Sunday, November 13, 2005

Bush is not the only one who is going to lose his job over the Iraq war decisions.

MPs organising the campaign to impeach Tony Blair believe they have enough support to force a highly damaging Commons investigation into the Prime Minister’s pre-war conduct.

A renewed attempt to impeach Blair over claims he misled parlia ment in making his case for war against Iraq, will be made in the Commons within the next two weeks.

I believe, if I may use a farming colloquialism, that "the chickens are coming home to roost". I, of course, have no fucking idea what that means but I believe it to be true in this circumstance.

Blair really fubar'd when he attached his future to our strutting pseudo-cowboy president. Blair always seemed so erudite and sophisticated standing next to Bush that it is hard to imagine that the was willing to follow his lead. Bush will be the death knell of the republicans in this country if they do not cut themselves loose from his decision making, and the same holds true for Blair. Though truthfully it is probably too late for Blair.

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