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I endorsed you on the same day my son was getting arrested and you can't even spell my f**king name right? |
Donald Trump has struck out on spelling once again.
On Trump's website, "Sara Palin" is listed as endorsing the GOP front-runner. Palin's first name, of course, is Sarah.
Palin, the former governor of Alaska and 2008 GOP vice-presidential nominee, endorsed Trump in January.
The error caps a week of misspellings for Trump and his campaign, and was widely mocked on social media.
Yep nothing says we really appreciate your support like misspelling your name while thanking you for that support.
But hey, to be fair we all know how difficult it is to spell "Sarah," and it's not like her name has been in the public eye for the last eight years or anything.
Actually I understand that this spelling was much better than the original version which was T-h-a-t-f-u-c-k-i-n-h-b-i-t-c-h-w-h-o-m-a-d-e-m-e-l-o-s-e-I-o-w-a.
So, you know, there's that.
By the way I checked and Chris Christie's name is spelled exactly right. Not a letter missing or out of place.
My cousin's name is Sarah and she really gets upset when the "h" is left off- so upset she now spells it "Sahra" so the essential H is in the middle.
ReplyDeleteWell that will stop [people from misspelling her name ( eyeroll).
DeleteSarah is such a kiss ass she'd probably change the spelling if she thought it would get her running mate status.
Delete5:31 PM It is time to get your wonky eye fixed.
Delete@5:31 It was a very small rebellion (and the only one) from an otherwise exemplary teenager.
DeleteI called tech support in california, and got some valley girl who said "Hi My name is Sunshyne with a "y"". can you please hold? After a mandatory three minute wait, I called again and I had to be nice to get a problem solved for a client. Her brother's name is Rain. I complemented her parents on their originality and asked how it's spelt. "R E I G N". I tried to muffle my laughter, reminded me of Frank Zappa's kids names. Anyway, I make spelling errors sometimes, but this must have twisted Sarah's skidmarked panties into knots. It's not good enough to get mentioned, but at least spell her name right "Granny Gangrene Palin"
Delete"Palin's first name, of course, is Sarah."
ReplyDeleteThe Trump campaign says,who gives a fuck!
I was hoping it was going to be "Plain".
LOL. Like Sarah Pain in the ass.
DeleteOl' whats her name.
DeleteFrom the number of comments on sites, I would think her claim to fame has become 'Bristol's mom'.
DeleteIt figures that Phyllis “women are going to have to use coed bathrooms if the Equal Rights Amendment passes” Schiafly would endorse Trump.
ReplyDeletePoor Sarah “Don’t you know who I am” Palin. It puts her in somewhat of a bind, if she points out the error it makes them look stupid, if she doesn’t, no one will know she endorsed Trump and is responsible for all his victories!!!
Honestly, I look at that face and wonder WTF happened to her that she went so off the rails. She thought she was called by God? Hardly. She took politics to a new low and made it acceptable. All in the name of the Sybil voice in her head.
DeleteI remember when we used to lock up people that heard voices talking to them.
DeleteShe did take political discourse to a new low but she did NOT actually make it acceptable. It only emboldened a few of the fanatical maniacs among us to fly their freak flags for a bit. The net result is that even more people got to see how idiotic, dangerous and mean-spirited the 'tea potty' & ultra right-wing base truly is.
DeleteChaos may be fun in small doses but she exposed the futility of a steady diet of hateful rhetoric for the long run. Her current position at the bottom of the heap shows how 'effective' her scams have been.
Sadly, I think she very much helped make it acceptable - see "Trump, Donald J". She led the way to a new and probably permanent low.
DeleteBut - but - maybe having her name misspelled explains why the donations to her Pac are down? Some bitch named Sara is getting them all!!
DeleteYes, Donald has been talking about running for President since 1987 but finally the bar was lowered enough, thanks to Sarah and the TeaParty for him to finally step into the race and run the kind of campaign he's been planning.
DeleteThanks Sarah! PS, I don't think Donald is going to remember you when he is POTUS, maybe some discounted tickets to the whitehouse tour if you are lucky!
