Monday, July 04, 2016

Wasilla man pulls gun on State Troopers during traffic stop. Surprisingly it's NOT Track Palin.

Courtesy of KTUU:  

A Wasilla man was arrested Saturday evening after he allegedly pointed a firearm at an Alaska State Trooper during a traffic stop in the Knik-Fairview area. 

According to an online dispatch, troopers pulled over a gray Dodge Neon for a moving violation near Knik Goose Bay Road and Clapp Street at around 10:48 p.m. last night. During the traffic stop, a passenger identified as 31-year-old Jerome W. Orton, exited the vehicle and drew a concealed firearm which he then pointed at a trooper. 

Another trooper who was nearby was able to quickly disarm the man. Troopers say Orton then resisted arrest, causing minor injuries to the two officers. He was eventually subdued and taken to Mat Su Pretrial on charges of assaulting an officer, weapons misconduct, resisting arrest and disorderly conduct. His bail was set at $25,000 plus a third party custodian.

This is usually where I would say, "Just another day in the NRA's America."

But to be fair it's really just another day in freaking Wasilla, Alaska where this kind of thing is as common as domestic abuse, alcoholism, and accidental death.

Three things that are also extremely common in the Valley as well.


  1. Anonymous6:23 AM

    White guy, right? If he had been any other color, he would be on a slab in the morgue.

    1. Anonymous7:38 AM

      That was my very first reaction, too.

    2. Anonymous10:22 AM

      The Borough is nearly 84% white, so chances are the person committing the crime is white. It's not very diverse out here, especially compared to Anchorage.

    3. Anonymous10:43 AM

      Tawd and his AIP-KKK buddies made gud-n-shure none of them dark people stay in their valley very long.

    4. Anonymous12:56 PM

      10:43 am But Todd is not White, he only pretends to be.

    5. Anonymous1:05 PM

      Remember, Todd went after a black kid when he was attending Wasilla High School. Think he was the only black kid there! The Palins/Heaths have always been racist!

    6. Anonymous2:38 AM

      Right but Taahhd needed plenty of help also, too. He can not do it alone, can he? I still want to know what the name of the "snowmachine" was that beat the tar out of him. No photos as usual, PayMe style. They post photos of everything else, but not the damaged snowmachine? No weddin' photos?

  2. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Walt Monegan is running AK Troopers the right way! Lethal force is the last resort! FU Palin for what you did to Monegan and his family!!

    1. Anonymous1:03 PM

      Walt Monegan is an outstanding guy that Sarah and Todd Palin tried to ruin!

      He is one that actually beat the two of them at their sick games and came back w/flying colors as the leader of the Alaska State Troopers!

      Yea, Walt Monegan!

  3. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Clapp Street? Did the PayMe's have streets named after them, or did they name them themselves? Is there a Herpes Drive, an STD Walkway? I watch Alaska State Troopers on the Justice Network, and they have a dangerous job, just like all police officers. Domestic violence is the most dangerous call they respond to. Drunk driving and driving without a license is also common.

    1. Anonymous8:08 AM

      The Palins don't act like they're special. They go about their days, attend sporting events, special occasions, hang with friends and have jobs like every other.

    2. Anonymous8:26 AM

      8:08 Jobs? The PayMes? Surely you jest. Name one of them with a real job, and what it is they do. Calling producers begging for a reality show is NOT a job. Posing for endless selfies is not a job. Making screeches insulting the President of the US is NOT a job. Oh, if this is you, Bristles, getting pregnant by random guys is NOT a job.

    3. Anonymous9:01 AM

      Beating up your pregnant girlfriend and threatening suicide is not a job.

  4. Anonymous6:55 AM

    I'm curious, why do people choose to live in Wasilla? Is it mainly people who have grown up there or have been there for generations? Usually if a place is that bad there are some trying to help bring it into the 21st century and make it a safe place for families. Is there a group of people working toward this? Since Sarah Palin's "coming out" it has sounded like a horrible place. I'd love to hear from those who live there...

    1. Anonymous8:07 AM

      St. Louis, Chicago, east Brooklyn, Miami, New Orleans, gulf port, LA (where law enforcement is evil)...

