Thursday, March 31, 2016

Sarah Palin brags that Donald Trump demonstrated a human emotion. Barely.

The woman sharing her terrible story with Trump is former Miss Wisconsin Melissa Consin, and the "charitable organization" that she is talking about is a fundraising page muhc like "GoFundMe." called "FundAnything" that allows people to ask strangers for money.

FundAnything also takes 9% of what is raised if you fail to reach your goal, and 5% if you meet your goal, so it is really more of a money making venture than purely a charitable one.

However even though it did not appear that Trump demonstrated a great deal of emotion, despite the inspiring music played along with the clip, it was enough for Sarah Palin to go "Aha! I told you he was a human!

Here is more from the easily impressed Mat-Su moron's Facebook page: 

Donald Trump's touch of humanity shines without the media filters that would portray him as disconnected from the people. See this candid interaction in Wisconsin yesterday. 

The beauty of Trump's frontrunner campaign, besides exposing politicians' undeniable allegiance to special interest donors instead of voters, is the rise of the worthy "outsider" candidate who genuinely cares... never has to fake it... never needs to contort persona ("Contort persona?") or responses according to the audience... refreshingly speaks and acts as the antithesis between We the People and today's typical politician... and is running for the most selfless reasons. (Since when if ego considered selfless?)

Trump's undervalued interpersonal touch is appreciated by we who understand the status quo political establishment that thrives in their beltway bubble will continue to disappoint Americans. We'll continue to be ignored when we demand a balanced budget, a prioritized military, secure borders, trade that creates U.S. jobs, and an end to crony capitalism in OUR government. We've provided today's politicians EVERY OPPORTUNITY to tackle each of those issues, and even wielding all the power in the majority, they've blown it. It's time for something different - and better - in order to enjoy a different - and better - result. 

America, it's time for something better - in order to survive.

 - Sarah Palin

Pretty sure that Palin typed this one out all by her lonesome.  Or else had very little help with it.

I am still amazed that anybody who knows anything about Donald Trump could believe that he is doing ANYTHING for anybody but himself.


  1. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Trump will help you if you are a hot single mother. Reminds me of the movie Kingpin. Bill Murrys character would only do charity work for MILFs

    1. Anonymous6:20 AM

      So Christ-like of Trump. How do these poor people get into these events?

  2. Anonymous4:49 PM


  3. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Seems like Sarah saw someone's post today and is working overtime to detract detract detract.

  4. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Hey palin, trying to slip in an avalanche of big words doesn't make you look smart: knowing how and when to use those words might work a bit better. Oh, but I forgot. It's you. Nothing will ever help you look educated or in command of the English language.

    1. Anonymous5:12 PM

      All she can do is stretch that skin and plasticize her herself into oblivion to grasp onto the fading looks that grasp her day by day. What else does she have? Nothing.

    2. Anonymous11:47 PM

      It's not even that they are "big words"; they are just a bunch of random buzz words.

      smh. That woman is an idiot.

    3. Anonymous2:18 AM

      You mean sentences such as this:
      Trumps undervalued interpersonal touch is appreciated by we who understand the status quo political establishment that thrives in their beltway bubble will continue to disappoint Americans.
      WTF does that even mean?

  5. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Earth to $arah:

    Remove your mouth from his "small finger."
    He has no clue what to do when pinpointed.
    And neither do YOU.

    1. Anonymous8:35 AM

      Or, his dick!

      And, he does have small fingers - just big hands!

  6. Anonymous5:03 PM

    "Trump's undervalued interpersonal touch is appreciated by we who understand the status quo political establishment that thrives in their beltway bubble will continue to disappoint Americans."

    So 'they' appreciate the politicians who disappoint them? WTF? What what what???

    1. Anonymous5:25 PM

      NO idea whatsoever.
      But she's not "just like me."
      I wear it like a badge. :)

    2. Maple5:31 PM

      First rule in journalism school: Use short, declarative sentences.

      Either Sarah never graduated, or else she went to a very bad university.

    3. Anonymous6:06 PM

      She never graduated and, yes, the University of Idaho is the place to go when all other options have played themselves out.

      If she can't even graduate there, it speaks for itself.

    4. Anonymous6:12 PM

      This sentence makes absolutely no sense. Therefore,it will appeal to all her and Trump's followers.

    5. Anonymous6:15 PM

      Well. who knows which of her five colleges had the most impact on her brain?
      It's pretty clear that she never graduated, but I wouldn't tar all the University of Idaho students with the sins of Sarah Palin. Somebody had to be at the bottom of the class, and she clearly raced to get there.

