Friday, January 05, 2018

Did anybody else see Trump's Wizard of Oz moment during yesterday's press briefing?

Seriously, WTF was that?

Notice how Sarah Hucakabee Sanders keeps looking at the screen as if she cannot believe this is happening.  Her facial expressions are gold.

And why does the camera angle keep changing?

Clearly Trump did not want to take any questions from reporters while also attempting to demonstrate that he was not in hiding due to Michael Wolff's book.

But all he really did here was to reinforce the contention made by Steve Bannon in the book that he "has lost it."

(H/T to Raw Story.)


  1. Anonymous1:48 PM

    That video is edited vety heavily. They probably had to do 20-30 takes to get him to read it correctly.

    1. Anonymous6:06 PM

      It sounded like his voice was coming from the next room. Walleyes appeared to be watching him.

  2. Has anyone superimposed Trump into that 1984 Apple TV ad yet?

    1. Anonymous4:45 PM

      that woful be a good one...

    2. Found one:

    3. And an updated one:

  3. Anonymous2:02 PM

    He’s on something. Quite possibly the same shit Track Palin is ...

    1. Anonymous2:25 PM

      Yeah, he is on himself. Meet the poster boy of today USA! Fucking hater, stupid ,
      Self importance, greedy whatever party,pathetic bastard!!!
      He does not need help with excuses for his adolescent behavior. The man is an imbecile!!!!

    2. Anonymous2:36 PM

      2:25 - He is indeed. His idiocy makes him very dangerous of course. Think of the millions of imbeciles who can't see his nature. Dumber than cheet they are. Millions of tiny and ignorant (and racist) minds voted for this brain addled toddler.

    3. Anonymous3:08 PM

      Track's an addict. Trump is mentally ill.

    4. Anonymous3:11 PM

      2:36 PM - "He's just like ME!"
      Where have we heard that before?
      2008 different gender.

    5. Anonymous4:39 PM

      3:08. Track's propensity for violence is a mental illness, too. Both/and.

    6. Anonymous5:14 PM

      It is not unusual for the mentally ill to self medicate. When they end up in the system they are called dual diagnosis.

      They need to be isolated and taken off drugs to determine how much is mental illness or if it is triggered by drugs.

    7. Anonymous7:36 PM

      WTF does 8track have to with Humpty Dummpty yammering on TV? A neighbor said he was out having a smoke. He left the building. Try & find it.

  4. Anonymous2:20 PM

    It's funny and sad. It's like that man behind the curtain in the Wizard of Oz.

  5. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Giving workers a one time, $1,000 bonus is a lot cheaper than giving them a raise; but trump-tards can't reason like that., so they'll be happy with it.

    1. Anonymous3:42 PM

      Back in the 1980's one of my bosses wanted to replace bonuses with pay increases because an increase in salary gets reflected in Social Security, retirement, and other benefits. Well, people balked (not me) and the firm stayed with the bonus system.

    2. AT&T is only giving it to SOME of their employees. They they are pink-slipping a whole bunch right after the holidays.

  6. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Is it just me or did I see her roll her eyes a couple of times? I still can't watch any of these with the sound on for my own sanity.

    1. Anonymous4:01 PM

      Agree, I had the video on mute. It's hard enough looking at the dotard let alone listening to him. Listening to him makes to hard to loose weight: I have to have a drink whenever I hear him.

    2. Anonymous4:41 PM

      Please, he is the POTUS. Little formality! Call him by his full name and title. The Vulgar, Short-fingered, Orange Dotard Shitgibbon.

    3. Anonymous7:37 PM

      she looked like she was going to collapse in the end. SNL?

    4. Anonymous8:55 PM

      He was on 2 screens like a 2 year old

  7. Anonymous2:37 PM

    So some people are getting a bonus that their Union negotiated which will by offset by the lost on their tax return when the tax changes occur..... hmmm. I forgot to mention the obvious, that bonus is a drop in the bucket compared to the amount of money those companies will save not paying taxes. What a great pr stunt on their part.

