Monday, May 16, 2016

Bernie Sanders supporters have violent meltdown at Nevada conventions forcing security to shut it down.

Courtesy of MSNBC:  

On the surface, the results from the state Democratic convention in Nevada may not seem especially noteworthy. Hillary Clinton defeated Bernie Sanders in the state’s caucuses in February, and her supporters prevailed at Saturday’s party gathering where delegates to the national convention were chosen. None of this has much of an effect on the overall race. 

At least, that’s the way it may look on paper. When activists gathered in Las Vegas on Saturday, however, Sanders supporters hoped to take advantage of Nevada’s complex process to give him the statewide edge in the delegate count, despite coming in second in February balloting. 

The Washington Post explains what led up to the explosion of anger:

Prior to the state convention, some Sanders supporters began an effort to shift the convention rules in a way that they viewed as more favorable to their candidate. One of those changes, the Las Vegas Sun reported, was a process for verifying voice votes; another took issue with the state party chairwoman, Roberta Lange, heading up the convention. Supporters at the event circulated petitions to the same end. The scene was set. 

The first report from the credentials committee on Saturday morning indicated that Clinton had a slight edge in delegates. Sanders fans voted against that report, per Jon Ralston, and then demanded a recount – but this was simply a preliminary figure…. That was when the vote to approve the rules as written – Roberta’s Rules versus Robert’s Rules, as some Sanders backers dubbed them – was conducted by voice vote. The motion, seconded by a Sanders supporter, passed – which is when the room, in Ralston’s phrasing, “erupts.” 

You can see that eruption for yourself right here.

And things actually got worse from there:

Some Sanders supporters upset with Saturday's proceedings protested against state party chairwoman, Roberta Lange, outside the Nevada State Democratic Party headquarters on Sunday. Her cellphone number was posted on social media and officials said Lange had received hundreds of phone calls and text messages, including death threats.

Some Sanders' supporters are now talking about a third party emerging to challenge the Democrats:  

A third party will emerge from the anger, frustration, and animosity felt by millions of Bernie Sanders supporters, who believe Bernie stands for ideals, while Clinton represents the vapid allure of political power.It’s impossible for establishment Democrats to understand the level of emotion involved in helping elect Bernie Sanders in 2016. 

Battling a political machine that earns millions in speaking fees from Wall Street and lobbyist ties, Vermont’s Senator has raised enough money to compete and win. Also, the groundwork for a new political party is rooted in the manner establishment Democrats have treated loyal constituents.

So essentially everything we gleefully predicted might happen to the Republican party if they nominated Donald Trump is instead happening within the Democratic party.

I have little doubt that the GOP convention will come off relatively smoothly.

As for the Democratic convention......well has anybody seen the beginning of "Saving Private Ryan?"

This should be our time. The Republicans have one of the most deeply flawed candidates in history, while the Democrats are on the cusp of nominating one of the most qualified individuals ever to run for office.

But instead once again Democrats are on the verge of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

Does everybody finally understand why I have been calling for Bernie Sanders to drop out of this race? Is it finally getting through?

He cannot win, period.

But he can, and IS, creating the kind of chaos and mayhem that destroys political parties and their candidates. Both at the top of the ticket, and down ballot.


  1. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Bernie Sanders (and his wife!) have intentionally split the Democratic party and it makes me sick!

    He 'joined' the Democratic party when he wasn't even a Democrat for Christ's sake!

    The guy and his wife are nothing but evil as far as I'm concerned.

    Democrats - get your shit together and circle around Hillary Clinton as our candidate for POTUS. The Republican party and media have been tearing her apart for months and none of their crap is true!

    Donald Trump would be a horrible POTUS and is very disliked throughout our country and world.

    Come together Democrats - learn the facts, get out the Democratic and Independent voters and VOTE in November!

    1. Anonymous9:45 AM

      Burlington College, where dear Jane got booted from with a nice fat golden parachute (no taxes ye, Jane) is going to be out of business due to her decision to pursue more land and getting shady loans for it. Why this has not been hung around her neck is beyond me. If they can hang Bill Clinton's penis around Hillary's neck why not Jane Sanders' idiotic financial stupidity?

    2. Anonymous9:59 AM

      The Sanders are racing a rough ride back in VT. It's brewing. They need to go home.

  2. Anonymous8:42 AM

    I see you're already laying the groundwork so you can blame it all on Bernie when Billary loses this election. Nothing could EVER be the fault of Miss Phony Baloney because, well, you know, she's entitled to it.

    1. Anonymous9:20 AM

      Or perhaps someone doesn't agree with you. Like mathematical reality.

    2. Anonymous10:02 AM

      Entitlement is Hillary's middle name.

    3. Anonymous10:10 AM

      10:02 - you're #losing.

    4. Anonymous11:52 AM

      The person with the most votes is entitled to win the election.

    5. Anonymous11:54 AM

      It seems nothing is ever the fault of Bernie Sanders.

  3. Anonymous8:43 AM

    I think perhaps that Bernie ran as a Democrat merely to point out the flaws in the system and that once doing that his intention was to change back to Independent and run as Indy in the general.

    1. Anonymous10:14 AM

      What flaws. In what system.

    2. Anonymous11:55 AM

      There are flaws in the system. And allowing Bernie Sanders to switch parties just so he could run on the Democratic ticket only so he could split the party is a glaring flaw.

    3. Anonymous12:48 PM

      11:55 BINGO!

  4. Anonymous8:46 AM

    "Sources at the Loews Hotel in Atlanta tell us the actor struck up a convo with the woman and her boyfriend at around 3:30 AM. The talk turned political and Wendell—a big Hillary Clinton supporter—got upset when the woman declared her support for Bernie. We're told Wendell ... became enraged, pushed the boyfriend and then went after his girlfriend ... grabbing her hair and smacking her in the head."

    1. Anonymous9:20 AM

      What's the point of this bullshit?

