Monday, June 06, 2016

MSNBC's Kasie Hunt suggests that the Bernie Sanders' campaign may not last until the convention. Update!

Courtesy of Raw Story: 

Reporting from Los Angeles, Hunt revealed that campaign insiders were “more solemn than you would expect” ahead of the final primary contests in six states when Hillary Clinton could earn enough delegates to become the Democratic nominee. 

“She is expected to become the presumptive Democratic nominee on Tuesday with all of those states that are voting,” Hunt explained. “The question of course [is] what is Bernie Sanders going to do?” 

“He had some aggressive comments over the weekend suggesting he’s going to stay in this,” she observed. “But I will say, I’m picking up from some sources — I covered the Sanders campaign for quite some time — that the mood in the campaign is a little bit more solemn than you might expect, even for the candidate himself and his family.”

While Kasie Hunt is only suggesting that the Sanders campaign is preparing to call it quits, other journalists are simply stating it as fact.
Hmm interesting.

Of course if Bernie Sanders is NOT ready to call it a day, the calls for Sanders to pack it up and go home are only going to ramp up after Hillary wins the nomination tomorrow.

And that pressure will only increase exponentially after a new player takes the field.

Courtesy of the New York Times:

President Obama, after months of sitting on the sidelines of the rancorous contest to succeed him, is now ready to aggressively campaign for Hillary Clinton, starting with a formal endorsement of her candidacy as early as this week. 

The White House is in active conversations with Mrs. Clinton’s campaign about how and where the president would be useful to her, according to senior aides to Mr. Obama. 

Advisers say that the president, who sees a Democratic successor as critical to his legacy, is impatient to begin campaigning. They say he is taking nothing for granted. 

“I want us to run scared the whole time,” Mr. Obama told a group of donors on Friday night in Miami.

Once President Obama comes off the bench the Democratic party is going to coalesce behind him, and to be honest I just do not see any space left over for Bernie Sanders to occupy.

After tomorrow the Democratic party as one is going to turn as one to focus on the general election, and beating Donald Trump. And if Bernie Sanders does not step out of the way he is very likely going to get his ass run over.

Update: Well according to the AP this thing is essentially over:  

On Monday night, the Associated Press said that Clinton had secured the support of enough superdelegates to clinch the Democratic presidential nomination when the party convenes at its July convention in Philadelphia. The announcement came on the eve of the last round of state primaries.

Oh....well that's a little anti-climatic. 

Okay does anybody else hear that popping sound?

I think that might be the heads of Bernie Sanders supporters exploding in rage.


  1. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Associated Press canvassed all 714 super delegates and 571 have committed to HRC. Combined with her 1812 delegates, Hillary is the presumptive nominee!


    1. Anonymous8:28 PM

      Now the media is attempting direct influence in voting to attempt to salvage Hillary's poor end performance.

      What a sham. What a bunch of BS.

      I hope everybody who is not a Hillary superfan takes note.

      President Trump here we go. Better than the corrupt DNC and Hillary.

    2. Anonymous8:55 PM

      Andre Robinson7:19 PM,

      What a fuckin whiny idiot you are. If anything this helps Sanders as the Hillary supporters will be lulled into thinking it's in the bag.

  2. Anonymous4:33 PM

    It really doesn't matter if he stays in or not. Hillary will have all the delegates she needs by the end of the day tomorrow.
    The real question should be " can he keep on getting donations to stay in after he loses?".

    1. Anonymous8:40 PM

      It's been said his donations have been dropping off quite abit since a couple of months ago.

      But, he supposedly collected a substantial amount up to that point. Remember, he had enough for he and Jane to fly off to Rome for an 'audience' with the pope - which was not an 'audience' and it was not suppose to be a political move! The couple are so full of caca!

  3. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Trump has called a press conference for tomorrow (June 7) night at 9 p.m. A stupid attempt to preempt HRC's victory. HRC is declared the presumptive nominee now according to AP!