    1. Anonymous3:10 PM

      And it's doing to hit all of us hard eventually for anyone that actually looked into what exactly it does.

    2. Anonymous3:40 PM

      Trump and his GOP co-conspirators are betting on the short-term memories of most voters. A little bit now and a great deal taken away later. Very clever and very evil.

    3. Anonymous8:53 PM

      @3:40 B. Tinydjt is betting on everyone having a short-term memory just like HIM. $o $ad.

  8. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Yeah they got a bonus and then laid off.

  9. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Anybody noticed President Obama didn't hide behind curtains when he spoke at the White House press conferences?

    President Obama even took questions from the media.

    Where is President Trump?

    1. Up Shit Creek. Without a paddle.

  10. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Hmmm? Hillarys house fire? and then roy moores accusers house burns down? Low lifes are desperate.

    1. Anonymous5:09 PM

      ""A suspect of interest is being spoken to. But there have been no charges, to my knowledge, related to the fire at this time."

      That suspect of interest appears to be a young man with a history of public intoxication."
      "Apparently this person of interest was asking neighbors if Johnson's home was going to burn today.

      The home is a total loss, and Johnson is in a motel room with her family. Authorities are NOT linking the arson with Johnson's claims against Roy Moore."

    2. Don't forget tragic fire that killed Wasilla nurse and destroyed records. Not suspicious at all.

    3. Anonymous9:20 PM

      ^ you know who does it until the courts say you can't. If that backfires, Preacher Dave swoops in like a vulcher. ha.

  11. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Aloha Friday is a great day. It is a great day for trump to quit this crime.

  12. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Googling who did trump rape brings up several articles.

  13. Ordered the book this morning.

    1. Anonymous5:27 PM

      I've had it on pre-order for weeks, it sold out completely today.

  14. Anonymous3:27 PM

    I will never be able to get my mind around how stupid Trump voters are. It's like they are a different species with extremely limited cognitive functions. How could they not see this arrogant and ignorant vulgar man-child for what he is? His nature has been obvious for years. They 'think' he is going to 'help' them. Their problem is, they don't know what 'thinking' is. They have no experience with it. They remind me of the stupidest kid in high school, who was flummoxed by everything, who was going to become a priest and let 'God' explain it to him. I had no idea there were so many of these dullards. It's frightening to think almost half the electorate is 'Palin smart'.

    1. Anonymous4:02 PM

      I used to visit the pee puddle for grins and giggles; I just can't anymore. Those people are beyond looney and then some.

    2. Anonymous9:26 PM

      even the strays (palins) want to get pet. haha..

    3. Anonymous9:52 PM

      The only person know that voted for the moron could not answer any questions on HOW trump was going to do anything,for ex jobs.
      He could only repeat slogans.

  15. Anonymous3:58 PM

    How scared of the press do you have to be to make such an idiot of yourself?

    1. Anonymous4:32 PM

      He did much the same avoiding them boarding the helicopter to Camp David to meet with "top Republicans," of which Sessions was not invited. To do plan what, exactly?? Conference call to Russia?

      Lord ABOVE, I loathe that asshole.

    2. Anonymous4:52 PM

      all press must be about ME. BeLIEve Me.
      john barron miller

  16. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Chuck Todd Just Used Republicans Own Behavior Against Them To Doom Trump

    Hillary Clinton Outsmarts Trump Again As She Was Already Prepared For Corruption Investigation

    Hillary Clinton knew that Trump was going to try to distract from his own problems by investigating her, which is why she was prepared for what Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions had done before they did it.


    Republicans Are Freaking Out Because Mueller Is Getting Close To Trump On Obstruction Of Justice

  17. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Huffington Post

    Trump Talks About War With North Korea. Here’s How Horrific That Would Really Be.

    President Trump has hinted at the possibility of military action against North Korea, but any U.S. strike is likely to rapidly escalate into an all-out war. 

