Friday, October 28, 2005

Christmas has been canceled!

The CIA leak investigation is "not over," special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald said Friday after announcing charges against I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff.

Fitzgerald said he will be keeping the grand "jury open to consider other matters." But, he said, "substantial work" is done.

I am not happy! This is just like the time I asked for a televison for my room and my mother bought the smallest little black and white televison on the market. I had to watch that t.v. one eye at a time.

Oh good they caught that dangerous criminal "Scooter" Libby! Scooter? Scooter is the kid that ate paste in your kindergarten class. He is not some out of control megalomaniac, hell bent on destroying our way of life in this country. That is the description of his boss! You know the guy that should really be indicted! Fuck Scooter! I want Cheney, or Rove, or, dare I say it, Bush!

C'mon we all know that Scooter did not do shit without the blessing of Cheney and the other warhawks. I hope that when Fitzgerald has Libby on the stand that he grills him until his skin bursts and he gives up all of the real terrorists in this country. Until that day I am just going to sit here being pissed!


  1. Anonymous12:54 AM

    Rove tells Fitz: Hold off til Monday - I'll wrap up the Shrub and everyone else (Dick and Don, for example), yellowcake fake and all then.

    Over the weekend, Karl makes his phonecalls: 43 and 41. They (or more likely Poppy alone, as Jr. is tanked and depressed, call Bandar and the Carlyle folks to arrange enough hush money to keep Karl quiet and take the fall.

    Libby has already made his own arrangements and will either stick to them of cave in under the thought of imprisonment. It's reasonable to expect ten years to get firmly pinned.

    This is Option One.

    Option Two is where Karl goes back to Fitz and instead of reneging on his offer to squeal, he squeals anyway and keeps the hush money.

  2. Anonymous11:28 AM

    It would be a gross underestimation of Fitzgerald's ability and shrewdness to assume that he's completed his assault upon Mordor.

    The main reason he's isolated Libby is to make Scooter feel like the lonely fall guy. Fitz has so far the stickiest, steepest charges and he can paste at least ten years' worth of jail time on Scoot.

    Scoot feels alone, abandoned. He flips. Investigation continues and Scooter doesn't go to the Crowbar Hotel for a stretch of protracted rape and humiliation.

    Let's not even mention DISBARRMENT.

    Fitz is betting that Scooter would rather see Dick in an orange jumpsuit and face the shame of remaining free by peaching on his betters. Fitz has just so much ammo at this moment, and is looking for more, but needs help in getting it firmly in his hands. Fitz knows what it is, who has it and how to get it completely loaded into his gun.

    He's just picking his targets at this moment, not overreaching: not expecting to take down a grizzly with a .38 special.


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