    Hoping the press gives CheetoMan a hard time tomorrow night and we'll have to see how many of them he calls racist as per his personal instructions to his surrogates.

    You cannot make this sh*t up! I need to remember to make popcorn before 9 p.m. :-)


    1. Anonymous5:04 PM

      It would be great if none of the press showed up.

    2. Trump is such an ass. He can have his presser, but the media better stuck with Hillary, and leave that stinking fraud Trump hanging.

    3. Anonymous8:37 PM

      I'll bet Trump isn't covered as much by the TV channels! I know I'll be much more interested in watching Hillary Clinton claim her victory!

    4. Anonymous11:17 PM

      What's he gonna do? Announce his VP? He's already announced his cabinet.

  4. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Trump Campaign: Female Judges Could Be Biased, Too

    1. Anonymous4:41 PM

      Hillary: How Long Until Trump Says Female Judges Couldn’t Be Fair to Him?

      “I’m waiting for him to say,” Clinton said, “because of all the bigoted things he has said about women, that a woman judge couldn’t preside! By the time he’s finished, nobody’s gonna be left in this country that he is going to have exempted from insults!”

    2. "Blood coming out of her wherever". He will accuse her of PMS. What an ass.

    3. Anonymous8:35 PM

      Trump would be pretty stupid if he goes after Hillary with a statement regarding "blood coming out wherever"!

      She's gone through the change of life and doesn't have to worry about that anymore. A godsend for all women her age!! One less thing to worry about! Haha!

  5. Anonymous4:47 PM

    ot When will Alaska release mugshot of Sarah's favorite son?

  6. Anonymous4:54 PM

  7. Anonymous5:01 PM

  8. Anonymous5:03 PM

    The Ladies Of ‘The View’ Just HAMMERED Trump’s Obvious Racism, And It’s Glorious (VIDEO)

    1. Anonymous8:32 PM

      I love that show!! They did hammer Trump and it made me smile from ear to ear.

  9. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Bernie Sanders could have had a great legacy, a great role in progressive politics and cash on hand to mount a great progressive grassroots movement after the election. Too bad he didn't know when to stop and used up his welcome and his campaign money.

    With such poor management skills, I am now glad he didn't get the nomination. He would have been a failure as a president.

    1. Anonymous6:00 PM


    2. You are so right. I would've joined his movement. I've always said Americans need their own lobbying group to put pressure on our leaders. We need to fight against the big money-makers. I would even pay dues if we had a liberal group fighting for us. Bernie could still do it, I suppose. But I wouldn't trust Jane to be involved.

  10. Anonymous5:03 PM

    You need to update your story. Chris Hayes came out and reported Clinton has been declared the presumptive nominee. AP spoke to superdelegates and they are pledging for Clinton. She didn't want it to happen tonight. She wanted it to be announced in Jersey - where she had the victory stage all decorated and ready to celebrate tomorrow. So AP had to go a eff up her "party."

    1. Anonymous8:30 PM

      Remember the TV outlets (NBC specifically!) are corporate owned and those owners are majority Republicans who are very anti Hillary!

      I think they purposely tried to mess things up for her so she'd lose the majority vote in CA and other states by making that announcement today!

      Think Republicans were behind it to help Trump and hurt her! Makes sense to me!

      Loved how Hillary came out against them putting the announcement early! CA voting had not been completed and there are other states that still have to vote!

      She's no dummy and was probably pissed under that calm demeanor. She has my vote - she's one strong and able lady! Outstanding coming off the cuff too! No one better!

  11. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Get on board the Clinton train, Bernie! Let's steamroll over Trump and his supporters, and win this thing in November. Folks, voting in this election is crucial. We cannot let the Republicans get ahold of the Whote House and put a Republican charlatan film-flam man in the Oval Office. It's unfathonable!

  12. Anonymous5:09 PM

    I am Happy crying. Hope HRC wins outright in CA tomorrow, breaking and Bern-ing down the western wall.

