Sunday, January 16, 2005

Look! A light shining through the dark clouds!

As I opened up my daily paper I was pleasently surprised to read this ;

MOST AMERICANS BELONG TO A CHURCH -- BUT MOST ALASKANS DON'T. That's just one of several observations in a new study of religious practices in the Pacific Northwest, where fewer people belong to a church than anywhere else in the nation.

(To read more follow this link.

After the elections I found myself feeling terribly alone, or at the very least part of some tiny minority in the state of my birth. But lo and behold I am in the MAJORITY! Damn! Who-da-thunk-it?

This absolutely makes my damn day. Now I can look my fellow Alaskans in the eye and know that there is every chance that we will be sharing an eternity in the fiery pit of hell together! It just does my old liberal, intellectual, heart good to know that I share this state with so many pagans. Sooo, why did we vote for George Bush?

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