Sunday, February 13, 2005

A moment of clarification if I may.

My last entry seems to suggest that I place the fact that Howard dean is running the Democratic party in the same realm as the Rove demotion. Such is not the case. To be truthful I am not sure what to think about Dean being in charge of the DNC. I love his passion, his courage to stand by his convictins, and his ability to energize the grass roots. On the other hand he needs to not showboat so much and to not step into the spotlight of whichever candidate he is supporting. If he can do that then he may be just what this party needs to find its voice and to stop being the "also rans" in every election.

So I say, go get them Howard! And let's show those double talking hypocrites what we are the party who stand with the people and not on the people.

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