  13. Finally!

    I'm 68. This has been a long time coming.

    I cannot wait to see President Obama and Senator Warren and our other fine Democrats campaigning for Hillary Clinton.

    1. Anonymous5:26 PM

      Yes! I do hope so. The first African American and the the first female president within my lifetime would be a privilege to witness. It will permamnetly break the stranglehold of the white male on the White House.

    2. Anonymous5:36 PM

      I think so too..and the GOP stranglehold on our country, if we can get everyone out to vote out the GOP.

    3. Me, too. I'm 64, with stage IV breastfeeding cancer. Doubt I'll be here for 2020 (I'm still planning on it), but to see, & enjoy in my lifetime, to have the pleasure to vote in our first black president is beyond belief. A handsome black POTUS (with a nice butt), who is brilliant, classy, patient, funny, quick thinking, confident, with self-respect, a true family man, and a man WITHOUT any scandals!

      Now, to be able to support, & vote for the very first female POTUS, makes me so happy. To think just a hundred years ago, we gained the right to vote. In fact, Hillary's mom, lived at a time where women were not allowed to vote. Now her little baby girl can vote, and be the President of the United States! That is so profound.

      I'm dancing the jig! I am woman hear me roar!

    4. Dancing with you, Giggles, and sending you positive, healing energy.

    5. Maddies Mom6:59 PM

      You are entirely AWESOME!!!!!

    6. Anonymous7:28 PM

      Giggles6:23 PM,

      I am so in awe of you. Be strong. So glad you had the the opportunity to vote for both of them.

      P.S. If you haven't looked into Phase II clinical trials, please have a look. There are some cutting edge therapies out there. Also, ASCO is happening this week in Chicago. Look for late breaking news in cancer therapies.

    7. Anonymous8:23 PM

      Take good care of yourself, Giggles - I'll be keeping you in my thoughts!

      I so agree with your comments and also voted for President Obama - both times. Plus, am totally in support of Hillary Clinton! Proud as can be of her and think her one strong woman!

      Can hardly wait to call her President Hillary Clinton!

    8. Correction for my post above. I don't have breastfeeding cancer, lol, damn that auto spell check, it won't let me type just the word breast. It automatically changes it to breastfeeding. What's up with that? Ha! Hungry men probably made the spell check.

    9. Anonymous8:56 PM

      Giggles8:32 PM,

      We knew what you meant. No worries.

    10. Anonymous10:34 PM

      Healing power to Giggles

  14. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Tonight, Democrats prove once again to be the progressive party. While the GOP nominates a sexist demagogue, the Democrats have chosen the first woman ever for president. Truly a day to remember.

    While Sarah Palin spirals into the abyss of being forgotten (along with other Republicans associated with Donald Trump), Clinton is just getting started.

  15. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Listen to Hillary Clinton’s Wellesley commencement speech

  16. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Clinton voter here. The media called the primary election and spoiled a good bit of the fun in voting tomorrow. I hope Dem. voters don't stay home.

    1. Anonymous11:20 PM

      That's why they did it.

      Do you remember Florida and Bush?

      Now people will either figure might as well vote for her since it's a done deal or just not bother to vote at all.

      It's a shame because we have a senator to choose.

    2. Anonymous7:27 AM

      The CA GOTV effort will be huge today!

  17. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Thank you for your graciousness, Gryphen, and for doing your part to unite the Democratic party.


    1. It's up to us Democrats to come together.

      Those who don't are not Democrats. And they don't have the best interests of our country at heart.

    2. Anonymous6:00 PM

      He is an establishment man now. The corporate executive bathrooms are far too nice to give the keys back.

    3. yeah, seriously. All the Hillary sycophants have done is push me toward Gary Johnson.

    4. Anonymous6:55 PM

      Because so many millions of Bernie supporters follow IM?
      As MSNBC put it, it might come down to pulling a lever in November to save your country...or not. Even GOP leaders who're trying their hardest to swallow the bitter pill are finding themselves choking as Drumpf doubles-down on the divisiveness, the irrationality, the hate.

