Sunday, May 08, 2016

Finally I leave you today with Sarah Palin's Mother's Day greeting. Which is just as pro-gun and pro-religion as you might imagine.

Enjoying some of my babies! With more to come... hopefully... and I'm sure, πŸ˜‰ because it's all good.
Courtesy of the Grizzled Mama's Facebook page: 

Happy Mother's Day from some favorite moms & daughters way up North who love their families and their country oh-so-much. We're with the ones still proudly clinging to God, guns, and our Constitution! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

I'm not sure why she tagged the end of the sentence with the "us" but know that if I spend too much time trying to make sense of the things Sarah Palin does I will start to bleed from the ears.

You know you might think that Palin would take a break from pushing her pro-gun, pro-conservative, and pro-religious agenda at least for Mother's Day, but then she would not be Sarah Palin now would she?

I am going to resists commenting on her looks and her attire, but I imagine that all of you will take up the slack.


  1. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Are they auditioning for the Midget Show at the Circus? Where is Sarah's grandson Trig? She couldn't hogtie him for a photo op?

    1. Anonymous6:30 PM!

      Where The Donald is a short fingered Vulgarian, she's got monstrous big man hands, and shouldn't highlight it by holding her smart phone like that.

    2. Anonymous7:01 PM

      I've personally shaken her hand and looked into those batshit eyes.
      They ain't "man hands".
      More akin to small cold reptilian claws.
      That was my experience.

    3. Anonymous7:30 PM

      Willow sure does have a fat ass. That's about all I can take away from that.

    4. Anonymous7:41 PM

      7:30 PM
      She has always been the prettiest of all of them, to me, and smart enough to stay out of the fray.

    5. Anonymous8:20 PM

      That crazed freak Michelle Malkin has also endorsed Paul Nehlen. I've read up on him a bit and he sounds like a real prize. He's right up Palin's alley.

    6. Anonymous8:51 PM

      Okay i am going to say it. Everyone of them looks like they need a bath.

      Sarah looks like an idiot but she always does. The only one in that pic that looks normal is Sailor but that won't last for long as soon as she is old enough to wear ripped jeans and carry Lou Bootin hand bags that will go out the window.

      Palin's always have a priority, that being " Am i hot" over everything else. This is just a disgusting display of White trash who came into some money at a time when White Trash found their voice and it was Palin.Suddenly being stupid was a thing to be proud of! Spitting out kids with no thought makes you a hero.

    7. Anonymous10:49 PM

      That wide giant bracelet thst Sarah wears just makes her arms look fugly.

    8. Anonymous8:31 AM

      Jord use to always looks so up and expressive. She has a weird skin tone, is she ill? What is she doing in the Mother Day pic? That is odd.

    9. Anonymous9:41 AM

      8:31: IF Jordan is preggo, then she might have (extended?) morning sickness. Also, IF she is preggo, she is not supposed to drink too much alcohol, so she might be in alcohol withdrawal and feel lousy because of that. Double whammy.
      BTW, they have supposedly found out that alcohol consum BEFORE pregnancy - by either mother OR father! - can be a contributing factor to a FAS baby or at least low-IQ baby.

    10. Anonymous10:28 AM

      9:41 AM If only alcohol was the only substance this infamous family was known to live on.

  2. Anonymous4:41 PM

    "I am going to resists commenting on her looks and her attire, but I imagine that all of you will take up the slack."
    Yeah,she dresses like a over the hill white trash cougar mama on the prowl.
    At least she's not wearing pantsuits made out of what appears to be moving blanket material ala Queen Hillary...

    1. Anonymous4:57 PM

      I thought Gryphen was being a misogynistic fool for that very statement, but you have him beaten, anonymous 4:41pm.

    2. Anonymous4:59 PM

      Did Hillary have a 'twobull' also? Does Hillary have a reputation of having body odor like Sarah Palin? Has Hillary ever exhibited crusty toes in photos? Did Hillary attend 5 different colleges that no one saw her at? Has Hillary ever given a speech while drunk or on drugs? Get a life, Palin ass kisser.

    3. Anonymous5:20 PM

      Hillary Clinton's clothes ARE really ugly. But who cares? She's still going to be a great president. She could wear nothing but floral muumuus from now on and she'd still be 800 million billion times better than Trump or Palin, for that matter.

    4. Anonymous5:33 PM

      I love Clinton's clothes, 5:20; she has a terrific stylist. Plus, it's hard to find tunics to accommodate the bullet-proof vests that she must, evidently, wear.

    5. Anonymous6:07 PM

      +1,000 5:33

    6. Anonymous6:26 PM

      Nobody thinks Angela Merkel is a great dresser either but she wasn't chosen to lead Germany for that reason. She and H both seem to have a penchant for bad pant suits but we don't care - we want a good leader. That is something SP will NEVER EVER be.