    2. Anonymous9:31 AM

      Yes, the guy acted like an asshole and should be arrested for assault. I'm a Clinton supporter, by the way.

    3. Crystal Sage10:36 AM

      Why did I think that the charge of assault was possibly bogus? I am a big fan of Wendell and I cannot believe he would behave in such a way. After hearing of Bernie supporters' behavior at the Nevada convention, it seems that their desperation is growing as it becomes more and more clear that their candidate will not win the nomination.

    4. Anonymous12:18 PM

      As per the word "meltdown" in the title of this post,I thought I'd share a news report of a Clinton supporter having a "meltdown".
      Germane to the discourse here,no?

    5. Anonymous1:36 PM

      12:18 - was it at official State caucus? No? Then how is it germane, Einstein?

  5. Anonymous8:49 AM

    I want to know how much Sanders is getting paid by the GOP to fuck things up. N wonder he won't release his taxes.

    1. Anonymous9:18 AM

      "taxes" you say?
      Clinton Foundation Amends 4 Years Taxes, Admits Speech Fees Weren't Donations.

    2. Anonymous9:50 AM

      9:18 - rightwing talking points so early in the morning? Yawn.

    3. Anonymous11:39 AM

      "rightwing talking points so early in the morning? Yawn."
      Typical Clintonista response to verifiable TRUTHFUL reporting that besmirches their pristine queen.

    4. Anonymous1:37 PM

      11:39 - wow, savvy comeback. /s

  6. Anonymous8:50 AM

  7. Anonymous8:52 AM

    From another blog:

    And in other “Fuck the Sanders” news, Burlington College just sent this email about to staff and faculty a little while ago:

    Burlington College Closes Academic Programs

    Burlington, VT– In recent years, Burlington College has struggled under the crushing weight of the debt
    incurred by the purchase of the Archdiocese property on North Avenue. Through sales of property, the College has worked to reduce this debt to a manageable level.

    In April, the College’s lender informed the College it would not renew the College’s line of credit. The College relies on its line of credit to shoulder the cyclical nature of cash flow between semeseters.

    Since July 2014, The College has been on probation with it’s accrediting agency, The New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) due to not meeting its financial resources standard. The Federal Department of Education allows a college only two years of probation. Hence, we anticipate notice from NEASC that we have not met the Commission’s financial standard, and, therefore, our accreditation will be lifted as of January 2017, and the College will not be able to award academic credit after this time.

    These hurdles are insurmountable at this time.

    Well done, Jane.

    1. Anonymous9:31 AM

      I think Jane still might be investigated for fraud. They are probably waiting until the election is over.

    2. Anonymous9:42 AM

      This is huge news! No wonder they are going to primary Bernie in VT in 2018!

  8. Anonymous8:54 AM

    What the hell just happened in Nevada? Sanders supporters are fed up — and rightfully so
    Allocations rules were abruptly changed and Clinton was awarded 7 of the 12 delegates Sanders was hoping to secure.

    1. Anonymous9:33 AM

      Not true!

    2. Anonymous9:34 AM

      Absolutely, not true. There was no rule change.

      Sanders delegates (and a few Clinton delegates) were denies because they were not eligible. They either didn't fill out the paperwork correctly or, in the case of a few Sanders delegates, they weren't registered Democrats. I believe a few of them weren't even Nevada residents.

      The county caucus didn't follow the rules about eligibility. This was remedied in the State caucus.

    3. Anonymous9:39 AM

      Is this another bracing propaganda piece by libertarian HA Goodman, who cannot understand math?

    4. Anonymous10:23 AM

      A good number of Sanders delegates registered as Democrats. When they got to the convention, they had been re-registered as Republicans.

      Yeah, I'd be mad too.

    5. Anonymous11:26 AM

      thats not what happened, 10:23.

    6. Anonymous11:51 AM

      I'm sure you have proof of that, 10:23. The only thing I've read is of one fool who immediately switched back to "unaffiliated" after the caucus to stick it to the dem party, not realizing it would make him ineligible to participate as a delegate in the caucus.

  9. Anonymous8:55 AM

    This is a disgrace. And from the looks of it, it is middle aged White guys, not young adults. Plus, these aren't random voters, but official delegates.

  10. Anonymous8:57 AM

    The NV Sanders delegates were crowing a couple of months ago because they thought they had stolen the caucus from Clinton by having more delegates show up. Now they are pissed because their attempt at stealing the state caucus was thwarted.

    1. Anonymous9:43 AM

      Over 398 assigned Sanders folks did not show even up--that's the real story from NV Sat. His campaign is out of gas. #losing

    2. Anonymous9:46 AM


    3. Anonymous9:58 AM

      Wow. The Sanders campaign does not like Democracy!

  11. Anonymous8:57 AM

    It's all a matter of perspective. The following link to WaPo will give you the MSM/DNC version.

    Scroll down to the first comment. It's from an eyewitness ~ Slow Extinction:

    1. Anonymous9:37 AM

      They were awful! Paulite thugs!

  12. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Why a die-hard Sanders supporter is happily voting for Hillary

  13. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Bernie Sanders is the 2008 Sarah Palin

    Sarah Palin had ignorant violent followers and so does Bernie Sanders

    America you haven't seen nothing yet. Wait till the Democratic National Convention starts, you will see the most despicable violent animals booing everybody that speaks at the DNC. Then when Bernie Sanders speaks they will be cheering like there's no tomorrow.

  14. Anonymous9:05 AM

    First, these BS supporters are not all Democrars-- they are many Paulites. Just as Bernie is really an Independent, so Are the Paulites libertarians. We have let them invade our party.

    1. Anonymous4:56 PM

      A few are extras for "The Walking Dead" movie, and others are conspiracy actors.

  15. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Jane Sanders has to take some credit for what happened in Nevada. All her rhetoric she spewed during her interviews egged his followers on to act like that.

  16. Anonymous9:16 AM

    You can bet the Secret Service is worried about Secretary Clinton's safety and has increased her Secret Service detail. You can bet President Bill Clinton's Secret Service detail is worried too.