    5. Anonymous7:17 PM

      Peggy Kloddhopper go ahead and waste a vote.

    6. Anonymous7:19 PM

      Let him double down on the divisiveness, the irrationality, and the hate. Be careful what you vote for, and don't come crying HERE when your life is even more fucked over.

      "You asked for it; you got it. Toyota,"

    7. Anonymous7:20 PM

      What are YOU doing to unite the party? Or does all the "uniting" and compromise need to come from the Clinton camp?

    8. Anonymous7:22 PM

      Peggy Klausner6:37 PM,

      Good luck to you. May you get everything you deserve in life.

    9. Anonymous8:17 PM

      And all The Bern folks have pushed me to vote for Hillary Clinton, 6:37 PM Gary Johnson who?

    10. Anonymous8:38 PM

      Andre Robinson7:11 PM,
      Win you Over??? If you won'T do what's right without someone kissing your ass, that says a lot about you.

    11. Anonymous9:35 PM

      Awesome response!!

    12. Anonymous10:07 PM

      Our family is voting for Trump, just for hoots and giggles, and to watch all the Hillary nasties shut the fuck up when he wins.

      Can't wait to hear all these nutty far-left liberals screaming about the sky falling during 4 years of Trump. Gotta say, it will be music to my ears :-)

    13. Anonymous10:20 PM

      10:07 PM - careful what you wish for.

    14. Anonymous10:53 PM

      10:07. It will be music to my ears also. So many looking down their nose self inflated liberals that don't actually know shit- about shit, are going to get a huge f-ing wakeup call.

      And I am going to laugh my ass off.

    15. Anonymous11:16 PM

      10:07 - is your family in the KKKlan?

    16. Anonymous11:21 PM


      Gag me.

    17. Anonymous11:41 PM

      10:20 your scare tactics don't work on those who aren't braindead from leftwing fearmonger brainwashing.

      Trump's lay it out on the line attitude is exactly what the doctor ordered. Time to clean house and get this country back in order and on track.

    18. AKRNHSNC1:02 AM

      @Anonymous 10:07 if you're voting for Trump, you were never a progressive or a Democrat. You're just an ignorant moron like all other Trump supporters.

    19. Anonymous10:41 AM

      10:07 - you'll never have the great time that we liberals had on the night of the election in Nov. 2008 watching McCain and the nitwit go down in flames! That was a beautiful night and was repeated again in 2012!

  18. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Bill Clinton calls BernieBros/Supporters> Bern't "TOAST".

    1. Anonymous6:05 PM

      Ok, I am a Hillary supporter, but really Bill should stay out of this. That was uncalled for. Funny, but uncalled for.

    2. Anonymous6:58 PM

      Yeah,he says some pretty "funny" shit.
      The Clintons both will look ya right in the eye and lie.

    3. Anonymous7:16 PM

      6:58 PM Just like Jane Sanders.

    4. Anonymous7:19 PM

      So will Bernie, if he's telling you he can still win.

    5. Anonymous8:15 PM

      Can hardly wait to see two Presidents Clinton occupying the White House in January, 2017. They'll make history - first woman POTUS - first married couple both having served at POTUS and two that have worked their butts off for America for years!

    6. Anonymous9:29 PM

      He said that about Bernie supporters that were heckling him.

      Are you saying he was not respectful enough to people that were not respectful enough to let him speak?

      What hypocrites! Be mad!

    7. Anonymous10:05 PM


      Comments such as the one you referred to are exactly why I'd write in Bernie or vote for Trump before voting for Shrillary.

    8. Anonymous11:17 PM

      10:05 - then you must be very emotional and not a logical thinker.

    9. Anonymous6:27 AM

      Anonymous10:05 PM

      THAT'S how you chose to whom to cast your vote? Based on anonymous comments that hurt your wittle feelings? Then you are too stupid to vote and should lose yiur voting privilege.