    2. Anonymous8:31 AM

      8:07 I see your point but Wasilla AK, even the Matsu Valley is not heavily populated. I was just interested in comments about any movement to clean up the reputation and make it a decent place to live. Is it a few bad apples? The area has been so vilified (not just at IM).

    3. Anonymous8:31 AM

      I transferred there a few months ago for work. It isn't that bad, best feature, it is close to Anchorage and more options.

    4. Anonymous9:21 AM

      Maybe it's like other rural/suburban locations where there's little knowledge of what lies beyond. A friend of mine was a scout leader in a rural New England town where the girls thought it a real adventure to go to the state capitol (25 miles away). Some had never been to well-known destinations in the next town, let alone out of state. Parents went to work, came home. Kids went to school, came home. No thought ever given to what might be over the next hill.

    5. Anonymous9:26 AM

      There are some great places to live here in the Valley.

      Technically hardly anyone actually lives "in Wasilla" as the city limits are rather small and most of the city is a mish/mash of retail rather than residential. Most of us live in suburban areas outside of the city limits with a small amount of folks actually living in the city limits of Palmer, which has much more of a quaint "town" feel than does Wasilla, with sidewalks and parks and most services within walking distance.

      Organized subdivisions and certain geographic areas actually have neighborhood councils or HOA boards that enforce our covenants and some even have our own "neighborhood ambassador" force that aside from our personal home security systems, keeps a watch for any suspicious behavior.

      That being said there are pockets, such as the Butte area and many areas off Knik-Goosebay road, where people live in a variety of "situations" and a lot of bad elements tend to congregate together.

      Just like Anchorage, or any other city, one has to be aware of where NOT to go. In Anchorage one steers clear of East Anchorage/Muldoon and Mountain View, here in the Valley we steer clear of the Butte and the KGB corridor.

      Just as anywhere else the bad elements tend to get the most press.

    6. Anonymous10:16 AM

      Thank you, 9:26! Small town sociology is interesting, to say the least.

    7. Anonymous2:12 PM

      Just moved out here a year ago from downtown Anchorage. Home prices are very affordable out here and there is a ton of new construction. Your home buying dollar goes much much farther here than in Anchorage. Many residents commute to Anc for work, or work on the north slope in the oil services industry. It's woodsy, rural and quiet, however the "town" of Wasilla doesn't offer much by way of interest, nor is it a walker's town as its all spread out. It is the fastest growing area of the state and offers many the chance to own a home they could otherwise not be able to afford in the big town.

    8. Anonymous2:47 PM

      True that 2:12pm, you can get a decent sized family home still for less than $300 grand out here, also with maybe an acre or two. That is certainly not available in Los Anchorage.

  5. Anonymous6:56 AM

    If that man was drunk Track, Sarah would have gotten him released with no charges because he currently has drunken domestic violence charges pending. The drunken domestic violence charges will most likely be dropped.

    1. Anonymous7:07 AM

      I think the PayMe hold over Alaska is finally being cut off. Remember at the family throw down, many of the birthday attendees called them names, and chanted "F**k the Palins" They may have been friends of Taahhd's but they called Bristles a "whore" and a "tramp" What a reputation to have at her age, eh? Classy bunch those grifters.

    2. Anonymous7:57 AM

      She doesn't have that rep. Only nasty people call her that. People who want us to return to 1850.

    3. Anonymous8:28 AM

      7:57 Oh, yes she DOES have that reputation, earned it at least 5 babies ago. Friends of her father even know about her rep. Go somewhere else and try to whitewash the slut.

    4. Anonymous8:58 AM

      @7:57 AM Only nasty Trial Daddies, who have fucked her several times and left, call her that.

    5. Anonymous9:06 AM

      @7:57 - do you prefer the terms 'matressback" or the "Wasilla bicycle"?

    6. Anonymous10:18 AM

      Or "The Town Pump"?

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. Anonymous11:41 AM

      Patient Zero for the latest STI in town?

  6. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Yeah, Anchorage is much more civilized.

    Anchorage prefers to showcase rape and murder.Two things you never mention on this blog.

    Thank God for the white guys with guns who fought and died so you could be a lazy asshole on the Internet.

