Monday, February 21, 2005

Uncle Duke is dead!

This just blew me away! Hunter S.Thompson, who Trudeau used as his inspiration for Doonesbury's Uncle Duke character, died of an apparently self inflicted gunshot wound.

I would just like to go on record as saying that I am a huge fan of Doonesbury and have always enjoyed Uncle Dukes antics. But having said that I would also have to out myself as being somewhat less enthusiastic about Thompsons literary contributions. I struggled through "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas", I saw the movie with Johnny Depp playing Thompson, and read one or two newspaper columns, but that was it. To me, and I am sure many people of my generation, his biggest contribution is inspiring Trudeau to create the Duke character.

But it is still a damn shame.

Okay now I feel the need to address these secret tapes made of President Bush by a friend of his back when he was fucking up Texas.

Who gives a shit?

There is nothing on these tapes which outs Bush as anything more then a child of privelege who tried all of the available excesses and then matured out of that faze. I actually find it admirable that he does not lie about it. He just avoids the question. That is the same tactic I use when my kids try to nail me down on my teen years.

Look, what Bush did in the past does not concern me. It is what he has done the last four years as president, and what he is doing in the next four years. That is what keeps me up at night. I don't care if he snorted barrels of cocaine and drank a river of booze. I worry that he thinks he is the messenger of God and is supposed to usher in the Rapture. Because if he does think that then it is high time that I start a serious mind numbing drug habit of my own. And now that Hunter is dead who am I going to find to supply me with that?

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