    6. Anonymous6:45 PM

      'we who understand.... appreciate Trumps undervalued interpersonal touch.'

      You're welcome.

    7. Anonymous8:27 PM

      Our Sara is such a show-off!

    8. Anonymous12:43 AM

      Ha! I picked out that same sentence to copy and comment on and see that you have saved me having to paste it in the comment.

      What the heck is that even suppose to mean? The first part of the so-called sentence doesn't have anything at all to do with the second part of it.

      So Sarah, for sure.

    9. Anonymous1:37 AM

      "those of us who understand" No mention of his humanity when it comes to abortions, and the women who are desperate enough to want one?

    10. Anonymous6:22 AM

      You could google sentences and see where she grabs it from, even in bits and pieces.

    11. Anonymous8:34 AM

      "interpersonal" touch??????

  7. Anonymous5:06 PM

    OT End of the quarter for Sarah PAC FEC filings. Look for the diminishing pile of cash as Palin loads her purse with the last few coins in the coming couple of weeks!

    1. Anonymous7:27 PM

      How much did they take in the last 2 days she asked for urgent $5,000.

    2. Anonymous8:33 AM

      I wonder if we'll see a big check deposited to the PAC from Donald Trump, or if it would be reflected that way? We'll see?

  8. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Why wouldn't Donald's touch of humanity shine through?

    Isn't he constantly being criticized for being not being Republican enough? Like the Koch Bros or that turd Scalia?

  9. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Oh yeah, she wrote that one on her own. Regarding that moment,
    It sickened me when Trump said "we're gonna take care of you". What? With what plan? He has no plan.

  10. Anita Winecooler5:27 PM

    Another actress planted in the audience, and airhead from Wasilla believes every word. How can she presume she'll be "in Heaven" before the guy upstairs with the white robe and gavel judges her, the earth ends, and some go to Heaven, some go to hell? Is there a "Fund me now and let me know if it's hell or heaven" site? Why repeat her son's etnicity again and again? Would he take her question if she had a sombrero and mariachi band?

    And Trump goes "Yeah, I remember Dat" Why didn't Don send her cash instead of a letter? Cheap Bastard. If the kid was a wasp, different story, I suppose,

    Hey, Sarah, did Donald send Todd a hand written "Get Well Soon" Card? Go Fuck me page?

  11. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Points also too for the misuse of the word "antithesis". She def wrote this herself.

    1. Anonymous11:48 PM

      " ... refreshingly speaks and acts as the antithesis between We the People and today's typical politician ... "

      That, my friends, makes absolutely no sense.

  12. Anonymous5:43 PM

    $arah honey, if you think for one minute that YOU and the Donald are better for this country, I suggest you look around your compound and the fricking mess that is your life with your family.

    We ALL know why you latched onto him. Do I want that leading my country? Oh HELL no.

    1. Anonymous6:11 PM

      "Hells to the no!"

    2. Anonymous6:52 AM

      Really, its not about us Americans, it is about them seeking power to help themselves.

  13. Anonymous5:59 PM

    "Trump's undervalued interpersonal touch is appreciated by we who understand the status quo political establishment that thrives in their beltway bubble will continue to disappoint Americans."

    Does that statement mean the political establishment disappoints Americans because the establishment doesn't have an interpersonal touch?

    Can an establishment have a personal touch?

    bachelor's degree in communications with an emphasis in journalism - you betcha.

    1. Anonymous5:25 AM

      @Anonymous 5:59 PM

      bachelor's degree in communications with an emphasis in journalism - you betcha.
      I challenge you to find a college degree with Sarah's Palin name on it. I bet you can't.

  14. Anonymous6:06 PM


    WTF is Sarah Palin talking about? Shouldn't she be spending her time with her lame husband instead of kissing Donald Trump's ass?

    1. Anonymous7:03 PM

      What happened to Sarah's Jan. 2nd promise?

      "One thing - I'll enjoy a lot more music, a lot less plugged-in tech time. Passing on that online time that enables broken people to try to break others is a way to live life vibrantly without inviting their hate to cloud my home. More music, less blue light, less white noise = refreshing!"

    2. Anonymous8:27 PM

      Well Anonymous 7:03, we all know that Sarah is a quitter. And a liar.

    3. Anonymous6:54 AM

      Broken people? How many people quit the governorship to pursue $$?

  15. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Anyone who considers Trump human needs to watch the movie You’ve been Trumped. He and his cast of goons bullied their way in the most Ugly American scenario ever seen in recent times. I guess Palin is as out of touch with real compassionate behavior as is the animal called “Trump". Apologies to animals.