  17. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Well awrighty then!

  18. Anonymous9:24 AM

    At this point in time, I regard Bernie as another Ralph Nader. Remember when Nader went third party and lost the election for the Dems? Same happening now if we do not get together and ralley behind whoever will be the official nominee at the convention (more likely than not Hillary, which I will support when that time comes).

    1. Anonymous10:11 AM

      And Nader is praising Trump! See Daily Kos!

  19. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Messiah Bernie is the leader and savior of his Socialist cause. He is regarded as the messiah who will fix everything wrong with Washington DC as well as deliver free education for everyone.

    1. Anonymous5:00 PM

      Messiah Bernie. Can I borrow that, Comrade?
      But one thing that makes Bernie likable is the speed with which he came out and denounced the violence. Oh he didn't? Nevermind

  20. Anonymous9:28 AM

    The way some of you Hillary supporters are acting makes me think twice about why I should vote for Clinton. It is my intention if she wins the Democratic Party nomination but now I am getting second thoughts.

    1. Anonymous9:48 AM

      Then you aren't very smart. You should be looking at what a candidate says and the state of the world. At this point, it's an IQ test.

    2. Anonymous9:49 AM

      Be honest Jane Sanders you weren't going to vote for Hillary anyway.

    3. Anonymous9:51 AM

      Interesting that you can read a story about Sanders delegates behaving like children at a state convention and turn it around to bitch about how Hillary supporters are acting. That's some serious pretzel logic.

    4. Anonymous10:00 AM

      Hillary's suppoters? Are you paying attention?

    5. Anonymous10:57 AM

      Only you are responsible for the way you vote. Only you.

  21. Anonymous9:29 AM

    9:04 AM Bernie Sanders ANNOUCED TO THE WORLD the he was was joining the Democratic party! I doubt any one within the party was going to say to him publically that he could not join it/them!

    He did it all very intentionally with the hidden desire to tear it apart and bring down the election of Hillary Clinton.

    Question - is Donald Trump paying him to do this?

    Bernie is an asshole and needs to PUBLICALLY be thrown out of the Democratic party.

    And, yes, there were major disruptions at the Convention - which have already been reported.

    1. Anonymous10:41 AM

      Those of us who follow the party system for years not just when you vote for President can see this is about the Clinton's and the people behind them retaining power in the party, not what is good for the party or the people of the United States.

    2. Anonymous11:42 AM

      Hillary Clinton has my vote!

      She is the only one who will be able to cream Trump's boy jeans in a debate! Can hardly wait to watch!

  22. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Jane Sanders and Bernie Sanders tell your people to calm the fuck down in the streets, at the upcoming elections and at the DNC.

  23. Anonymous9:36 AM

    For anyone who is claiming Sanders was cheated in NV or that they "changed the rules," here's the truth:

    Conclusion: there was no rule change.

  24. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Millions in "donations" were received from a Russian uranium mining company to the Clinton Foundation while Hillary was Sec State. She then supported a rule change that allowed Russia to own uranium mines in North America. Russia now controls half of all uranium mining in North America and sells to countries like Iran and North Korea.
    Makes one wonder 'bout all them "missing" emails,no?

    1. Anonymous9:47 AM

      You cannot face math. Grasping at fiction! #losing

    2. Anonymous10:31 AM

      "Grasping at fiction! #losing"
      Do Wut?
      NYT is lying you say?
      Does it even remotely concern you that the State Dept. under Hillary routinely exchanged emails/info with the Clinton Foundation?
      And that Huma drew paychecks simultaneously from BOTH.
      As did Pagliano the IT guy who is getting immunity from the feds all whilst his emails seem to be "missing".
      Here,have some fun with this:

    3. Anonymous1:19 PM

      Here is another view of the story linked above:

      Odd how the "facts" do not meet the criteria for absolute truth. Everyone seems so hell-bent on showing Ms. Clinton to be evil, a liar, greedy, etc. while not applying a filter to the other candidates running: Sanders and Trump.

    4. Anonymous1:50 PM

      @1smartcanerican™1:19 PM
      Here is a FACT for ya...
      Before starting in her role as Secretary of State, Hillary had to read and sign this agreement NDA Agreement:
      Intending to be legally bound, I hereby accept the obligations contained in this Agreement in consideration of my being granted access to classified information. As used in this Agreement, classified information is marked or unmarked classified information, including oral communications, that is classified under the standards of Executive Order 12958, or under any other Executive order or statute that prohibits the unauthorized disclosure of information in the interest of national security; and unclassified information that meets the standards for classification and is in the process of a classification determination as provided in Sections 1.1. 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4(e) of Executive Order 12958, or under any other Executive order or statute that requires protection for such information in the interest of national security. I understand and accept that by being granted access to classified information, special confidence and trust shall be placed in me by the United States Government.
      ...I understand that if I am uncertain about the classification status of information, I am required to confirm from an authorized official that the information is unclassified before I may disclose it...
      ...4. I have been advised that any breach of this Agreement may result in the termination of any security clearances..."

    5. Anonymous2:32 PM

      Oooh, the hilarious Internet Lawyer Robot, Esq., from Reddit is back. Desperate! @1:50 #losing

  25. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Did you know they scheduled the NV convention to coincide with graduation day at the local colleges, especially UNLV? Some coincidence huh?

    From your sidebar / blogroll G:

    The Nevada Convention Was Rigged, Rushed, and Clustered to Steal Delegates While in Alaska the Revolution Was Danced

    Of course anyone can cherry-pick their story, including and especially the MSM who constantly show they are unreliable and unable to report the news without showing their pre-approved bias. Do your own research; watch some videos / read some first hand accounts. Then ask yourself: Why does the DNC establishment hate Democracy?

    1. Anonymous9:46 AM

      That's written by people who cannot face reality. #losing

    2. They were held over the weekend, in both Nevada and Alaska.

      You know when people with actual jobs can attend.

