Friday, June 03, 2016

So yes the Dakota Meyer/Bristol Palin engagement is back on.

A photo posted by Bristol Palin (@bsmp2) on
I had been hearing about the possibility that Dakota and Bristol had kissed and made up and that the engagement was back on track, but had nothing definitive until this picture showed up on Bristol's Instagram account.

As you can see she is prominently showing the ring off just in case somebody might miss it. (That means you Levi.)

So as we have been predicting for awhile now Dakota is back in the Palin fold. Right where Sarah can start to use him to refurbish her faltering reputation, and start grooming him for his inevitable political career.

I swear at some point soon this moron is going to long for those days back in Afghanistan when the only thing he had to worry about was incoming bullets and IEDs.


  1. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Have at it assholes.
    Let her have her big fat freak wedding and then after 14 months
    Divorce court!

    1. Anonymous2:28 PM

      And maybe Judge Sarah will mediate.

    2. Balzafiar2:52 PM

      Any bets on how long the marriage will last, if it even happens? Unless Duhkota grows a brain cell he may never realize how bad a deal he has made until he catches her with some of her regular fuck buddies. Even then, he may not care.

    3. Anonymous3:07 PM

      I call domestic violence court before the divorce court!

    4. Anonymous4:07 PM

      it will last until she gets him on video acting crazy and then the extortion begins....then maybe divorce. depends on how bad these two want his political career...just my 0.02...

    5. Anonymous4:45 PM

      You may be on to something, 4:07.

    6. Anonymous5:32 PM

      Sorry. Still betting he won't go through with it.

      Bristol will die single.

    7. Anonymous5:47 PM

      I don't know-on her IG. Account there is a photo with her carryng sailor in a baby carrier in the kitchen and she has a ring on that finger then-I am not going to be so sure about them being engaged.

    8. Anonymous6:51 PM

      The SarahPAC gravy train days are fast coming to an end, oh noes, what to do, what to do?
      A) Grift off of Dakota's MOH status, as either a wife or an ex-wife or a baby mama.
      B) Pretend to make nice in the hopes of selling a reality tee vee show
      C) All of the above.

    9. Anonymous7:50 PM

      OMG!DUH is the dumbest fucking ,fuck Evah! She must have a golden pussy or whatnot.
      Or maybe he's going to leave her at the Altar after he changes all the stuff for sailor.
      Otherwise he is the dumbest fuckass ever 'eh Barstool first comment ASSHOLE!
      I bet his family is thrilled, NOT! I bet old moneybags Saraee won't be sprinin' for this wedding. Hey where is her whore friend these days?

    10. Anonymous7:51 PM

      She's preggo again.

    11. Anonymous9:06 PM

      It only goes to show you even low information losers need love too and also. They have a lot in common and that's not moment as a compliment.

    12. Why is she wearing the ring on her right hand, my internal Etiquette Lady asks?

      Least important unanswered question of all, I know, I know. But still, it's just one more thing this collection of possibly related people (I won't call them a "family") Cain't Git Right...

  2. I thought $arah would have pawned that ring by now.
    BTW, hey Duhkota, you're a sucker & you'll be sorry!

    1. Anonymous5:17 PM

      They're both dumb as bricks and deserve each other.

    2. Anonymous5:38 PM

      You mean that $35 cz ring Sarah bought and was wearing after the first wedding blew up? Claaassy!

    3. Anonymous9:09 PM

      The ring is a hunk of junk. She did sell Tripp's silver baby rattle that was a gift for $60.

  3. Anonymous2:12 PM

    One needs to have a job or attend skool in order to qualify for "playing hooky".
    From what exactly did you play hooky?

    1. Anonymous2:44 PM

      She's playing hooky from being a mother. Again.

    2. Anonymous3:42 PM

      Again, what's so taxing about Bristol being a single mom?!

    3. Anonymous4:48 PM

      Are you serious, 3:42? Parenthood is hard and single parenthood is really hard.

    4. Anonymous5:00 PM

      I would imagine that 3:42 is referring to the fact that Bristol does very little parenting.

  4. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Dumb and Dumber part two.

  5. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Funny how she's "casually" showing the ring. So funny. These 2 deserve each other. A match made in hell.

  6. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Yeah, great start to a marriage. A few weeks ago, what's-his-name was still fighting what's-her-name in order to see his own baby -- although he wasn't quite sure if it was actually his. Now the lawyers have magically made their exit and these two morons from opposite ends of the country are reunited and ready to tie themselves to each other for life. Good luck with that.

    1. Balzafiar2:53 PM

      They're saving their money so they can buy a double-wide and a three-holer.