  16. Anonymous6:11 PM

    I'd sure like inside your head for what you consider different and better, $arah. Seems to me that in YOUR family, it's SSDD.

  17. Anonymous6:26 PM

    But when our twice legally elected president sheds an honest tear over senseless gun deaths (children) Sarah says what about him?

    1. Anonymous12:11 AM


      Why would Sara care about dead children anyway? I understand disabled children were among the Alaskans who died waiting for care on Sara's watch.

  18. Anonymous6:26 PM

    " acts as the antithesis between We the People and today's typical politician." say what?

    Let's test this. If you take the definition of a word and put it in place of the word, it should make perfect sense if the word is used correctly.

    acts as the person that is the direct opposite of someone between We the People and today's typical politician."


    1. Anonymous11:50 PM

      Poor, silly, airhead Sarah. She always gets into trouble when she goes digging in the thesaurus.

    2. Anonymous8:31 AM

      But..but..according to Sarah, Shakespeare made up words, so why shouldn't she?

  19. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Misogynist or not, there's little dispute that Trump is an opportunist. He may not hate women, but he sure is tapping into the anger and anxiety of many who do. That's dangerous, but so is allowing the overt, clownish sexism employed by Trump to obscure the more insidious brand of his GOP counterparts. Because bullying comments are nothing compared to bullying laws.

    1. Anonymous7:22 PM

      He is cool with women that feed his ego or serve a purpose for him.

    2. Anonymous7:36 PM

      "...he may not hate women..."


    3. Anonymous11:52 PM

      I think he hates women. Or at least only values them if they are subservient and good looking he can use them as status symbols. Other than that, he has no use for women.

  20. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Hey Sarah Palin here's a suggestion for an excellent video op for you and Donald Trump.

    At Donald Trump's next video op, you cry while you wheel in Todd on a hospital gurney holding his "Do Not Resuscitate" orders and have him thank Donald for all he has done for Todd.

  21. Anonymous6:48 PM

    I am laughing that she would even use the word SELFLESS in the same sentence about
    Trump. She is in a panic. He is going
    nowhere fast and so is the job he promised her if he won.

    1. Anonymous7:19 PM

      Business man, show producer, carnival excess. He promised her family can be the next Kardashian TV money maker. ooolala such dootifool dotters, mesdemoiselles booHAHA.

  22. Anonymous6:55 PM

    I want to wash her "we the people" out of her mouth. I am one of the people of thia country and I am sure that I am not included on her list .

    1. Anonymous7:10 PM

      You know, "We The People", Cletus and Junebug, down yonder at the trailer park, using confederate flags for curtains and 10 unwashed kids underfoot.

  23. Anonymous7:06 PM

    OT: Lawrence O'Donnell is interviewing reps for the Hillary (Joel Benenson) and Bernie (Tad Devine) campaigns. Lawrence O'Donnell does not like Hillary Clinton and it showed when he interviewed the Clinton rep. Lawrence likes Bernie and asked questions that were much less confrontational. Earlier in the show when Lawrence interviewed Larry Sabato, a political scientist at University of Virginia, Larry said that Bernie has not been vetted yet by the Republicans like Hillary has been. Once he has been vetted his polls that are higher than Hillary's against each of the three Republican candidates probably won't be as high. LOD asked Tad about that and he (Tad) said that the polls will stay high for Bernie even once he has been vetted by the Republicans. We will see.
    Now back to thetopic on this thread. Sorry for the "Breaking News".

    1. Anonymous8:23 PM

      I turned it off when Tad came on & flipped to CNN. Thanks for the recap.

    2. Anonymous11:05 PM

      I noticed that, too, and was disappointed in Lawrence for not holding Tad to task with follow-up questions.

  24. Anonymous7:12 PM

    There is a theme. Human trafficker, Todd Palin, is a swell fellow also too.

  25. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Gov. Sarah Palin is confirmed to speak.
    Sen. Ted Cruz is confirmed to speak.
    Gov. John Kasich is confirmed to speak.
    All campaigns have been notified of this event.
    SOLD OUT!!
    Gov. Scott Walker is confirmed to speak.

    Event is from 5:00 PM to 9:30 PM
    Doors will open at 5 pm. Dinner at 6:30 to accommodate speakers.
    at American Serb Hall Banquet - 5101 West Oklahoma Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53219

    Consider being a part of the Biggest Republican Event for 2016 in the State of Wisconsin April 1st at Serb Hall. In 2008 and 2012 the Republican nominees Senator John McCain and Governor Mitt Romney attended our Serb Hall event the Friday night before the Wisconsin primary.