Since Sarah Palin endorsed Donald Trump back in late January, she has been pretty much MIA. She hasn't been on the campaign trail with him, she hasn't done any stump speeches, all she has done is post cheerleading shit on Facebook like this:
On March 6th it will be exactly one year since I filed suit trying to require the government to comply with their obligations under the FOIA. The documents requested initially related to the Secret Service scandal in Colombia, and the culture of corruption within the Secret Service. I was motivated to begin this investigation as a result of being contacted by Shailey Tripp.
Go Malia! I want to see justice served. Thanks to Malia's persistence, it may!
DeleteGood luck Malia! Hope you find exactly what you're looking for.
DeleteYou have ended up seeming more like a stalker than anything else.It's a shame,and underscored by the 5 or 6 regulars who post on your site.Nothing you do is relevant,the fact you have to come here and try to drum up visitors to your site should tell you something.
Delete6:29: Oh, STFU, stalker Alicia or whatever your name is! You are just too frustrated by Malia being able to block you! You have NO IDEA how important the work is that Malia has undertaken. She has shown just what a farce our DHS and the Secret Service are.
DeleteI am sure there are those, like me, who read there without adding comments.
Delete6:29 PM Are you hearing voices again?
Delete6:29 is speaking the truth but natch, people respond by calling them trolls or Alicia.
DeleteHere is the deal. Women for years have fought to be noticed for something besides their looks.And here comes Sarah Palin. If, If she had the intellectual capacity to break that mold what a break through it may have been, but alas instead she has put women behind. She has done damage to women by being that dumb good looking bimbo who got by on their looks.
DeleteMen suffer this also but not to the extent that women do.Thanks Sarah for nothing! We women know if you were homely your ass would never have made it this far because it sure as hell wasn't your great intellect.
I can never understand why some Palin detractors go after Malia like this.
DeleteShe has her own little blog that many people enjoy reading. Malia does her thing. Gryphen finds her credible or entertaining enough to have her on his blogroll.
Maybe you think she goes overboard, but why would that make any difference to you to the point where you have to comment?
MJ-if you don't like her site, don't read there. Problem solved.
DeleteAnonymous6:29 PM
DeleteYou are nasty for no reason.
Go Malia!
DeleteThe PayMe clan and their few followers are upset with ANY woman who has supeior intellect. Look at the latest photos of SARA, she looks like HELL. Beauty fades, dumb is forever, remember that! I never thought SARA was "all that" even from the start. Too manly looking. She could pass for a relative of Caitlym Jenner. In fact I have wondered at times if the photos with some articles ARE Caitlyn!
DeleteAnon at 6:29 pm. It seems to me that the ruling in favor of Malia's FOIA request is a great success and not an example of trolling. Her resolve and tenacity and the validity of her claim have resulted in a good ruling. Well done, Malia.
DeleteI've been a reader of Malia's blog for years now and, for some reason that I do not understand, my comments no longer appear there. So, for now, at least, I'm just a reader.
I've enjoyed Malia's blog for a number of years. She and Gryph keep palins in the conversation.
DeleteDan Bongino was fired from the SS for Shenanigans in Russia. His brother was involved in the Columbia SS scandal and got fired.
DeleteI for one hope this goes somewhere because it would be nice to finally know the truth about Shailey Tripp and whether or not she crafted her entire tale or if there is indeed some validity.
DeleteYour smug face got you exactly where, $arah?
ReplyDeleteIt's called karma. Deal with it.
Had you pegged when you hit the stage '08.
Right? Not so smug now that she's running out of PAC funds and has to start spending HER OWN MONEY!
DeleteWith all that family she's supporting those millions aren't going to last very long, I give them 10 years before someone has to get a real job.
Clinton took down Trump by referencing his slogan. Former Sec. Clinton said, “Despite what you hear, we don’t need to make America great again. America has never stopped being great. But we do need to make America whole again, instead of building walls, we need to be tearing down barriers.”
ReplyDeleteInstead of running away from President Obama, like unsuccessful congressional Democrats did in 2010 and 2014, Clinton is going to run as the person who is going to build on what the president started. Clinton is running as the anti-Trump. In the fantasy that is the 2016 presidential primary, Obama has ruined America. Hillary Clinton is running as the candidate of reality, and a big part of that reality is the success that the country has enjoyed under President Obama.
