Sunday, March 25, 2018

Majority of Americans believe that owning a gun increases safety, a majority of the facts say that is bullshit.

Courtesy of Vox:

Does gun ownership make you safer? 

If you ask the general public, most Americans say it does. According to a new poll by NBC News and the Wall Street Journal, 58 percent of Americans agree with the statement that “[g]un ownership does more to increase safety by allowing law-abiding citizens to protect themselves.” In comparison, 38 percent agree with the statement that “[g]un ownership does more to reduce safety by giving too many people access to firearms and increasing the chances for accidental misuse.” 

This is a shift from 1999, when 41 percent of Americans agreed with the first statement and 52 percent with the second. 

But if you look at the research, it seems the majority from 1999 had the right idea: Gun ownership decreases safety — on both an individual and collective level. 

Individually, several studies have found that the presence of a gun in a home elevates the risk of death. A 2014 review of the research published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, for instance, found that access to firearms was associated with a doubled risk for homicide and a tripled risk for suicide. A 2017 piece by Melinda Wenner Moyer in Scientific American also ran through the evidence, concluding that gun ownership was associated with a higher risk of homicide, suicide, and accidental shootings.

These facts need to be broadcast far and wide to counter the argument from the NRA and gun nuts who seem to think that banning military assault weapons would somehow render them impotent. 

The truth is that if they need a gun to make them feel safe, or like they are a real man, then they are already impotent.


  1. Anonymous6:28 AM

    ...and too damn paranoid aka, mentally unstable to own a gun.

  2. Anonymous6:55 AM

    If that picture doesn't define who these nuts are. Sunglasses, gloves, tattoos, assault weapon, wardrobe.... "you want a piece of this?" Oooooh, SUCH a tough guy, I'm so scared! Eye roll. All I see is COWARD.

  3. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Todd and Sarah feel much safer when Track has his guns.

    1. Anonymous9:57 AM

      Yep. They will be in court any day now? Gots to clear up his gun problems and get him off any restrictions. It was just a little family misunderstanding when Track was in treatment and his medication didn't agree with him. He is an honorable combat vet and just needs some help with what the war did to him.

      He has had non stop thoughts and prayers for months and should be completely cured.
      His adoring wonderful family will be there to support him 100%.

    2. Anonymous11:59 AM

      9:57 AM - SNORT.

  4. Anonymous6:58 AM

    NRA official statement before yesterday's marches: "Today's protests aren't spontaneous. Gun-hating billionaires and Hollywood elites are manipulating and exploiting children as part of their plan to DESTROY the Second Amendment and strip us of our right to defend ourselves and our loved ones."

    Whine on....we are NOT going away.

    1. Anonymous7:49 AM

      The defenders of the 2nd Amendment, are never going away. And the NRA was correct with their statement as hard as it is for you to swallow.

    2. Anonymous8:16 AM

      7:49 AM - the difference being, we have words. All you have is a barrel pointed between the eyes of those you disagree with.

    3. Anonymous8:26 AM

      "The group posted a membership-drive video to Facebook with a scathing caption about the looming protest marches on Saturday morning."
      "JOIN the NRA to
      “stand and fight for our kids’ safety.”
      "“If we move on, the NRA and those against us will win,” said 17-year-old survivor Delaney Tarr. “They want us to forget. They want our voices to be silenced. And they want to retreat into the shadows where they can remain unnoticed. They want to be back on top, unquestioned in their corruption, but we cannot and we will not let that happen.”
      "Noir said“From where I’m standing, it looks like a march to burn the Constitution and rewrite the parts that they don’t like in crayon,” "“These kids ought to be marching against their own hypocritical belief structures,” adding: “The only reason we’ve ever heard of them is because the guns didn’t come sOOn enough.”"“I’m fighting for the same rights Malcom X, MLK, and the
      Black Panthers fought for…” – NRA’s Colion Noir"


    4. Anonymous8:35 AM

      @8:26 Add in & watch this:

    5. Anonymous8:37 AM


    6. Anonymous8:50 AM

      OMG, can't they find a new excuse, this liberal billionaire, hollywood elites is getting really old.

      they must be really scared, that a "bunch" of teenagers managed to organize a movement that the MAJORITY of Americans are behind.

    7. Anonymous9:04 AM

      On yes, the NRA is so correct about the second amendment, that is why the cowards allow guns in their conventions.

