Thursday, October 27, 2005

Does Rove have a chippie on the side? Eeeewwww!!!

Meanwhile, Radar magazine yesterday reported on its Web site that Texas political insiders are predicting the demise of the married Rove's "very close relationship" with wealthy forty-something Texas lobbyist Karen Johnson.

"Everyone knows how close Karen is to Karl, but she's sick of it," the mag quotes a source "familiar with the situation," noting that Johnson and Rove didn't return phone calls.
Apparently Johnson's family wants her to marry her handsome ranch foreman, Rhett Hard, who works on Johnson's Cinco de Mayo property in Austin.

When I read this I thought "You're kidding! There is a woman so desperate that she will sleep with this that toad?"

The I read that Rove is also married. So I thought "You're kidding! There are two women who are so desperate that they will sleep with this toad?"

One thing is clear. I will never understand women!

1 comment:

  1. Imagine the sound of bus brakes as Rove plows into one or both of these females.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.