    3. Anonymous9:54 AM

      What a bunch of misinformation. The writer of that blog is completely uniformed about what really happened in NV.

    4. Anonymous9:56 AM

      More Sanders chaos:

    5. Anonymous9:57 AM

      "You know when people with actual jobs can attend."
      Did you go?

    6. Anonymous10:04 AM

      What's your point about graduation?

      The convention isn't an open event. It's where elected delegates come together to decide who to send to the national convention. Anyone who can't make it because they have another engagement won't be able to be a delegate. Luckily, there are plenty of people who can make the convention because they don't have other engagements. Those are the people who who should be elected as delegates.

  26. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Bernie Sanders cannot get enough delegates to overcome Hillary Clinton's count so BERNIE'S BARBARIANS will convince the Superdelegates that Bernie Sanders should be the Democratic Party presidential nominee.

  27. You do of course realize that both the Republican and Democratic parties are private entities. They are not public service organizations. They write the rules and the citizen have to play by them because of the way the system works. That is why there is so many independents. Trump is a narcissistic clown and Hillary is crooked as a dog's hind leg. Enjoy the summer.

    1. Anonymous9:57 AM

      Independents are chickens who cannot make a commitment.

    2. Anonymous10:05 AM

      Yes, we do realize that these parties are private entities.

    3. Anonymous10:08 AM

      Thank you!! Except for repeating the false accusation of Hillary Clinton, this is exactly correct. When Sanders and Trump [and their idiot believers] whine about how "the system is rigged" against them, they are right. The parties have organized their internal works so that no one can just stroll in and announce they are the party's candidate. If either Sanders or Trump thought they could win with a third party venture, they would have done that. Unfortunately it didn't occur to either one that joining the party of their choice a few months ahead of declaring their candidacies wouldn't really impress long time party members.

  28. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Meanwhile, Texas Rethugs show their colors:

    The Republican Part of Texas voted over the weekend to adopt a platform that, if enacted, would strip reproductive rights from women regardless of federal law, would serve to shame LGBT people for not living “an acceptable alternative lifestyle,” and see minorities assume an “American identity.”

    As the Houston Press noted on Monday, the 26-page platform report was approved unanimously by every Republican state delegate on Friday.

    Under the heading of “Strengthening Families, Protecting Life, and Promoting Health,” the platform explains how state GOP lawmakers are expected to deny equal rights for LGBT people and to “abolish abortion.”

  29. Anonymous9:52 AM

    So this awful BS and violence is what Bernie meant as "the revolution"? Well, the revolution is awful; the movement is thuggish! No thanks!

    1. Anonymous10:10 AM

      There was never going to be a "revolution." They all talk just to hear themselves think.

  30. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Why Trump gets away with outrageous lies and no one seems to care

    Donald Trump is a serial liar. Okay, to be a bit less Trumpian about it, he has trouble with the truth. If you look at Politifact, the Pulitzer Prize-winning site that examines candidates’ pronouncements for accuracy, 76 percent of Trump’s statements are rated either “mostly false,” “false,” or “pants on fire,” which is to say off-the-charts false. By comparison, Hillary Clinton’s total is 29 percent.

    1. Anonymous11:48 AM

      Trump Flips Out And Personally Calls CNN’s Control Room To Demand They Watch Fox News

  31. Anonymous9:53 AM

    I am not wondering if Bernie Sanders' whole purpose in "joining the Democratic Party" was to destroy it. The only people who would benefit from that are the billionaires and they already have their party: the GOP led now by Donald Trump.

    1. Anonymous 9:53 AM (Beaglemom) wrote: I am not wondering if Bernie Sanders' whole purpose …

      The "t" and the "w" are not that close on a regular keyboard. Are you sure that you meant "NOT wondering"? Or were you relying on word-completion without checking it?

    2. Anonymous10:51 AM

      Oops, I meant to type "now" and not "not."

    3. Anonymous11:19 AM

      Ted, do you ever have a comment that isn't a belabored lecture?

    4. Anonymous 11:19 AM wrote: Ted, do you ever have a comment that isn't a belabored lecture?

      Unlike yours, my comments are plainly identified, up front. If you don't like them, don't read them.

    5. Anonymous1:32 PM

      I'll take that as a typically hamhanded "no."

  32. Anonymous9:54 AM


  33. Anonymous9:54 AM

    OT does anybody know what's going on with Sarah Palin's son's court case? Did he knock up his Domestic Violence victim so the judge will give him leniency?

    1. Anonymous11:38 AM

      Who gives a honky do?!!

    2. Anonymous11:55 AM

      Judges don't give leniency for getting a victim (or anyone) pregnant.

    3. Anonymous12:10 PM

      Haven't you heard – this blog is not interested in the Palins anymore. I'm deleting the bookmark.

    4. Anonymous1:11 PM

      @12:10pm, stop. please. don't.

  34. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Sanders is Not Winning with 43%.

    375/ 388 Comments




    According to Real Clear Politics there have been 21, 951, 362 votes cast in the 2016 Democratic primaries and caucuses. Of those votes Sen. Sanders is getting 43% of them while Clinton is getting 57% of them. Folks that is definitely not winning. In fact it is losing in a landslide. In 2008, for example, Clinton got around 47.8% of the vote while Obama got around 48.1% of the vote. For all of the talk about how Sanders is energizing the Democratic Party a significant majority of voters have not responded to his message.

    Yet despite her lead in the popular vote there are many Sanders supporters who act as if her lead in delegates is somehow illegitimate. That somehow Sanders is being deprived of a victory by the way the rules are being applied.

  35. Anonymous10:00 AM

    This is OT, but in Bristol's new pic posing with that shake, her hair is pulled back in a ponytail that reveals a hairline that to me seems that of someone with alopecia areata. Losing patches of hair anywhere is possible, but there are certain areas of the head that are more common to the hair loss, and one area is behind the ears like we can see in that picture of Bristol.