  7. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Playing hooky from what exactly? No job to go to, no classes to attend.

    1. Anonymous3:35 PM

      hooky - stay away from school or work without permission or explanation.

      Is she not drinking that shake for a day? She will get fat. She is so thoughtful not to smell up the boat.

    2. Anonymous3:50 PM

      Bristol probably meant the fishing hooks, hence playing hooky.

  8. Anonymous2:27 PM

    So she wearing the ring PURCHASED by SaraPac again, huh?

    1. Anonymous3:32 PM

      That would be too pathetic.

      The best shot was of Sarah on the war ship when she flashed the ring she bought

      . Sarah was so proud and that sucker Duh was happy they bought the ring.

      He earns enough money but this is all business arrangements. He didn't have to put out for the ring.

      Did Sarah buy Jordan's ring? She wants pretty much the same deal.

    2. Anonymous3:54 PM

      I don't think SarahPAC went to Jared for that chunk of ice.

    3. Anonymous7:20 PM

      That ring is identical to the fake ones you see in the back of every People magazine. Fake, Fake, Fake!

  9. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Meyer has a different photo on his Facebook and Instagram. Does Bristol wear her "hole-y" jeans everywhere? Even on a fishing boat? She's turning into SP, Jr. clutching her cellphone. I really thought that Dakota had more intelligence than Barstool, but it looks like I was wrong. Will Sarah officiate the wedding?!

    1. Anonymous3:25 PM

      Give her a break! She's broke!

    2. Anonymous4:00 PM

      Dakota is not very bright.

    3. Anonymous10:07 PM

      And in that pic on his site it looks like there's no ring. He says there that he couldn't be happier, so she must have had it and taken it off but put it on for the fish pic with the several guys.

  10. Anonymous2:32 PM

    The mentally ill troll from Florida will be all over this chastising and name calling other posters for stalking the "private" Palins that we "don't even know." It's her life ... that and stalking the Palins.

  11. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Played hooky? From what? Impregnating attempts??

    1. Anonymous3:06 PM

      Played hooky from all that hardass working?

  12. Crystal Sage2:45 PM

    Bristroll must have a Magic Twat is about all I can say. Must be something about it that attracts dumb-ass men. (I only include Levi because he was just a kid when he fell into it.) Wonder how much she'll pocket for an exclusive in People magazine this time. How soon before the pregnancy announcement? I just can't even...

    1. Anonymous3:24 PM

      Not magic, just easily accessible. The lazy guys fall for that everytim

    2. Anonymous5:08 PM

      Magic? I think that she does know a few tricks.

  13. Oh, that's funny... here I thought Dakota had a brain. Okay, I was willing to think that possibly a DNA test had shown Sailor to be his kid- now I'm betting that she f***ed his brains out and got him to agree to skip that little technicality... and then just kept his brains, uh, effed up until he agreed.

    Is there a term for a person who's willing to marry somebody who's admitted having sex with somebody else during their previous relationship? I mean, besides, "Dumbass?"

    1. Anonymous3:59 PM

      Dakota may need to look like the father to prove that he is a sexual macho guy.

    2. Anonymous4:26 PM

      Sailor is FAS and if Dakota is the sperm donor, both he and Bristol caused Sailor's condition.

    3. Anonymous5:03 PM

      3:59, will you give it a rest? Guys don't think like that. Your obsession is bizarre.

    4. Anonymous5:40 PM

      Sailor is not FAS. Why would you spread such a horrible rumor if you don't know 100% that it is true. I am not a Palin fan at all, but you are just a nasty person. Now, if you know for sure she is FAS, enlighten us. Otherwise, WTF is wrong with you? I can't imagine hating anyone so much that I would just invent a BS story about a baby girl.

    5. Anonymous6:11 PM

      Thank you, 5:40. I agree completely. This commenter has been polluting the site with her ugliness since Sailor was born. Disgusting.

    6. Anonymous6:32 PM

      Dakota has a least half a brain. He wants to run for Congress and he's probably gay. (No way is that 7-month old baby his.) He needs to have a wife and kids, so this deal is tailor-made for his purposes. Barstool gets to be married to a MOH who'll support her, and she can party all she wants. Works all around.

    7. Anonymous6:48 PM

      Thank you for that comment 5:40. Whoever keeps insisting that Sailor is FAS is a real jerk and Gryphen should have the decency not to let those comments through. Sometimes he can't see through his own hatred of the Palins to remember that this is about an innocent infant.

    8. Anonymous7:01 PM

      Agreed, 6:48 PM. She does the same on SPHASH's blog.

    9. Anonymous7:43 PM

      I won't know what to think until that obnoxious bitch Gina weighs in.