    7. Anonymous6:26 PM

      Thank you, 5:33 PM.

      People could complain if Mrs Clinton presented herself publicly in a grubby, unkempt and drug-affected condition, like Mrs Palin does.

    8. Anonymous6:36 PM

      Hillary wears those moving blanket "tunics" to cover up her cankles and gawd knows what.
      She claims some of those emails she deleted had to do with "discussing yoga"...
      That's a fucking lie/joke!

    9. Anonymous6:48 PM

      5:33 sounds like those kneelers who say "I like Trumps hair".


    10. No, @6:48. I have an evolved aesthetic in fashion. You have probably never developed an evolved aesthetic or interest in any field. Am I right?

    11. Anonymous8:25 PM

      5:33 is spot on. We don't take into account the bullet proof vests. Besides, Hillary isn't running for Spokesmodel in Chief. I'm old enough to remember Hillary and Bill from the nineties. Hillary was a very attractive woman back in the day and her intelligence and wit have only grown with age. She is going to make a fine President and already is a wonderful role model for young women everywhere. Palin, not so much.

    12. Anonymous9:47 PM

      Hillary Clinton is not basing her rep on being "hot" she is her age, accepts it dresses to please herself.

      She has never been a fashion plate and it has never been her focus. She has never sold herself as a sexy woman because she knew she had to rely on brains. She is what she is and she may not be a fashion plate but look at Palin who has relied on her fading looks all her life. Men can get by wearing a suit.

    13. Anonymous7:36 AM

      Hillary has beautiful eyes, they are not wonky! Plus that is all her own hair, no wigs. Also, too she rejoices in being a grandma, no hidden babies, no fake pregnancies. Also, too when Father's Day rolls around, Chelsea KNOWS who her baby's daddy is. Superior in EVERY way to the PayMe clan.

    14. Anonymous9:41 AM

      Sarah is as or more misogynistic as anyone.

      Can you believe how she is treating Track Palin's pregnant whatever in this mother's day post on Facebook?

      You can't be much more insulting than to ignore someone new. If anyone knows where Sarah (Bristol?) have announced Track's pregnant person, please link.

      Willow announces Jordan Loewe in the family?

      I only recall Willow Bianca and Jordan from the drunk post days. After that Jordan went dark and lost being free.

  3. Anonymous4:43 PM

    What's up with her left eye?

    1. Anonymous5:01 PM

      @4:41 PM Who opened your cage?

    2. Anonymous5:10 PM

      There is no 4:41

    3. Anonymous5:13 PM

      Oops, sorry. Now I see 4:41 above this comment thread.

    4. There certainly is a '4:41 PM' at the beginning of these comments -- the 2nd one! Go up there and check it out !

  4. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Jordan is in the other group photo. ....more babies to come, it's all good. (except for that avalance of ridicule heading your way. -sjp

    1. Anonymous5:29 PM

      Domestic violence grandbabies are the best grandbabies!

    2. Anonymous5:54 PM

      Seriously, the shit is going to hit the Palin fan. Again! -sjp

    3. Ma Kettle of Wasilly6:02 PM

      Hey I got an idea!

      Let's rent a limo for dad's birthday! We can party at home and then go find some more parties. Let's go show them how we roll!

    4. Anonymous6:12 PM

      IN wouldn't call getting knocked up when you have an abusive partner "all good", but then I don't live in Wasilla AK, maybe it's acceptable there.

    5. Anonymous6:13 PM

      Who in their right mind would want a child in that family, only nuts, crazies, ignorant white trash i gather. Goodluck with that jordum.

    6. Anonymous6:33 PM

      More babies? Doesn't matter who or when I guess. "Life Happens" when you "live vibrantly."

    7. Anonymous7:07 PM

      Oh, what a relief, it's Jordum. I thought she was saying Wilblow and Piper Diaper were expecting to add to the Palin grandbaby count.

    8. Anonymous8:00 PM

      @7:07 Never say never. There could be more buns in the oven as we speak.
      When you are too stupid to use birth control, then you are just too freakin' stupid, Palin stupid.

    9. Anonymous8:43 PM

      Really, who would be proud of a son who does such a horrible act? Putting a good face on it doesn’t make it right or fix the problem.

    10. Anonymous8:33 AM

      Domestic violence grandbabies are the best grandbabies!

      Are they going to thank Obama?

  5. Will this stupid bitch EVER get a new script?

    1. Anonymous8:16 PM

      Let's do a KickStarter to buy her some new refrigerator magnets!
      And maybe even a new refigerator after Hillary's elected!
      (Kiss those cabinet position dreams goodbye, Scarah!)

    2. Anonymous1:16 AM

      New script? She forgot about climate change!

  6. Anonymous5:02 PM

    She looks like hell, she can't let go of her phone even for a photo, Bristol doesn't even look like she belongs in the family for all the shit she's done to her face.

