Friday, November 11, 2005

Forget the theory of "Intelligent Design", the "Ancient Egyptians came from Mars" theory is much more believable.

I have no idea what to make of this but it does remind me of one of my favorite boks when I was a young teen. The book was called Chariots of the Gods and it sent my young mind spinning. I still love these kinds of discussions about the how's, where's, and why's of our past.

But these are just the kinds of scientific musings which are suppressed by the fundamentalist religious leaders of this country. They insist that you just believe in the bible as your one source of information, and worse that you believe their interpretation of the bible. They never allow for any other evidence for fear that it will challenge their faith.

Well thank you, but no thank you. I will happily take my brain and allow it to run unfettered amongst all of the many possible theories that my fellow humans might come up with from their scientific research.

Remember, "The unexamined life is not worth living", so sayeth Plato.

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