Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Let's do the time warp again!

This is why America cannot seem to move forward. We keep revisiting older conflicts hoping for a different outcome.


I would hope that a couple of sientists could find the time to testify at this thing. I know it is rediculous but if somebody does not represent the side of intellectual discourse then this thing will just turn into a shouting match and nobody's mind will be changed. And I hate to say it but there is a real chance that Evolution could come out the loser this time. I mean it is Kansas for God's sake!

And who does not think that this is just the warm up to retrying Roe vs. Wade?

And on a personal note I have been dealing with the Religious right actually trying to introduce their beliefs into my home. My job is to work with at risk children. And for reasons that I cannot quite put my finger on a member of one child's team has taken it upon herself to take this child to church, a place that the child had never attended before. The church that she chose is extremely fundamentalist in its approach and believes in Creationism and in an apocalyptic view of the future. I am having a hell of a time convincing the team that this is not, in any way, in this childs best interests. I am royally pissed that these people believe that they are absolutely correct in foisting their religious belief onto these young malleable minds.

I have been able to put a stop to it for the near future and now I have to put together a set of arguments to prove that introduction to this belief places my client at risk. Wish me luck.

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