  19. Anonymous5:43 PM

  20. Anonymous5:48 PM

  21. Anonymous5:53 PM

    I voted for Hillary Clunton in my state's primary and I have to tell you, it made me choke up a little. I came home and told my husband that in all the many years of voting for the president of the United States, I was able to finally vote for a woman. And not just any woman; Mrs. Clinton is educated on issues, has substantial foreign policy experience and is more than capable of occupying the highest office in this country. I have no qualms about that at all. She is qualified; and I'm proud that in my lifetime, I can vote for a female president.

  22. Anonymous6:23 PM

    I can honestly say that I can't hear the imaginary heads of the Sandernista's exploding but I did hear the pissed off words of Larry O'Donnell complaining that it was wrong to declare Hillary the presumptive nominee before Bernie's backers had a chance to show that they were winning California. I must say that Hillary didn't want it announced yet either but, oh well. Leave it up to the AP to tell all of us there is no Santa Claus the day before Christmas. Hope everybody still gets out to vote tomorrow regardless of the announcement.

    1. Anonymous8:05 PM

      Bern-ing man flame out Party>

  23. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Bernie's going all the way to the convention, so says Nina Turner rallying for Bernie in Cali.

  24. Anonymous6:37 PM

    The DNC in at least two public statements during interviews on two separate occasions clearly explained that the media was wrong for doing so, and explicitly said that the superdelegates don't actually vote until the convention.
    DNC Chair Explains The Role Of Superdelegates | MSNBC

    CNN is DIRECTLY told NOT to include superdelegates in their count.

    The DNC tells us not to count supers right now. But every last major media organization tells me to count them, and all are preparing to coronate one candidate who does not, in fact, have the
    required number of pledged delegates to win the nomination outright.
    Some manic squirrelly ass shit goin' on here.
    Like someone is tryin' to hurry something along because of impending trouble comin' down the tracks...

    1. Anonymous7:02 PM

      Lol. No. Just media trying to get out ahead of the story. He who scoops first, gets the most hits. Welcome to some news, damn little journalism, and less, much less, integrity.

    2. Anonymous7:14 PM

      6:37 PM You are nothing more than a pest. Go away, troll.

    3. Anonymous7:17 PM

      Coronate? The word is crown. Oh and F.U. with the "coronate" shit.

    4. To 6:37 .... This is how it's done every primary season. The major news sources do this. AP announced first, then NBC did. Not sure who else has announced. As the NBC election director said tonight they don't work for the partys, or campaigns. As far as they are concerned, the delegate vote during the convention is only a formality. Anyway, the major news sources announce the info after they work the math, contact the super delegates & if the math adds up, they announce. Nothing strange about it. I heard that AP contacted all the super delegates, while NBC didn't contact them all, but a good percentage. Only a handful of super delegates may change their mind.

    5. Anonymous11:18 PM

      Rachel Maddow told everyone on her show last Friday that this would happen.

    6. Anonymous3:46 AM

      It's not over until the vote count at the convention,or Bernie drops out.

      having or wearing a crown, coronet, or the like.
      verb (used with object), coronated, coronating.
      to crown (a sovereign).
      You were saying?

  25. Anonymous6:46 PM

    On CBS tonight, they did their "breaking news" that Hilary was the nominee. No surprise. It's just that Bernie keeps hanging on. What's with this guy? And Donald, hee hee. His big mouth is getting him into trouble finalllllly. Even his bra Newt is upset with him over the judge issue. Dumbasses. What did they think? That Donald could be reigned in? Could you imagine if he becomes President and how hard it would be to undo all his shit we know he's gonna cause? Horrors.

  26. Anonymous6:49 PM

    What does “presumptive nominee” mean?

