Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren to campaign together in Cincinnati. Doesn't mean a thing, right?

Courtesy of

Hillary Clinton will campaign Monday in Cincinnati with progressive U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts – marking Clinton's first public appearance in Cincinnati this election cycle and her first campaign stop with Warren, a possible vice presidential pick.

And then there is this from the Washington Post: 

The Hillary Clinton campaign has begun checking into the positions, backgrounds and financial dealings of at least three potential vice presidential candidates, Democrats familiar with the process said Tuesday: Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julián Castro, Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Sen. Timothy M. Kaine of Virginia.

Clinton herself has said only that her top priority is choosing someone who could become president in a heartbeat, but close allies have said she is also focused on picking a partner with whom she is personally comfortable and someone able to rally congressional Democrats and energize the party.

"Rally congressional Democrats and energize the party?"

Come on, who else does that really describe?

Besides you know if Hillary were not going to pick Elizabeth Warren as her VP it is hard to believe that she would so nakedly dangle the possibility in front of us only to snatch it away at the last minute.

I'm telling you, the Clinton/Warren ticket would steamroll right over Trump and the poor schlub that he tricks into losing with him.


  1. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Sanders Joins House Sit-in
    "Sanders waved as his House colleagues met him with strong applause"

    Yeah, his influence and regard by his colleagues is diminishing. LOL

    1. Anonymous2:17 PM

      Um, since he missed the filibuster, glad he showed up today, because the Revolution started last week without the old guy. :-(

    2. Anonymous2:33 PM

      2:17 Too funny

      Bernie had a $$$$ revolution to fatten his wallet, me thinks

    3. Anonymous3:05 PM

      Sanders dropped in, spoke to several folks, did the rounds and left. He did not stay.

    4. Anonymous5:09 PM

      You're trippin' as usual. He came, did some glad-handing, and left.

    5. Anonymous5:14 PM

      You gave a false analogy. The point is that Obama would have had a harder time getting elected if his running mate were also black.

    6. Disagree that is uniformly correct.

      Perhaps true if he had chosen
      Jesse Jackson.

      Likely untrue if he had chosen Colin Powell.

  2. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Tim Kaine is the better pick strategically. Elizabeth Warren will continue to be a force to be reckoned with in the senate and maybe even in a more senior position safeguarding the US economy and the middle class from ruthless bankers and corporate greed.

  3. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Julian Castro would be an excellent choice. Let Warren be Senate Leader, so she can keep hammering away at the financial czars. Perfect!

  4. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Just had to share this Trump commercial:

  5. Anonymous1:58 PM

    I don't think the misogynistic men in the country could deal with two female leaders. Just getting a female President is about all they can tolerate.

    1. Yes and the racists in this country could not tolerate having a black man in the White House.

      What's your point?

    2. Anonymous2:27 PM

      You don't have to beso rude to someone who is raising a valid question, Gryphen. You're just as bad as the people you criticize.

    3. Anonymous2:36 PM

      Trump gave a speech today where he said he wants Bernie Sanders supporters.

      Trump has tried to say his would be the change candidacy. Well, I think two belles beat a small-fingered money grubber to change we can believe in.

    4. Anonymous2:40 PM

      Gryph is the type that thinks anyone who criticizes Obama, only does it because they are racist. Such shallow level thinking.

    5. Anonymous2:52 PM

      Yet, here you are every day, 2:40.

    6. 66gardeners2:59 PM

      2:27 + 2:40
      Gryphen knows how to push your buttons.

    7. Anonymous3:03 PM

      2:40 You are the type that keeps on posting bullshit, hoping that someone, anyone will believe it. Keep it up, troll, we are laughing at your childish rants. Did you lose your 'binky'?

    8. Anonymous3:47 PM

      @Anonymous 2:36 PM

      Trump gave a speech today where he said he wants Bernie Sanders supporters.
      So, why would Bernie supporters decide to support a Repub, Don the Con?
      Is Don the Con thinking Bernie supporters are rightwingers?

    9. Anonymous8:26 PM

      gryphen,2;09 PM. I was addressing the issue of a 2 female party leadrship. Not the issue of an AA president.

    10. Anonymous8:23 PM

      I tend to agree with you. Obama balanced the ticket with an attractive, intelligent white family for vp. I think Warren would turn away many male voters. Unfortunately our society isn't quite ready for a female duo. Many voters are visual...that's why TV and magazine ads sell. It's been said; Hispanics will vote in mass to vote against Trump (if he isn't replaced for some reason), so Kaine may be a viable running mate if he is qualified.

  6. Anonymous2:06 PM

    " nakedly dangle..."

  7. Anonymous2:20 PM

    "Clinton will also appear Sunday night without Warren at a twice-postponed fundraiser at Cincinnati Mayor John Cranley's home, with contribution levels ranging from $1,000 to $33,400."

