Thursday, March 24, 2005

The death of education!

Okay this is completely out of hand! How in the fuck did we lose our focus and let this happen?

According to the above link it seems as if the conservatives have succeeded in making it impossible for college professors to teach the truth. This is such an obvious ploy to get the Intelligent Design theory inserted into our college curriculum that it makes my skin crawl. How is it that nobody notices this happening? Where are our scientists? It is no longer a bunch of backwood hicks refusing to accept anything that questions the absolute authority of the biblical account of creation. These people are now attacking our education system and trying to gag professors and teachers who want to educate their children. I am completely stunned by this.

Look, I know that there are some professors that use controversial statements to stimulate discourse in their classrooms, but is that not their role? If a professor says something that you disagree with then would that not encourage you to research the subject and determine if he was wrong? That is what I did when I was in college. It is designed to stimulate the learning process for professors to challenge your preconceived notions.

I want to send my daughter to school to learn, not to have her beliefs pandered to. I tell my child to keep her mind open, as there is much for her to learn, and even her old man does not have all of the answers.

I am just sick over this! I am going to start contacting educators in my community and see if I cannot get somebody to start a movement to counter this dumbing down of our young people.

The lesson in all of this is to not every elect a man who believes that science is a dirty word.

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