Friday, October 27, 2017

The Alt-Right are using NATO and British Intelligence psychological warfare techniques to spread white nationalism. Well isn't that special.

Courtesy of Newsweek: 

Far right groups under the banner of the so-called 'alt right' are using psychological warfare techniques learnt from leaked NATO and British intelligence documents to spread white supremacism across the world, according to a new report. 

In a study by the the Institute of Strategic Dialogue—titled 'The Fringe Insurgency'—Julia Ebner and Jacob Davey argue that activists are "weaponising internet culture" to spread their ideology online and subvert democracies. 

After spending several weeks undercover on online alt-right forums, the authors identified the tactics that users adopted to radicalize people online and mobilize support for the far-right groups, targeting anxieties over immigration, terrorism, and race.

They used “crowd-funding platforms, custom-made social media platforms and even the use of leaked military and intelligence resources from [U.K. intelligence agency] GCHQ and NATO to run campaigns against their own governments,” the report said. 

The study identified these tactics as originating in America and then being transported to European counties to disrupt their democratic elections and incite hatred and even violence.

The article did not mention it but I would be interested in how this relates to the Russian government's attempts to undermine western democracy or if in fact they are working hand in glove. 


  1. Anonymous5:12 AM

    Gee? ya might want to talk to bannon? the guy is a genius mastermind gamer, knows everything being a big game developer and all. Could this be the same gang attacking the las vegas survivors? The same hateful bunch that claim newtown was a hoax. bannon, infowars, gorka, brifart, rush, kkk, etc. If it smells and looks like a swamp dung? It is!!! Where are all the security programs sold to Americans for internet safety? How about the internet corporations that allow instant addresses to hack and attack? There is nothing genius about a azzhole hacker. A total failure AGAIN in infrastructure due to the hateful dirtbag republicans that enabled the crime against America and around the world. Hell awaits them.

  2. Anonymous7:52 AM

    "complaining about “mudbloods” and “camel jockeys.”"

  3. Anonymous7:59 AM

    "his politics, which can be described as slightly to the right of John Birch. Such is perhaps inevitable when one acquires a major-party U.S. president" Who$>
    into PeePee and Golden $hower$.

  4. Anonymous8:19 AM

    "Daniel Wenzek, the driver of the blue sedan and a 56-year-old Brea resident, was arrested on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon."

  5. Anonymous8:31 AM

    il·lit·er·a·cy runs in the dRUMPf family...

    1. Anonymous8:40 AM

      "Ivanka Trump dressed like a deranged schoolmistress"^

  6. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Watched Richard Spencer talking on a video on Huffington Post last night. He sounded like "good folks" with a benign agenda. NOT!!!
    I felt like I was in twilight zone listening to this guy. He wants a place with just white people. If that is so, we can look forward to a lot of inbreeding and albinos. Go for it.

  7. Anonymous8:51 AM

  8. Anonymous9:17 AM

    "Spencer is scheduled to speak at a conference organized by Poland’s far-right to celebrate Polish Independence Day on November 11, but the country's Foreign Ministry condemned the alt-right leader, whose condemnation of diversity has found support among neo-Nazis, whose ideological predecessors invaded Poland and killed millions during World War II."“As a country which was one of the biggest victims of Nazism, we believe that the ideas promoted by Mr. Spencer and his followers could pose a threat to all those who hold dear the values of human rights and democracy,”
    "“Spencer’s views strike not only the Jewish community or other minority groups. The hatred that Spencer and his followers proclaim is a threat to all who are close to the values of human rights and democracy,” Agnieszka Mankiewicz,"
    ". In July, the country not only welcome President Trump, but even bussed in supporters of Poland’s right-wing, ruling Law and Justice Party to cheer Trump at a rally, where Trump claimed that white Western Civilization is at risk of decline.

    “Do we have enough respect for our citizens to protect our borders? Do we have the desire and the courage to preserve our civilization in the face of those who would subvert and destroy it?” "

  9. Anonymous9:32 AM

    And when Putin finally visits the White House, as planned, to plant his feet on our soil which he bought through Trump and Co. there will be Americans who will whine that they did not see this coming.


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