    10. Anonymous9:16 PM

      5:03. Yes guys do.

    11. Anonymous9:26 PM

      5:40. Altho she's probably not fas,she does exhibit some physical characteristics of fas. You really can't blame people's doubts after all the lies told by palins about trig's immaculate conception. Things don't add up. Why no therapy? Does it have to do with laziness,or otherwise? And the diagnosis at at birth was..? Why be so public if you don't want people not swallowing palins lies and asking questions.

    12. Anonymous9:28 PM

      5:40. Altho she's probably not fas,she does exhibit some physical characteristics of fas. You really can't blame people's doubts after all the lies told by palins about trig's immaculate conception. Things don't add up. Why no therapy? Does it have to do with laziness,or otherwise? And the diagnosis at at birth was..? Why be so public if you don't want people not swallowing palins lies and asking questions. Correction- ..if you don't want people asking questions.

  14. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Stupid is as stupid does!

  15. Anonymous2:49 PM

    If Dakota were a real officer and gentleman, he'd tell Bristol to forgive Levi the $60,000 + that she claims he owes her, and proclaim that he, Dakota, would be taking care of his new little family and he doesn't need child support payments from Levi.
    If only.

    1. Anonymous3:48 PM

      Bullshit! Why should Levi be let off the hook from supporting the child that HE helped create! People here cannot think straight and yet they criticize Bristol.

    2. Anonymous5:07 PM

      @3:48 Shut up and go home. You don't know diddly about honorable.

    3. Anonymous5:43 PM

      3:48 did not say anything wrong. You need help 5:07 and no I am not Alicia or a troll. You are just an angry asshole..

    4. Lindsay6:09 PM

      Levi has paid over 500dollars a month for every month that Tripp has been alive. Track Palin, by comparison, pays $437. Why in the Hell should Levi still owe 60 thousand in back child support? This is just ridiculous. Yes Levi should pay child support but it should be a a reasonable amount. This is just punitive and determined by some judge who is bought or bullied by the Palins

    5. Anonymous6:12 PM

      Yep!5:07 is off!

    6. Anonymous6:17 PM

      5:43 PM It takes one to know one.

    7. Anonymous6:55 PM

      5:07 you are a pathetic, angry asshole. And to Lindsay, what Track pays is irrelevant to what Levi should pay. I'm really disappointed in how so many people commenting here are so consumed with hatred and anger.

    8. Anonymous9:34 PM

      Hate and anger? Nah,just tired of the palin projection and bullshit lies. A child who will lie is bad enuf. An adult who lies,and especially unnecessary lies,is much worse.

    9. Anonymous9:39 PM

      Track Palin has no employment. Taxpayers would be paying Track's $437 a month. That is pathetic.

      He is a horrid excuse for a human being. The worst kind of father is so useless they won't get treatment and a job. If he is brain damaged it is time the Palin Brand is honest about that and the other frauds.

  16. Anita Winecooler2:49 PM

    How rude, she doesn't even give a shout out to the other worm wigglers who "played hooky", but then maybe she doesn't even know their names. What's that laugh coming from Alaska? Levi and Sunny laughing hysterically.

    1. Anonymous5:34 PM

      "HEY, HEY LOOK AT ME! I caught a Big Fish. Oh, and also a Halibut."

  17. Anonymous2:50 PM

    There you go, some thing you are good at garbage tabloid crap.

    1. Anonymous3:23 PM


    2. Anonymous3:26 PM

      Thanks to Barstool who poses for the Daily Mail and they get the EXCLUSIVES. lol

  18. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Dear Duhkota.

    IED's Bad
    IUD's Good

    1. Anonymous3:07 PM

      OMG I'm dying that's so funny.

    2. Anonymous3:39 PM

      Me too 3:07

    3. Anonymous3:59 PM


    4. Anonymous5:04 PM

      Quite comical.

  19. Anonymous2:52 PM

    What's the over/under on duration? Six Months? Six Weeks? The flight time of canned corn?

    1. Anonymous5:34 PM

      You think she's pregnant AGAINI?

    2. Anonymous6:50 PM

      I do.

  20. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Must be another bastard on the way.

    1. Anonymous3:28 PM

      no your Honor I didn't mean to cut the steering line to cause the rig to crash!

    2. Anonymous3:36 PM

      and who was that driving again? cough

    3. Anonymous3:54 PM

      @2:53 Damn, she forgot her cramp pills again.

    4. Anonymous4:02 PM

      This would explain Dakota's shark eyes while raising a glass to Valhalla.

    5. Anonymous9:33 PM

      Don't forget...Valhalla is also a code word for the white racists.

