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No I was just kidding. This next memo, THAT'S going to be the juicy one. |
"The memo" — which pitted the Justice Department against the White House and brought ugly partisan sniping into stark relief — is only the beginning. Republican sources close to Devin Nunes tell me he's assured them there's much more to come.
The House Intelligence chair and his team have told members and associates they've found other examples of politically motivated "wrongdoing" across various agencies, including the FBI, the broader Justice Department, and the State Department.
What we're hearing: Republicans close to Nunes say there could be as many as five additional memos or reports of "wrongdoing." But a source on the House Intelligence Committee tells me there's no current plan to use the same extraordinary and highly controversial process they just went through, with a vote and ultimately a presidential approval to declassify sensitive information.
A Republican member briefed on Nunes' investigations told me: "There are several areas of concern where federal agencies used government resources to try to create a narrative and influence the election. Some have suggested coordination with Hillary Clinton operatives, [Sidney] Blumenthal and [Cody] Shearer, to back up the false narrative."
Yes let's all assume that this first memo was just an opening salvo that all the REALLY troubling stuff will be in the fourth or fifth memo that he sends out to the news agencies.
You know, because that makes all kinds of sense.
I think that Devin Nunes is currently the most pathetic and desperate character in Washington DC, well aside from Donald Trump himself that is.
I cannot imagine that anybody, except perhaps Sean Hannity and the folks at Fox and Friends, would even bother to report on any additional memos of disappointment from this idiot.
What a shit show.
Crashing! Over -1000
Delete'“We are interrupting for breaking news,” Fox News anchor Shep Smith said. “There is quite a drop happening on Wall Street. A massive SELL-off is happening today.”'
"Dow Jones industrial average briefly plunged nearly 1,600 points Monday as two days of steep losses for U.S. stocks brought an end to a period of record-setting calm in the market."
"Dow Jones erases its gains for THE YEAR in the largest single-day point drop"
DeleteDevin Nunes has something serious to hide. He keeps obstructing this investigation, and I highly doubt this is just for Trump.
ReplyDeleteAre you screening names people use to comment here, Gryphen? You're nothing but a redneck, phony liberal, misogynistic, uneducated dumbass. You're no better than Trump.
ReplyDeleteThank you.
DeleteCome again.
11:38. Are you mentally ill? Why would you visit a liberal blog and downgrade the host?
DeleteTake your pills and stay off this blog.
11:38 AM You are full of ca-ca!!! Wish I could type nastier words, because they would fit too!
DeleteI didn't know Orrin Hatch read IM?
DeleteOh 11.38 you are such a bot and fool. Many here are actually liberal conservatives, we conserve natural resources, national parks and land, social programs, we are proud Americans. 11.38 is a bit confused like trumpster.
DeleteHe doesn’t screen names, He checks IP addresses. So you’re not as anonymous as you think you are.
DeleteEffing Moron.
ReplyDeleteDotard is convening his own special investigator
ReplyDelete'Meeting with my national security team' 31 March 2016
Holy shit. This is unbelievable. Did this guy not get enough attention when he was a kid? Or did he get too much attention? Whatever the case, he is a memo minion and out of control. Crazy.
ReplyDeleteAttention isn’t the problem.
DeleteHe got no DISCIPLINE his entire life.
His parents sent him to a military academy to raise because they couldn’t handle him. Too late for that and it wasn’t a great academy as he learned nothing except how to be a tool and get away with it. He learned to be a bully, cheater, etc. and to avoid consequences.
It’s not just attention he craves, he also craves approval and can’t stand when he doesn’t get it. That’s why the Democrats that didn’t applaud his SOTUstfu speech are “traitors.”
This guy and Trump are both nasty dudes! (Almost typed 'duds' - which would fit too!) Out with them - asap! Protect the USA!
ReplyDeleteIn the end what will it bring him, Trump and whoever?
ReplyDeleteThey did that with Benghazi, Monica Lewinsky, etc. They are good at being a pain in the ass to our country.
Being a Republican doesn't even mean anything anymore other than being a sore to our country. Especially as they aid and abed a treasonous asshole like Trump.
Our country is ailing and the cure is to make sure more assholes don't get elected to obstruct and downgrade our country.
The US is looking more and more like Russia. If you're not on Putin or Trump's team, you're automatically an enemy of Putin or Trump. Both Putin and Trump cannot tolerate any opposition and will make sure that you pay the price. In Russia, you get either thrown off a building, arrested or shot in broad daylight. In the US, Nunes, cheered on by Trump, will cherry-pick information and concoct a memo to discredit not only you but the whole department where you work. In some cases, you get demoted, silenced, fired.
ReplyDeleteyou know those posters in stores you look at, that at first, you see whats there.
Deleteyou keep looking, and other stuff pops out? Russia.
they have BEEN here.
ReplyDelete"I got more than 100 pages of internal FBI correspondence from the week of the Comey firing. It all shows one thing: the White House was lying. It also tells a fascinating story about the Bureau’s reaction."
"The bottom line is that the documents tell a remarkably consistent story about the reaction inside the FBI to Comey’s firing, and it is not the story the White House has told about an agency in turmoil."
~IT~s on:
The cows have come home in California Dist. 22. Nunes needs to go home, pull on his muck boots, and put dem milkers on dem udders. Tend his vines. Sell a few more cases of wine to the Russians. Mid-terms are coming....
ReplyDeleteHe’s one of the cowards that aren’t running for re-election.
Delete"Twitter could have three types of visually different user accounts:
ReplyDelete1) Verified (real name publicly displayed or not) — can delete, always
2) Unverified — cannot delete (neither posts nor account)
3) Public Figure — cannot delete (or maybe only for a short window of time)"
Dude knows his stuff^
If the next four memos are as lame and inaccurate as the first one no one is going to care what’s in his “gotcha” fifth memo. Especially if they continue to relase them on Fridays and on distracting weekends. The first one was Superbowl weekend. Will the fifth be Cinco de Mayo? Easter? St. Patrick’s when everyone is out getting drunk?