    1. Anonymous11:37 AM

      This particular blog segment is not addressing Bristol Palin - we are, in fact, talking about Bernie Sanders.

      Plus, who really gives a fuck about a Palin!

      Move on please and post appropriately when we are actually discussing one of them!

  36. Anonymous10:02 AM


    Bernie and many of his supporters keep acting like victims when he is arguably the most pampered serious contender to a major party's nomination in modern history. Nobody has been treated with so much deference and this diary will explore all of his privileges.

    Bernie or Bust Millennials: Grow Up!

    ...With the risk of sounding like my own parents, something I never thought would happen: Grow up. I’ve been a liberal since before you were born. It took two decades of protests over four presidencies to end our involvement in Vietnam. It took more than 90 years to gain the right to abortion—a right we are in imminent danger of losing. Universal healthcare? We’re still working on it.

    Why are you supporting Sanders? Is it because he’s handsome, well-dressed, and you’d like to have a beer with him? Or do you share a vision for our country? Because if you support Sanders because you share his world view, then your political involvement should outlast his candidacy. Barely a year has passed since Sanders announced, and you’re threatening to quit, because your guy may not win. Well, if you can’t give your world view more than a year or two, then it isn’t much of a priority to you, is it? You’re a fraud.

    Yes, our elections are corrupt, rigged, and our candidates are bought and paid for. If you want something different, then I’m sorry to have to tell you: it’s going to take more than a year, more than one candidacy, even more than one presidency.

    1. Anonymous11:24 AM

      Good read regarding white privilege and excellent points regarding media scrutiny.

  37. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Why hasn't Sanders disavowed the undemocratic and unethical acts committed in his name this weekend?

    Bernie Sanders likes to present himself as the last ethical politician in America and the last best hope for democracy itself. Over weekend, some grossly unethical and undemocratic actions were committed in his name, by his supporters and representatives, at the Nevada state Democratic Convention. A day and half later, and still not a peep out of Sanders disavowing it, which is a major moral failing on his part as well as terrible leadership.

  38. Caroll Thompson10:06 AM

    Thanks to the mismanagement of Jane Sanders, Burlington College is announcing today that they are shutting down.

    Jane Sanders promised the folks at Burlington College pie in the sky the same as Bernie is promising the American people. Now Burlington College will probably have to go bankrupt.

    1. Anonymous10:23 AM

      when will the media ask about this?

  39. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Hillary Clinton's Pledged Delegate Lead, +280. +4 Net Gain. Oregon and Kentucky's 116 Delegates Next

  40. Anonymous10:06 AM

    This whole embarrassing, disgusting thing was over 4 lousy delegates. When they dissed Barbara Boxer that was the end for me. Perfect timing right before CA. dumbasses. -sjp

    1. Anonymous10:40 AM

      YES! Same here. Barbara Boxer is my favorite CA politician (I live in SF) and I was so bummed when she announced she'd not be running for another term. For years she has been out there speaking so candidly about Congress and cutting through any BS. For Sanders supporters to treat Boxer, of all people, like they did just turns my stomach. It's understandable that some people are so new to the scene, but they still need to read up and learn who's who and stop treating people like shit who for years have been on their families' side.

    2. Anonymous11:29 AM

      This Barbara Boxer?

    3. Anonymous11:40 AM

      troll. -sjp

    4. Anonymous11:46 AM

      Boxer is a champion for liberalism and a friend of Bernie Sanders. The Sanders delegates booing her are nothing but ideologues.

    5. Anonymous1:44 PM

      I love Boxer so much! I already voted for Kamala Harris for her seat & HRC in Calif. by mail. The Berners are motivating lots of CA voters after what they did to Boxer, who is in her 70's. Shameful!

    6. 10:06, 64 delegates dear, try to keep up.

    7. Anonymous2:30 PM

      2:20 - no. The entire dispute was over a possible +4 delegate vote total.

  41. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Says it all really>
    "Roberta’s Rules versus Robert’s Rules, as some Sanders backers dubbed them – was conducted by voice vote. The motion, seconded by a Sanders supporter, passed – which is when the room, in Ralston’s phrasing, “erupts.”

  42. Anonymous10:38 AM

    And its about time. Time for all the brown nosing ASShole kissing morons to pick it up. Time to push for change. Time to throw rump out with the toxic rump water. President Sander supporters do not get in line. They do not conform. They do not accept status con or grove demands. They are self thinkers and demand the garbage removed from this election NOW. Get on board or smell your ass kissing breath for 4 yrs. or impeachment. The end of the face of citizen united.

    1. Anonymous11:01 AM

      They also do not do math, critical thinking or basic planning.

    2. Anonymous1:45 PM

      No one gave them any training on how to campaign, either.

    3. Anonymous2:07 PM

      What they do is foam at the mouth.

  43. Anonymous10:42 AM

    feel the burn. Its only the beginning of this election. feel the burn and vote for the burn. Its real and change. vote.

    1. Anonymous11:02 AM

      You can't even spell your messiah's name right. Classic.

    2. Anonymous1:45 PM

      10:42 - Be the Bern, Be the Bern! Hahaha.

  44. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Graph, This is not t he fault of Democrats. It is all up to Bernie Sanders and his enormous ego. He should have ended the "berniebro" nonsense months ago but he's been enjoying it too much. The Democratic Party has its rules in place; Bernie should have known them and should have schooled his campaign people about them. This is clearly an attempt to create anarchy. At this point, by letting all of this happen, Bernie Sanders is doing a great job - for the GOP. I sure with the Democratic Party had turned him down when he came, all sweetness and light, wanting to be a Democrat and toss his hat into the Democratic ring for the nomination. What respect I once had for him is all gone now. I just wish he, like Sarah Palin, would just go away.

    1. Anonymous3:42 PM

      I see that spellcheck got busy with my comment. I know I typed in "Gryph" but it morphed into "Graph." I hope it doesn't happen again. Computers drive me crazy sometimes!

