Sunday, February 13, 2005

So how fucked up is my world today?

Well lets see. Karl Rove has been named Deputy Chief of Staff. (I did not know that the Chief of Staff got a deputy.) The Rapture Index stands at 153. (we are all going to die!) And Howard Dean is the new head of the DNC.

So my world is pretty fucked!

Alright calm down! Breathe. In pink, out blue. In pink, out blue. Okay. I am better now.

If the republicans are so religious then how come they haven't noticed that Karl Rove is the Satan? I mean isn't it obvious? What does he need to do, wear a t-shirt saying "I devour souls"? And if that is true, which it must be, then George is the Anti-Christ. It is just as plain as the nose on my face. He promises peace and delivers war. He hates nature and is determined to destroy it. All of his policy decisions reflect that. Seems obvious to me and I am not even religious.

If you have any doubt then go here or here Oh sure you may say that everybody is just overreacting to a guy that may only appear evil, but is realy just morally confused. I do believe that the same was said of a certain german boy named Adolph. What ever happened to that young lad?

I think we need to convince Joe Lieberman to get close enough to throw holy water on either Rove or Bush, or both. He is the only Democrat that they trust. If I am right then they will burst into flame and go screaming into the night. If I am wrong then Lieberman will no longer be used as their Democratic patsy. It is a win win situation. Just don't let Condi find out. That bitch is probably impervious to Gods perrier. She would drink it, gargle with it, and spit it back into Joe's face. And then it would undoubtedly burn him.

By the way did anybody see Pat Buchanon on Meet the Press? Am I just hallucinating or was he actually making sense? Is he breaking away from the pack? I am not sure I can live in a world where Pat Buchanon and I agree on anything. He needs to go back to insulting Liberals and being Joe Scarboroughs toady.

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