  21. Lindsay2:53 PM

    As long as Dakota moves to Alaska so Trip is not uprooted yet again I say let those two have each other.

    1. Anonymous5:34 PM

      Dakota has another little daughter in Kentucky.

    2. Anonymous5:35 PM

      She should just give Levi custody of Trip and live in Kentucky with Sailor and the new bun she's cooking.

    3. Anonymous7:47 PM

      Why the fuck would she need to do something such as that? All of the Bristol haters really should get a life. If you can't wish someone well in a situation like this you should take a long hard look at yourself. You too, Gryphen.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Of course she had to go fishing - after all, her nemesis, Sunny, has been posting pictures of her darling girls and Tripp catching fish...

  24. Uh oh. Didn't we see this before? It looked like it was over with Levi--then they got engaged---then she dropped him like a hot rock and treated him like a he was an STD.

    1. Anonymous3:24 PM

      They are probably pitching it as a reality show this minute.

    2. Anonymous3:41 PM

      I had the same thought about them trying to get a reality show.

    3. Anonymous5:46 PM

      That did happen before. A second engagement with Levi also.

    4. Anonymous6:33 PM

      That was my first thought too - we've seen this before, with Levi, and the wedding never happened. If I remember right, there were rumors that those two pitched a reality show too. Anything to get on television, I guess.

    5. Anonymous6:34 PM

      Yeah, the reality show pitch is: "BabydaddyBFF" (yeeech) They're probably already filming.

    6. Anonymous9:25 PM

      Bristol lead Levi into believing they would be a happy family "if" he would go on record and tell the public that the "true" things he said about her and her family was lies. He wanted his family. The cold hearted bitch kicked him out as soon as it went public. He lost his credibility because of it. The venum that family spews is so toxic. Dakota has been warned many times. If he goes ahead with it then he deserves everything he has coming to him.

  25. So now we can look forward to another real hillbilly brawl!!! HOOHAH These two fuckwits deserve each other..

    1. Anonymous3:53 PM

      Wait until Track brings Jordan over for a few drinks. Now, that would really be a reality show!

    2. Anonymous4:06 PM

      Jerry, Jerry, Jerry, Jerry!

  26. Anonymous3:02 PM

    WAIT! So, both of these morons have gone fishing. Where was breastfeeding Sailor? Where was TriG? Where was Tripp? Who babysat the brood?

    1. Anonymous5:36 PM

      She only breastfeeds at night. Remember?

    2. Anonymous6:49 PM

      Yes, and only the nights Sailor is in bed with her. In other words, the woman has never breastfed either child.

    3. Anonymous7:50 PM

      Shaming mothers who don't breastfeed isn't very liberal or progressive, is it? Breastfeeding often is just a way to keep mothers tied to their children and dependent on others, much like organized religion.

    4. Anonymous9:33 PM

      It already has FAS and herpes on its face. I can't imagine that the Stool would want to even share her tainted ass milk with it since it would be full of more booze and the herpes.

  27. Sarah3:03 PM

    Just so ya know we are thinking of lots of ways to make money.

    Just the other day the family was riding in the truck and we had another great ideas for a tv show!

    We are calling it LETS MAKE A DILL! We already are filing a tradermark!

    All you h8trz and blog stalkers r gonna have top suck it up cupcakes!

    1. Anonymous3:35 PM

      you forgot your meds again my dear!

  28. No, I'm Not Alicia3:05 PM

    I saw this photo earlier and I must not be seeing something that everyone else does. Bristol has on a ring on her left ring finger. Dakota is there along with several other guys. I am not making the connection that they are engaged again. The pic is not close enough to ascertain whether or not it's an engagement ring. And I really don't think that if it is, she's wanting Levi to see it. It's too big of a stretch to me.

    1. Anonymous3:35 PM

      You should take up pilates or yoga then.

    2. Anonymous3:46 PM

      3:05 I totally agree. Someone is getting desperate for clicks.

    3. It is not the only evidence I have, it is just the only evidence that I can show.

    4. Anonymous3:53 PM

      @3:05 Look at Dakota's Instagram and Facebook. It's a photo of just him and Bristol. People say that he has been there all week. Over Memorial Day weekend, he raised his glass to the fallen veterans, photographed in Bristol's house.

    5. Anonymous4:56 PM

      Gryphen, your mysterious bullshit is wearing very thin. "It's the only thing I can share." Bullshit. How much money do you actually make from this tired blog?

    6. Anonymous4:59 PM

      Gryphen, do you ever get tired of spewing the same old bs? You have been saying the same thing for as long as you have had this blog. You ALWAYS have more evidence than you can show. This is bullshit!