    1. Anonymous7:43 AM

      Anchorage is where the little Russian porn dumpling has her "business" right? So civilized, with the AfterDark crew running the show.

    2. Anonymous7:48 AM

      Well there's an idea, why don't you start your own fucking blog where you can focus on rape and murder in Anchorage?

    3. Leland9:22 AM


      "Thank God for the white guys with guns who fought and died so you could be a lazy asshole on the Internet."

      Obviously you know VERY little - if anything - about the racial statistics of those who have fought and died for this country! Before you post bigoted garbage like that around here again, you may wish to be a little more educated about facts.

      The military has LONG been an equal opportunity killer. And before you jump on my ass, I volunteered in the Vietnam Era.

      I would suggest you not try anything stupid along those lines here again. Those of us here know better. It is also obvious you either are new here, or don't pay attention because rape and murder ARE discussed here.

      Grow up. And do a little studying if you don't want to get reasonable negative feedback - or even attacks.

    4. Anonymous9:27 AM

      There's a reason they call it "Los Anchorage".

  7. Anonymous7:12 AM

    What? They didn't just kill him? Must have been someone they knew personally.

    1. Anonymous7:30 AM

      Was his last name Heath or Palin?

  8. Anonymous7:13 AM

    What's going on with Track's drunk, armed and dangerous, lying to police officers, domestic violence and fetus endangerment (beating pregnant mother) charges?

    Just imagine if Track's last name was Obama and he had dark skin. Sarah and Bristol Palin would be complaining to every news agency about how Track Obama got away with attempted murder of a pregnant mother and her fetus.

    1. Anonymous7:56 AM

      Wow you're deranged.

    2. Leland9:26 AM

      What makes you say something like that, 7:56? I mean, they've attacked the President about everything else!

      Besides, the first paragraph was a very reasonable question.

    3. Anonymous11:58 AM

      7:56 Deranged? Next they will be saying nonsensical things such as "splodey heads gonna splode"

  9. Anonymous7:23 AM

    If Marina Lupas's son's father or any other African-American guy from Aftadark in Anchorage pulled that shit against an armed white Alaskan police officer, it would have been reported as a suicide.

  10. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Yep, victim when it suits. Outraged when it's anyone else

  11. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Track wouldn't do that.

    1. Anonymous8:22 AM

      No, Track would never pull a gun on someone else with a gun, he just pulls guns out on his gf's when he is drunk.

    2. Anonymous8:44 AM

      He would if the officer were FEMALE.

    3. Anita Winecooler12:57 PM

      Where are those hip waders?

  12. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Liberals deserve a punch from track a private hardworking family person.

    1. Anonymous8:16 AM

      Alicia, what's the recipe for Track's punch? Is it a Fourth of July punch?

    2. Anonymous8:23 AM

      Naw, Track is too chicken to try and punch anyone but his own girlfriends. As for hard working, Track has been unemployed for yrs.

    3. Anonymous8:45 AM

      He is a little pussy, only goes after women, preferably pregnant ones.

    4. Anonymous8:53 AM

      @7:55 AM Track Menard is a pussy and only attacks women while drunk and under the influence. As for being a family person. why does he have restricted visitation with Kyla?

    5. Anonymous9:25 AM

      And this is relevant how? Stay on topic, please.

    6. Anonymous9:26 AM

      Sorry if this is a repeat (blogspot is acting up)- but then, it bears repeating.

      Liberal: "one who is open-minded or not strict in the observance of orthodox, traditional, or established forms or ways". Open-minded. Count me in. Dearie, it's not a slur it's a compliment.

    7. Anonymous9:28 AM

      Track's a wee man with an anger problem exacerbated by being an alcoholic. I'm a chick, but I could take him.

    8. abbafan10:24 AM

      "family person"?? He abandoned his "family" for guns, you stupid fuck!!

    9. Anonymous10:48 AM

      Don't forget Duh was knocked out cold by a female. Maybe Track feels that he HAS to arm himself!!!

    10. Anonymous12:08 PM

      10:48 AM

    11. Anita Winecooler12:58 PM

      You mean "Drop the kid, but pick up the gun collection" normal?

  13. Anonymous8:01 AM

    I'm a little confused about this one. So, was he a 'good guy with a gun' or a 'bad guy with a gun'?