Later in her speech, former Sec. Clinton again discussed building on the progress that has been made by President Obama. Clinton said, “We can create those good jobs by building on the progress that we’ve made under President Obama. So let’s make new investments in manufacturing, and small business, in scientific research, in clean energy. Enough clean energy to power every home in America.”
It was a masterful speech. She is getter stringer every day...must scare the crap out of even Trump. The GOP-Dem debates will be a hoot.
DeleteJust the fact that she defends and supports President Obama's acomplishments gets respect from me. Unlike the fairweather Democrats in the senate and congress in both 2010 and 2014.
DeleteChristie is busy campaging for trump, where is Palin? She showed up twice and was all about Track LOL
ReplyDeleteTodd lost iron dog again.
Gee, where's the post "So proud of Todd for competing in the Iron Dog again! He's such a manly guy and worked so hard on that snow machine and wrenching things together. The family salutes this snow warrior! Better luck next year!"
DeleteDid Tawdry & Co. cut out on hour 12 again this year?
DeleteTodd can't wrench anything anymore and Sarah could care less. Once again she has wasted her money on a loser husband who retired as soon as Grizzled Mama made the bucks. Note, she checked out Dakotas junk and said "Bristol! go for it!" Todd does not even carry her purse anymore he is happy as a clam just sitting on the sidelines living off his wifes money. He spent years as her number one pimp. What an "F" upped family Is it any wonder Barstool is like she is? Is it any wonder that Track is like he is?
DeleteThere was no balance in that messed up family all there was was a lesson that money equals power.
To "Sara's" mind why should she campaign? She's not going to be the running mate, he's not paying her or providing any transportation, hotels, etc. and he can't even spell her name correctly.
DeleteI have known people on Welfare with better work ethics. They had to go on food stamps and welfare because no jobs were available for their age group. They STILL held their heads up, did not grift like these losers do. Lazy bums is all they are. Has Chuckles Jr. managed to support his two families, without any $$$ coming in from GoFundMe for expensive camera equipment? A REAL man would work and pay for it himself. So, the lazy grifting continues, passed down to the next generation. What a HELL of a way to live. Vibrantly??
DeleteSara is the usual UK spelling of the name - so whoever is writing this tripe may be - an immigrant. Oh my
ReplyDeleteThat's quite a jump there.
DeleteOh, really?
Delete--Sarah Ferguson, AKA the Duchess of York
LOL, Duchess Fergie! That was a good one!
DeleteTrump and ole Chris Christie. Boys will be boys. Right SARA? No stupid girls allowed. The story of your life.
ReplyDeleteStupid girls who put out are ok, though. Sarah and Barstool know that.
DeleteMaybe tRump likes Christie because he makes him look slim!!
DeleteAnd by the same reasoning, Sara Palin makes him look less crazy!
Hey, ANY girls who put out are okay in my book...
DeleteWhat's up with Sarah not congratulating Trump on his endorsement by Chris Christie? Or Palin buddy Sheriff Arpaio, former AZ governor Jan Brewer, or David Duke?
ReplyDeleteSarah made remarks about
DeleteChristie's weight back in 2012-2013 and Christie wants nothing to do with her. If you google Sarah Palin and Chris Christie lots of videos.
A high-ranking official at a conservative think-tank, who spoke on condition of anonymity because his job requires him to steer clear of partisan politics, said: “Every serious student of American strategy is sick to their stomach about the possibility of Trump being the Republican nominee.”
ReplyDeleteRobert Kagan, a conservative foreign relations expert at the Brookings Institution think tank, said in a column for the Washington Post on Thursday that he would vote for Clinton rather than Trump.
“The party cannot be saved, but the country still can be,” he wrote.
There's going to be a lot of nose holding in the voting booths come November. And it won't be for Trump. It will be Republicans voting for Clinton because they can't stomach voting for Trump. They will do it to save their party.
DeleteI read that Kagan article. It was good, but Kagan's neocon policies is part of why republicans are where they are today. Kagan needs to look in the mirror when he assesses blame.