    7. Anonymous5:19 PM

      Before Memorial Day wk end, d. and Sailor were at Delta Sky Club in Missouri. Does his grandmother live there?

      Sailor was dressed in a pretty little dress.

      I hope grandmother is first on their list. That poor woman. He husband died and he still had the terrors about anything Bristol. It must be hard on the grandmother to have to support Dakota with this latest mistake.

      I hope he is not so out of it he forgets her. When will we see the pictures of grandmother with Sailor?

    8. Anonymous5:37 PM

      Why would anyone hold their hands in such an unnatural posture except as an opportunity to flash that rock?

    9. Anonymous6:14 PM

      4:56/4:59 Why the fuck do you hang out here, kid?

  29. Oh, lookee there, $arah gave up the ring she paid for so Bri$tol can wear it. Wonder what $arah bribed Dakota with.

  30. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Bristol and Dakota are back together?!

    Please cue Billy Joel, Garth Brooks, or the Weekend your choice.

  31. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Played hooker. At last she is a wee bit more honest.

    So she is slutting a round the bff co-parent. She is still promoting herself as a slut.

    Ask Track. If he is not in a stupor.

  32. Anonymous3:26 PM

    So who is the fishing charter?

  33. Our Lad3:28 PM

    Jumping Jesus, I couldn't have lived without this little cultural tidbit. I'm simply aflame with interest.

    1. Anonymous3:32 PM


    2. Anonymous3:47 PM

      No shit. Boring.

    3. Anonymous9:28 PM

      Now we now where Stool found her love of herself with fish lips. That will transform my world.

  34. WA Skeptic3:40 PM

    Good grief; wave a little nooky under a guy's nose and he'll follow it anywhere.

    1. Anonymous3:57 PM

      Bristol or the fish?

  35. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Amazing that Sara, who had more opportunities than anyone, prostitutes her daughter for gain.

    I wish trump would crown her his vp candidate.

    1. Anonymous5:21 PM

      They all believe that will happen. It is a great incentive to continue this crap.

  36. Anonymous3:51 PM

    As long as Dakota has to foot half the bill for Sailor, he might as well get something for his money.

    1. Anonymous4:33 PM

      Share, don't you mean. Lol.

  37. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Yeah, for non-paylins, playing hooky from work and posting about it on social media would get you fired. I really don't think this little MOH adventure is going to save the rapidly depleting pac. The family is doomed and it will be quite a show. Schadenfreude? You betcha!

  38. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Oh pretty please, let this be true! Last summer's engagement on/off drama was so much fun to watch!

    I love hillbilly soap operas. It's a guilty pleasure of mine. And this one was five stars! Bristol does not disappoint when it comes to baby drama/boyfriend drama/brawling/who's your daddy drama. She is first rate white trash, and the best part is, it's all free for us. NO cable shows, no "tune in next week....". NOPE, these idiots produce content 24/7.

    The Palins stand alone on the stage for hillbilly drama awards! You go, Bristol !!!! Shake that hoohah!

  39. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Is Dakota going to be Bristol's Pillsbury Doughboy errrrr Lumbersexual? Which is it?

  40. Anonymous4:32 PM

    No one really gives a thought. They also deserve one another. Fungi.

  41. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Umm, just look at him. Loner, sad sack. Now with trash. That is fine.

    1. Anonymous5:54 PM

      And of course a little baby is why he's back with her. And she has no real ambitions and is happy to have a wallet.

  42. Anonymous4:51 PM

    PALIN / MEYER 2020
    "We're Gettin' The
    Band Back Together"

  43. Anonymous5:05 PM

    In the past, Dakota seemed to fly around the country, appearing at veterans groups and making sure that his guns, t-shirts, holsters etc. were selling. Dakota showed pictures of going out drinking beer with the guys. Last year, not so much. Bristol's instagram slowed to a crawl, posting a few pictures of Sailor Grace. At first Bristol tied to deny Dakota any kind of access while demanding that he pay for Sailor's upkeep. Suddenly, there was change, a big big change. They don't seem to have very much going for each of them, so why not?

    1. Anonymous9:25 PM

      It is all shady. First Dwight and family will not say Bristol name in house. She told them fetus the Cletus was Dak's sperm and they do not want her name mentioned.

      Dak goes off with his preppy friends to a beach. Rowdy gentlemen style.

      He has nothing to do with Bristol being knocked up. Like no way could he have been convinced that was his doing.

      Piper got a pig she wanted, but that little baby had to go.

      Suddenly, Dak gets a pic of Bristol and odd scene in a hospital and he is happy with the baby. ? ? ? Happy with baby and he would have found a way to have been 'co-parenting' during pregnancy.

