Sunday, November 06, 2005

Sex in school increasing. Been there, done that,still have the t-shirt.

Actually, it's not so new. According to some teenagers, sex on school property is more frequent than adults might imagine. And some adults who work with teenagers said it's happening more often these days.

Okay first a word from my responsible parental side;
"Kids you should not treat sex like a game or minimize it's importance by having it with someone that you have no real feelings for."

Okay now that I have made that clear let's hear from my evil immoral side;

I totally started this trend!

I had sex with a hot girl in the tenth grade while watching "Romeo and Juliet" in my schools Little Theatre. Not only that, I only banged her because whe looked just like Olivia Hussey who played Juliet and was absolutely beautiful. I did not even really know the girl. We were sitting next to each other, directly behind the projector and I just started stroking her leg. One thing quickly led to another and we dropped trou and went for it two rows behind my English teacher. It was very hot and very naughty! just the way sex should be while you are young and raging with hormones.

I literally never spoke to that girl again. She was quite stunning but we ran with completely different crowds. To this day if I hear the theme to Romeo and Juliet I get aroused.

But you kids need to behave yourselves or else you might end up with great stories to tell in your older years like I do. I have totally lost the moral high ground here.

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