    Hosted by the Republican Party of Milwaukee County. Join us as we welcome our 2016 Republican Presidential candidates vying for the parties nomination for President. Invited guests include all local and state wide Republican officials and all remaining Republican Presidential candidates. Emcees for the evening will be Vicki McKenna, Jay Weber and Dan O’Donnell of WISN Radio.The meal will feature Wisconsin’s largest fish fry. SEATING WILL NOT BE ASSIGNED FOR THIS EVENT EXCEPT FOR TABLES OF EIGHT AND FOR HOSTS. HOST OPPORTUNITES WILL BE LIMITED IN NUMBER. SIGN UP NOW TO BE A HOST.

    Tickets will be limited for this event. All sales are non-refundable.

    1. Anonymous8:28 AM

      I think it's a huge disservice to all that Sarah Palin still is referred to as 'govenor' when she quit the office in Alaska mid-way through her elected term!

      Send notes saying so to the above website!

  26. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Palin sure knows hot to pick em...LOL

    ‘Climate Hustle’ goes to DC: Skeptical film to premiere on Capitol Hill; Panel with Gov. Sarah Palin, Brent Bozell & Appearance by Warmist Bill Nye

    With welcoming remarks by Congressman Lamar Smith (R-TX), Chairman of the House Science, Space and Technology Committee and headlined by Gov. Sarah Palin, the panel will be taped and shown during the national theater event. The discussion will be moderated by Brent Bozell, Founder and President of the Media Research Center, and will also include other notable experts including respected climatologist Dr. David Legates and a special video appearance by Emmy Award-winning educator Bill Nye the Science Guy.

  27. Anonymous7:23 PM

    She can already see herself in his cabinet.

  28. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Wait, was the show of emotion when he kept hugging himself?

    1. Anonymous6:00 AM

      He may need a kleenix....and one for Sayree on April Fool's Day...

  29. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Deport Melania Trump.

    Read more at:

    1. Anonymous10:46 PM

      Thanks. Everyone should read that. I also read some articles a couple weeks back re the Jamaican model. Trump and his people simply said that she didn't earn the money because she was a so-so model and it was her fault she didn't earn more money. That's not how it works! she was able to come here because of a promised amount of money on the paperwork. Grrrr!!!

    2. Anonymous5:40 AM

      When a company files for visa, they have to state the salary to prove the person will not become destitute.

      In reality companies rarely pay that amount and the Homeland Security is too short staffed to check up on it.

  30. Anonymous7:53 PM

    He is such a fucking narcissistic dipshit! He PRETENDS to care, but he doesn't even listen when she says it is incurable, she is on home care, all the tubes have been removed. He stupidly asks her if she is doing ok now.

  31. Anonymous8:19 PM

    A MASSIVE Screw Up May Have Just Cost Trump The Nomination – And It’s All His Fault

    Donald Trump’s Poll Numbers Are Plummeting

    1. Anonymous5:48 AM

      So Trump loses delegates because he is backing out of the pledge and who gets the delegates-Ted Cruz?

      All I can say is if Cruz is on the ballot, those bernie bros had better suck it up and vote for Hillary or get ready for a theocracy.

  32. Anonymous8:55 PM

    What a load of BS. Where's the shovel?

  33. Anonymous10:02 PM

    If this story is true, I have sympathy for the woman. But I smell a rat. How many times did she say her son was Mexican American, and why did she even mention that in the first place? Who does that, ever?

    And the doctor caused her rare medical condition?

    Call me a creep or whatever else you want, but I'm not buying it until I hear further evidence.

  34. Anonymous10:06 PM

  35. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Tonight at the end of TRMS, Rachel didn't finish with what had been planned b/c she needed to respond to something Trump had just come out and said about MSNBC and the Chris Matthews' interview. Trump said it was cut. They didn't show the whole thing, and so that messed up his answers, he said. No way. They showed the interview in its live-taped entirety. He just can't stop lying!

    1. Anonymous8:02 AM

      Maybe it was me but the telling sentence aside of punishing women was regarding seeking abortions in back alleys. He said it so easily and without emotion.

    2. Anonymous8:24 AM

      MSNBC should run that interview w/Chris Matthews every day for at least a month to make sure everyone sees it!

      I watched the interview and nothing was cut or changed! Trump is a constant liar which reminds me of Sarah Palin (his buddy!).

    3. Anonymous9:36 AM

      @8:02 Exactly! That comment was sickening. "pro-life" does not include concern for dead women after back alley abortions.