      He did not act like he thought he was the sperm donor.

      A good father is not about to miss pregnancy.

      They will have a shit load of excuses for him now that the script is what it is.

  44. Anonymous5:10 PM

    I get it. Sarah PAC is down and they can't pay Nancy French and Bristol Palin the way that they used to.

  45. WalterNeff5:10 PM

    This is all about selling the wedding pictures

    1. Anonymous5:25 PM

      Just like last time

    2. Anonymous5:29 PM

      They should have a reality show called Just add alcohol

    3. Anonymous6:17 PM

      A guy walks into a bar in Kentucky and orders a white wine. Everybody sitting around the bar looks up, expecting to see some pitiful Yankee queer.
      The bartender looks up and says, "You ain’t from around here, are ya? Where ya from, boy?"
      The guy says, "I’m from Iowa."
      The bartender asks, "What the heck you do in Iowa?"
      The guy responds, "I’m a taxidermist."
      The bartender asks, "A taxidermist? Now just what the heck is a taxidermist?"
      The guy says nervously, "I mount animals."
      The bartender grins and shouts out to the whole bar, "It’s okay boys, he’s one of us!"

  46. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Bristol's new saying

    "Cums In Two's"
    Johnston 2X
    Meyer 2X

  47. Anonymous5:18 PM

    I was afraid Bristol was done for good in the men dept. Good to know she will have someone to get her through her old age. Hope they do get married and live happily ever after. Despite how horrible they seem, everyone deserves a chance at happiness. Just wished this blog would not report so much on them. I know there's always a fear that Sarah will somehow end up in the White House, and we try to keep her down with words but if I wanted to know who Bristol Palin is bopping I would watch Entertainment tonight.

    1. Anonymous6:22 PM

      "Just wished this blog would not report so much on them"
      You know you can read the thread header and skip over the threads that upset you, right?
      I am a Bernie supporter, so I skip lots of topics here. Try it, it really works!

  48. Anonymous5:19 PM

    I have a close relative who knows Bristol and Willow very well. My sources tell me that Bristol does not have any feelings left for Levi. Other people project their jealousy onto her.
    Not Alicia either

    1. Anonymous6:09 PM

      5:19 You are still a Palin troll.

    2. She's got enough feelings to want to screw Levi under whenever she gets the chance, so there's that.

    3. Anonymous6:45 PM

      No one is this world is jealous of the lazy, always pregnant never married Bristol.

  49. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Sarah Palin promised Bristol a White House Wedding

    Now Sarah only has to get Donald Trump elected president

  50. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Did we forget about what his family thinks of these pickle f*ckers? Is DUH going to be able to get them back in line? I mean paying them off sure but they just don't have the money to do that kind of thing anymore.

  51. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Lou Sarah's Givin' Away the Pooter Again BBQ

    Will you attend Bristol & Dumbkota’s wedding/BBQ?

    □ Yes
    ■ No
    □ Decide Later

    Will you attend Bristol & Dumbkota’s reception/BBQ? (Note $25 pp surcharge)

    □ Yes
    ■ No
    □ Decide Later

    Will you be sending Bristol a wedding/BBQ gift?

    ■ I do not want to send a gift.
    □ Ask me later.

  52. Anonymous5:37 PM

    "Cums In One's"

  53. Anonymous5:43 PM

    DUH COATA: You want me to marry your daughter?
    It's gonna cost you!

    QUICK sell my Arizona house and my RV.... What else can I sell?

    1. Anonymous5:50 PM

      You could have sold Toad's snowmobile if he didn't fuck it up

    2. Anonymous6:44 PM

      We have yet to see that wreck. I'm beginning to think it was Sarah's excuse to leave the Trump train after he kicked her to the curb.

  54. Anonymous5:53 PM

    She's actually awkwardly tilting her hands out toward the camera to make sure the ring shows. If any of you do an experiment and pretend you're lifting something heavy such as a fish and you use your left hand to grab hold of the right to strengthen it, you'll realize that your hands do not naturally want to keep turning so that more of the right and left hands are exposed to someone looking on. The work they want to do is just to hold the fish up your hands, straight up because of the weight of the fish and how the one grasping hand supports the other. She had to make a conscious effort to turn her right hand outward so that her left hand's grasp would follow suit and fully expose her fingers and show that ring. What a freak. And too bad that ring didn't fall into the water.

    1. Anonymous6:43 PM

      I don't think it's real anyway.

    2. Anonymous6:45 PM

      The ring falling into the water would be great irony. Too bad it's gonna end up in Dakota's nose.

  55. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Interesting that Barstool's wedding date is in 4 years minimum.