    LOL. She's going to Cinci to mingle with and raise money from rich people.

    1. Anonymous2:29 PM

      2:20 - are you five years old? Yes, she's going to raise money for the MAYOR, too. I guess you've never lived through a Democratic nomination process before? Would you believe that President Obama did and STILL DOES the same? Gee whiz, kid.

      On the other hand, Trump has 1.3 million and no one wants to fundraise with him, hence the GOP down-ballot panic.

    2. 66gardeners2:37 PM

      does that bust your balls?

    3. Anonymous2:49 PM

      "She's going to Cinci to mingle with and raise money from rich people."
      No shit!
      And flew there on a 19 seat Gulfstream I'm sure...
      And this on the emails:
      WASHINGTON (AP) — State Department staffers wrestled for weeks in December 2010 over a serious technical problem with then-Secretary Hillary Clinton's home email server, causing them to temporarily disable security features that left the server more vulnerable to hackers, according to emails released Wednesday.
      Just weeks later, according to previously disclosed emails, hackers attacked the server, forcing Clinton's staff to shut it down. The next day, one of Clinton's closest aides, Huma Abedin, wrote to other high ranking staff: "Don't email hrc (Clinton) anything sensitive. I can explain more in person."
      And check the file photo with article:
      "In this March 12, 2012 file photo, then-Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton
      checks her Blackberry."
      Fucking dumbass using an unsecure cellphone and had been warned against it.

    4. Anonymous2:53 PM

      Aw, the Hillary Hater Brigade is here. I love it that they waste their time here. Better here than out in the real world, eh? Less embarrassing for them that way.

    5. Anonymous3:00 PM

      @2:49 PM 'Obvi' you have ramped up your trolling. Do you actually believe that Bernie flies coach and that he and Jane stay in less than 6 star hotels? Get a grip little kid you are comical.

    6. Anonymous3:01 PM

      2:49 tries tocompensate for stubby fingers

    7. Anonymous3:30 PM

      2:29 Yep, it's just more fundraising as usual for an Establishment Democratic candidate: high dollar events in the fancy homes of wealthy or influential people. You dance with who brung you and that's who Clinton wants to dance with: the rich.

    8. Anonymous3:37 PM

      Maybe that person is dyslexic. Ever think of that?

    9. Anonymous3:39 PM

      Read the mission statement at the top left corner of this blog.

    10. Anonymous3:47 PM

      3:30 - I have donated to Clinton this year, and I have met Bill Clinton twice. I am not rich at all. Perhaps you don't get out enough OR perhaps you're not even a Democrat? The Clintons are accessible to ALL.

    11. Anonymous4:25 PM

      Read the mission statement at the top left corner of this blog.
      You are aware that there are two active FBI investigations concerning Hillary,no?
      And ya gotta love these Guccifer email releases,no?
      The FBI didn't haul his ass half way around the world fer shits and giggles!
      And Pagliano got full immunity for his testimony concerning the homebrew server.

    12. Anonymous4:47 PM

      It's the Hillary Hater with the same links over and over and over and over and over....And yet, NOTHING EVER HAPPENS. June is nearly over, and NOTHING EVER HAPPENS. So funny!

    13. Anonymous4:51 PM

      "Feed the trolls. Tuppence a thread.
      Tuppence, tuppence, tuppence a thread."

    14. Anonymous5:18 PM

      "Checked her Blackberry"
      Ok Dumbass, I'll bite. What was she looking for on the phone? Text from her daughter? STFU if you don't have details, hater. What a sad life you lead. YOU are here to stir up drama. You LOVE drama. That's what it is all about for you. Epic fail numbnuts.

    15. Anonymous5:20 PM

      Bitter trolls are having psychotic breaks. Incredibly stupid, low-info yet sanctimonius maroons. Waste of skin, all of them. Yet so precious.

    16. Anonymous4:30 AM

      Celia Harrison, go back to your own crazy-ass blog where you block anyone who disagrees with you. Frozen Justice? No Justice

  8. Anonymous2:31 PM

    EW may be Hillary insurance pick.

    I know this is sick because I heard it discussed in relation to $arah Palin being Trump's insurance pick against assassination.

    1. Anonymous2:54 PM

      Or Hillary's death due to illness: she really does not look well.

    2. Anonymous3:23 PM

      2:54 - keep it up and you'll get a visit from the Secret Service. Seriously. Gryph, maybe you should remove that comment.

    3. Anonymous3:40 PM

      Trump will have a heart attack before she does, 2:54 PM. Talk about unhealthy looking!

  9. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Hillary needs a Trump attack dog, she's no good at it.

    1. Anonymous2:42 PM

      Warren has been a magnificent attack dog. Trump's risen to her bait (exposing his racism) EVERY time, too!

    2. Anonymous3:02 PM

      Hillary still gets the upper hand by being more respectful toward others.

