Monday, October 31, 2005

Conservatives prefer cancer to sex. Nope I am not kidding!

A new vaccine that protects against cervical cancer has set up a clash between health advocates who want to use the shots aggressively to prevent thousands of malignancies and social conservatives who say immunizing teen-agers could encourage sexual activity.

Okay now I know you just read that but do me a favor and read it agian.

Done? Did you understand what that paragraph says? These backwater morons would rather allow their children to be at risk for getting cancer then to risk that they might have pre-marital sex. Unfucking belivable!

Why, oh why are the conservatives so terrified of sex? Were you once chased through the woods by a giant penis? There are many things ot be fearful of in this world (Conservatives spring to mind), but sex is just not one of them.

Listen closely Jebediah, sex is good! It makes babies! It feels good! It relieves stress! It is how your wife gets you to clean out the garage! Besides if you religious types are so worried about sex then why are there so many fucking Mormons?

Cancer is bad! It kills! Enough said!

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