      Bunch of cowards

    8. Anonymous9:45 AM

      "Today's protests aren't spontaneous. Gun-hating billionaires and Hollywood elites are manipulating and exploiting children... "

      Half a million hired 'crisis actors' cost Soros a fortune!

    9. Anonymous9:54 AM

      9:04 AM - Bingo! A little fact that 7:49 AM forgot. No guns allowed so they can lock arms and sing Kumbayah. :)

    10. Anonymous10:00 AM

      They should make those second amendment, NRA nuts view the bodies of children that have been executed by a AK15/47.

      The cowards wouldn't be able to do it.

      They had their chance and America is done talking.

    11. Anonymous3:31 PM

      NRA forever!

  5. Anonymous7:06 AM

    A gun is a weapon. The only use is to kill. You can practice by shooting a target but it is a weapon. As with all dangerous weapons it should not be in the hands of unstable people. Just as an automobile. Some people should not drive a car or operate a motorized vehicle. In recent years the flood gates of gun ownership opened wide to everyone. The gun manufacturers and NRA became insanely greedy and oddly lacked ethics for safety. We now have an assault on commonsense. Most gun owners are not stable enough to own a gun, many are convicted criminals, abusers, lacking of character and decency. Everyone is sensitive whether they qualify to own a gun. Law enforcement and military are trained to use guns. If they display unstable behavior the guns are removed from their hands. All assault weapons must be removed from society. It is the only way to correct the gun lobby for creating the unstable society we face today.

  6. Anonymous7:07 AM

    "This is the bottom line,” Santorum lectured. “Is this a political effort? Is this a political movement? It very well may be, and that’s fine, people certainly supported it. But if it’s the Hollywood elites and the liberal billionaires who funded this, it’s all about politics. Or is is it about keeping our schools safe?” “How about kids taking CPR classes OR TRY TO DEAL with situations if there is violence?” " Those are the kinds of things you can take internally and say ‘Here’s how I’m going to deal with this and help the situation,’ instead of going and protesting and saying someone else needs to pass a law to protect me.” "PHONY gun laws don’t solve these problems. That’s what we found out.”" <WTF

    1. Anonymous8:53 AM

      Interesting he is using the same talking points: hollywood elites and liberal billionaires. I guess the terrorist organization, NRA, sent out the talking points.

      Besides who cares what Santorum says, he is no longer in office, maybe he can start a club with more members due to arrive next November.

    2. Anonymous9:26 AM

      Yeah, I couldn't believe that either. Children CPR training??? OMFG.

    3. Anonymous11:29 AM

      Breathtakingly moronic!

      The students who are being killed in school shootings by AR-15s are NOT simply experiencing cardiac arrests! They are having their internal organs shredded, their skulls splintered and their brains splattered all over the room.

      How is CPR supposed to help someone whose bodies are so destroyed that even highly trained surgeons can't even tell what piece belongs with which organ?

      I've read numerous online comments suggesting that politicians who refuse to even discuss increasing gun legislation be forced to visit the scenes of these shootings in person and witness the carnage that their precious guns cause to innocent children. Maybe cleaning up the remains of a victim may cause them to reconsider their blind reverence for the 2nd Amendment and their unwavering submission to the NRA.

    4. Anonymous11:50 AM

      ^^ THIS.

    5. Anonymous2:09 PM

      Various Right Wing Conservatives, Republicans are all on the same page. They have talking points. Some of them do their own version, but basically they are told what to say and who and what to attack.

      It's like they are all clueless and can only do as told. It's not to their benefit.

      Ricky Dicky did not think when he made such that stupid remark. He is a dumb man.

      Vote out the ones you can. Others will be history eventually. Not too much longer I hope.

  7. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Notice a pattern?

    The people who misstate and cherry pick the bible do the same with the 2nd Amendment.

    1. Anonymous7:36 AM

      There is no cherry picking the 2nd Amendment. The Hugh Court has ruled many times on it.

    2. Anonymous9:00 AM

      I don't care about the Hugh court, a court can only interpret the law NOT make it.

      They wouldn't recognize the whole amendment if it bit them in the face.

    3. Leland9:38 AM


      Why is it the pro-NRA nuts are always ignoring the second half of the SCOTUS' latest decision on the 2nd Amendment?

      @ 9:00

      It doesn't matter HOW you feel about the SCOTUS. What they interpret is the functioning law until Congress makes changes the courts can accept. And in the latest decision, they stipulated the government reserves the right to reasonable regulations.

