Thursday, April 28, 2005

We will miss you Judy.

I would invite all of my fellow bloggers to join me in lamenting the departure of Judy Woodruff from CNN's "Inside Politics". Ms. Woodruff is the epitome of class and even handedness. I would be hard pressed to think of any other anchor or reporter who had her class and neutrality when reporting on what is the most divisive subject in America today.

Bonjour Judy you will be sorely missed.

Now who is up for some Presidential dodgeball? I have to believe that Bush is going to be ducking and diving like a maniac tonight. But maybe, just maybe, somebody can get the slick son of a bitch to answer a real question. I have been listening to various radio and television programs ask for viewers and listeners suggestions for questions to be asked tonight. I have some. "Mr. President, do you really think that the end of the world is coming? Are you really trying to facilitate it? Do I have time to paint my house? Are you, or are you not, the Anti-christ?"

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