Tuesday, October 24, 2017

EPA gagged agency scientists who were scheduled to speak at Rhode Island climate change conference yesterday.

Courtesy of the New York Times:

The Environmental Protection Agency has canceled the speaking appearance of three agency scientists who were scheduled to discuss climate change at a conference on Monday in Rhode Island, according to the agency and several people involved. 

John Konkus, an E.P.A. spokesman and a former Trump campaign operative in Florida, confirmed that agency scientists would not speak at the State of the Narragansett Bay and Watershed program in Providence. He provided no further explanation. 

Scientists involved in the program said that much of the discussion at the event centers on climate change. Many said they were surprised by the E.P.A.’s last-minute cancellation, particularly since the agency helps to fund the Narragansett Bay Estuary Program, which is hosting the conference. 

The scientists who have been barred from speaking contributed substantial material to a 400-page report to be issued on Monday. The move highlights widespread concern that the E.P.A. will silence government scientists from speaking publicly or conducting work on climate change. Scott Pruitt, the agency administrator, has said that he does not believe human-caused greenhouse gas emissions are primarily responsible for the warming of the planet. 

This is how dictatorships work.

Attack the media, silence the intellectuals, and spread fear among the people. 

In the meantime they implement policies which allow them to grow their wealth, while endangering the population.

They always say that elections have consequences, and in this case that is quite the understatement.


  1. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Keep waiting for radical environmental protesters to do serious damage to Trump's golf courses.

    1. Anonymous8:30 AM

      How about some crop duster planes with Agent Orange?

    2. Anonymous10:12 AM

      The radicals consider this is war. The threats against Scott Pruitt, the agency administrator, have increased.

    3. Anonymous3:22 PM

      10:12 'radicals'

      Those who don't want to see the environment become poisonous.

    4. Round Up.

      Trump will have Pruitt crucify Monsanto.

  2. Anonymous7:53 AM

    *** A MOVIE SCRIPT ****

    A militant group called "Earth Savers" has decided to take drastic actions to stop polluters and politicians that are destroying the earth and mankind.

    They train groups of assassins to hunt down CEO's of polluting companies and politicians that fail to stop the destruction of the planet.

    If you continue to ignore climate change, if you vote to pull out of climate accords and if you pollute your fate will be sealed.

    For the good of all of mankind ... some need to eliminated.

    1. Anonymous8:21 AM

      Lol. How about instead the world stops reproducing more humans. If we don't, everything else is inevitable.

      In your 'movie script', you think attempting to stopping big corporations will 'save the environment. If you succeeded it wouldn't be long before the grocery stores had no produce or any other food... no gas at the stations...and that is just the start as civilization simply falls apart and it is man against man survival.

      There would undoubtedly sooner or later be nuclear reactor meltdowns, leaks. from lack of stewardship, as well as mass pollution from other unattended sources including our own human waste. Fires that start in big cities with no ability to stop them... equally same with massive forest fires.

      How'd that work out for you?

    2. Anonymous9:10 AM

      8:21 so we just let corporation do their thing? Look at China. Unregulated capitalism doesn't work unless you want to live in a toxic environment. Corporations aren't going to clean up their act because of the goodness of their hearts. It cuts into shareholder value and profit margins if they have to invest in cleaner production.

    3. Anonymous9:59 AM

      You miss the point 9:10.

      Corporations exist as a natural by-product of population. You want less pollution. Less people.

      The US for decades has off-shored many aspect of industry due to lax regulations in foreign countries, ie look at the pollution in India, and china for that matter.

      People are the problem. If you want to help pollution, stop driving your car, don't use any form of transportation besides your feet, don't buy anything that has been manufactured, turn off all your electronics, and don't have any kids.

    4. Anonymous11:56 AM

      9:59 - you are truly silly.

    5. Anonymous12:24 PM

      How so 11:56?

      Do have any idea the mass production in this world just to keep it going, and how it relates to population?

    6. Anonymous1:56 PM

      12:24 - Regulations to clean up the manufacturing processes are what is required. The world isn't going to go back to the pre manufacturing/ technological eras and become populated by luddites living in mud huts while hunting with bows and arrows. After all, how would your sacred corporations make the big bucks if no one is buying their manufactured products and instead live like cavemen in primitive conditions?