  8. Anonymous7:25 AM

    OT?"Dowd doesn’t follow up or question any of Diller’s outlandish thoughts or claims (even when he says men have stopped sexually harassing women altogether)." " The people at the top of our most powerful institutions and industries — from Hollywood to the New York Times Style and Opinion pages — don’t seem to accept the extent of the problem or how terrible individual incidents are. Or if they do, they just don’t seem to care."
    "Diller says that men are all guilty of various harassment-style misdeeds, a tantalizing admission that became the headline to the interview. But read down a few more lines and it’s clear what he really thinks."
    "Let’s go back to assuming women are lying" {NOT}

    "#MeToo shifted the calculus for women thinking about speaking out. Victims sensed a moment that might mean they would be believed — that they might not be attacked or smeared or belittled."
    "“Other than psychopaths, I think all of this bad behavior is finished,” Diller tells Dowd." {RIGHT-then this BS}"“I mean, if you take the effect of pornography on young people today. Pornography until recently was fairly stAID. Today, online, pornography is so extreme and so varied, with such expressions of fetishism and other things that BOYS are seeing. The idea of normal sex and normal romance has to be adversely affected by that,” "she writes. “I wonder what will happen as girls emboldened by the fall of male predators collide with boys indoctrinated by pornography.”"

    'Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them.' M.M.

    Maureen Dowd smeared Monica Lewinsky.
    Now she’s undermining #MeToo
    Pre$$ Whore^

  9. Randall7:41 AM

    VOX has a pretty good breakdown of all the gun data in 17 pretty clear graphs...

  10. Anonymous9:02 AM

    the NRA and gun nuts are going to lose BIGLY on this one. you can tell they are already running scared by their reaction: using smear tactics on children.

    1. Anonymous6:32 PM

      The only side abusing children is the left, once again using them for an agenda.

  11. Anonymous10:04 AM

    2nd amendment violates nature.

    Nature wins.

    Man got it wrong.

    Just like man got it wrong by murdering Jesus of Nazareth.

    Western man thinks it's superior to nature. Not correct.

    1. Anonymous10:19 AM

      Again - 2nd Amendment violates nature. Man does not SEE that. Man's ignorance.

    2. Anonymous10:20 AM

      Just like man didn't SEE when they killed Jesus. Learn the lesson.

  12. Anonymous10:23 AM

    FB Excerpts:"I spent today talking to five of the student leaders from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School who have shaken this nation's status quo on the issue of gun violence - Emma Gonzalez, David Hogg, Alex Wind, Cameron Kasky, and Jaclyn Corin. They are in Washington, DC for tomorrow's March For Our Lives."
    "Entrenched interests like the NRA who seek to blunt these students' message endeavor to paint them as pawns of adult liberal activists. It is a charge that is insulting, and false. I noticed how bipartisan this group was. Some are Republican, some have parents that lean that way. Some come from homes that have guns." They note correctly that polling shows a majority of the country believes in common sense gun laws. And they insist that they will make their voices heard - in the streets and at the ballot box."
    ""Ripple of Hope" speech and many consider it his best formal oration. It was a clarion call for justice and individual rights. Kennedy said that our hope must lie in our youth and all who recognize the power of idealism to change the world. It is a message as apt today as it was more than 50 years ago.
    "Our answer is the world's hope; it is to rely on youth. The cruelties and the obstacles of this swiftly changing planet will not yield to obsolete dogmas and outworn slogans. It cannot be moved by those who cling to a present which is already dying, who prefer the illusion of security to the excitement and danger which comes with even the most peaceful progress. This world demands the qualities of youth: 1966
    "Ignore US at your peril-" It is about those who say that their vision of a more just, inclusive and safer America is not the priority of those in power. And this mass of restive humanity says, "ENOUGH! We will be silent no longer.""<Dan Rather

  13. Anonymous10:40 AM

    'Stand Tall'
    'Burton sings his classic song "Stand Tall" which he hasn't performed live in over 25 years!'
    '"Stand Tall"
    remains an anthem of hope and inner strength for all!'

  14. And then you go on to try to ban knives. Ohhh those dangerous assault knives...

  15. Home owners only hit the burglar about 8% of the time.

    You're more likely to be shot by your own gun.

    Safer not to have a gun in the house. That way it can't be used against you.


    "The research on guns is not uniform, and we could certainly use more of it. But when all but a few studies point in the same direction, we can feel confident that the arrow is aiming at the truth—which is, in this case, that guns do not inhibit crime and violence but instead make it worse."


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