Friday, May 12, 2006

Autistic Army recruit Jared Guinther is released from his contract. Way to show a little compassion Army!

Jared Guinther signed up for one of the Army's most dangerous jobs, cavalry scout, after being heavily recruited. He passed medical and other examinations. He was scheduled to leave for basic training in August.

The Army announced Tuesday that it decided he didn't meet enrollment criteria, two days after The Oregonian newspaper reported his parents' objections.

Gaylan Johnson, spokesman for the United States Military Entrance Processing Command, said Guinther's disability was not disclosed in the medical exam and information regarding his condition was not available to the command until after the enrollment process was complete. The command oversees medical exams for the Army.

I hate to always be the skeptic, but I think we all know that without all of this negative publicity the Army would have happily sent Jared to fight in Iraq without hesitation. They are rapidly running out of anyone who is willing to sign up for this unlawful war.

What else was Jared going to be trained for, communications expert?

The boy was just going to be used as cannon fodder.

1 comment:

  1. It is amazing that both the USA and Canada are willing to get people with neurological disabilities into the armed forces to fight and die for both nations when they couldn't even help them (in many cases, including mine) at home.


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