Monday, November 07, 2005

Iraq's biggest liar comes to hang out with our biggest liars.

Chalabi, an MIT-educated, secular Shiite Muslim, was the Pentagon's and Vice President Dick Cheney's candidate to lead Iraq after the U.S.-led invasion toppled Saddam Hussein in 2003.

His Iraqi National Congress helped pave America's path to war in Iraq in two ways: It supplied intelligence on Iraq's purported weapons of mass destruction and alleged ties to terrorism, and Chalabi and others assured U.S. officials that a large U.S. force and a lengthy occupation wouldn't be necessary because Iraqis would greet American soldiers as liberators.
Almost none of what Chalabi and his allies said, however, turned out to be true, and relations between him and the United States hit a new low months after his appearance at Bush's 2004 State of the Union address, when U.S. officials accused him or someone close to him of warning Iran that the United States has broken Iran's secret codes.

Why is this guy being welcomed into our country? Shouldn't we be throwing his ass in jail? I mean he did provide the lies that encouraged this administration to go to war didn't he? Or did he?

Perhaps the administration knew all along that Chalabi was falsifying his info. Perhaps they hoped that by the time anybody had a chance to look closer at what he was saying that Iraq would be free and Chalabi would be in power which would effectively stop all enquiries before they could begin. It feels to me that the Bush administration is playing craps with American lives. They rolled the dice and they came up "snake eyes"! Except that they have not had to pay up for their losses yet. Our military has been paying that gambling debt with their blood.

I wish that Fitzgerald could indict this criminal and put his dusty ass on the stand. HBO could make that pay-per-view and I guarantee that all of their bills would be paid for the entire year. I know I would pay to see it.

The truth is that we will learn nothing as long as the Republicans control both houses. The only way to investigate this is to get more Democrats into the Senate and the House of Representatives. Hopefully that day is fast approaching.

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