Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Gannongate or is it safe to come out now?

I was just sitting here wondering why nobody from the Bush administrtion has, so far, gone on record with any real outrage or concern about this incredible story. I read the piece with Ari Fleischer saying that he had concerns, but nothing from anybody in the current lineup about what is an amazing security fuck up.

I mean the guy is a burly ex-marine who was engaged in criminal behavior. (What do you have to do to not get a White House press pass?) I certainly do not think that his sexual orientation should have any impact on his access, but the fact that he was selling his body on the internet should raise some serious concerns.

The only concluson that I can come to is that they are just waiting for it all to blow over. They are waiting for another big story to come along and take this off of the news programs and to take the heat (which has not yet been turned up sufficiently) off of them. But this time my friends they have made a fatal miscalculation. They have misjudged our commitment to seeing this story to its conclusion. There is obviously some organized effort to buy positive media coverage. And they do not care what type of journalist you are , or even whether you are a journalist or not. And it is obvious that they do not think that anybody can stop them either. If you read or saw any of the questions that Gannon posed in the White House Press room they were unbelievably partisan. There was no real attempt to hide the fact that the guy was trying to run interference against the main stream media. They do not think that we, and the American people, are smart enough to see through their manipulations of information.

What say we prove them wrong? How about if we show that we do care that our news is presented in a non-partisan manner. That we do care more about the truth then we do about having our point of views supported. And let's shame the mainstream media onto growing a set of balls and getting back into the game. I cannot believe that this is the same press that exposed Watergate and publicized Vietnam so that Americans could see what war was really like from a first hand perspective.

This is the time for Bloggers to begin to define ourselves and I hope that we take the initiative and not allow our detractors to define us, because that would be a damn shame.

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