Thursday, January 27, 2005

Is Gryphen dead?

Yeah like anybody reads this damn thing. Well I have done the very thing that I find so annoying when others do it. I have failed to keep my blog up to date. Bad blogger, bad!

I guess the fact that everything is going according to the Bushies plans is just so fucking disheartening. If it wasn't for all of these prescription medications mixed with Zima I would be completely unable to function.

I did find a new website that really made my day.
Go here.

Things I did not know the last time I wrote on this blog.

1) Barbara Boxer kicks ass! ( I am moving to California just to vote for her! She is the only one with the cajones to hold Condi's feet to the fire! Bravo, I say, Bravo!)

2) Sponge Bob is gay? What the hell! Come on, he wears a tie everyday and he is a square! He is so clearly a Republican. And he is just the dimwitted, easily influenced sort to vote for George Bush. I cannot believe how fast the conservatives turn on their own.

3) Teens are having sex! Oh wait. I did know that.

4) Republicans pay for good press. I understand that both Armstrong Williams and Maggie Galllagher were paid to promote conservative agendas in their columns. However the real story in my mind is the unfair pay scale. Armstrong Williams received $240,000 dollars while poor Maggie had to scrape by on a measly $40,000. How is that fair? There needs to be an investigation. If the conservatives are going to pay for somebody to sugercoat their plans for world domination then the least they could do is not descriminate. Is it really too much to ask?

Until next time, remember, freedom is on the march. Right over the lifless bodies of those that do not agree with our policies!

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