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Chris Wylie |
Conservative strategist Stephen K. Bannon oversaw Cambridge Analytica’s early efforts to collect troves of Facebook data as part of an ambitious program to build detailed profiles of millions of American voters, a former employee of the data-science firm said Tuesday.
The 2014 effort was part of a high-tech form of voter persuasion touted by the company, which under Bannon identified and tested the power of anti-establishment messages that later would emerge as central themes in President Trump’s campaign speeches, according to Chris Wylie, who left the company at the end of that year.
Among the messages tested were “drain the swamp” and “deep state,” he said.
According to Wylie, Bannon was the big boss and everything had to go through him.
And get this:
The data and analyses that Cambridge Analytica generated in this time provided discoveries that would later form the emotionally charged core of Trump’s presidential platform, said Wylie, whose disclosures in news reports over the past several days have rocked both his onetime employer and Facebook.
“Trump wasn’t in our consciousness at that moment; this was well before he became a thing,” Wylie said. “He wasn’t a client or anything.”
The year before Trump announced his presidential bid, the data firm already had found a high level of alienation among young, white Americans with a conservative bent.
In focus groups arranged to test messages for the 2014 midterms, these voters responded to calls for building a new wall to block the entry of illegal immigrants, to reforms intended to “drain the swamp” of Washington’s entrenched political community and to thinly veiled forms of racism toward African Americans called “race realism,” he recounted.
Besides the Trump catchphrases that Bannon was testing out in 2014, there was also this startling revelation:
“The only foreign thing we tested was Putin,” he said. “It turns out, there’s a lot of Americans who really like this idea of a really strong authoritarian leader and people were quite defensive in focus groups of Putin’s invasion of Crimea.”
Now look I am really fighting the urge to put on my conspiracy theory tinfoil hat here, but there is no way to categorize this as a string of coincidences.
It really sounds like there was an anti-immigrant, racist, pro-Putin platform all ready to go and all they needed was a figurehead to be the face of the campaign.
Cue Donald J. Trump.
Or, and this is only a little less conspiratorial, since Bannon met Trump way back in 2010, perhaps all of this was tested with him in mind, and he has literally been planning his campaign since at least 2014 or 2013.
Whatever the truth behind this is, what cannot be refuted is that people essentially voted for a Steven Bannon in Trump clothing.
SNL had no idea just how close their portrayal of Bannon really was.
Deletei'm starting to get confused. who said or did what??
ReplyDeleteThats the point. Confuse & aggrivate to stop being curious. Lazzzy Ru$$$ians.
DeleteAnd behind all of that : the Mercers. Traitors to our democracy in pursuit of still more $$$ and power.
ReplyDeleteI am surprised that folks havent started exposing the Mercers on You tube. Ynot?
DeleteIt seems very likely that your conclusion that this was designed for the fat oaf is right on the money. il dunce has been threatening a presidential run for several years. The dumb effer knew he needed some major 'help' from the big fixers to make it happen. Hard to imagine anyone else being as despicable and desperate as djt to go along with this so he was the prize pig.
ReplyDeleteWell maybe Cruz. He's just as slimy and disgusting but with 98@ of voters already despising him, the coup would have proved more risky.
No offense to Texans on this board, but I’ll bet that slimebsll Cruz will be elected in a landslide. Why do you think MOH and D’OH relocated there and resumed their non-existent love-filled marriage?
DeleteDream on, 5:22PM. #BetoForTexas
DeleteIs Willow his hairdresser?
ReplyDeleteI’m 60+. If you want to come at me with your off-colored hair and tattoos all over your body, you’re a freak.
Delete@7:38 You don't sound like my kind of freak.
DeleteHas mueller interviewed bannon?
ReplyDeleteCue Manafort, who had just completed same work on Putin's behalf in the Ukraine...
ReplyDeleteIf the “powers that be” had known how the internet would expose them, we would be without the many facts that are just now beginning to make themselves known. Ah, Karma. In Tarot, Justice has arrived.
Definitely believe the millennial with the pink hair.
ReplyDeleteCant wait for these nasty ugly people to be convicted and in PRISON.
ReplyDeleteSteven Bannon looks like he harbors a lot of ill will. Maybe he'd better back off for his own health.
ReplyDeleteHate and anger seeps through the skin. Not good.
Did you see how bloated Trump is? Whew! Makes me tired just looking at him. It takes a lot of physical downgrading to make so much trouble world wide.
Putin, tho, isn't he a trick? He looks so calm, cool and collected. Like Mike Meyer's Dr. Evil.
Sorry, but having a hard time understanding what the issue is with this particular post. So a political entity/strategists etc... collected data on potential voters?
ReplyDeleteThat is what all political operatives, strategists, etc do. That is what they do every day. Democrats and Republicans. Are you saying there is something illegal here?
What I understand from this particular post is that Steve Bannon targeted people who he knew would be pro Putin, and anti-brown people, and basically used info to know who to rile up enough to join the Trump train. Other words he called out all the Orcs and they came in droves. In a way, that is bad because, you know how before Trump, America was struggling to move forward and then somehow we got taken back to the dark ages.
DeleteI don’t quite get it either.
DeleteThey do.