    According to Wikipedia:
    In United States presidential elections, the presumptive nominee is a presidential candidate who is assured of his or her party's nomination, but has not yet been formally nominated by his or her political party at the party's nominating convention.[3][4] Ordinarily, a candidate becomes the presumptive nominee of his or her party when his or her "last serious challenger drops out"[5] or when he or she "mathematically clinches—whichever comes first. But there is still room for interpretation."[6] A candidate mathematically clinches a nomination by securing a simple majority (i.e., more than 50 percent) of delegates through the primaries and caucuses prior to the convention.
    So, making our question unclear is the “room for interpretation” caveat (coincidentally only added to this page this year). We’ll get to that, but first:
    Here are the facts surrounding this term from the two separate, unbiased sources cited by Wikipedia:
    [3] David Weissler, former editor at Reuters: “Often a party's nominee is clear well before the conventions. But the process has to be formalized with a vote, so until they are, candidates are called the presumptive nominees. In the case of the Democrats, the winning candidate has to secure a simple majority of 2,025 (2,383 this year) votes by delegates and super delegates at the convention; the Republican candidate has to secure 1,191 votes."
    [4] Larry Sabato, “Encyclopedia of American Political Parties and Elections”: The term is often applied to the candidate who has not yet received the formal nomination of his or her political party at the party's nominating convention, but who has acquired more than 50% of delegate commitments through the primary elections and caucuses prior to the convention.
    By both interpretations, Clinton is still not the presumptive nominee, as she has not yet secured 50% of the delegates. Yes, she has enough superdelegates who have come out in support of her so that she can surpass 50%, but as we all know superdelegates do not vote until the convention. As of yet, Clinton is only guaranteed <50% of the delegates. It is therefore indisputably inaccurate to claim that Clinton has secured 50% of the delegates.
    [5] above is pretty self-explanatory: Sanders has not yet dropped out, and considering that the possibility exists that he could win if the superdelegates switched to him (however unlikely one may think that is), he is still, for all intents and purposes, a “serious challenger”. The simple fact that this possibility exists (more on this later) makes certain that, from a technical standpoint at least, we are precluded from claiming that Clinton is the presumptive nominee.

    Damn,those redditors are smart!

    1. Anonymous7:16 PM

      Well, thank you so much for cutting and pasting practically the whole wikipedia entry, cause you know we are so dumb we have no idea how to look things up and this is all news to us. Thank goodness we have you to cut and paste for us. shuuuuucks.

    2. Anonymous11:19 PM

      Bernie never trained anyone; all they know how to do is cut and paste from Reddit. Sad.

    3. Anonymous3:34 AM

      You would not have gone and looked up shit.
      Scroll back through this post and look how many sheeple are diddling themselves into a Gryph induced frenzy over Hillary's coronation,albeit a little premature.
      And you're welcome for the truth.

    4. Anonymous5:34 AM

      Anonymous3:34 AM
      We know the math, and we know the media. Just because people are excited doesn't mean that they are idiots.

    5. Whoever wrote this is wrong: "The simple fact that this possibility exists (more on this later) makes certain that, from a technical standpoint at least, we are precluded from claiming that Clinton is the presumptive nominee."

      If that were so, there would be no need to call someone the 'presumptive' nominee. They would have to have the 2383 majority from pledged delegates alone (58.8%) and if they did, they would be the nominee, no presumption needed. Clinton can rightly be called the presumptive nominee because we can add and because we can presume that the supers told the AP the truth about who they plan to vote for at the convention. That the possibility exists they can change their mind does not make a difference to whether we can call her the 'presumptive nominee' from this point until the convention.

  27. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Congratulations Hillz! You're going to make a great President!

  28. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Somehow, I believe Orange-Skin will drop out before their convention, and rMoney will step in and be nominated.

    Anybody else think this?

    1. Anonymous11:20 PM

      Or Paul Ryan

    2. AKRNHSNC12:55 AM

      I think it's a possibility but there's a far greater possibility that if elected, he would resign less than half way through his first term...too much work for him!