    1. Anonymous5:29 PM

      Menopause City for the ol' black bat.

    2. Anonymous5:58 PM

      5:02 PM
      What God gave Bristol wasn't good enough.
      So much for being "made in His image."

  7. Anonymous5:08 PM

    I always think of the Beverly Hillbillies theme song:

    ♫ "You're all invited back to this lo-cal-i-ty to have a heapin' helpin' of our Chris-ti-an-i-ty." ♫

    Of which they don't even live; not a one of 'em.

  8. Anonymous5:16 PM

    There they are, the Alaskan Trailer Trash Kardashians

    1. Anonymous5:25 PM

      Looks like Piper has that knee/leg pose down.
      How stupid.

  9. Anita Winecooler5:24 PM

    "It's all good"? Ok, Granny, you keep clinging to that, and remember these gals need to get good jobs and be productive members of society. They ultimately pick out your nursing home.
    Oh, and put the phone down, no one's calling you for advice. "It's all good" Bwaaaaahaaaaaa!!!! Whose pregnant again this time?
    Lovely cards and presents your girls and husband picked out for you. This year you get Willow's home made toe jam and all the boogers you can dig out and eat.

    Not one functioning brain cell among the lot of them.

    1. Anonymous6:17 PM

      They look like a troop of ugly circus midgets that No amount of plastic surgery will help,

    2. Anonymous2:29 AM

      You are right.

  10. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Is Sarah's head shrinking?

    1. Anonymous1:19 AM

      Is Bristol's head growing larger?

  11. Anonymous5:35 PM

    This is the dick that Sarah's sucking up to.

  12. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Why is Piper in the pic? Or does she have a bastard we don't know about?

    1. Anonymous6:05 PM

      Who is her daddy?

    2. Anonymous12:13 AM

      Brad Hanson is Piper's Daddy.

    3. Anonymous9:43 AM

      12:13: I thought it was the same Menard that fathered Track?

  13. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Gryphen, since Jordan is in the other photo on Sara's Facebook page, is she back with Track and any truth to the Jordan pregnancy rumors?

    1. Anonymous6:02 PM

      Jordan is pregnant, and back with the abuser. "It's all good!"

    2. Anonymous6:23 PM

      Anything, Gryphen?

    3. Anonymous7:06 PM

      A woman with horrible lack of self-esteem always goes back to her abuser. Hopefully next time, because there will be one, she won't be killed.

    4. Anonymous7:43 PM

      Those two have been seen around town together so I'd have to assume they are again a couple.

      Apparently Jordan gave as good as she got in their relationship and she had beaten the crap out of Track during one of their previous drunken brawls.

      Not that it makes it right but they like to get drunk and fight. Maybe her cutting down on the booze while she is pregnant will stop some of the fighting between those two. They seem to deserve each other.

    5. Anonymous8:28 PM

      I somehow can't really see Jordan cutting back much on the booze over a little thing like pregnancy. Plus, I hear weed is great for morning sickness. Rebecca at Wonkette says so, at least. I've never been pregnant.

    6. Anonymous11:01 AM

      6:23 PM

      Sarah is saying what she will say right here.

      The only reason she has Jord in her mother posed op is because she is PREGNANT, like going to be a mother of a Palin offspring.

      Trump wanted sarah to talk about the assault weapon freak out and beating on the young girl.

      Now Sarah has to find a way to get this big news out. Sarah is going to be a grandmother AGAIN. Track is having another child to raise. That makes 2 that we know.

      Remember how the media covered Track when he knocked up Britta? The wedding was a big news story and the reception that was promised.

      Sarah needs to do much better this time around.

      It should be a piece of cake for her since the Paranjpe's are wealthy and will do what the rich do when their daughter has a bastard or marries.

      The media in Missouri should be on top of this and they are the ones to contact. Send them your questions.

      If the Paranjpes are ashamed and want to hide the Paranjpe and Loewe family will act like shamed rich people.

      It is terrible how all of Jordan and Track's family are treating the news of this baby.

      It is all because of the hypocritical religion games they play. So Track beats his pregnant girlfriend, it is a fact of life. Admit it whether you are a Loewe, a Paranjpe, a Palin or a Heath and go on and treat the knocked up girl better.

      If not the Loewes, Paranjpes, Palins and Heaths are treating Jordan like a slut that got knocked up by a Palin.

      And Sarah has failed with the baby announcement.

  14. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Put your gigantic phone down, Sarah! You're trying to pose for a family photo. God, what is wrong with that trashy woman? Thanks again, McCain.

  15. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Why the long face brishit. Hahaha

    1. Anonymous6:20 PM

      Her nose likes it running off her face. There's that 6 month old kid again.

    2. Anonymous7:01 PM

      She looks ghastly.

  16. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Look at her crooked eye. RETARDS.