  3. Anonymous7:57 AM

    OT?"Whitefish Energy Holdings,">2 {tOO}
    full-time employees. "Whitefish Chief Executive Officer Andy Techmanski is friends with Trump administration Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke. Whitefish is located in Zinke’s hometown of Whitefish, Montana."
    " addition to the Colonnettas’ contributions to Trump’s presidential campaign, Kimberly Colonnetta’s Facebook page contains a photo of her with Ben Carson, Trump’s secretary of housing and urban development. Another photo appears to show Kimberly Colonnetta with Trump Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. Both photos were posted the week of Trump’s inauguration."

    “It is a cozy sweetheart deal in which Whitefish gets a gratuity for subcontracting the actual providers.”

    "PREPA spokesman Carlos Monroig Aceveda told weather.com that its contracts “are evaluated and awarded by the U.S. Corps of Engineers in coordination with FEMA, which disburses the money.”
    “It is reprehensible that shameless profiteering is going on literally on the back of the devastated people of Puerto Rico. It is beyond contempt and people should answer for it.”


    1. Anonymous8:19 AM





    2. Anonymous8:29 AM

      I saw that and was shocked. 'Reprehensible' is an understatement in this situation.

  4. Anonymous8:16 AM

    So basically the folks Trump has put in charge are greedy science denying(as convenient) sociopaths who only care about making enormous amounts the money for the corporations and the wealthy. They have no interest in the health of the planet, the future of the human race(and that of other life forms) and how poison the environment is. They are the face of absolutely pure evil. The entire world will suffer because of these evil psychopaths. I wish I could force them to live out the rest of their lives in septic tanks rather than the mansions they currently reside in. They do not deserve to live on this planet when all they do is try to destroy the environment for their own selfish greedy desires. As the environment gets more extreme and difficult because of the pollution and millions(if not billions) suffer they better look out for the pitchfork crowd. It will be enormous beyond belief.

    1. Pretty much.

      Or as my father put it. “Why should I care if elephants go extinct? I’ve seen an elephant.”

  5. Anonymous8:59 AM

    "Kim Jong Un’s hermit kingdom potentially has another arsenal up its sleeve in the form of a biological weapons program. A new report from Harvard think tank the Belfer Center released this month said it’s highly likely the nation is building a stockpile of biological weapons."
    "Using intelligence reports and the testimony of defectors from the country, the report mapped out 13 potential agents that North Korea is assumed to have in its possession, including cholera, anthrax, the plague, typhoid and other such pathogens.

    “In addition to possessing these agents, the Ministry of National Defense assessed that North Korea may even have the capabilities to weaponize them,” the report stated. “A reasonable assessment is that North Korea has the capability to cultivate and produce biological weapons.”"'“The goal of the international community should be to simultaneously gather more information about North Korea’s biological weapons capability and reduce this threat posed by North Korea. It should not be comforted by the scarcity of information on the program, but should instead redouble efforts to better understand the threat and prepare to respond to it.”"


  6. Anonymous9:59 AM

    I’ve traveled abroad quite a bit this year. The citizens of *every single country* I’ve visited know there is climate change. They see it. Their government sees it. I recently got back from Iceland. They are witnessing first hand the effects of climate change. Birds are no longer migrating in winter. Glaciers are melting. Insects which should not be living there, are. The list goes on and on. Horrifying and sad to see the changes. It’s embarrassing to travel abroad now. Trump is a joke.

    1. Anonymous11:17 AM

      Trump caused climate change in less than a year?

    2. Anonymous11:55 AM

      11:17 -You just don't get it at all.

    3. Anonymous12:25 PM

      Don't get what 11:55?

    4. Anonymous1:39 PM

      11:17 - look at who Trump installed at the EPA. That's the issue.

  7. Anonymous10:05 AM


    "worthy of a spy thriller."

    " a protestor who apparently managed to infiltrate the press area, and threw Russian flags at the president while yelling "Trump is treason!" The man, who identified himself as Ryan Clayton of Americans Take Action, a group dedicated to Trump's impeachment, was promptly arrested by Capitol Police."

  8. I think there was a news report on how many people are dying because of environmental pollution.

    Coal burning power plants, anyone?

  9. Randall2:34 AM

    I wonder if Democrats will vote in the next election?

    ...there may not be many left


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