  29. Anonymous8:04 PM

    The November election will be the first presidential contest to take place since the U.S. Supreme Court ruled to strip some of the major protections of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which required states with a history of voter discrimination to get federal clearance before changing their voting laws. Seventeen states will have new voting restrictions in place for the first time. Among them, Wisconsin, Texas, and North Carolina have tightened their photo ID requirements; Kansas now requires proof of citizenship to cast a ballot; and Arizona has made it a felony for people to collect ballots from others and take them to the polls.

  30. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Hillary Clinton will be the Democratic nominee. The Bern doesn't stand a chance!! She has my vote!

    Can hardly wait for President Obama to endorse her and get on the campaign trail! What an outstanding source of help he will provide her! I voted for him both times!!

  31. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Donald Trump got his worse nightmare tonight. Trump will be facing Clinton and not the Socialist he was praying for.

  32. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Bitch how about you stop scamming those college students of their $27 and go back to Vermont

  33. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Do you think Sanders will switch political parties again? LOL

    1. Anonymous11:21 PM

      Yes. He won't stay a Democrat. He'll give a "Checkers" speech. Some of you know what I mean.

  34. Anonymous8:16 PM


  35. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Obama Is Eager to Hit the Stump and Shred Donald Trump

    President Obama has two traits that will make him essential in disassembling Donald Trump.

    First, he has the gravitas of a sitting President who plays the long game with remarkable success, and is rarely fazed by the hysteria of the daily news narrative. This is a stark contrast to Trump, who lives impulsively, minute-by-minute through a Twitter account.

    Second, the President has demonstrated the wit and timing of an A-list comedian. With just a few words from the podium, he can heap dismissive ridicule on Trump that will both cut him down to size and dominate news cycles. Ever undisciplined and thin-skinned, Trump will flail about trying to respond, staying on the defensive and making forced errors.

    The President will undercut everything that Trump's rise has depended upon. Trump will be seen as diminished and weak; issuing defensive rejoinders and spending days off-message, as members of the GOP back away and distance themselves from the mess they have created.

  36. Anonymous8:25 PM

    And can he grasp it back?

    While Hillary Clinton officially clinched the Democratic nomination Monday night, her supporters aren’t really celebrating yet. They’re still worried about the rebel from Vermont, the once beloved candidate who is now described as “sullen and resentful” by Mother Jones’ Kevin Drum, as “maddeningly narcissistic” by New York’s Jonathan Chait, and as a “driver of toxicity” by TPM’s Josh Marshall. At least Bernie Sanders is still fun at parties. By relentlessly attacking Clinton for being beholden to Wall Street and other moneyed interests, Sanders, as Gerald F. Seib puts it in the Wall Street Journal, “threatens to exacerbate Mrs. Clinton’s biggest problem, which is that many voters suspect she isn’t to be trusted.”

    So what has Bernie wrought? Some of Clinton’s supporters fear that she’s been so weakened by Sanders that we’re on the path to President Trump. They’re angry. Some of Bernie’s supporters agree. But they don’t really care, because they’re angry, too.

    I believe in a way [Clinton] is more dangerous [than Trump],” said Bernie supporter Susan Sarandon over the weekend....

  37. Anonymous8:37 PM

    OT... why hasn't Sarah expressed her views on Bristol and Dakota getting back together. She posts everything else on her Facebook. How come she never posts pictures of her grandchildren, all grandmothers do.

    1. Anonymous9:53 PM

      How come you need to to insert them into every damned thread? There's gossip sites for that. Stay ON topic or don't post at all.

    2. Anonymous10:05 PM

      Sarah Palin is not proud of Bristol's "mistakes".

    3. Anonymous8:52 AM

      Really 9:53? Are you lost? This is THE premier gossip site for all things Palin. Where do you think you are? With out the Palins this blog wouldn't even exist.

    4. Anonymous8:55 AM

      Anonymous8:14 PM

      Bitch how about you stop scamming those college students of their $27 and go back to Vermont

      Holy shit. Is that a Hillary supporter doing what Bernie supporters are constantly accused of by the hysterical media junkies? Nah, couldn't be.