  17. Anonymous6:06 PM

    I wish I had thought of that . . . all I gave my wife for Mother's Day was the usual stuff. Should have given her a pink AR-15 and a copy of the Constitution.

    Oh, well, maybe next year.

  18. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Bunch of fugly women.

  19. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Happy 6th month birthday, Sailor, or whatever odd name they gave you.

    Could have been a Biblical name -- there are plenty of those.
    But those Palins seem to go for proper nouns.

    1. Anonymous6:29 AM

      At iQ's below 80,palins know nothing about nouns. They're Plain stupid. It runs thru their family like a bad case of diarhia.

  20. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Track's next court date is 5/18. What do you want to bet that he has been in re-hab and does not receive any punishment? All the delays were working toward this end result... He's a Palin...

    1. Anonymous6:58 PM

      None of the Palins ever has to account for their disgusting behavior towards other people but look at their miserable lives.

      There's no family in America that's a bigger focus of well-deserved derision, no family more lazy or less employable, no family of less achievement, no family of so many millions but zero good works.

      Britta got out of that family and so will Jordan.

    2. Anonymous7:45 PM

      Oops - May 10; can't read small print well...

  21. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Sarah looks like a disheveled mess, but Bristol is absolutely shocking!
    What happened? It's like Bristol's face is cratering in on itself.
    She looked good there for awhile, but she has gotten even more plastic surgery and is looking just plain weird and kind of scary.
    What is wrong with her that at such a young age and with a new baby she keeps focusing on her looks so much?

    Yikes, all that plastic surgery, what a mistake!

    1. Anonymous6:57 PM

      Brissy looks absolutely awful. Yegads, what amount of self-loathing makes a young woman destroy her face like that?

    2. Anonymous7:00 PM

      Bristol Palin has always been shallow.

    3. Anonymous7:03 PM

      6:57 PM I have no idea. I am not pretty by any means, but holy crap.

    4. Anonymous9:16 PM

      Quick someone do before and after pics of the whorse.

    5. Anonymous3:56 AM

      I wouldn't have recognized Bristol except for the baby. She just doesn't look at all like herself.

    6. Anonymous6:20 AM

      She looks like a freak.

    7. Anonymous6:24 AM

      What's wrong with the barstool? Well to start with the chuckles chin and low self esteem.. No skills,no intellect... no morals..

  22. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Where is Track?
    Where is TriG?
    Where are all her other grandkids - Tripp, Kayla, Tristan (?)?
    Why isn't she holding Sailor/Gracie?

    1. Anonymous8:30 PM

      There is no Tristan. That was all a bunch of made up stuff from that big loon MALOE.

    2. Anonymous9:07 PM

      Then how do you explain Brissy's big belly almost 6 years ago on Dancing with the Stars?

    3. Anonymous9:09 PM

      no DWTS kid then ? just a junk food and beer gut on bristle back then, eh ?

    4. Anonymous10:21 PM

      9:07 / 9:09

      It must suck to be so dumb.

    5. Anonymous12:10 AM

    6. Anonymous3:55 AM

      I think the point of Sarah's message is to show the women (present and future mothers) in the family. No boys allowed in this photo.

    7. Anonymous6:19 AM

      8:30. Rill sure about that? ;)

  23. Anonymous6:30 PM

    omg look at Bristol baring her teeth and widening her eyes, she can't even genuinely smile even for a family pic on Mother's Day.

    Must suck so hard to be her.

    1. Anonymous8:59 PM

      If you look at the facial muscles you can see neither S or B are exhibiting a genuine smile. One can easily imagine how empty these people are inside.

  24. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Ohoooo Manly Palin has drawn a line in the
    sand warning House Speaker Paul Ryan she is coming after him while protecting
    Lady Trump for Ryan not bowing to" His
    Golden Hairness" and also not begging for forgiveness. Manly, granny Palin's goal
    is to ruin his political future!
    That outfit you have on in the photo
    isn't working Palin.. Put the phone down , get some brass knuckles, wear your
    Hot Pilates outfit and a KKK hood!
    Go Hillary!!!!

    orange hairness

    1. Anonymous6:16 AM

      "Tramps for Trump"

  25. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Who ARE those people. I don't recognize any of them, all of them.

  26. Anonymous6:45 PM

    In the other FB pic there are 16 names listed for 15 heads. Palin math.

    But it doesn't matter because any day now one of the unmarried ones will be expecting another litter, so they'll have more fingers and toes to count with. These freaks breed like flies.

  27. Anonymous7:05 PM

    I see, $arah finally got herself some cloth for a curtain, but one of her 'handy' daughters mixed it up and thought she wanted a 'tunik'. I guess, it is cloth that is more stain resistant than regular clothing cloth.

  28. Anonymous7:14 PM

    I haven't read any of the above comments above but where is Kayla Grace in the Palin family female picture? Has Sarah ever held Sailor or Kayla Grace?

