Sunday, May 28, 2006

Bush is tired of being compared to Nixon. Decides to compare himself to Truman. Truman to begin spinning in his grave in 5...4...3...2...

President Bush implicitly compared himself to Harry S. Truman in a commencement address at the United States Military Academy on Saturday, saying Truman acted boldly against the "fanatic faith" of cold war communism in the same way Mr. Bush's administration has responded to the threat of terrorism since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

"By the actions he took, the institutions he built, the alliances he forged and the doctrines he set down, President Truman laid the foundations for America's victory in the cold war," Mr. Bush told the class of 2006.

"Like the cold war, we are fighting the followers of a murderous ideology that despises freedom, questions all dissent, has territorial ambitions and pursues totalitarian aims," Mr. Bush said. He added that "like Americans in Truman's day, we are laying the foundations for victory."

Arrogant little prick!

You know with so many referring to this presidency as the "worst in history" you don't get to choose which President you feel you resemble the most. We will decide that for you, and at this point you would be lucky to be compared to Nixon. Compared to you Nixon is looking better, and better as the months progress.


  1. New Nixon memos were released last week by The National Archives. They show a xenophobic; heavily prejudiced; and often drunk Commander-in-Chief. I certainly hope President Bush is not like Nixon!

  2. Sounds awfully close to me!


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It just goes directly to their thighs.