  38. Anonymous8:43 PM

    I think people underestimate how big a civil rights victory this would be. They are so used to the republicans trashing Hillary Clinton and some Sanders supporters joining in that they fail to grasp that President Obama's election (twice), and hopefully, Hillary Clinton's election would be the culmination of at least a hundred years of civil rights activism.

  39. Apart from Bernie's other weaknesses, like his ignorance of foreign policy and the economy, he fails an essential test--namely, reality testing.

    He, his wife, and his starry-eyed and raging-mad supporters promote a fairy tale in which Sanders could wave a magic wand and somehow provide free and fair everything, to everybody.

  40. Anonymous9:33 PM

    You do have a flair for the dramatic don't you G. My head did not explode, just disappointed. I will be voting for Hillary.
    I do hope you realize she will be a centrist.

    1. Anonymous11:22 PM

      Wait until you find out who her VP is. It won't be a centrist.

    2. Anonymous8:50 AM

      My thoughts exactly, 9:33. No rage, no exploding heads, just Grift trying to sell some drama.

  41. Anonymous9:57 PM

    We're all good, still writing Bernie in regardless, no need to worry about anyone's "heads exploding" as you imply in your overly-used and hackneyed phrase. Just because the person whose political ideology one supports is not crowned the party nominee is no reason to relinquish support.

    Many of us would have never voted for Hillary regardless, although being taunted and treated with utter contempt by her supporters has certainly done nothing to encourage those on-the-fence to even consider a vote for Hillary.

    1. Anonymous11:24 PM

      OMG. You Berners have been the worst! You have called me a whore, a bitch, stupid, ignorant, and more in these very comment pages. Look in the mirror! And no Berner ever reprimanded them. No one ever spoke up to say that was wrong.

    2. Anonymous5:35 AM

      "called me a whore, a bitch, stupid, ignorant, and more in these very comment pages."
      I certainly haven't,and I have not seen anyone else use the words "whore" or "bitch" to describe anyone here.
      Go fetch the comment(s) and let's CorrectTheRecord.
      We'll wait...

    3. Anonymous5:41 AM

      Some Bernie supporters are almost as bad as Trump supporters when it comes to insulting people. Agree with 11:24. You can call Hillary and us all kinds of names, but when we talk balk were all meanies and you'll vote for Trump. Well that tells me you had more in common with Trump supporters than Democrats to begin with. So have at it. Join Trump's campaign. You belong there.

    4. Anonymous6:02 AM

      5:35 - do your own research of the IM blog comments from January 2016 to now. We'll wait.

    5. Anonymous7:03 AM

      Selective memory from the Berners? They cannot even recall the whole "Democratic whore" debacle at the April NYC Sanders event and the attacks that spawned against HRC supporters?

  42. Anonymous10:06 PM

    If sanders and his people were smart they would coordinate with the President to hold a joint presser where they BOTH endorse HRC. THAT would be a yoooge upside for sanders AND repair some of the damage he and his people (looking at YOU jeff weaver) have caused.

    1. Anonymous11:24 PM

      The President doesn't like Bernie.

  43. Anonymous10:29 PM

    I still think it's funnier than heck that all Kristol had to offer up was David French, and why c4p laugh their heads off. Preibus forced to accept The Donald for unity?

    Oh, my dear President Obama, you were that good! They all crawled out of the woodwork.

  44. Let the Rs have the dysfunctional conventon. If we can get through this with dignity it will help all the way down the ticket. Take back the House & the Senate - McConnell & Ryan aren't using them anyway.

  45. This article mentions the scam that is sarapac

  46. Anita Winecooler3:18 PM

    I DO think it's important that Hillary Supporters don't gloat, because we all know Sander's supporters wouldn't gloat if the shoe were on the other foot. I respect Bernie for his efforts and sticttoitoveness, also for picking the Vatican for their delegates, superdelegates and voters during a hard fought election.


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