    3. Anonymous4:27 PM

      Warren's name-calling attack style is fun right now but has a short half-life. The best Trump zinger I've heard yet came from Clinton, about how Trump's books on business all end at chapter eleven.
      Clinton and Warren are miles apart in their political ideologies. Having seen how Warren has dogged Obama, I can see how it may appeal to Clinton to corral Warren into a job where the first two prime duties are 1) sit down, and 2) shut up. I really can't see Warren buying into that trap.
      I'm pulling for Castro - anyone who would inspire more Latino voters would help us get rid of McCain.

    4. Anonymous5:21 PM

      Hillary has curb-stomped Trump and kicked his ass out of the building several times. She has a whole colllection of ManBaby's Binkies.

  10. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Just when women wages milimetering up. With trump there will only be jobs for white men.

    1. Anonymous3:32 PM

      uneducated white men...t-Rump loves the uneducated.

  11. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Went to bible school with dennis hastert? WTF?
    Jim McDermott (D-WA) mocked House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) He is leaving. BIZarre statements.

    1. Anonymous3:56 PM


  12. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Pregnancy isn't a secret. Gryphens so funny. Love how proud they are of their family.

    1. Anonymous3:24 PM

      Wrong thread, Einstein.

    2. Anonymous5:23 PM

      Troll is lost. That's what happens when your IQ is so low.

    3. Anonymous5:42 PM

      What a lunatic you are

  13. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Nov 13 2010
    From: Huma Abedin
    To: H
    We should talk about putting you on state email or releasing your email address to the department so you are not going to spam.

    Earlier message:
    This is not a good system.

    Truer words were never spoken. LOL

    1. Anonymous3:24 PM

      How's the Hillary Hating going today? Judicial Watch = Trump supporter. What a dope!

    2. Anonymous3:34 PM

      No shit!
      Pagliano set it up and got immunity.
      Shit gonna get real...

    3. Anonymous3:48 PM

      Hillary Haters Unite! Better here than out in the world!

    4. Anonymous5:24 PM

      Hey Hater with the low IQ. Context is everything. Shall I cherry-pick the Bible for you and show you how that is done? It might make you cry though.

  14. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Paul Ryan is calling democratic house members' sit-in a publicity stunt. He should take a look at his presumptious nominee Mr. Trump if he wants to talk about publicity stunts. We need to beat them over the head with this issue.

  15. Anonymous3:15 PM

    dRumpf talking points against HRC>

  16. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Go Warren! Look at the troll uptick on this thread. They are so scared of Clinton/Warren! WOW. Go Liz! Go Hillz!

  17. Anonymous3:34 PM

    "Donors who give or raise $33,000 will enjoy a private reception with Clinton inside Cranley's home. Those who give or raise $10,000 will be able to meet Clinton Sunday and take a photo with her. The remaining donors who spend $1,000 will enjoy an outdoor reception in a tent outside Cranley's home, where Clinton will deliver a private speech. "

    It costs $33,000 to get inside the house! HAHAHAHA!!

    1. Anonymous3:49 PM

      OMG. You must be so jealous since Trump has only $1.3 million to run his entire campaign. THANK GOODNESS for those who raise money for Democrats. Turn on C-SPAN. I am so proud to be a Democrat right now. GO DEMS!

    2. Anonymous4:24 PM

      It's a private meet with 1% ers. That's everything wrong with the Democratic party today. No wonder Warren isn't attending.

    3. Anonymous4:46 PM

      4:24 - So sorry you can't get in to any good Democratic events. Keep trying! What town are you in? Maybe that's the issue. You might have to travel to events.

    4. Anonymous5:25 PM

      Yep, dumbass, that's how it is done on both sides thanks to Citizens United, public corruption thanks to the rethuglicans.

    5. Anonymous5:34 PM

      Yep, dumbass, that's how it is done on both sides thanks to Citizens United, public corruption thanks to the rethuglicans.

    6. Anonymous5:36 PM

      Oh looky! It's the under-educated, crystal ball troll. Keep screeching your bitter memes. It's very entertaining.

    7. Anonymous5:44 PM

      You do realize that this money also goes to electing down ticket Democrats? You whiny, obsessed, obtuse dumbass.

    8. Anonymous4:35 AM

      This is the first election where the Democrats are taking in more money than the Republicans and all of a sudden it is corruption.

      At least Hillary is getting money from RICH people that can afford it and deduct it from their income tax.

      Bernie was fleecing the poor/middle class that can least afford it and probable aren't able to take deductions from their taxes.

  18. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Anonymous2:33 PM-
    Warren *is* a Trump 'attack dog' as you say.