DeleteThose in power at the GOP have had every opportunity to stop this descent into madness, starting with denouncing Sarah Palin as McCain's running mate and then destroying the then-nascent Tea Party. They did nothing and doing nothing led to an environment where they will have GOP Nominee Donald J. Trump.
DeleteThey could have nipped this in the bud, they didn't and he's pushing their faces in it and destroying their party from within. As POTUS he will create chaos in the Republican led House and Senate and leave many flailing in the aisles not knowing whom to trust or whom to caucus with.
Gonna be fun to watch if it happens.
Sara's painted eyebrows are almost as hot as Valley Ho's chin.
ReplyDeleteI even wonder if she has on those glue-one ones that blend with a person's real ones. She and Bristol and even teen Piper have those fake-looking eyebrows. It must be the obsession with Kim Kardashian.
DeleteAnon #5:32 = So THAT is how they do that! I should have known!
DeleteWe have more of those brow salons here in Alaska than I would believe that our population can support. Does anyone just pluck, shape and color at home any more?
DeleteAlways suspected that Trump will be Sara's Waterloo..he will lift her so high and after using her willdump her straight deep in the gutter where she really belongs..poor Sara..she's getting a taste of her own medicine.
ReplyDeleteIt's already happened.
DeleteBWAHAHAHAHA if Trump wrote her a check it was misspelled.
ReplyDeleteSo what's the deal with her waxed look and her mouth.
DeleteYears of drugs and booze will do that to a person. Take a close look at the next wino you see, they have that waxy skin also, too.
DeleteWhy is there a photo of Caitlyn Jenner on this thread?
ReplyDeleteCaitlyn is much better looking than Sara.
DeleteShrugs. There "it" is.
DeleteThey look alike, except Caitlyn dresses MUCH more stlishly.
DeleteI had to go look at Wonlette's last Fartknocker Report pics of Sarah. I know some of you feel Piper's off-limits and for the most part she is, but sometimes her excitable pics look so like a mini-Sarah. And here, at #10, that looks like Piper in another thirty-something years.
Hey, if Piper needs her privacy, Sarah needs to stop pimping her to the public
DeleteIt must be difficult for aging, narcissistic, Sarah to see her past beauty written in the face of her young and fresh teen daughter.
DeleteSarah will be extra mean to this one because this one stole her beauty and youth.
No new posts from Barstool today so it must be another limo and a Palin drunken brawl night in Wasilly.
ReplyDeleteI wish. I really could use the amusing distraction of another Palin family brawl and think it would work perfectly as a lead-in to Track's DV with weapons trials.
DeleteWonder if she's on her way to KY to introduce the baby to dm so he'll back-off?
DeleteWatching Sarah Palin kill herself off, little cut by little cut, is rather satisfying. She takes forever, but she's doing a great job!
ReplyDeleteI'm always cracked up by the lack of distortion in her eyeglass lenses :)
ReplyDeleteClear glass to deflect from that wonky eye.
DeleteBecause they are for show? Actually, I think when we see Trig in those huge glasses that he's 'borrowed' from Sara's stash, in an attempt to see the world. I noticed in that 'school picture' that he had no glasses on. Such a caring family.
DeleteTRump's thought process: "The 'H' is unnecessary, and so is Sarah."
ReplyDeleteSarah lost her H to Hillary
DeleteThat is funny!
That wig not only looks dirty, it looks matted!
ReplyDeleteR in NC
Hahaha, Gryphen, "Actually I understand that this spelling was much better than the original version which was T-h-a-t-f-u-c-k-i-n-h-b-i-t-c-h-w-h-o-m-a-d-e-m-e-l-o-s-e-I-o-w-a."
Governor of Alaska
The Sarah Palin Channel
Sweet Freedom: A Devotional book tour
Correction on the last one 6 PM! Trump quit her - after her speech to endorse him - he had to learn the hard way!
DeleteLook long and hard at that smug face, then the children she raised. Holy crap, $arah, no thank you but I hope your "god" okays what you are doing in His name. I highly doubt it.
ReplyDeleteReap what you sow, Boopsie, and keep the fertile one off Instagram. She does you no favors.