  36. Janice A Soderquist12:13 AM

    Duck Dynasty just got a show on Fox. I wonder if Sarah will beg to be a guest on there?
    Sarah and Bristol are finished. No politician wants her near them, they are old news with too much baggage for them.
    Sarah shifts from candidate to candidate to see if one want her campaigning for them.
    She has nothing to offer anyone and has shown her family comes last..... Dakota and Levi are getting all the positive attention, people love them and their parenting skills. Their children will always come first and before them.

  37. Anonymous1:02 AM

    O/T OK, O/T Police here I am, come shoot me.

    Does anyone know what happened at today's (Thurs) court case with Bristol/Dakota?

    Here's what Court View says:
    03/31/2016 Calendaring Notice
    John J Tiemessen (Attorney) on behalf of Bristol Palin (Defendant); Kimberlee Colbo (Attorney) on behalf of Dakota L Meyer (Plaintiff)

    Also, too. Noticed that the the moving and inspriational Christian Easter weekend posting: "Don't be A Dick" is still posted at Bristol's Instagram.

    Why isn't her spokesperson who was hired to make her look good and clean up her public act taking it down?

    Just makes a person wonder.

    1. Anonymous8:08 AM

      Why? She knows her audiance and intends to keep a low brow brand, Wasilla white trash. I believe the palins have pictures online wearing t-shirts proclaiming as much. Why are you expecting more?

  38. Anonymous2:48 AM

    Truly, absolutely pathetic.

    $arah Paylin was a joke 8 years ago. Now she's degenerated into a nutcase like Alex Jones or Glen Beck

  39. Anonymous2:57 AM

    Sarah's working hard at her convoluted sentences and her multi syllable vocabulary. Wow, Trump is capable of "undervalued interpersonal" feeling - in front of a camera and right before a primary, that is.

    Oh, Sarah, she's become so compassionate now that she's experienced great personal trauma: her husband's recent accident. Is Sarah now going to become the patroness of some great charity? Will she hold a ball to raise money and awareness for it? What will it be - perhaps "Ex-Governors for Snowmobile Accident Victims Who Happen To Be Family Members." She could raise millions; she might not even need SarahPAC any more.

    1. Anonymous8:19 AM

      Give me a friggin' break - she'd not raise a dime - especially if events were put on anywhere in Alaska!

  40. Anonymous4:20 AM

    The Donald has a problem with women and he picks Sarah Palin, a woman that not only lost the race for McCain, but has taken women back at least a century !!

    Good luck with that tiny fingers Donnie !!
    Gallup: 7 Out of 10 Women Have Unfavorable View of Trump

    So 9 out of 10 things Donald Trump says are lies; he is being sued for assault and battery as his violent rhetoric comes home to roost. He is as popular as head lice. It’s hard for a Republican candidate to aspire to more, isn’t it?

    Yet it also turns out, according to Gallup, that 7 out of 10 women have an unfavorable opinion of him, and almost 6 out of 10 men.

    How do you win a presidential election when the majority of people have an unfavorable opinion of you? And doesn’t that fact alone disprove all this talk of Trump being a voice for the “silent majority”? About the only majority Trump speaks for is Republican men (61% favorable, 36% unfavorable)......

  41. Anonymous4:39 AM

    Was this a shill in the audience like WaPo proved the last one was--at the hotel in DC?

  42. Anonymous4:43 AM

    Palin has so much to gain and everything to lose.

  43. Anonymous4:48 AM

    Boy are his fans going to be surprised once trump doesnt need them anymore. Cletus will lose his property to eminent domain so trump can have his guy wash his car.

  44. Anonymous4:51 AM

    The meter of palin speech and writing suggest speed.

  45. Anonymous5:49 AM

    First time Sarah campaigned for Trump-Track ends up in jail, second time-Todd ends up in the hospital.

    What drama can the family come up with for Wisconsin?

    1. Anonymous6:54 AM

      Piper parades around in expensive clothes, shoes and everything else (spoiled). She may be Sarah's next Wild Child. Being promiscuous seems to be in the Palin family DNA

    2. Anonymous7:58 AM

      I wonder what shield she brought with her this time. Coward.

    3. Anonymous8:14 AM

      Yes, invest in material goods instead of education. Stupid me, high school and college are for poor people, losers, or immigrants. Sara's kids know that somebody will give you a degree if they want you enough.

  46. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Being married to Donald Trump is, as it turns out, another temporary job Americans just won’t do.

    Deport Melania Trump

    Read more at:

  47. Anonymous8:13 AM

    You can tell old "we who" wrote it. She tries so hard to sound sincere and edumacated. Fail! By the way,is barstool helping out with dumping toad's bedpan? Where's track,sarah?


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