Sunday, November 13, 2005

Witches want a day off too!

Alicia Folberth, a Wiccan high priestess, has persuaded the state Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities to review her complaint last June that she was fired, ostensibly because of her need for time off to practice her faith.

Folberth, 40, was a graphic artist for more than six years at U.S. Surgical Corp. in North Haven. She said she was fired because she began requesting unpaid Wicca holidays off. The holidays include the Celtic New Year, known as Samhain — or Halloween as it is more widely known.

Seems fair to me. She is not asking to be paid, she just wants some time off to worship the dark lords. Where is the bad?

Wiccans are pagans who follow the Celtic traditions of pre-Christian England. They have a pantheon of goddesses and gods, much like ancient civilizations including Greece, Rome and Egypt. They have roughly eight significant holidays, including Samhain today.

"A pantheon of goddesses and gods"? If they have more gods then Christians do then shouldn't they get more holidays? I mean let's be fair here. Christians have just one measly god and they get Christmas Eve, and Christmas off, not to mention they don't work on Sundays cause it will piss off their "god", how is that fair? If Wiccans have a boatload of gods then they should never have to come to work.

Now I don't know much about Witches, except that in most of the stories I have read about them they eat children which I just can't get on board with, but I believe in the edict "live and let live". So as long as they are not trying to eat me, or turn me into a three headed goat, then I would have to say that they should get to inflict their religious beliefs on us with the same impunity as those uppity "jesus freaks"!

Happy Samhain!

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