    A full-scale conflict with North Korea would cause mass casualties, even in the best-case scenario.

    A U.S.-North Korean war could lead to millions of deaths, a refugee crisis and long-term instability.  

    Read more at HP

    After reading this article, it makes you wonder WTF is wrong with the Republicans? Why are they protecting narcissistic Trump and risk getting involved in an all out war?

  18. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Former federal prosecutor: GOP’s Clinton and dossier witch hunts give Mueller more ‘direct evidence’ — but not of obstruction

    ...“There’s been a lot of talk about obstruction,” Waxman said during a Friday evening appearance on MSNBC. “The way I see it, there is a much more powerful way that Bob Mueller can use this evidence — that would be as direct evidence of a conspiracy, the conspiracy between the Russians and the Trump campaign to win that election.”

    “A conspiracy is simply an agreement between two or more people to take part in illegal conduct, and then acts in furtherance of that conduct,” the former prosecutor explained. “But there’s a secondary principle that’s very important here: if those co-conspirators take actions to protect the conspiracy from law enforcement, or conceal the activities or steps that’s they’re taking, that is also direct evidence of the conspiracy and can be charged as such.”

  19. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Democratic congressman reveals ‘concerned’ GOP legislators know Donald Trump is ‘unfit’ — but won’t do anything

    ...He called it “downright frightening” and something people in his district are asking him about. “We got a guy in the White House that is unstable and not fit for office.”

    Republicans have accused Democrats of playing politics with the mental health of the president. However, Garamendi said that he wished it was partisan politics. The reality is that there are Republicans who agree with him but are unwilling to come forward. The same has been said about Trump’s own staff.

    “They’re certainly not going to say it,” he said. “The Republicans have a political agenda. They wanted a massive tax cut for corporations and the wealthy wealthy wealthy. They got that because they have a Republican president. They want to cut entitlement programs. They’re going to do that in the next months ahead. What are we talking about here? We’re talking about Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid.”

    Burnett questioned if Garamendi had one-on-one conversations where Republicans agreed with them. He confirmed it, but wouldn’t tell her who they were.

    “But, I’m telling you they are key people in the Republican Congress that they’re going — they’re shaking their heads and going, ‘oh, my God,’ look what he did today,” Garamendi said. “They’re concerned. They know what’s happening. They know the lies. They know the untruths.”

    Watch the full commentary below:

  20. Anonymous4:17 PM

    FBI destroys GOP smear campaign against deputy director Trump blames for everything

    Republicans tried to scapegoat FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe in order to protect Trump. The FBI just smacked down that total nonsense

    ...The document linked in the tweet addresses the central accusations made by Donald Trump: As McCabe’s wife ran for state senate in Virginia with a $700,000 contribution from Hillary Clinton ally Gov. Terry McAuliffe, McCabe was allegedly overseeing the investigation into Clinton’s emails.

    But as the FBI form notes, “The timeline misstates when McCabe was promoted to Associate Deputy Director and makes invalid associations between the events.” McCabe was not in charge of the email investigation during his wife’s political run, and thus there was no conflict.

    But the conflict of interest alleged by Republicans may only be a pretext. In a recent closed-door meeting with the House Intelligence Committee, McCabe said that he could corroborate the claims Trump had demanded “loyalty” of fired FBI Director James Comey.

    In other words, this may not be about yet again targeting Clinton so much as protecting Trump.

  21. Anonymous4:18 PM

    2018 is less than 10 days old and Trump is already back on his heels.

  22. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Damn Suckabee Sarah is one ugly heifer, ain't she?

    1. Anonymous4:50 PM

      Looks just like her daddy

    2. Anonymous5:01 AM

      That is some wonky eye, as is the like-named Wasilla dingbat's.

  23. Anonymous4:54 PM

    That scene was filmed for the reality show "The White House Apprentice".

  24. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Best gift.


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