Friday, May 12, 2006

Female professor posts nude photos of herself. University officials yawn and say "no big whoop".

A USC women’s studies professor has posted topless photos of herself on her personal Web site, but the school says she has not violated any university rules.

“The couple of conservative USC students who have dedicated themselves to attacking me clearly grew frustrated at my refusal to react to them, so they upped the ante and contacted the media about my nudie pics. One station bit, and voila, we have a scandal,” she wrote on her Web site.

“No doubt this event will have the opposite reaction than the tattlers hoped, causing many people to move further away from what looks to them like what it is, an attempt by conservative ideologues to shut down free speech by using sex as the shaming mechanism.”

Although she wrote that she enjoyed some of the media attention, Blaine complained about the nature of the apparent scandal, which ultimately was a non issue to administrators.

Finally! Somebody responds like a grown up to seeing a boobie on the internet!

There is nothing wrong with somebodies body, whether clothed or gloriously naked. This puritan idea that we should be ashamed of ourselves is just horribly destructive and punitive.

I would walk around naked all of the time if it wasn't so fucking cold in Alaska! And if I wouldn't get thrown in jail for public nudity. And if I wouldn't immediately lose my job for being a pervert.

But they can't stop me! I am naked right now, you know....under my clothes.

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