My favorite Trump error was "Oaklahoma".
ReplyDeleteTrump "loves the poorly educated", so I guess he has given them all jobs on his campaign.
btw Sara, do you have any idea where the rest of the millions raised for Vets has gone?
Yeah. I read where it went to her friend Becky/Puppy Jake..? Wasn't that a scam foundation?
DeleteBarber/ Palin scratched out of irondog race in Nenana. Mechanical problems.
ReplyDeleteYou mean to tell us that Barber was too honest to let Two-Toned Toad cheat like in years past?!
DeleteWOW! That must be a first!
Well how much did that cost Sarah? she sure as hell ain't getting her moneys worth supporting her lazy husband and his hobby's. Seriously, when is the last time that so called man made a dime to support his family.
DeleteWhat a loser. You can't tell me that marriage is solid. No woman i know would respect a man like that.
Logically, he could have cheated and still scratched.
DeleteIn fact, Todd cheated and scratched in either 2014 or 2015.
DeleteFairbanks ions would kick Toads ass. He hightailed it back to Wasilla.
DeleteBARBER? Is that BEN, the former trial husband of Bristles? The one who asked her if the DWTS baby was his?
DeleteTodd Palin has been referred to as a cheat when doing the race for many years!
DeleteCheating is in the Palin blood! Fits in w/their being liars and frauds perfectly!
Trump shouldn't feel too bad. Sarah probably doesn't spell it right all the time either.
ReplyDeleteOh,snap! LOL!
DeleteOriginal surname Drumpf.
DeleteA joke of its own.
God damn Sara, you have hit absolute rock bottom. Good job, juicy. Have you SEEN Todd? I'm sure Frump will be apologizing
ReplyDeleteAny second now.
Did you see where Todd Palin withdrew in the annual snow machine race - he was the #11 team! The Toddie Boy flunked again! Would imagine it's getting to be pretty embarrassing!
DeleteLast I looked they were 16th, overnight I think. He's too old to race but too rich not to.
Delete"Have you seen Todd?"
DeleteYes, many times. He is a very short, dumpy, squeaky voiced, poorly dressed, poorly spoken purse handler.
30 year AK media veteran
The real laugh will be when he refuses to correct it.
ReplyDeleteSo, what's the problem? A letter salad for a word salad. lol
ReplyDeleteSaraH is finding out that Trump is as narcissistic as herself. She endorsed him, and he no longer needs her. After Christie gave Trump his endorsement, Trump told him to leave the stage. It is all about him, just as SaraH is all about her. SaraH is nothing but used toilet paper. Trump wiped his ass with her, and flushed her down the toilet.
ReplyDelete#11 is the number The Toad and his partner were given when they ran the race! They scratched (once again!) at Nenana.
DeleteI suggest he stop doing the race - too old and obviously not the best mechanic!
To coin an old phrase.."I don't care what they say about me as long as they spell my name right."
ReplyDeleteSara Palin
Kinda like when she called Jay Ramras, "Jaybird Ramrass" She thought that was so cute. NOT.
DeleteShe provided Trump the 'kiss of death' w/her endorsement! The majority she has provided throughout the years (not many!) have not won their elections. Palin is the last one that should be asked -- or accepted, should she offer it as she did w/Trump!
ReplyDeleteIt's a fact no one in Alaska would do it! Damn, but it must be awful being so disliked in her hometown state!!! Serves her right though.
Might add too - that photo of her is awful! Grim reaper look w/that jawline!
when trump was talking about how he "loves the poorly educated"
ReplyDeleteya gotta wonder if he was talking about Palin an her dumb ass famjam?
I'm shocked that Palin lost Trump's 'most-desired-endorsement' status to Christie and that former-Cruz-fangirl Palin wasn't at Trump's TX rally. Did Trump finally realize she was a quitter and a loser?
ReplyDeleteUh, yep.
DeleteI think the scandal of having Sarah's son being taken, drunk, disorderly and waving a gun around, to the police station was simply too much for Donald. He doesn't really like "trailer trash"; he just wants their votes.
I think Trump dumped her AFTER she gave that horrible endorsement speech (ALL about her!) for him.