  45. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Trump is considering Palin as VP! See

    Could this not get any better? Pimp and ho show!

  46. Thank you Gryph for posting this.

    It's funny, just about 2 hours ago someone asked me if I knew anything about "this Nevada thing" because a friend of his on Facebook posted something from a Bernie supporter perspective basically saying "They've stolen our election" and ended his post with "This is why I will not vote in November".

    I said "Well, I haven't read anything I think I can trust to repeat, I'm waiting to hear what Jon Ralston has to say. He's been covering politics in Nevada for years and I don't think he can be called a partisan, so I would trust his reporting" and voila!

    Now, to try to stem the Creep of Misinformation that floats around Facebook as real and infects people's brains.

    People will easily believe that which they want to believe.

    But Hillary understands that, and I don't think Bernie does. If he did win the nomination, which he will not, he would face a smear machine the likes of which he has never witnessed.

    Any small lead he may have in polls taken today (Sanders v Trump compared to Clinton v Trump) will be washed away with just a measly million-dollar cross-country ad buy calling him a Socialist (Democratic or otherwise) and saying his plans would raise taxes (which I believe is true).

    1. Anonymous1:37 PM

      It's not about "believing" it. It's objectively true that Sanders' plans will raise taxes.

      As a good liberal, I don't have a problem with that, but as a pragmatist who's actually familiar with the political process, I know how quickly he'd go down the tubes if the GOP had at him in a general election.

      Berniebots and rabid fundies make the same mistake: they have no idea how most of American voters think and they greatly overestimate their own numbers. And they're not interested in learning how to win; they think that if people didn't accept their message the first time, they can just yell louder and magically attract a majority.

      Lazy and childlike.

  47. Anonymous11:42 AM

    These Are Hillary Clinton’s Five VP Choices, And They Are All Excellent

  48. Anonymous12:24 PM

    After a year of fuss it turns out that it's just another cult.

    Now I understand it.

  49. Anonymous1:30 PM

    OH NO! Say it ain't so Socialist Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont)

    Wallstreet Journal
    School Once Run by Jane Sanders Plans to Close, After Expansion Fails

    Burlington College says $10 million acquisition left it mired in debtBurlington’s board of trustees voted Friday to close its programs effective May 27. The school held its commencement ceremony for the class of 2016 on Saturday.

    Current students will be able to complete their studies at nearby colleges, Burlington said.

    Read more at:

  50. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Real estate deal brokered by Bernie Sanders' wife sinks Vermont college

    Sen. Bernie Sanders’ wife made a big-ticket purchase during her tenure as head of a small, private college in Vermont — and, in the end, the institution got burned.

    Burlington College, which Jane Sanders ran from 2004 to 2011, will close its doors on May 27 due to financial and accrediting problems, it was announced Monday.

  51. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Sen. Bernie Sanders I-Vermont, how can you promise free college when the college under your wife's leadership went belly up? Give back the $200,000 JANE.

    1. Anonymous2:06 PM

      Let us know when she's being investigated on two fronts by the FBI like Hillary...

    2. Anonymous2:28 PM

      2:06 - the VT GOP already called for a federal investigation of Jane Sanders in January 2016 on 2 different charges. It's happening. Google it! You're welcome.

    3. Anonymous2:44 PM

      @2:28 PM
      "VT GOP already called for a federal investigation"
      And if the facts show she's guilty of any crimes,she should pay the price.

      Just like Hillary!

      Just looking at the facts we know, it is clear that Clinton and her aides have broken the law.
      Title 18 Section 1924
      Whoever, being an officer, employee, contractor, or consultant of the United States, and, by virtue of his office, employment, position, or contract, becomes possessed of documents or materials containing classified information of the United States, knowingly removes such documents or materials without authority and with the intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized location shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than one year, or both.
      Title 18 Section 793
      Pretty much all of it
      (f) Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer— Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both."

    4. Anonymous3:00 PM

      2:44 - not everything is about Hillary! You have HESD* Syndrome--the worst case we've ever seen. Seek treatment; the election is in November & you might lose what's left of your mind before then without some serious help! (*Hillary Email/Server Derangement)

    5. Anonymous3:16 PM

      @3:00 PM
      Those are some serious ass Federal charges.
      And the FBI is "investigating" that AND the Clinton Foundation.

      Let's remember the mission statement posted at the top left of this blog:
      "This blog is dedicated to finding the truth, exposing the lies, and holding our politicians and leaders accountable when they fall far short of the promises that they have made to both my fellow Alaskans and the American people."

    6. Anonymous3:30 PM

      3:16 - meet you here in June when nothing happens & the FBI gives an all clear; until then, enjoy being an Internet Lawyer on Reddit. LOL!! #goodtimes

    7. Anonymous3:33 PM

      I love how this Sanders supporter @3:16 must deflect because he cannot defend the federal fraud charges that Vermont GOP is bringing against Jane, due to the Burlington College scandal. (I wonder how Jane feels about orange?)

    8. Anonymous4:39 PM

      "the federal fraud charges that Vermont GOP is bringing against Jane"
      The Vermont GOP is a law enforcement agency?
      Please DO tell us and can you provide a link of some sort to this agency?
      And @3:30,care to enlighten us on how you came up with June as to the "FBI gives an all clear"?

    9. Anonymous6:19 PM

      4:39 - please do your own research. (You never read the links on here anyway.) Google: Jane Sanders Burlington College Vermont GOP fraud January 2016

    10. Anonymous6:22 PM

      4:39 If you bothered to read legit links about the review, and not just Reddit fan fiction, you would know it's in the final weeks; they are wrapping it up. Just wait. There will be no charges.

  52. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Bernie Sanders has campaigned heavily on college campuses in his quest for the Democratic nomination for president, and he's been fueled by his ability to gain the support of young voters. The independent from the Green Mountain State has pushed a sweeping proposal that would reshape higher education by making tuition at public colleges and universities free and lowering rates for new and existing student loans.

    The Sanders campaign did not respond to a call from POLITICO seeking comment.