    1. Anonymous7:47 PM

      It's Kyla Grace. She's named after sniper Chris Kyle.

  29. Anonymous7:21 PM

    In India and China having Children was in of itself considered a virtue but they have learnt better.
    Focusing on education and empowerment is better for women...alas, the Palin family seems to think's at any cost. The GOP base is stupid and regressive and have more in common with the Taliban than freedom loving people.

  30. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Long time ago I heard if you keep masturbating too much your eyes will get cross-eyed. Zoom in on Sarah's eyes. Is she frustrated and masturbating too much? Sarah's eyes are really wonk eyed.

    1. Anonymous8:14 PM

      Pretty damn dumb. It is a genetic muscle problem of the eye and appears at birth. therefore it has nothing to do with frustration or masturbation, What an utterly ignorant ccomment.

    2. Anonymous8:21 PM

      I think it's something the bibull says will happen if you have premarital sex/

    3. Anonymous12:07 AM

      8:14 PM What does ccomment mean? Your anger is showing.

  31. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Where I live, everywhere I go you see teenagers carrying their cell phones. How come the only person carrying their phone is a great grandmother? Is Sarah Palin waiting for her 3 am phone call? Waiting for her call to be Trump's vice-president?

  32. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Chicken legs Sarah. Seriously , you guys are coyote ugly.Butt ugly, whatever.Your meanness is showing !

    1. Anonymous12:05 AM

      7:30 PM From Bristol's Instagram account, "go fuck yourself".

    2. Anonymous6:50 AM

      "Go fuck yourself". Barstool should follow her own advice. Maybe then she wouldn't be calving babies from any Tom's dick,or Harry. Palins-loose women-random babies. What a thing to be *famous for. Bristol,hows joey? Does that sixth month junker baby have teeth yet?

  33. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Piper looks cute. Natural. For once. When she makes those freaky rolling eyeball faces and stretches her mouth out like her mother's babbling thin-lipped one, she looks like an idiot and doomed to grow up into the spitting image of Scarah. But in this pic, actually just being normal and smiling because she's happy, she looks very cute.

    1. Anonymous2:34 AM

      Her face looks like a russian peasant. A babushka scarf needed toc look completion.

  34. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Looks like she only has on her real hair today.

  35. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Bristol stopped showing pics of Sailor up close and laughing and so on, except for that one pic with her mouth closed and distorted. Why? because Sailor's been teething for a while now and surely has her first tooth. Bristol doesn't say anything about Sailor's development because she has to keep everything top secret because it will point to a November birth.

  36. Anonymous7:36 PM

    How much pork was used in making Willow's sausage fingers? They sure do look plump and juicy.

    1. Anonymous8:16 PM

      Is that really necessary? What is your fucking problem?
      I can't stand Sarah, but your comment is drranged and your hatred and criticism so over the top. You need help.

    2. Anonymous12:03 AM

      8:16 PM Is it personal to you? Are you a psychiatrist, or just stupid?

    3. Anonymous2:57 AM

      Obviously a PayMe clan member. Is Bristles pregnant AGAIN?

    4. Anonymous3:06 AM

      Maybe they get rid of their dogs in a hurry, because they keep attacking $carah's legs thinking they found a couple of bones?

    5. Anonymous10:24 AM

      Willow is by far the prettiest of the Palin women. Too bad the fat and greasy liberal IM women are so jealous.

  37. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Since everybody is pointing out the Palin family physical flaws, what's wrong with Piper's toes on her right foot? Is her big toe mad at the rest of her toes? Why are they so far apart?

    1. Anonymous1:28 AM

      Okay...why are her feet so Yuuge?

    2. Anonymous8:51 AM

      1:28 AM Brad Hanson has big feet.

  38. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Where's Kayla Grace Palin?

    1. Anonymous8:20 PM

      Sicial workers don't work on weekends and that is the only time Trackmarks can make appts for his supervised visits.

    2. Anonymous8:08 AM

      I hear Kala Grace has a new brother. Trojan Grace Palin. Trackmarks must be ashamed of all his children. If there are others, no one will say.

  39. Anonymous7:45 PM

    We're all just jellus, amirite?
    Of course we are. Eye roll.

    1. Anonymous8:18 PM

      No, a lot of the posters are simply angry unhappy people. And I doubt they are too beautiful or happy themselves since they need to focus on looks so much. Sarah is one thing and even Bristol. But Willow and Piper do not deserve it one bit and some of the comments are just sick.

    2. Anonymous5:02 AM

      When Palin was plucked out obscurity by that hapless loser McCain, all the talk from Republicans was about the grifter's "hotness". Even her degenerate right-wing father was photographed wearing a "Hottest Governor" T-shirt.

      So it seems you are the most unhappy poster on this site. No?

  40. Anonymous7:46 PM

    It is shocking how Bristol is not even recognizable any longer. Her self image is lower than low. Sad.

