Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Just let her die!

I am absolutely flabbergasted at the circus that has arisen around this poor woman's fate.

I cannot fathom why the Bushies are so completely dedicated to prolonging the agony of the family. I have read tons of news articles and seen every member of her family pleading for her life and I cannot help feel that they desperately need closure on this issue. This is consuming Terry Schiavo's whole family and the outcome is not going to be satisfying to anybody. She is not going to recover! She is going to live in that state until her poor body finally gives out. What happens if she manages to outlive her parents? Who takes care of her then?

But what really stuns me is that the Republicans are treating this like some defining moment in the right to life issue. How in the hell does that equate? This women is at the end of her life, not the beginning. Have the Republicans even considered the flood of appeals that are surely to come their way in the wake of this meddling? They have bitten off way more then they could ever hope to chew and I cannot see the upside for them.

And what ever happened to "God's will"? I have often heard conservative Christians talking about surrendering their lives to God. Well it seems clear that if there is a God he wants Terry to join him, and her family and the Republicans are keeping that from happening.

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