    (Would you call back?)

    1. Anonymous1:51 PM


    2. Anonymous6:57 PM

      The problem is that state colleges and universities are state-funded, with varying levels of support. How will the federal government step in? Will they pay full freight for a state university education in states that fund at different levels? Will states jump in and stop funding their universities because the federal government is now paying? I love the idea of free college education but this isn't Germany, it's 50 damned independent states.

  53. Anonymous1:59 PM

    "Yes, the Sanders are quite the gruesome twosome."

    Total Destruction: College That Jane Sanders Ran Into The Ground Closes Its Doors

    Jane Sanders, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’ wife, ran Burlington College from 2004-2011. As president, she retrospectively took a financially idiotic task of expanding the college, taking on $10 million in debt to purchase a plot of land from the local Roman Catholic diocese. The plan to repay the debt was to increase enrollment and beef up fundraising, with both ventures ending in failure. In 2011, Sanders was shown the door (and given a $200,000 severance package). By 2015, the school was $11.4 million in debt, with $300,000 in unpaid bills. Most of the land acquired by Sanders was sold off, as the school was in an untenable financial situation. Now, the school that Sanders ran into ground is closing its doors at the end of the month (via Politico)

    Yes, the Sanders are quite the gruesome twosome. Jane utterly destroyed Burlington College. The school only had a little over 100 full-time students, with a total graduate and undergraduate enrollment of less than 500--and she was to accrue a $10 million debt?

    Bernie plans to take the country down the same path of financial ruin, with his agenda leading to an explosion of government spending to cover his left wing goodie bag items. In all, the self-described, disheveled Democratic socialist plans on increasing spending by $33 trillion over the next ten years, while adding $21 trillion to the national debt over the same period. To boot, his $15.3 trillion in tax hikes won’t be enough to pay for his left wing, Candy Land vision for this country. And Democrats want these two running the country?

    Lord help us.

  54. Anonymous2:03 PM

    How much money did Baby Jane and Socialist Bernie Sanders burn through? You know, the money they got from the broke college students?

  55. Anonymous2:04 PM


    1. Anonymous2:26 PM

      BE THE BERN, BE THE BERN *wink*

  56. Anonymous2:10 PM

    How Bernie Sanders Is the Biggest Con-Man of the 2016 Election -

    Politicians are infamously known for speaking out of both sides of their mouths, giving them a very bad reputation, and rightfully so. This is especially the case when talking about presidential candidates.

    Too few people authentically express their views without worry of the consequence, and because of his unabashed stances vocally supporting socialism, Bernie Sanders’ raw appeal makes nearly all from both sides recognize his apparent authenticity.

    But how does Bernie’s actual record hold up? Bernie wants to make his supporters think that he stands for the little guy.

    - See more at:

  57. Anonymous2:10 PM


    1. Anonymous2:22 PM

      Bristol is that you? :)

  58. Anonymous2:26 PM

    The state of Vermont is small
    Vermont's Burlington College is small.

    How in hell can those two run 50 states if a college under Jane's thumb went belly up?

  59. Anonymous2:28 PM

    $200,000 Jane received from our tuitions could have bought a lot of beer to drown our sorrows.

  60. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Now I understand why Sarah didn't send Track, Bristol and Willow to college. Sarah is not about to give her money to the Sanders.

  61. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Oh boy Donald Trump can't wait to face the Sanders in the General Election.

  62. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Trump is probably getting wet dreams over what he has instored for Bonnie and Clyde

  63. Anonymous3:09 PM


    Bernie how getting your wife to return our $200,000 tuition money?

    1. Anonymous3:31 PM

      She probably used that money to fix her face.

  64. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Ain't that some shit?

    She has served in Sanders's Congressional office as Chief of Staff and as Policy and Press Adviser,

    Bernie Sanders hires his wife as his Chief of Staff and Policy and Press Adviser in his Congressional office after her horrible job performance at Burlington College? Did Bernie check her references on her resume? Did Bernie call Burlington College? Did Bernie ask his wife what was the $200k she received from her students was for? Imagine if one of us did what Jane did, would Bernie hire us? Is that what Socialism looks like? Looks like nepotism to me.

    1. Anonymous4:20 AM

      @3:29 PM
      "Ain't that some shit?"
      Yada yada....
      Same shit as Huma collecting a paycheck from the Clinton Foundation AND the State Dept. at the same time.
      Same with Pagliano,you know,the guy with immunity whose emails are "missing".

  65. bernie sander's ideals; dead beat dad (never paid child support and that alone should disqualify him from the presidency), didnt have a real job till age 40, got kicked out of a commune for being lazy and doing no work (all he wanted to do was sit around and talk politics), says he was a conscientuos objector but there was no CO status till 1967 and he was draft age long before that plus COs were given alternative service and bernie claims he never did that kind of service. more likely he just could not be found since he had no job and no address till the 70s, when he lived in a house he stole electricity for from neighbors. sided with developers when they wanted to develop burlington waterfront park, which lost against neighborhood activists. ironically he launched his campaign from that park and the neighbors were very pissed. in all his years in congress he never hired one single person of color or lgbt person. not in dc or in vermont. sided with yankee power to send vermont's nuke waste to a small poor ltino community in texas even after the people in that community begged him not to do that. that right there is environmental racism. broguht home almost a trillion dollars for lockheed martin for a jet that doesnt work, is over budget and will never come online. voted for the iraq war TWICE!!!!!! look that shit up im tired of explaining how the iraq votes went. took over $20,000 from hillarypac for his campaigns for senate. is against golden parachutes for CEOs of failed businesses but had no problem when his wife took a golden parachute when she was fired from burlington college after nearly driving them into bankruptcy. and where are his tax returns? why are all his assets in his wife's name? what exactly is her salary as a consultant to the campaign? how much money has the fec ordered him to send back in illegal campaign contributions ($20 million plus). where did the single source $10 mil foreign contribution come from and why hasnt he sent that back yet? how does he plan on paying back the millions the campaign is in debt? is hillary supposed to help him raise money to retire that debt?