    Coincides with Track's Domestic Violence prison sentence

  56. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Dakota looks like a wimp, a kept man. And Sarah and Bristol will lead him around by his whatever to do their bidding. He will have to do as they say since he obviously bought into the script.

    I wish - but don't expect - that Dakota will be the man in that family.

    First off, Dakota, buy your own damn ring not use that bling ring Mommy Dearest bought FOR you.

    Next, Dakota, buy your own house for your family, not one of Mommy Dearest's PAC-paid-for ugly houses that Sarah buys for Bristol.

    Dakota, yes, it would be great IF you could just convince Bristol to forgive Levi, specifically his way-over-the-top child support that teen-aged Levi was tricked into. Make peace and every one will be happier.

    Start new! Start your own!!! Start what is best for YOUR family, not what Sarah wants.

    If you do not stand up as the man in that family, Dakota, you will be reduced to diaper bag carrier, escort, blogger, money provider, etc. Take a long look at Todd. That's you in a few years.

    Dakota, if you think the Marines were tough, well, you are in for some challenging times. That is, if -- IF you have any self-respect left.

    1. Anonymous6:42 PM

      I don't get the impression that MOH has any more interest in a real job than his fiancee. What has he done since he got out of the service? Sold used cars? Now there's a career for you. Actually, I think all he did was put his name on some lot and make a commercial. He's put on a lot of weight too, and is not shy about showing off the beef. Couple of winners there.

  57. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Interesting, how Bristol goes through men the way an elephant goes through peanuts.

    Well, quantity over quality.

  58. Anonymous5:59 PM

    So, has Dakota been in AK since Mother's Day weekend? These two freaks deserve each other. Maybe Dakota/Bristol and Track/Jordan will have a double wedding with Sarah, the Wasilla loon, officiating. LOL

    1. Anonymous6:40 PM

      As soon as Sarah's official judge badge arrives from Tony the Tiger, the wedding's are on.

  59. Anonymous6:02 PM

    OMFG BAAAHHH HAHA!!!!! There isn't enough popcorn for the shit that will be going down OMG comedy gold!!!! :)

  60. Anonymous6:10 PM

    It aint offishal that Barstool's is gittin' hitched again, has a new trial husband again or has a new boyfriend again until you see her with a new mattress strapped to her back

    Is that Barstool walking into:
    America's Mattress
    1650 E Parks Hwy
    Wasilla, Alaska

  61. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Dylan asked Bristol will she marry him again?

    Boy would I love to be a fly on the walls of Dylan's relatives apartments

    1. Anonymous6:49 PM

      My mistake. Should be Dakota. You can't tell the players without a Lineup Card. Am I right Tripp?

  62. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Bristol and Dakota engaged again?

    Yeah right, Bristol is leaving her mama and moving to Kentucky or Dakota is moving to Alaska and leaving his whiskey behind.

    Aint gonna happen

  63. Anonymous6:48 PM

    I wonder how current this picture is.

  64. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Absolutely pathetic, any of 'em, the whole bunch of 'em.

    So, where they gonna live? Is Tripp involved? Is Levi gonna keep Tripp from leaving the state permanently?

    Wanna bet this is about shopping a 'reality' show? Will Levi stop Tripp from appearing in said show? Inquiring minds wanna know.

  65. Anonymous6:53 PM

    How do you know Dakota gave Bristol that ring? The fella to Bristol's left may have asked her for her hand in marriage. Is that Cousin Jim Joe Bob on Bristol's lefthand side?

    1. Anonymous7:15 PM

      That's the ring that we saw on Bristol's hand when Dakota proposed and the engagement was captured by Sarah's photographer. When they broke up, the ring showed up on Sarah's finger. People found a double on line, selling for around $125. or $150.

    2. Anonymous9:07 PM

      Do you mean the ring we saw on Sarah's hand when she was so proud she got it back?

  66. Anonymous6:55 PM

    The comments on Duhkota's Facebook page range from serious to comic.

    Several comments are about Bristol's torn jeans . . . a couple of people tell Duh to "buy her some pants!!"

    Here's one that may explain a lot: "I was sad to see your shop in Kentucky for sale the other day. Hope you get it sold!" So -- is Duhkota selling out in Kaintuck to move to Alaska with the One True Love of His Life?

    1. Anonymous7:14 PM

      Shop in Kentucky? What did he do?

    2. Anonymous7:34 PM

      Oh Barstool got what she wanted alright. How tired would you be flying to Alaska from Kentucky every three weeks not to mention the expense.I have no doubt he loves Sailor and free sex.