Why do you suppose there are hearings and lawsuits filed regarding this hack job and corrupt group of liars? Did you just wake up from a coma?
DeleteWell so far there have been charges for money laundering, mail fraud (I think), probably lying to investigators or under oath, and prob etc... among some of the Trump campaign and transition team. And lawsuits have been filed by.... I guess at least one porn star, and apparently some other playboy model (maybe others) are challenging their hush agreements, or simply just talking. The porn star lawsuit has a looooong way to go to play out. Not even sure what the basis of it is.
DeleteSo far no charges for collusion or obstruction. There might be. But not yet. And Mueller just the other day warned people to be careful about reading too much into unfounded sources (think he is referring to the left wing blogosphere, but maybe not.)
So there you have it 7:39. Still not seeing the purpose of this post. It isn't illegal to collect and crunch data on potential voters and the how to reach them.
Its called brainwashing.
DeleteBannon developed his message and targeted people before he had any candidate. Finding Trump was a gift. Trump would deliver anything Bannon wanted as he has no platform, no policy, no opinions beyond he basic racism and ME ME ME. Trump was the perfect vessel to deliver the fascist totalitarian racist crap that Bannon had already formulated.
DeleteHe basically had a campaign first and then went looking for a gullible, stupid candidate that could deliver it.
So Kayne West loves drumf. They are dragon energy together. I'm glad I have never been a fan of his in anyway. He is a idiot and useful moron for Donald. Not sure what don has on him but it must be nasty. I bet the mrs kicks him to the curb very soon.
ReplyDeleteHe says he is chosen, and that Jesus is his savior - and as that directly means he is wholly mentally retarded, he of course loves Donald.
DeleteBet Kanye would be singing a different tune if he was some average poor schlub with a crap job and no money.
DeleteBannon might be a nicer person if he wasn't such a crummy little bitch.
ReplyDeleteG. Occasionally, you get a troll who doth protest overly much about not understanding what point you are getting at in your' postings. It's very irritating. I know you try to get a well rounded input but this troll is a pain in the ass. Jus sayin'.
ReplyDeleteControl freaks cannot control themselves.
DeleteTrump isn't even a puppet. He's a lump of clay that is molded by whoever influenced him last. He has no platform, no policies, no beliefs, no nothing (besides his racism, hatred and vindictiveness). It's why he's so changeable. He reflects whoever spoke to him last. Part of is sociopathic malignant narcissism. Aside from personal gratification he really doesn't give a shit.
ReplyDeleteHe was Bannon's perfect candidate.
Well, well, lookee here.
ReplyDeleteCohen is taking the 5th. Yep, the only two Constitutional amendments the Fascist Right seems to support are the 2nd and the 5th. For themselves of course. The rest of your poor peasants better sit down, shut up and do as you're told.
OH! And Pompeo is busy committing perjury before Congress. Bet they'll confirm him anyway.
"CIA Director Mike Pompeo, President Donald Trump’s pick for secretary of state, came under fire earlier this month for failing to disclose business ties to two companies controlled by the Chinese government.
Now new documents reviewed by HuffPost show that Pompeo’s links to foreign-owned oil and gas companies are even more extensive than was previously reported. But, despite the evidence, Pompeo continues to deny his foreign entanglements, according to a Senate source who asked to remain anonymous to talk to HuffPost about proceedings that haven’t been made public yet.
Republicans expect to bring Pompeo’s nomination up for a vote before the full Senate this week. Several Democrats have signaled they intend to support him, making it likely he will be confirmed.
But his failure to be forthright about his business ties to a foreign-owned company has raised questions about how he will perform as the nation’s top diplomat, especially in the midst of an escalating trade conflict between the US and China.
“Director Pompeo either was somehow unaware he was doing business with a Chinese government-controlled company, or he knew and decided to hide that fact from Congress,” Sen. Ron Wyden, a Democrat on the intelligence committee, said after the initial reports that Pompeo had failed to disclose foreign ties. “Neither option is acceptable for a man who would be responsible for our nation’s most sensitive diplomatic matters.”
Pompeo omitted any mention of the Chinese companies on a mandatory questionnaire he filled out last year before his Senate confirmation to head the CIA. Asked if he had “received any compensation from, or been involved in any business transaction with a foreign government or any entity controlled by a foreign government” in the past 10 years, Pompeo wrote, “No.”
But earlier this month, McClatchy reported his Kansas company’s ties to Sinopec – an oil and gas giant that is majority-owned by the China Petrochemical Corporation. Documents seen by HuffPost Wednesday show that Sentry International, a Kansas company where Pompeo served as president, imported products from two subsidiaries of the state-owned oil company China National Petroleum Corporation. The transactions – for a total of 12 shipments of oil and gas equipment – occurred as late as 2007 and 2009, when Pompeo was still serving as Sentry’s president. That brings Pompeo’s total undisclosed relationships with foreign firms to four."
Liar, Liar, pants on fire.
But Rand Paul and Joe Manchin will still give him a pass.
A new crop of nasty is surfacing and running for congress and in local government. People like Blankenship, that women from az district 8, etc. The next group of lousy liars to stop and remove.
ReplyDeleteCommie Jill $tein