Wednesday, September 27, 2017

There you go.

From the plantations to the NFL, those brown people must be reminded to know their place.

Right Donnie? 

Of course in this case the owners are kneeling right alongside of them.


  1. Anonymous4:05 AM

    (paraphrasing) "I did not obsess over the NFL. I work; I'm ALWAYS working." Oh, pipe down, pipsqueak, of course you did and still are. Delete your tweets all you want; the internet is forever.

  2. Anonymous4:11 AM


    Tom Brokaw on MSNBC:
    " ... Lets stand back for a moment. What we have now is a president who is a campaign junkie, he can't stop going to rallies. That's his definition of what he ought to be doing its not about governing .... and then the reality of him going to one rally after another because somehow it's kind of a kind of cheap rush for him it has the nutrition value of a box of Cheetos ... But at the same time for all the promises he made during his campaign none of them are coming true, uh not one is coming true to be grammatically correct ... he has to talk about who he is how great he is..."

    1. Anonymous6:06 AM

      His supporters are starting to think his lack of success is all congress and the senates fault. Not his fault at all. THEY are making him a lame duck. The Right is going to canabalize their own.

    2. Anonymous8:26 AM

      Eat the rich.

    3. Anonymous4:09 PM

      it's all Obama's, you know. that mother f#%##$%^n%@#%^%@!@#%^ should have staid in his place! and if the rich keep taking from us we may have to eat them!

  3. Anonymous4:13 AM

    Blumenthal: ‘99 percent sure’ of Russia indictments

    Manafort and Flynn are among the Trump aides likely to face criminal charges, says the Connecticut senator and former state attorney general.

    Criminal charges against two former top advisers to President Donald Trump are virtually certain, Democratic Sen. Richard Blumenthal said Tuesday.

    Michael Flynn and Paul Manafort are almost sure to be indicted as a result of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election, the Connecticut senator told POLITICO .... But he said that several Trump associates may find themselves under indictment.

    Manafort and Flynn "are the most prominent,” he said, "but there may well be others."

    1. Anonymous6:08 AM

      They will be the sacrificial lambs. Trump and Pence will be protected because of the Republicans fear of their right wing base.

  4. Anonymous4:34 AM

    Trump Tweet

    With one Yes vote in hospital & very positive signs from Alaska and two others (McCain is out), we have the HCare Vote, but not for Friday!

    42 minutes ago · Twitter

    Does that mean Murkowski was bought off to vote yes for TrumpCare and to hell with the rest of America?

    1. Anonymous7:57 AM

      If you notice, nothing is being publicized about Murkowski's leanings this go around. Vote her out of office Alaskans - she is not helping your state and neither is Ohio Sullivan!

  5. Anonymous4:54 AM

    Choose Your Battles

    Hellooo Trump. We are almost at nuclear war with North Korea, Puerto Rico is devastated and needs help ASAP, people in Florida and Texas need help too and you're telling America your attention is still captured by NFL players taking a knee?


    Spoke to Jerry Jones of the Dallas Cowboys yesterday. Jerry is a winner who knows how to get things done. Players will stand for Country!

    1 hour ago · Twitter

  6. Anonymous6:40 AM

    White House Masta-In-Charge Trump called Dallas Cowboys Masta Jones and wanted to be insured Masta Joned was going to make him happy.

    Masta Jones told the White House Head Masta-In-Charge Trump that he will keep his negros in line and they will stand for the National Anthem when working out there in the 100 Yard artificial plantation.

    They are America's Team and they will tow Masta-In-Charge line.

  7. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Too bad Trump can't be sold to a plantation owner to work in the fields and actual do some physical labor - something I suspect he's done little of throughout his dull life!

    The guy is a racist pig and that is factual - check his record - especially with his Dad who was just as deplorable!

  8. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Please provide an actual quote of Trump stating anything about race with regards to the kneeling protests. Do you actually have any actual racial slanders/terms used by Trump Gryph?

    1. Anonymous10:22 AM

      8:24: Since - until this week or a week ago - ALL the people 'taking a knee' were BLACK, OF COURSE it was all about race, 'those uppity blacks' who 'don't know who their masters are'!

    2. Anonymous10:41 AM

      @8:24 AM Where was this quote about the NFL? "There are great people on all sides". Would Trump be happy if the NFL players displayed a Confederate Flag instead?

    3. Anonymous10:45 AM

      Hey 8:24, try this:

    4. Anonymous10:48 AM

      10:22, do you actually have any actual racial slanders/terms used by Trump? Or are you just labeling anyone with a differing opinion about standing and paying respect to the flag as racist, because that is what Democrats do?

  9. Anonymous8:56 AM


    "Trump is being described as isolated, friendless, and at war with everyone around him." Trump continues to make every issue about HIM$elf — at the very time that he most needs friends.” He has taken the golden ticket of one-party control and turned into a GOLDen $hower on the heads of every Republican. A man so obsessed with winning is living the life of a LO$ER in the White House."

    "Rocket Man" government says Trump has declared war on North Korea. WashPost: "North Korean government officials have been quietly trying to arrange talks with Republican-linked analysts in Washington, in an apparent attempt to MAKE $EN$E of President Trump."

    "All this has left Trump isolated inside his White House at a time when he needs muscle with the Hill and juice with the public to try to pass tax reform.
    Be smart: With his stoking of the culture war and bombastic style amid national and global turbulence, Trump continues to make every issue about HIM$elf."

  10. Anonymous8:59 AM

    {Buffalo Bills said FUCK NO to HIM}

  11. Anonymous10:16 AM

    That Cowboys owner taking a knee was fake as fake can be! He did it BEFORE they played the anthem, standing up for the anthem!

    1. Anonymous10:57 AM

      Well, maybe they felt they didn't want to disrespect the flag and country, and those that have sacrificed for it.

      Hard concept? Can't really make it much simpler...


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