    1. Anonymous8:20 PM

      Agreed! And at such a young age.
      Speaks volumes.

  41. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Willow has the same wonky eyes that Sarah has.

    1. Anonymous9:30 PM

      I think Willow is the prettiest one of the all the Palins. And, she appears to be the most independent of all the kids/young adults.

  42. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Why aren't the daughters wearing their ubiquitous designer eye glasses? Do u need glasses or not?

  43. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Why is she always wearing that dirty old thing.

    1. Anonymous6:41 AM

      The dirty old thing,or what she's wearing? Both?

  44. Anonymous8:40 PM

    I don't see Trig. I don't see Tripp. I don't see Track or Todd. I always thank my husband for this day. It is because of him that I'm a mother.

    1. Anonymous9:29 PM

      I'm guessing Sarah isn't much interested in Todd's little 'fathering' tool anymore - IF she truly ever was!

      Remember, both of them have had affairs and other sexual partners outside of their messed up marriage!

    2. Anonymous3:01 AM

      Well Bristles has at least two (unseen) kids, their fathers are unknown even to Bristles. DWTS baby, plus the one she had first at 15. Those "gifts from God" are kept hidden.

    3. Anonymous8:05 AM

      Todd must hate her, if he wasn't under doctor's care and getting loaded up on pain killers he may have posed for her little scene.

      Track must be busy working, lol. He has a family support, or pretend to support.

      Interesting Sarah can never mention her oldest son is employed and what his career is.

      No mention of any therapy for Track's mental health problems. No doubt she lied about PTSD and thanking Obama for all that.

      How old is Track Palin? The entire saga of his military life was a fraud. He was not a combat vet. They have never cleared up those lies and it needs to be investigated.

      The situation with Track and how he was used is responsible for a lot of death, injured soldiers, broken and damaged families. Military frauds are among the worst.

  45. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Sarah looks anorexic. No muscle tone either.

    1. Anonymous8:50 PM

      No, her thighs are fat. It's hard to see because of the black pants and poor light. Where's Tripp?

    2. Anonymous5:08 AM

      Fat? I think I could get my hand around her thigh.

  46. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Why does Sarah always carry her cell phones not her hand? Doesn't she have a pocket? What important person is going to be calling her?

    1. Anonymous5:08 AM

      donaldjtrump of course.

    2. Anonymous10:18 AM

      The President of France likes to call her now and then, right? And wasn't Margaret Thatcher her best friend 'til she died? And all those heads of state who were so captivated with bear smile?

  47. Anonymous8:46 PM

    This is the reason that Bristol fought so hard to get custody on Mothers Day. For the official look at us family portrait. Couldn't they take that photo anytime? Did it have to be on Mothers Day as a reminder that they are not such great mothers?

    1. Anonymous9:26 PM

      The clothes that Sarah is wearing in the above photo reflect the exact same clothes she wore awhile back.

      You never know with the Palins - what might be a current photo and what isn't! They manipulate constantly and have been doing so for years!

    2. Anonymous5:58 AM

      Check the other photo, it has bouquets of flowers in jars. Flowers aren't something seen often in that house.

  48. Anonymous8:48 PM

    With more to come? Is Jirdan expecting twins? Will she really go back into the lion's den, I mean the Palin's house?

    1. Anonymous5:57 AM

      Yes, she may as well. Her productive life is over.

    2. Anonymous9:46 AM

      Did Jordan pass her pharmacist exam? Or did she quit when she was taken into the PayMe KKKlan?

  49. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Sarah always looks like a total idiot hanging on to her 'connection' in photos. Even her klan members don't do it!

    The woman, who is noted to be a horrible verbal communicator! Put the phone down, sister Sarah, and take some classes - especially in United States government and English! You sorely need them!

  50. Great photo, except for perpetual misfit Sarah, who doesn't realize she's past her prime.

    Did she even have a prime? If anyone knows, they aren't telling. All the public has is a mishmash of outlandish bits and pieces, which don't fit together into a meaningful whole.

  51. Anonymous11:41 PM

    Is that Jordan wearing a scarf? That is pure Palin pregnancy indicate.

    1. Anonymous7:52 AM

      Poor Jordan looks sick in that picture. You know she is being controlled because she is not flipping the finger.

      Since Sarah allows a knocked up girlfriend to pose for Mother's Day, does that mean they are already married? What is with the Christians (be they fake ones or what) with pride in birthing bastards?

      When are they going to have a press release that Track Palin is going to have another child? That he will or is married and when the celebration will be? Has the Daily Mail done their part in announcing the happy Track news yet?

      It is Mother's Day. Strange they will not mention why the girlfriend Track punches on is posing for a mother photo op.

      That picture with the mother's is a first and it should be featured as a headline. Sally is in a picture with Sailor Grace!! (has anyone seen a picture with Sally in a picture with Sailor?) And there is Jordan Loewe looking matronly.