    It's so hard to keep it all straight.

  14. Happy White Peoples Independance Day Bitchez!!!

    1. Anonymous9:29 AM

      Thanks! We're awesome, aren't we?


    2. Anonymous10:18 AM

      9:29 AM Only by your substandard requirements.

    3. Anonymous10:42 AM


      Aww, you gotta stop lettin' the man getcha down.

    4. Anonymous12:06 PM

      @10:42 AM Your feeble attempt at humor failed.

    5. Anonymous12:50 PM

      Racism is rampant in the USA and it's awful to watch. Our country has learned nothing.

      The only thing that will save us is the fact the old, white Republican guys are and will continue dying off (to include McCain and McConnell in the U.S. Congress!) and the younger elected folks will NOT follow in their footsteps!

      There IS something to look forward to America - we are going to be a country of mixed races that will get along!

      The whites will be in the minority and that is what is frightening them half to death today - in our governmental bodies throughout the country.

    6. Anonymous2:45 PM

      The entire ending of slavery was handled badly as many wanted to go back to Africa to their families and friends, but instead we decided to keep them here against their will.

      If there just would have been a repatriation program in place then race in America would be a very different thing now.

      We messed up.

    7. Anonymous5:16 PM

      @2:45 PM If you are not Native American. then 'WE' did not decide anything. What makes you think that your White ancestors were welcome here? You must be a Trump supporter.

    8. Anonymous8:12 PM


      Not NA, and perhaps my ancestors weren't "welcome" here but the way we phrase it is "to the victors go the spoils".

      Colonization can be a bitch for the colonized, but ya know what, it's happened to nearly every culture on the face of this planet, some even multiple times; either you're the colonists or the colonized, it's the way of things.

      People need to decide what side of that coin they want to be on and make it happen thusly.

      The Ottoman Empire had their day in the sun and for quite some time the sun never set on the British Empire. Philip of Macedonia ruled half of the known world at the dawn of the millennium.

      Throughout the history of man there are the conquerors and the conquered so stop your whining, it's a normal state of affairs for our species.

  15. Anonymous8:07 AM

    If the man was black, or Latino he would have been gunned down on the spot by police. No way a man of color would have survived.

    White men, even when they are armed, seems to always been captured alive. But a Black or Latino will be gunned down by police even when unarmed?

    Racist is so big in The U.S. it is institutionalized, and white privilege is out in the open now. They don't even try to hide it.

    1. Anonymous10:10 AM

      Let me edit this sentence:

      Racism is so big in the U.S. it is institutionalized, and white privilege is out in the open now. They don't even try to hide it.

  16. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Todd track and Bristol haves lot of the same friends. Motor heads and hunters. One man, whose wife is one of bristols best friends and whose 4 year old she babysits, is great friend with John pailetti.

    1. Anonymous8:44 AM

      You sure know a lot about Wasilla for someone living in Florida.

    2. Anonymous8:48 AM

      You know them so very well, you can not even write the last name correctly. Maybe you are a member of the uneducated PayMe grifting family? Hey, is Uncle Chuckles still married to the young woman he knocked up while married, or has he moved on to more young stuff? Just a family of values, those PayMe/Heaths.

    3. Anonymous8:49 AM

      @8:13 AM Your writing screams 'High School dropout'. Did you mean Paoletti? "Todd Track and Bristol (haves?)(a?) lot of the same friends". Start over and try again with help, dummy.

    4. Anonymous6:19 PM

      How does Bristle babysit some other woman's kid if she " works full time in a dermatology office"?

  17. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Linda menard was sure impressed with tracks carpentry skills. He builds a lot and helps chuck and Sally out with a ton of stuff. Like Todd, he's help anyone.

    1. Sounds like someone went off their meds.

    2. Anonymous8:45 AM

      8:16 AM Is that you, Piper, did you forget your English lessons again?

    3. Anonymous9:30 AM

      Nice of Track to help his grandma.

    4. Anonymous9:46 AM

      Except his daughter, because he doesn't pay child support.

    5. Anonymous10:16 AM

      8:16 AM Your comments are atrocious, and lacking spelling skills. You must be a Palin without a Ghostwriter.