  19. Anonymous3:54 PM

    On the other side>

  20. I like warren and wouldn't be upset at all if she were to be the VP pick. I think it would be a good ticket. But I also like the idea of an age mix like we had with Obama/Biden. Fresh/young and older/wiser made a nice balance. Warren and Clinton are the same age, race, and gender. This is not a bad thing, but something for everyone would also be a nice thing.

    Warren staying in the Senate or being treasury Secretary would also be a good thing.

    I am happy that the Democrats have a number of viable choices, all of whom would bring something valuable to the ticket and it is nice to know that I will be able to wholeheartedly support the ticket no matter who is picked as VP.

    1. Anonymous6:42 PM

      I so want the VP to be a younger person, like Castro, who can learn the ropes from Hillary and be ready to continue in the executive branch.

      Warren would be so effective as Speaker of the House which would give us two strong government positions and hopefully get rid of the damnable Hastert rule that has caused the 8 year obstruction in the House - 50% of the Majority in the House have to be for a measure or bill before it can be brought to the floor for a vote! The sexual predator is going to jail so isn't it time his do-nothing law gets ousted?

  21. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Happy 67th Birthday, Elizabeth Warren!

    She may not run for VP but I think she will get a cabinet-level position if she wants one.

    What about Elizabeth Warren for Attorney General where she could prosecute a few Wall Street executives for us?

    1. Anonymous4:25 PM

      A Clinton Administration is not going to be prosecuting any Wall Street executives.

    2. Anonymous4:45 PM

      Did the Obama Administration prosecute them, @4:25?

    3. Anonymous4:47 PM

      Understatement of the year.
      They paid her $21mil. for "speeches" over a two year period.
      Only an utter moron would believe she didn't promise them the moon...

    4. Anonymous4:56 PM

      4:45 Nope.

    5. Anonymous4:58 PM

      Don't forget the Gulfstreams and the suites with 5 attaching rooms 4:47.

      Biggest lie of 2016: "That's what they offered." No, that's what Clinton demanded.

    6. Anonymous5:06 PM

      Oh, okay. So it's fine that Obama did not prosecute any but Clinton must be held to a different standard? Some of you think Hillary Clinton has been President since 1992. It's hilarious.

    7. Anonymous5:16 PM

      All the folks that paid for the "speeches" had to foot the bill for all the other perks also too.
      She'll fly in nothing smaller than a private Gulfstream 450, demands to stay in a presidential suite, and pockets more money in an hour than most middle class people make in 4 years. What a fucking joke.
      All these sheeple think she gives a fuck about them...

    8. Anonymous5:27 PM

      Drama, drama, drama.
      Lies, lies, lies.
      Keep up your little sad, hateful trolling. Epic fail over and over.

    9. Anonymous5:47 PM

      Anonymous4:47 PM,

      You are one fucking idiot. You do realize that what you are accusing her of is ILLEGAL. If you have proof of the quid pro quo, the go to the FBI. Otherwise stop your slanderous lies, you moron.

    10. Anonymous5:52 PM

      No, 5:16, it's not fine that Obama didn't prosecute any Wall Street executives.

    11. Anonymous4:09 AM

      @5:27 & 5:47
      Please do take note of the mission statement at top left of this blog.

  22. TwoBlueJays4:30 PM

    I'm in Cincinnati - history will be made here on Monday! My daughters and I are thrilled. Clinton and Warren. Two WOMEN. In our conservative state, in a conservative city. I'm so giddy I could twirl.

    1. Anonymous4:45 PM

      So jealous! Enjoy!

    2. What a wonderful day that will be!

  23. Anita Winecooler4:56 PM

    They'd be perfect together. Thanks, G, for letting the wah wah wah wah's yahoos troll comments through, some are really funny! Not popcorn worthy, but funny nonetheless.

    1. It's kind of like watching a flea circus.

  24. Anonymous6:21 PM

    "Hillary Clinton IT specialist Bryan Pagliano invoked the Fifth more than 125 times during a 90-minute, closed-door deposition Wednesday with the conservative watchdog Judicial Watch.
    ... during which the IT expert repeatedly read a carefully worded statement off of an index card while refusing to answer questions.

    Unlike in criminal cases, judges in civil suits are allowed to draw inferences from a witness’s decision not to answer questions."

    1. Anonymous6:44 PM

      Blah blah blah blah you got zip.

    2. Anonymous8:00 PM

      Get a life, you gnat.

    3. Anonymous7:14 AM


  25. Anonymous4:06 AM

    @6:44 & 8:00
    The FBI is comin' down the track for Hillary...

  26. Anonymous4:46 AM

    Warren is not going to be the VP pick. She doesn't help Hillary a bit. Rather than bring along Sanders supporters, they will be more likely abandon Warren if she were to be on the ticket. So Warren doesn't help Clinton one iota. Her state is solidly blue and Hillary does not need her to attract women voters, where she already dominates. Plus, Warren would not serve as vice president in a Republican administration.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.