    1. Anonymous6:59 PM

      Not to be the grammar police- ok, I am the grammar police. You'd make your points a lot better with some paragraphs.

  66. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Do the math, then add in the delegate counts, then explain to America what a Socialist Democrat is, and you got your winner, and all the votes aren't in yet.

    1. Anonymous6:26 PM

      Hillary Clinton

  67. Anonymous5:32 PM

    @Ann Mae 4:43 PM
    Rep. Bernie Sanders Opposes Iraq War

    Ted Powell will surely be here shortly to correct your post for grammar and punctuation errors.

    1. Anonymous6:17 PM

      Be the Bern, Be the Bern

  68. Anonymous7:00 PM

    From Bernie Sanders Supporters, Death Threats Over Delegates
    New York Times-4 hours ago

    They are going to need every available Secret Service agent to protect Hillary from Bernie's Bros.

  69. Anonymous7:13 PM
    Bernie Sanders’s Wife Just Destroyed An Entire College

    A college once run by Sen. Bernie Sanders’s wife Jane has announced it’s closing in two weeks, thanks to a crushing debt burden it took on during her presidency....

    But the amount of debt was dramatic for such a tiny school, and it ended up backfiring horribly....

    Read more:



  70. Anonymous7:20 PM

    In a statement, Burlington College Dean of Operations Coralee Holm bluntly said the college failed due to “the crushing weight of the debt incurred by the purchase of the Archdiocese property” made by Sanders. [BY WHO?]

    In a press conference Monday afternoon, Holm described the college’s collapse as “heartbreaking.”

    “To see an [educational] institution go out of business is very difficult,” she said, with tears filling her eyes. The school’s employees will lose their jobs, while students in the middle of degrees will have to transfer to another school, potentially losing credits in the process.

  71. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Remember reading comments about the con the Sanders campaign are running? Well Jane Sanders may be under investigation.
    But there may be even more to the story than a case of bad business sense.

    As was reported in a 2015 Daily Caller News Foundation investigation, Burlington College obtained the fatal $10 million loan through dubious means that may even have amounted to fraud on the part of Sanders or others. In order to have the loan approved by the Vermont Educational and Health Buildings Finance Agency (VEHBFA), Burlington College had to demonstrate it was set to receive at least $2.27 million in pledges and donations in the near future. The school subsequently produced a list of $2.6 million in grants and legally-binding pledges it expected to receive within the next five years.

    Yet in the summer of 2011, just a few months after the school received its big loan, an audit of the college’s finances showed only $1.3 million in short- and long-term financial commitments, suggesting about half of the school’s supposedly guaranteed pledges had simply vanished. If Sanders or others at Burlington College misrepresented the school’s financial situation, it could represent a case of fraud.

    In January, 2016, attorney Vermont Republican Party vice-chair Brady Toensing sent a letter to U.S. Attorney Eric Miller asking him to investigate the matter, but thus far the federal government has shown no signs it is looking at the issue.

    Read more:

  72. Anonymous8:00 PM

    What I find very curious is that Senator Sanders has only been a member of the Democratic party since 2015. He is the longest serving Independent in Congress, and in this presidential primary, the biggest detractor of the party. So my question is, "If the Democratic Party sucks so much, why did Senator Sanders join it just before he announced he was running as a Democratic nominee and now he continues to bad mouth it endlessly. Leads me to the question of why the hell he would run as a Democrat if they are so damn bad. In my opinion Bernie and his followers are just as bad as Trump and his followers for the very same reasons.

    1. Anonymous7:10 AM

      I've begun to think that Bernie Sanders joined the Democratic Party to implode it. And his continuing silence over the uproar caused by his "supporters" at the Nevada Democratic convention makes me even more suspicious. He needs to speak out and stop the craziness among his "supporters" right away and then withdraw from the campaign.

  73. Anonymous8:23 PM

    All this fighting and stuff going on at Sanders's rallies is an embarrassment to the Democratic Party. All those frat boys are just looking for a place to hook up with sorority girls.

  74. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Over a 1/2 a million dollars of OPM money

    Jane took $200K from Burlington
    Bernie spent over $300K to give a 10 minute speech
    The cost of Sanders Vatican trip

    I'd like to seriously discuss the cost of Senator Sanders' Vatican trip. Given that his campaign is funded by small donors, I expected this to be a rather frugal affair, but my calculations are showing otherwise. Senator Sanders chartered a 767-300, which costs $17,000 per hour to fly. The cost of the flight alone approaches $300,000.

    According to ABC News, this whole trip was organized and funded by the Sanders campaign. Obviously, donors to a campaign don't get to say how that money is used by the campaign, but still, this is a lot of $27 donations to use for a speech at the Vatican that lasted 15 minutes and that the press described as excerpts from his standard stump speech. It's jarring to me, given how Sanders portrays himself and his campaign to the media.

    What do you guys think? Is there something wrong with this? Is this a reasonable campaign expenditure in an attempt to influence the Catholic vote? (This is my first post to r/politicaldiscussion, I've read the rules carefully and I think I'm following all of them.)


  75. Anonymous9:10 PM

    We understand you run a gossip rag and have no clue about politics. Now back to your Palin coverage.

  76. I've understood for a long time why Bernie should drop out. He persuaded naively idealistic people that his cantankerous finger-pointing and pie-in-the-sky promises represent some kind of revolution for the common good.

    Months ago, a reader here complimented a photo Gryphen posted with the note that it showed Bernie's "flinty" look, when all I saw was a squinty look. Apart from his failings on domestic policies (which would be legion), Sanders could never be a strong, effective leader on the world stage. Especially considering what a hard act Obama will be to follow.

    It's too late for Sanders to bow out gracefully, preserving a measure of dignity. Now he's just going to be written off as a sore loser, a forgotten historical footnote in some freshman's term paper.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.