DeleteDo remember that SHE called him and OFFERED him her endorsement. He didn't ask for it! She's the kiss of death and he learned that the hard way!
It's outstanding not hearing about or seeing her covered anymore on the media and news outlets! She's old news and looks it!
$arah stole the spotlight from Trump in Iowa with her rambling spew of a 'speech' - combined with the headlines of Track punching out his girlfriend. If there is one thing Trump won't tolerate, it's someone stealing his thunder. Bye bye $ara! LOL
DeleteSarah Palin yelling at her Scottsdale home real estate agent: Sell that bitch for a loss. I'm in dire need of cash, you SOB! The people who know all my secrets are hounding me for their monthly ransom. Yeah, you can have Bristol for the night, but if she gets knocked up again that bastard is yours to raise!
ReplyDeleteCuz Sara's so impotent!!!
ReplyDeleteSarah's current look of tanned skin with very light pink lipstick is NOT a becoming combo for her.
ReplyDeletePlease...doesn't she have any girlfriends to help her out here?
Maybe Sarah will have Todd write an angry email to Trump and withhold her support for not spelling her name right. He's good at writing emails. Good boy, Todd!
ReplyDeleteSarah has spent her life using people for what she can get out of them. Once they have served their purpose, Sarah has no more use for them.
ReplyDeletePerhaps for the first time in her life, Sarah now knows how it feels to be used by someone and then thrown away.
Sarah doesn't look to be the kind of woman who takes rejection well. Hell hath no fury like a Sara(h) scorned..... This article in Politico might be more than Sarah can bear because now Trump's disrespect is right there for all to read.
Just curious Alaska? Was sara bullied as a child by anyone? Besides a person's parents, what causes a child to become hateful? It is said that a child is born innocent, what happens from there is caused by those influencing that child.
ReplyDeleteShe is a classic narcissist. A genetic trait that unfortunately, she was born with. The grifty part was learned, though.
DeleteIncest. Thank her creepy father at around age 5-7.
DeleteI would say she probably was bullied at school because they didn't have much money so I'm sure she dressed badly and cheaply, so I'd have to say yes, I'm sure the rich, pretty and well-dressed made fun of her.
DeleteI think her dad made it clear he wanted a another boy instead of another girl. That's why Sarah has perfected that "hot" outdoor woman bullshit persona.
Deletechuck was not happy with three girls and one boy! he probably punished them for that! fuckerhead that he is! creepy and evil!
DeleteWasn't Creepy Chuckie a teacher? They wouldn't have been rich but neither would they have been that poor. If she was bullied, it was probably because she was a dweeby if not obnoxious kid, even at a young age.
DeleteTodd is out of Iron Dog !
ReplyDeletePALIN, TODD
Todd Palin
Snowmobile: Polaris Switchback PRO-S 600
Hometown: Wasilla, AK
Age: 51
Status: Veteran
Years Raced: 1993 | 1994 (DNF) | 1995 (1st) | 1996 (DNF) | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 (DNF) | 2000 (1st) | 2001 | 2002 (1st) | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 (1st) | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 (DNF) | 2011 | 2012 | 2013
Todd is a life long Alaskan self employed as a commercial fisherman. Todd is married to Sara and they have five children, Track, Bristol, Willow, Piper, Trig and two grand children, Kyla and Tripp. Todd and his family enjoy outdoor time in Alaska fishing, hunting, flying, 4-wheeling, riding snowmobiles and commercial fishing in Bristol Bay.
Race History
2007, 2002, 2000 and 1995 1st , 2011, 2006, 2005 and 2004 2nd, 2008,1997 4th, 2013, 2012 5th, 2009 6th
Personal Sponsors
My wife Sara and family.
They spelled her name wrong too!
DeleteTodd has not fished salmon at Bristol Bay for five years or more so he cannot claim to be 'self employed' as a commercial fisherman.
DeleteNote his sponsors are "My wife Sara (sic) and family." In the past, Todd would have lots of legit sponsors (as do most of the other riders) and he'd wear their logos on his clothing, snow machine, etc.