    2. Anonymous8:45 AM

      Does Jordan still suffer from the concussion she received from Track? What a man, bwahahaha.

    3. Anonymous9:07 AM

      What an insult to Jordan.

      Her mother is a wealthy socialite. I am sure she would know about proper social etiquette.

      Girls get knocked up before marriage, it is only a problem because the Heaths and the Palins act like they are authentically religious.

      The Palins and Loewe (family) need to act like civilized society and people and make an announcement.

      After the announcement of who the girl next to Sally is, they can throw her into the photo ops and only name her Jordan.

      Sarah is atrociously insulting to Jordan Loewe and her whole family.

    4. Anonymous9:24 AM

      Heaths and the Palins act like they are authentically religious.

      When you profit from a lie like that, it is a crime.

    5. Anonymous10:10 AM

      I think her problems came before the concussion. It goes back to the damage done since the 'We love our meth♥' days. LOL

  52. Anonymous12:13 AM

    A Stephen King tweet:

    Stephen King ‏@StephenKing 16h16 hours ago
    Ted Cruz and Sarah Palin:sublimely irritating political speakers. Listening to them is like having root canal surgery without anesthetic.
    1,490 retweets 4,311 likes
    Reply Retweet 1.5K
    Like 4.3K

  53. Anonymous12:17 AM

    What's up with Piper's right foot? It looks like a foot that originally had 6 toes and one was removed.

    1. Anonymous5:55 AM

      She's trying to hide her toes.

  54. Anonymous12:19 AM

    Useless...all of them.

  55. Anonymous2:24 AM

    Are they in an anchorage hotel?
    If so, why is Pipper barefoot? Hoping to catch MRSA or something??

    1. Anonymous5:54 AM

      They're in Bristol's living room. Dunno why she has stripes on her bedroom, though.

  56. Where is Trig?? And FFS, Sarah, can't you put your fucking phone down for ONE damn second while you take a photo with your girls?? Sheesh!

    1. Anonymous7:40 AM

      None of the males are not about to be a part of this farce.

  57. Anonymous4:07 AM

    Why does Sarah Palin politicize everything? Why include guns and Ted Nugent in her Mother's Day greeting?

  58. Anonymous4:37 AM

    I suppose we'll get no clues about Sailor's real age until Brissy or MOH messes up and posts a pic of her standing or finger-holding-walking earlier than a baby would. That's a big 4-month old.

    1. Anonymous8:41 AM

      Everything about the dysfunctional Palins is shaky. When have any of them ever told the truth? Woman beating, family fights, drunken brawls, unwed parents, all of Sarah's grand kids are bastards, and some don't know who their mothers and fathers are, or when they were actually born. Is that the new standard for America?

  59. Anonymous5:07 AM

    Look at Palin's stick legs. My goodness. Pretty soon 'Gracie' will have bigger thighs than Grandma. Too bad Grandma isn't interested in hanging out with ALL her kids and grands. Gracie is the flavor of the month-still trying to ride on the MOH coat tails. And anyone who admires Willow for being 'independent' she has not moved out. She does not have full-time work. She does not have post high school education. She manages to take more vacations in a year than I have had in 40, and I doubt SHE pays for any of them. And she is always available for a Palin photo. So independent. I guess the bar in WASILLA is near ground level.

  60. Anonymous6:02 AM

    Granny has granny legs. They're all bums.

  61. Anonymous6:09 AM

    With more to come?? Please tell me Track hasn't gotten the girl he brutally assaulted and terrorized pregnant. News flash: Guys who beat their wives/girlfriends can easily make the leap to beating their children.

    Unless Willow or Piper are pregnant?

    Or maybe Bristol "got ahead of herself" again and is pregnant yet again.

    NOBODY in this family has business having children!

    1. Anonymous7:36 AM

      Sure they do. It really isn't your business is it?

    2. Anonymous8:35 AM

      7:36 AM Why is it any of YOUR business, Palin Troll? We would not even know about all of fucking and bastard making if they didn't post all of their business on the internet. Are you their attorney, fool? If you are, you are doing a sorry job of advising them.

    3. Anonymous9:22 AM

      7:36 AM Fraud scams and fraud scammers are everyone's business. Always will be.

    4. Anonymous10:23 AM

      Lol 8:35 and 9:22, little obsessed about the Palin's business are you?

      What do you spend 23 hours a day looking and stalking at their social media accounts, and then the second they put something new on there you lambaste them for putting 'all of their business' on the internet?

      Your idiocy and hypocritical stupidity is far more amusing than anything the Palins could ever do.

      Palin obsessed fools lol.

      9:22, let us know when you 'bust' the Palins for their supposed fraud scams (in your head). lol.

    5. Anonymous11:18 AM

      Hey Alicia, why don't you go masturbate to the picture of the your "palin girls" on your mommy's guest room bed?

