong that I have a big efin ear to ear grin?

  44. Anonymous8:53 PM

    I checked her Facebook page. The first 100 comments were very nasty. Trump's assholes are out in force. They really think that Megyn wasn't told to ask those questions by Roger.

    1. Anonymous11:59 AM

      Yep, Megyn assuredly is not feeling the love today. She's getting hers as is FOX! Some of the comments written to her are awful....there is a steady name they call her throughout.

      People are so much more open about their feelings today and they even show their names!

      I love what Donald Trump is doing as to our politicians! He's opened things up and the Republican party is trashing him every chance they get because he has done so!!!

      Trump is still the front runner as to the clown car. He has held at 23% and continues being far ahead of any of the others!

      There truly is a lot of hate in our country and I'm sorry to say I'm in that category of hating. Never ever felt that way before until the Republican party started being so horrible, nasty, racist and obstructionists toward President Obama and his Administration!

    2. Anonymous3:48 PM

      Being the head clown doesn't say much for a person.

  45. emrysa9:03 PM

    "Personally I find the entire thing fascinating."

    me too, gryphen. it is an hilarious mess. a presidential candidate who calls people lazy slobs? and brags about how he's a "ratings machine?" I mean really, it''s freakin hilarious. let the repigs wallow in the shit they've cultivated.

    I'll give trump props for one thing - when he stood up there and talked about how he gives money to candidates on both sides because he gets favors in return, and flat out admitted that this is the reason the political system is broken in this country - well none of those other assholes admitted as much, altho they all know it to be truth. still, the man should be allowed nowhere near elected office but it's all been very funny, and as you said, fascinating...

    1. Anonymous11:36 PM

      emrysa, I loved that he said that too. Too bad nobody is talking on it, he admitted his money is a bribe.

    2. Anonymous9:31 AM

      Personally, I thank Trump for speaking 'out' as he has! I hate the politicians in D.C. and think the clown car of candidates to be a joke! The Republicans are a mess as a party! Just look at the ones they have in the U.S. Congress that do nothing - McCain - McConnell, etc.

  46. Really, it's just a bit of ugliness between two ugly people. Kelly is every bit as willing to do anything for money as Trump. Catfight, basically...

  47. He is no different towards women than the rest of the GOP pretenders. Just speaks openly - the others try to hide their truths.

  48. Anonymous4:16 AM

    Why does Megyn need to be defended at all? She's a public figure. Like Trump, she and Fox abhor political correctness. So no one should be offended. Or is it that impolitic language should only be used against blacks and Hispanics, not blonde white women. I think that's the real reason everyone is so upset.

  49. Anonymous4:35 AM

    I find the whole thing interesting too and also. What dreams are made of!

  50. Anonymous6:20 AM

    The secret honeymoon..

    1. Crystal Sage8:16 AM

      That is a sorry sight to see first thing in the morning. Or any time for that matter.

  51. Anonymous6:59 AM

    republicans loves blond hair,doesnt matter,male or female,wait,they love white and blond.

  52. This spectacle is the inevitable collapse of decorum, civility, and decency that has been steadily building over the years. By no means are dems perfect, but the GOP has gone places that are both breathtaking and troubling. I don't consider Trump's comments about Kelly more egregious than the senator who called Obama a liar at the state of the union.

    FOX managed to find that nasty, hateful, ignorant segment of America that understands very little and fears most everything, and they exploited it beautifully.

    1. Anonymous5:34 PM

      True, Trump's Kelly comments are actually less insulting to anyone than the outburst[s] at Obama. Neither Kelly nor Trump could be considered life models for anyone; both will do anything for money.

  53. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Carly Fiorina Opposes Paid Maternity Leave Mandate

  54. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Carly Fiornia won't go anywhere in this Republican race. Watched her on TV this morning and she comes across as cold, lacks charm and has zero pleasant personality!

    She is their 'token' woman - nothing more and nothing less!

    Plus, her business career info is not so charming either! She was a failure!!!

  55. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Megyn Kelly "To all of you kids out there, Santa Claus is White".
    What was that all about? Does Megyn believe in Santa Claus? Does she also believe that Jesus was White? Evangelicals have been brainwashed for so long that they actually await the rapture.

  56. Janice A Soderquist3:43 PM

    I bet Trump goes to a third party now and taking his high percentage of voters. That leaves the Republicans with nothing. And to think by Kelly starting out the debate battering Trump, she and Fox can be blamed for his departure and the Republicans losing the presidency again...


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