I guess that's all gone. Did he emblazon $arahPAC on his sleeves as his sponsor??? Pathetic. I'm sure the other Doggers were impressed. NOT
ReplyDeleteDonald Trump claims to be a smart business man who was so smart he went to the Wharton School of Finance at the University of Pennsylvania but he doesn't know anything about white supremacists? Yeh right you lying bullshitter. I thought he was a Christian who doesn't lie
Business Insider;
CNN anchor Jake Tapper asks Donald Trump 3 times if he would condemn David Duke and the KKK
On his Sunday show, Tapper continued to press Trump on the subject.
"Even if you don't know about their endorsement, there are these groups and individuals endorsing you. Would you just say unequivocally that you condemn them and you don't want their support?" he asked Trump.
But Trump again insisted again he didn't know about Duke:
I have to look at the group. I mean, I don't know what group you're talking about. You wouldn't want me to condemn a group that I know nothing about. I have to look. If you would send me a list of the groups, I will do research on them. And certainly I would disavow if I thought there was something wrong.
"The Klu Klux Klan?" Tapper interjected.
Trump continued his answer without addressing the KKK.
"You may have groups in there that are totally fine and it would be very unfair. So give me a list of the groups, and I'll let you know," he told Tapper.
Tapper seemed somewhat perplexed.
"OK, I mean, I'm just talking about David Duke and the Klu Klux Klan here, but..." he said, trailing off and inviting Trump to comment.
"Honestly, I don't know David Duke. I don't believe I've ever met him. I'm pretty sure I've didn't meet him. And I just don't know anything about him," Trump said.
On Friday, Trump briefly said at a press conference that he would disavow Duke's support.
See video at
He doesn't know anything about David Duke? How is that possible?
Delete(he's a liar)
How qualified can Trump be, if he doesn't even know who Duke is or what he and the KKK represent? Trig says, "BULLSHIT!"
DeleteWhite supremacists need a candidate to support just like everyone else ;-)
DeleteIs Trump going senile?
Delete"In 2000, when he ended his presidential campaign, Trump cited Duke's participation in the Reform Party as one reason he no longer wanted the party's nomination.
"The Reform Party now includes a Klansman, Mr. Duke, a neo-Nazi, Mr. [Pat][ Buchanan, and a communist, Ms. [Lenora] Fulani. This is not company I wish to keep," he wrote in his statement."
Internet- (does this mean he quit again? Already? Sarah Palin Curse?)
ReplyDeleteScratched Teams
11 - Barber / Palin
Scratched out in Nenana
At that point he was in 16th place with only ~100 miles left in the race. Why bother. There's that Palin work ethic we keep hearing about. Not.
DeleteWatch "Donald Trump Tells Jake Tapper He Won't Denounce David Duke or The KKK" on YouTube
iizthatiiz Moderator guest • 6 minutes ago
ReplyDeleteDon't you ever get bored of this Lager?
Dozens of Disqus accounts and IP's ... all of them banned. It's like you never existed.
guest • 20 minutes ago
trump dumped palin like a bad habit
guest • 32 minutes ago
is bristol still turning tricks for free beer?
lager having fun at the peepond
I hope he's using made up commenter names instead of stealing other people's, that was bad form and pissed of a lot of people.
DeleteIs there really any such thing as "bad form" on C4P?
DeleteDonald Trump denounced President Obama
ReplyDeleteDonald Trump denounced Muslims
Donald Trump knows nothing about white supremacists
Well that seems odd...
Delete(Great point, by the way!)
Donald Trump is just like Sarah Palin.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin never denounced the racist hate mongering rednecks at her 2008 rallies.
Looks like Trig drew her eyebrows on with a black sharpie in that picture.
ReplyDeleteDonald Trump is concerned about foreign terrorists but doesn't know anything about white supremacist domestic terrorists. Yup that's the type of president we need.
How many times did domestic non-muslim terrorists fly planes into the twin towers?
DeleteSo we should ignore domestic terrorists, 11:37? Are they your buddies?
DeleteHello Sera palin,how is the trump campaign doing?
ReplyDeleteHerd you endorsed the Donald? You are one stupid moron.So is quitter pollution twad.The sled man.
What a bunch of dimwits!
The "H" is silent. Too bad she isn't.