  18. Anonymous8:16 AM

    He was either drunk/drugged up, or carrying something that was worth dying for. Since there are only 8 troopers for an area the size of WV, they must have been lying in wait for him.

    Just another day in ole Wasillabilly Land.

  19. Anonymous8:25 AM

    It doesn't sound too different from what Track did although this guy had not just beaten up a girl and was not drunk (apparently). I wonder how long he'll spend in jail.

  20. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Why does Track Menard Palin look different from his siblings?

    1. Anonymous12:38 PM

      Because Alaska's 'unchristian' Sarah Palin got some dick from Curt Menard and fathered his child! It is any wonder Track is a screwed up mess learning who his biological father was and how he died?

  21. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Who is the uneducated Palin moron posting here today?

    1. Anonymous12:04 PM

      Maybe it is Duh and his ghostwriter quit when he got with Bristles? I wonder if he is allowed to read this blog, what with all the TRUTH about his "blushing bride" exposed for the world to read.

  22. Anonymous9:15 AM

    There are a few bad eggs out here, but thankfully they congregate together in certain "undesirable" areas of the valley. When they closed down most of the trailer parks in Anchorage, guess where these folks ended up?

  23. I must be in a particularly horny mood this rainy 4th. Whether he's one of the cops actually in the story, the picture immediately made me imagine negotiating a happy ending of his traffic stop of me.

    Maybe time to put on some hot buttered cop porn...

  24. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Bravo to the two troopers who subdued the man and didn't shoot when they saw the gun.

    We have a lot of really good troopers here in Alaska. Far too few and they are stretched very thin.

    Troopers in rural areas don't have partners and are often called at home at night to respond to a situation.

    I live in rural Alaska and have nothing but good things to say about our Troopers.

    1. Anonymous10:54 AM

      Agreed. Watching "Alaska State Troopers" is very interesting. Several of them are African Americans. All are very brave, often patrolling alone. Every situation they respond to they know there will be armed people there. They seldom shoot, unless absolutely necessary. Their training is top notch, it has to be for the conditions they work in. Nothing but admiration for them.

  25. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Too bad that cops throughout our nation don't have the training as do the Alaska State Troopers!

    Cops will shoot first and worry (cover it up) about it later! Another white cop got off for shooting a black person recently! Makes me sick to my stomach - and, I'm white!

    1. Anonymous2:42 PM

      If anyone breaks the law then they deserve whatever might happen to them, regardless of race.

  26. Anita Winecooler1:02 PM

    I'm sure this won't show up at the Wasilla Visitor's Center's material.

    1. Anonymous2:42 PM

      Funnily enough there is no Wasilla Visitor's Center.

    2. Anonymous2:53 AM

      Wasilla Visitor's Center? Where is that - Bristle's house? Does she greet all newcomers (male) with her special brand of "warm welcome"??

    3. Anonymous9:41 AM

      The welcome center has an 'on her back' trial daddy room.

  27. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Just another night in Los Anchorage...can anyone pronounce that name or the names of the two that were shooting up their Mountain View apartment complex the night before? Didn't think so. Anchorage is a cess pool of people that came here for why?

    It's like Anchorage is getting all the world's trash trust upon it and yes, they mostly kill each other but every now and then a normal citizen is caught in their foreign gang crossfire. It's getting to be too much.

    1. Anonymous5:12 PM

      Maybe if you Anchorage faithful would stop buying their drugs, they would stop moving there.

    2. Anonymous2:55 AM

      Maybe they came for the porn, seems to be quite prevalent there. Marina Lupas works out of Anchorage, doesn't she?

  28. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Just another night in Mountain View...Los Anchorage.

    1. I realize that you are desperately attempting to attack Anchorage, but if you lived here you would know that using Mountain View to do so is an epic fail.

      Mountain View is not really considered part of Anchorage proper, and its problems with crime are well documented.

    2. Anonymous8:04 PM

      Um, yes, Mountain View most definitely is part of the Municipality and City of Anchorage, you can't disown it, no matter how hard you try ;-) It has an Anchorage zip code, it was actually "Anchorage Neighborhood of the Year" in 1989. It's yours, it stinks to high heaven but it is definitely Anchorage.


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