    6. Anonymous11:32 AM

      The top picture deserves to be placed as the top picture and to have it's own post. Sarah likes a mystery but she was pretty revealing with secrets.

      Looking forward to the DM take on this family value news.

  62. That "us" tag seems to be a thing, I just saw this in a comment on the RNC Facebook page:

    Elizabeth Alvarez Trump2016πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
    Like · Reply · 10 mins

    Mark DeFrancisis
    Mark DeFrancisis Fall for little men with Napoleon complexes much?
    Like · Reply · 6 mins

  63. ibwilliamsi6:41 AM

    What has Barstool done to her face this time?

    1. Anonymous8:09 AM

      I noticed that, too. So sad. Old face completely gone. There was absolutely nothing wrong with her old face, she was very cute. Now she looks like a cookie cutter Hollywood wanna-be. Meanwhile, other young people her age are getting educations, real jobs, worrying about finances, insurance, daycare for their kids, etc.

    2. Anonymous11:16 AM

      She doesn't look as good as a cookie-cutter Hollywood wannabe. Who ever did her surgery made her face look deformed. Probably that old creep she allegedly works for. He probably performs plastic surgery and gives butt enhancing "injections" out of a hotel room with marina assisting.

  64. Anonymous7:36 AM

    "Enjoying some of my babies! With more to come... hopefully... and I'm sure, �� because it's all good." Sarah Palin

    Does she mean that Kyla Grace may come to next year's mother's day photo op? Nice of Sally to finally pose with Sailor Grace. Will all these nefarious characters will they ever find grace in that family?

    Sarah must feel more hopeful that Jordan Loewe will pose with the next bastard, or may be married to make the child a once removed bastard.

    Has Jordan given birth yet? She is kept like a prisoner, poor thang. Sarah has Track's lawyer dragging on the criminal case. Who knows when or if they plan to marry? Sarah would be so happy not to have to claim another bastard. I bet she will do anything to be sure she can have Track married by the time they make up Loewe's babies birth.

  65. Anonymous8:00 AM

    ...and I'm sure--- because it's all good.

    About that baby who is coming, hopefully, is that the baby that Jordan is carrying after her drunken night with Track? The night that Track bear up Jordan? The night when Track waved around a gun and threatened suicide? The son was was arrested and jailed when his folks were out of town? Good mothering job, Sarah. You must be so proud.

  66. Anonymous8:22 AM

    4 generations: Aysa, Lauden, Willow Bianca, Heather, Aksel, McKinley, Jordan, Charlie, Sally, Karen, Trig, Piper Indi Grace, Molly, Bristol, Sailor Grace, Sarah

    When is she going to say who Jordan is? The announcements? Is Daily Mail getting the exclusives? It is past due.

    Sarah Palin is looking more and more like an enabler. She keeps enabling weird men and the other abuses.

  67. Anonymous8:55 AM

    $P is a f'ing sick bitch. With no right to call herself 'mother'.

  68. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Soon we will see the current pregnant girlfriend or wife with her family. Where will that reception take place?

    1. Anonymous11:26 AM

      Jordan has a blood father? Won't he be there? What about the other men that raised her?

      Was she abandoned by all of them?

  69. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Did Bar$tool have a jaw-reduction surgery? Her jaw looks almost normal, but the rest of her face looks weird.

  70. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Tammy Hartz and Dr. Amod Paranjpe are Jordan Loewe's parents. They don't need Sarah Palin to announce anything about their family.

    Saint Louis Crisis Nursery Celebrates.

    Hartz and Paranjpe are at the top of the social world in Missouri. They also live in Alaska. It is hard to imagine they would hide and have someone as socially inept as Sarah Palin handling anything to do with their family.

    1. Anonymous11:11 AM

      Jordan is 1/2 East Indian, or is the doctor her step dad, different last names.

    2. Anonymous11:24 AM

      The mother kept marrying up. This is husband 3, 4 or 5. Jordan must have had a hell of a childhood.

  71. Anonymous10:24 AM

    make an announcement. ?

    Just curious. Did any of Trump's sons knock up a girl and later decide to marry her? Trump wanted Sarah to go home and take care of the mess with Track Palin. Is this Facebook post part of taking care of Track mess? She is announcing the new baby in her weird inappropriate way.

    Is this how Trump would handle a bastard grand baby's introduction into his family? I still can't figure out why Trump likes Sarah for her credentials, political or social.

    Trump bashes Hillary for being married to a bad husband. He calls her an enabler.

    What is Sarah Palin? Isn't she enabling all kinds of bad, bad behaviors for her family members? Not only Track.

    Why is Sarah Palin's enabling alright with him?

  72. Anonymous11:22 AM

    No wonder Trump likes the crazy ways that Palin handles family matters.

    Trump Told a Tabloid He Was Getting Divorced Before He Told His Wife


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