      Who else could these two idiots get?Dakota maybe Passed around Barstool? Nada.So they spent all that money on lawyers for something they could have worked out between themselves, brilliant.

      Mama Palin better but out and keep her mouth shut. They should have a private wedding at the Palin compound and maintain some class but we all know they will sell their story to whoever will give them a dime.

      I give it two to three years and another kid. Barstool can really get some bucks for three kids and half of Dakotas money. She can sit on her ass the rest of her life.I hope Dakota knows that she is high maintenance and wont be surprised when he gets the credit card bills for designer purses. Looks fade but stupid is forever but when dumb meets dumb who both like publicity it may work for a while until the money runs out.

    3. Anonymous8:50 PM

      They are both morons and deserve each other, 'nuff said.

    4. Anonymous10:03 PM

      Yep. Just ask toad to lend the dufus his plane with water in the tank. $ for bastard for a long time. Who cares. Have at it and go away. Neither is attractive at all.

  67. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Who really gives a shit about these two? They deserve each other. Two dumb clucks who hooked up. Big whoop.

  68. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Dakota, I'm sorry, I think that I forgot to take my birth control pills when you were here over Mothers Day weekend.

    1. Anonymous7:57 PM

      I hate to burst your bubble, but that is EXACTLY the line that the Johnstons told either Entertainment Tonight or Inside Edition when they discovered she was expecting Breeze. I haven't seen the video - I assume it's on YouTube - but I distinctly remember seeing that.

    2. Anonymous8:49 PM

      Levi and Sunny have two "mistakes", but they seem to like kids and even though they live kind of rough, seeming to be building a home while living in it, some people choose that path and the kids seem to be well raised and steered in the right direction.

      Yes, they will be hunting, fishing and gun shooting Alaskan rednecks, but there are a lot of these types of people up here and they're not all terrible people who raise awful children.

      Some in the redneck culture manage to raise kids that go to college, that make it out of their teens without becoming knocked up and excel beyond their humble roots.

      I think that Levi and Sunny will raise their succeeding generation to do a little better than they did regarding education and life choices.

  69. Anonymous7:49 PM

    I'll bet BP and DM will soon appear on some magazine cover announcing their engagement. The story will go to the highest bidder. Hopefully DM will keep his KY lawyer. He'll need her services again - you can count on it. Run Forrest. RUN!

    1. Anonymous8:58 PM

      They already did the mag dill.

  70. Anonymous8:11 PM

    I don't know, it's better to have someone that you can halfway relate to than to go through life alone. They seem to have guns and babies, patriotic flag shit and partying in common so maybe they'll make it or maybe she'll be hiding under a bed in a few months, during the darkness of winter, because they both got all fucked up, had a fight and the guns came out.

    Who knows. They are both uneducated and "proud rednecks" so they need to stick with their kind.

    I say let's make that little herpes/FAS bastard legitimate; you go you crazy redneck kids!

    1. Anonymous9:05 PM

      Sailor does not have FAS or herpes. Seek therapy for your irrational hatred of an innocent child.

    2. And you know this... how?

  71. Anonymous8:29 PM

    On Dakota's Facebook someone commented his business in Kentucky is for sale.

  72. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Are Bristol-Myers fishing for squid?

  73. Anonymous9:10 PM

    So what is it? Dakota finally paid for the ring that Sarah bought for their previous engagement and now they can finally get married since the ring is "out of hock" to Mama Grizzly?

    Bristol, being functionally retarded thus not understanding that the diamond market is manipulated by the jewelry industry to create scarcity, the same gem industry that actually created the "diamonds are forever" farce that gets stupid people to spend too much money on actually very abundant gems.

    She, and other dumb girls like her, just don't get the fact that the entire diamond industry is a scam.

    So sad to see people fall for it, but hey, idiots make capitalism work :-)

    I have had money invested in South African diamond markets, and bless these stupid people's hearts, they've made me a lot of retirement money by purchasing a gem that is worth not even a hundredth of what they paid for it.

  74. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Not sure if this is the business that is for sale, but Dakota owns or is part owner of Dakota Meyer Enterprises, Inc., Campbellsville, KY. It's a construction business - some of the construction work done by DME, Inc. is on military bases.

  75. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Dakota has really poor timing if he is relocating up here to AK and try to reestablish a construction business.

    The bottom is falling right out of our economy, and fast! Long time established oil field and construction workers are losing jobs each week and state jobs will be slashed as well to try to find some money to balance our state budget.

    Not sure I'd want to be a "cheechako" during our current recession.

  76. Anonymous10:11 PM

    We know how they love to exploit holidays so that they can claim to be more patriotic than anybody else, so be prepared for a 4th of July wedding.


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